[MEI-L] Annotations visible on the music and arbitrary segmentation

Roland, Perry D. (pdr4h) pdr4h at eservices.virginia.edu
Thu Mar 9 21:46:27 CET 2017

Returning to the problems surrounding sung and non/un-sung text --

I've finally realized that the presence of <lyrics> within <measure>, etc. (anywhere other than as a descendant of <div>) doesn't help to resolve the issue of the capture of vocal text presented as part of the notation, but not written directly under the notes. It's better to create an additional element (or elements) for this purpose.  In fact, several similar elements already exist (dir, tempo, dynam, annot, etc.).  The difference between these and the new element(s) is not their behavior -- they're all just text displayed on/around the staff.  The difference is semantic -- they have different meanings/functions.  I'm asking that those familiar with mensural suggest names for the new element(s).  At first thought, "label" might be a good choice for a new element.  But, <label> already exists for other purposes and, if our goal is precision, then it's too generic.

Having dealt with non-sung, non-directive, non-tempo-indicating, non-dynamic, non-annotating text, <lyrics> can be removed from the schema.  <lg> will be used for text (sung or potentially sung) not presented as part of the notation and not directly associated with staff events.  (Think of extra verses of a pop song or hymn following the notation.) <seg> (a new element) can appear within <l> to permit segmentation of this kind of text into syllables, and each syllable (i.e., seg), can be associated with one or more notes via @synch or @corresp. <seg> can also be used to segment the text in other ways as well, for instance into feet, half-lines, etc.


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