[MEI-L] C at merata: Querying Musical Scores with English Noun Phrases

Richard Lewis richard at rjlewis.me.uk
Tue May 3 13:49:33 CEST 2016

Registration for the C at merata 2016 task at MediaEval is now open!

There are 200 questions each year which a participant's system has to answer
automatically. A question is a short string "F4 crotchet in the oboe" and it
comes with a classical music score in MusicXML. The required answer to this
question is a set of one or more passages like this:

[ 3/4, 2, 5:1-5:2 ]
[ 3/4, 2, 29:1-29:2 ]
[ 3/4, 2, 64:3-64:4 ]
[ 3/4, 2, 7:5-7:6 ]

These specify exact places in the score where the oboe is playing a note of a
particular pitch (F4) and length (crotchet). Evaluation of participant runs is
by forms of Precision, Recall and F-Measure which we have devised for the

The long-term aim of C at merata is to deepen our knowledge of computer musicology
by investigating the link between musicological texts and the music itself.

Now in its third year, the task suits musicologists who have a knowledge of
programming and computer scientists who have a knowledge of Western classical
music. In particular, if you are a Python programmer we have tools which can
help you get started.

Each year, the questions become more complicated. This year, they are being
derived from various sources including music theory exam papers, musicological
text books and Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Grove Online).

Task organizers
Richard Sutcliffe, University of Essex, UK
Eduard Hovy, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA
Deane L. Root, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Chris Fox, University of Essex, UK
Richard Lewis, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Tom Collins, De Montfort University, UK

Task schedule
Now: Registration for the task
3rd May: Release of training data
13th-17th June: Download of questions, upload of answers
24th June: Results to participants
8th July: Submission of draft papers for review
30th September: Submission of final papers to MediaEval organisers
20th-21st October: MediaEval Workshop in Amsterdam, right after ACM MM 2016 

For further information, including all the papers from C at merata 2014 and
C at merata 2015 see http://csee.essex.ac.uk/camerata and
http://www.multimediaeval.org/mediaeval2016/camerata. Registration for the task is at https://www.aanmelder.nl/mediaeval2016/subscribe.

For any enquiries, please contact Richard Sutcliffe:
r s u t c l (at) essex (dot) ac (dot) uk.
Richard Lewis
j: ironchicken at jabber.earth.li
@: lewisrichard

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