[MEI-L] symbol/symbolDef
Roland, Perry (pdr4h)
pdr4h at eservices.virginia.edu
Sun Mar 18 20:04:46 CET 2012
Hi, Thomas,
The <symbolDef> element is intended to allow the inclusion of arbitrary symbols/signs. Using <symbolDef>, one can say how a symbol should be drawn in terms of its graphic components; that is, text, curves, and lines. After defining the symbol's coordinate space (using @ulx, @uly, @lrx, and @lry), the <anchoredText>, <curve>, and <line> elements (with appropriate x, y, x2, and y2 attributes) can be used to construct the symbol.
The <symbol> element can then be used to make reference to this user-defined sign.
For example, one could define a new sign within <scoreDef> --
<symbolDef xml:id="mySign" ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="20" lry="20">
<line x="10" y="0" x2="10" y2="10"/>
<line x="10" y="10" x2="20" y2="10"/>
<line x="20" y="10" x2="20" y2="20"/>
then later in the document data invoke this symbol --
<staff n="1">
<note xml:id="n1" .../>
<symbol ref="mySign"/>
<symbolDef> may contain references to other <symbol> elements. If a line of a certain length and style is a common component, it can be defined once and re-used.
The symbol can be placed relative to elements in the notation (using some combination of ho, vo , and to attributes) --
<symbol startid="n1" ho="5"/>
(This example indicates the symbol is placed at the same vertical position as, but 5 half-step units above, n1.)
<symbol> and <symbolDef> cannot be used to point to a feature in a facsimile image because they have no @facs attribute. This was done purposefully in order to encourage the use of elements of the notation; that is, <note>, <chord>, <staff>, etc., for this purpose.
<annot> can be used to record commentary on symbols just as it can with other elements of notation. It's technically possible make a <symbolDef> element a target (using @plist), but I think <symbol> is the proper target. In other words, <symbol> is a generic placeholder for an "unknown" notational sign. <symbolDef> is "just" the instructions for drawing it.
Does that help?
Perry Roland
Music Library
University of Virginia
P. O. Box 400175
Charlottesville, VA 22904
434-982-2702 (w)
pdr4h (at) virginia (dot) edu
From: mei-l-bounces+pdr4h=virginia.edu at lists.uni-paderborn.de [mei-l-bounces+pdr4h=virginia.edu at lists.uni-paderborn.de] on behalf of TW [zupftom at googlemail.com]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 3:54 AM
To: Music Encoding Initiative
Subject: [MEI-L] symbol/symbolDef
I'd like to ask for your opinion on some aspects of the usersymbols
module as I'm in charge of its guidelines.
I'm not particularly clear how the relationship between <symbolDef>
and <symbol> is meant to work. <symbolDef> mustn't be an empty
element, so I might want to put a <symbol> element inside that might
have a @facs attribute to point to a graphical example representation
of the symbol. But this <symbol> element is required to have a @ref
attribute which must be "a reference to a previously-declared
user-defined symbol". The dog seems to chase its tail, right?
One use case I see for <symbol> is if we have a scribe who uses some
unusual symbols that might possibly not be fully understood. Then I
might want to give some textual information about what meaning my
research has suggested or what use pattern can be recognized. Would I
do this with an <annot>, pointing to <symbolDef> by means of @plist?
Thanks for your help!
Thomas Weber
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