[fg-arc] CFP: i-Com Special Issue on Affective Computing and Interaction

Helma Torkamaan helma.torkamaan at uni-due.de
Thu Nov 5 14:19:08 CET 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS | i-com – Journal of Interactive Media | Special Issue 
on Affective Computing and Interaction
i-com – Journal of Interactive Media
*Special Issue on Affective Computing and Interaction *
*** Submission Deadline: Dec 30, 2020 ** *
Motivation and Scope
Affective computing as a paradigm for human-technology interaction 
brings together affective technologies to improve not only the quality 
of systems and user experience but also the lives of individuals, their 
well-being, and health. To this end, analysis of human behaviors and 
affective states have received considerable attention in recent years.
Affective computing, affect-aware interaction, and affective design, 
have been researched and applied in various domains and application 
scenarios, such as healthcare, entertainment, automotive industry, etc. 
They look into understanding affect, processing it, and building 
affect-aware interaction with users, as well as conveying affective 
reactions, e.g., in virtual or physical agents. They also look beyond an 
individual level and investigate groups and mass behavior, for example, 
by identifying the sentiment of crowds and tracking them. Other 
researched application domains include, but are not limited to: 
identifying genre/type of contents, such as music, movie, image; 
influencing users and behavioral intervention; affect-aware 
personalization, mental health, and health promotion, for example, 
solutions for detection, monitoring, and prediction of stress or 
depression; communicating affect; reactive design; positive computing; 
behavior monitoring; methods and techniques of psychological tracking; 
investigating and building systems for business and management, task 
performance, decision-making, human resources, supply change 
advertisement, etc.
In this special issue, we solicit works that contribute ideas, methods, 
and case studies and address novel affective computing, affect-aware 
interaction, and affective design solutions. Accepted articles will be 
published in the Journal of Interactive Media (i-com), sponsored by the 
HCI Special Interest Group of the German Association for Informatics. 
The journal is indexed by Scopus, among others.
*Björn W. Schuller, University of Augsburg / Imperial College London, UK
*Helma Torkamaan, University of Duisburg-Essen
Topics include, but are not limited to:
*Affect, mood, and emotion in Human-computer interaction
*Affective interaction and design
*Affective, adaptive, or reactive interfaces, design for affective loop
*Application of affective computing and interaction in health, industry, 
education, entertainment, etc.
*Affective computing and interaction for successful human-AI interaction
*Psychological and behavioral perspectives
*Evaluation of affective interactions
*Affect recognition, sensing, and analysis in human interactions, verbal 
and nonverbal, e.g., gesture, expressions, speech, as well text
*Affect presentation in design, interfaces, and virtual characters
*Group affect, social media, human-centered affect perception, tracking, 
and prediction in social networks
*Social agents and robots
*Methods, algorithms, and techniques
*Emotion and mood tracking, pervasive computing
*Overview and surveys
*30.12.2020 Submission Deadline
*20.01.2021 Review results
*10.02.2021 Revisions due
*15.02.2021 Final Decision
All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Hereby, 
each manuscript will be reviewed by three independent expert reviewers. 
Possible outcomes of the first round of reviews are: accept, revision, 
or reject. Authors of submissions that require revision will have about 
three weeks to implement the required changes.
Anonymized manuscripts need to be submitted via ScholarOne. The 
anticipated length of papers for this special issue is about 7.000 - 
10.000 words. The length of the manuscript should be proportional to its 
contribution. Templates for preparing submissions can be accessed below.
Link to Submission System:
Link to Templates:

Helma Torkamaan

University of Duisburg-Essen
Interactive Systems Group

Room LF 288, Forsthausweg 2, 47057 Duisburg, GERMANY
helma.torkamaan at uni-due.de / +49 203 379-2276

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