[MEI-L] history of sources / items
Johannes Kepper
kepper at edirom.de
Wed Apr 2 11:39:16 CEST 2014
Dear list,
while discussing the upcoming Weber Werkverzeichnis (Weber's work catalogue) with Kristina Richts and Joachim Veit, I can't remember why we dropped the <history> element from sources and items? We have it on works and expressions, but not on these two. However, it might be interested to write something about the creation of a source (which is not the same as the provenance, which is available). Can someone please remind me of our argument to drop it? Otherwise, it would be a fault that we might want to correct…
Btw., <bibl> seems to be equally hidden (you can get it from source at source/physDesc/physMedium/bibl…).
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