[MEI-L] CfP Second international conference on computational and cognitive musicology, Utrecht (Netherlands) 17-18 October 2024

Frans Wiering f.wiering at uu.nl
Thu Jun 27 16:31:11 CEST 2024

Call for papers
Second international conference on computational and cognitive musicology
Utrecht University, 17-18 October 2024

[please redistribute this call]
This conference, co-organised with the IMS Study group on digital 
musicology, celebrates two events: the recent foundation of the Music 
Information Computing  group 
at Utrecht's Department of Information and Computing Sciences, and Frans 
Wiering’s official retirement (though unofficially he has no intention 
to already end his career).

The special theme of this conference is Early Music Computing. In this 
second edition of the computational and cognitive musicology series, we 
seek to strengthen the ties between musicology and the development of 
interactive technologies for a wide range of applications, such as for 
music analysis, encoding, visualisation, cultural heritage, education, 
wellbeing and inclusion.

We welcome proposals on topics such as (but not limited to):

    Music information retrieval for musicology
    Computational music analysis
    Music encoding and digital editions
    Computational ethnomusicology
    Teaching computational and digital musicology
    Music information computing for education, health, wellbeing and
    Representativity, fairness and ethics in Music information computing

Presentation formats are posters and individual presentations (15 
minutes plus Q&A); other formats can be accepted if they fit within the 
constraints of the programme and location. Potentially, there will be a 
Computational Musicology Hack Day preceding the conference, on Wednesday 
16 October. If you're interested in participating in this day, please 
let us know (email addresses see below).

If you would like to present your research in computational and/or 
cognitive musicology at this event, please send an abstract (c. 300 
words) to Frans Wiering and Peter van Kranenburg (F.Wiering at uu.nl 
<mailto:f.wiering at uu.nl>, P.vanKranenburg at uu.nl) no later than the 16 
July 2024. You will be notified by 1 August 2024. There will be a 
light-weight review procedure regarding match to the aim of the 
conference, originality and quality of the proposal, and variety in 
content. Since space is restricted, we will also take order of 
submission into account. We plan to publish a selection of the 
contributions as a special issue.

Please consider participating in this event!

We look forward to welcoming you in Utrecht,

Frans Wiering, Peter van Kranenburg, Mirjam Visscher and Anja Volk

dr. Frans Wiering
Associate Professor Music Information Computing
Utrecht University
Department of Information and Computing Sciences (ICS)
visit: Minnaert Building 4.15, Leuvenlaan 4, NL-3584CE Utrecht
post: Princetonplein 5, NL-3584CC Utrecht
email:F.Wiering at uu.nl
tel:  +31-30-2536335
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