[MEI-L] Bracketed Lines in MEI
Roland, Perry D. (pdr4h)
pdr4h at eservices.virginia.edu
Wed Sep 30 23:35:59 CEST 2015
Line is the appropriate entity. I can hear the sighs now, but the ligature element in MEI is not intended for these brackets - "The ligature element should not be used for brackets in modern notation that indicate notes that were part of a ligature in the original source." (from the description of ligature in the schema) and so it's currently in the MEI.mensural module - it disappears when MEI.mensural is not invoked. Creation of a similar entity for CMN or merging of ligatures in both repertoires is a possibility, but the topic needs discussion.
Currently, a line can only be positioned relative to the objects referenced by its @startid and @endid attributes using @start(ho|to|vo) and @end(ho|to|vo). But, I don't think there's any reason not to allow @tstamp, @tstamp2, @staff, @layer and @place. Even so, I think the best (that is, most precise) way to position lines is by associating them with specific events or time stamps. The @staff, @layer, @place attributes can only be useful for making sure the lines associated with a particular staff are considered when processing that staff's data, for instance when rendering a single staff (e.g., part extraction).
In any case,have a look at the mei-all_anyStart.odd in /develop-perry. Line has undergone some significant changes. Its new attributes:
form: dashed, dotted, solid, wavy
width: narrow, medium, wide, or numeric value + unit (cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|vu)
endsym: angledown -- 90 degree turn down (similar to Unicode 231D at end of line, 231C at start).
angleup -- 90 degree turn up (similar to Unicode 231F at end of line, 231E at start)
angleright -- 90 degree turn right (syntactic sugar for "angledown" for vertical or angled lines).
angleleft -- 90 degree turn left (syntactic sugar for "angleup" for vertical or angled lines).
arrow -- Filled, triangular arrowhead (similar to SMuFL U+EB78).
arrowopen -- Open triangular arrowhead (similar to SMuFL U+EB8A).
arrowwhite -- Unfilled, triangular arrowhead (similar to SMuFL U+EB82).
harpoonleft -- Harpoon-shaped arrowhead left of line (similar to arrowhead of Unicode U+21BD).
harpoonright -- Harpoon-shaped arrowhead right of line (similar to arrowhead of Unicode U+21BC).
none -- No start symbol.
endsymsize: 1-9 (relative size)
startsym: [same as endsym]
startsymsize: [same as endsym]
Andrew, when you say you're supporting MEI 3.0.0 in SibMEI, are you using these new attributes?
From: mei-l [mailto:mei-l-bounces at lists.uni-paderborn.de] On Behalf Of Andrew Hankinson
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 4:42 PM
To: Music Encoding Initiative
Subject: [MEI-L] Bracketed Lines in MEI
Hello all,
I'm looking at the following:
[cid:image001.png at 01D0FBA1.D203DF80]
It seems that the best element to use in this case would be 'line'; however, the line element currently does not support durational attributes (@dur, @dur.ges, @tstamp, @tstamp2) or positional (@staff, @layer, @place).
Is there a better element to use for this object, or should a modification be proposed for the schema?
Many thanks,
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