[MEI-L] Post-MEC 2024 Updates

Kijas, Anna E Anna.Kijas at tufts.edu
Thu May 30 17:43:36 CEST 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to everyone (virtual and in-person) who participated in MEC 2024 in Denton, Texas (May 21-23) and made the conference possible!

  *   Thank you especially to the Chairs (Margrethe and Maristella) and members of the Program and Organizing Committees, as well as local UNT volunteers who made sure we did not go hungry and guided us around the library spaces!

A few important updates that I’d like to share include:

  *   MEC 2025 will take place June 3-6 at City University of London, UK
     *   Organizing Committee Chair: David Lewis
     *   Program Committee Chair: Anna Plaksin
     *   You can view David’s video announcement<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RzEGvADqfpzK8nEFy-UwMbrp0zEVLF2n/view?usp=sharing> (also in the slides)
  *   Consider serving on the MEI Board – election cycle will begin in October 2024
  *   Updates from IG, Tech Team, and Board shared during the MEC 2024 Community Meeting are available online<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UxL0yHWWmUGF0y_iU0J6MS-G--2BTZQxKeyfHeZY6Co/edit?usp=sharing>

Over the next few months, we will share additional information about MEC 2025, elections, as well as calls for future conference hosts.

Please reach out to me or the MEI Board members<https://music-encoding.org/community/mei-board.html> with any questions.


Anna E. Kijas
Head, Lilly Music Library
Granoff Music Center | Tufts University
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Book an appointment<https://tufts.libcal.com/appointments/kijas/lilly> | (617) 627-2846
Co-founder of Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)<http://sucho.org/>
Administrative Chair, Music Encoding Initiative<https://music-encoding.org/community/mei-board.html>
Editor, Technical Reports and Monographs in Music Librarianship<https://www.musiclibraryassoc.org/page/techreports> (MLA)
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