[mei-neumes-ig] Liquescent

Micah John Walter micahjwalter at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 17:23:18 CEST 2018

Dear Ichiro and all,

Well, one thing I can think of is whether, for neumes on a staff, the notehead is visible. (Liquescent neumes without a clear notehead are, I believe, a predecessor to the plica.) If this were to be encoded, however, it could be an attribute on the <nc> rather than a liquescent element.


> On 21 June 2018, at 11:16, Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof. <ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Currently (http://bit.ly/MEI_Neumes_0_2_3), a liquescent is encoded as a boolean attribute of <nc>: @liques
> On the other hand, episema is an element with its own attributes:
>   @form {vert | horiz}
>   @place {n | ne | e | se | s | sw | w | nw} (the placement of the episema with respect to the <neume> or <nc> with which it is associated)
> My question is whether liquescent should be an element?
> Do we need to encode different “forms” of liquescents?
> Do we need to encode different placements of liquescents?
> Or something else?
> Ichiro
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