[MEI-L] Connection/relation of multiple parts

Daniel Röwenstrunk roewenstrunk at edirom.de
Mon Oct 29 17:22:24 CET 2012

Hi all,

I'm looking for a good approach to describe the relationship between <part> elements in different movements. In my actual encoding of the piece (see a very simplified example below) the only possibility to guess the relationship between the Violin 1 in the first ("mdiv1_part1") and second ("mdiv2_part1") movement is by comparing their label attributes. And that is not really a thing I want to rely on when I programmatically read MEI files. 

Is there a better and/or more precise way of encoding the relationship?

By the way, why is <mdiv> surrounding <scrore> or <parts>? Wouldn't it be much more intuitive, at least if you use <mdiv> as containers for movements together with parts, to switch this the other way round? 

Cheers and thanks,

Encoding example:

   <mdiv xml:id="mdiv1" label="Allegro">
         <part xml:id="mdiv1_part1" label="Violin 1">
         <part xml:id="mdiv1_part2" label="Violin 2">
   <mdiv xml:id="mdiv2" label="Allegretto">
         <part xml:id="mdiv2_part1" label="Violin 1">
         <part xml:id="mdiv2_part2" label="Violin 2">

Dipl. Wirt. Inf. Daniel Röwenstrunk
Project manager
BMBF-Project "Freischütz Digital"

Musikwiss. Seminar Detmold/Paderborn
Gartenstr. 20
D-32756 Detmold

Tel.: +49 5231 975665
Mail: roewenstrunk at edirom.de
URL: http://www.freischuetz-digital.de

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