[MEI-L] "When" element pointing

sylvainemartindeguise@gmail.com sylvainemartindeguise at gmail.com
Wed May 29 07:43:20 CEST 2013

I have forget to ask: having a notebook Asus, I was trying to install Oxygen on it.  But, it seems the program is too “strong” and can not be install on a the computer.

Do you know another type of editor, lighter may-be, that  can fit a less strong computer, like AsusViva book? 


Thank you if anybody has the answer!


Sylvaine Martin de Guise

Envoyé depuis Courrier Windows

De : Andrew Hankinson
Envoyé : ‎28‎ ‎mai‎ ‎2013 ‎22‎:‎48
À : Music Encoding Initiative
Objet : [MEI-L] "When" element pointing

Hi all,

First, it was great to see everyone in Mainz. Thanks for a wonderful conference.

Now, back to the business at hand: I was chatting with someone about the linking and alignment of audio and video files with a  score. What they're interested in is taking multiple recordings and linking them up to a very sparse score representation (measures or even just sections).

Looking at how the <when> and @when system works, it doesn't look like this is currently possible; that is, it's possible to point from a score element to a single point on a timeline, but it's not possible to point from a time point to an element in the score. By using @when on a score-level element (measure, note, etc.) you're "polluting" the score representation with its location in a single timeline, rather than having the ability to, in multiple recordings, refer to the same score-level element at different time points.

I don't think this would be too hard to add so I will volunteer to actually do the coding, but I would first like to hear if anyone has any objections or suggestions.

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