[mei-neumes-ig] [SPAM?] Re: MEI Neumes Module Draft, Version 0.21

Jason Stoessel Jason.Stoessel at une.edu.au
Mon Oct 16 00:42:00 CEST 2017

Hi all

Some excellent ideas circulating here, with thanks to those leading this effort. One question regarding @intm nomenclature came to mind, however. For me, what it seems to describe is not a relative melodic interval per se but melodic contour (or melodic motion) (an extension of Parsons code, as such, if this is not stating the obvious). So would it be more appropriate to refer instead to @melcont?


> On 15 Oct 2017, at 7:50 PM, Andrew Hankinson <andrew.hankinson at mail.mcgill.ca> wrote:
> Attribute: @intm (interval melodic; relative to the previous <neume>) {u|d|s|n|sh|sl} (u = up, d = down, s = same, n = neutral/unknown, sh = same or higher (but not lower), sl = same or lower (but not higher))
> I'm not sure this should be relative to the previous neume, and not nc. If it's relative to the previous neume element, then it would only apply to the first nc in a neume, right? And then there is no way to describe the contour within the neume.
>> On 15 Oct 2017, at 00:26, Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof. <ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca> wrote:
>> [This sender failed our fraud detection checks and may not be who they appear to be. Learn about spoofing at http://aka.ms/LearnAboutSpoofing]
>> Dear all,
>> Subsequent to the Cantus Ultimus meeting, we had several discussions in Halifax. This resulted in the MEI Neumes Module Draft, Version 0.21.
>> The changes from Version 0.2 can be viewed here:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14EVIGmBPdEtw7vXOPK8Uas7MG6WK6mxy_gQGSMpZH9A/edit?usp=sharing
>> I strongly suggest, for the ease of discussions online, that comments and questions on the Draft be restricted to one topic per email, e.g., one attribute at a time.
>> Ichiro
>> =========================================
>> MEI Neumes Module Draft, Version 0.21 (2017-10-14)
>> A <neume> element consists of one or more <nc> element(s).
>> A <nc> (neume component) element is a single pitched event, although the exact pitch may not be known.
>> Attributes for <neume>:
>> @significative letters
>> @hispanicTick (type1|type2) ((further specifications required)
>> Attributes for <nc>:
>> @pname
>> @oct
>> @intm (interval melodic; relative to the previous <neume>) {u|d|s|n|sh|sl} (u = up, d = down, s = same, n = neutral/unknown, sh = same or higher (but not lower), sl = same or lower (but not higher))
>> @s-shaped {n|e|s|w) (north, east, south, west; the direction of the initial long stroke, i.e., the standard letter S is “w”, its mirror shape is “e”, the letter turned 90-degrees on its side is “s”, and its mirror shape is “n”)
>> @significative letters
>> @curved {a|c} (anticlockwise, clockwise)
>> @angled
>> @liquescence
>> @episema
>> @len (s|l} (short, long)
>> @tilt {n|ne|e|se|s|sw|w|ne} (north, northeast, etc.)
>> @quilisma {2|3|4} (2, 3, or 4 curves)
>> @con {g|l|e}  (gapped, looped, extended) (connection to the previous <nc> within the same <neume>)
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Dr Jason Stoessel, BMus/BA, BA Hons, PhD
Coordinator of Music Honours and HDR
Coordinator of Research Seminar Series
School of Arts
University of New England
jason.stoessel at une.edu.au
Skype ID: jjstoessel
FaceTime: jason.stoessel at gmail.com
Chief Investigator, ARC Discovery Project (DP150102135)
“Canonic techniques and musical change, c.1330–c.1530"
CRICOS Provider Number: 00003G

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