[asv-vorstand] Urgent Issues Regarding Rental Contract and Nebenkost Charges
Hafiz Abdul Mannan
mannan17 at mail.uni-paderborn.de
Wed Mar 20 15:00:20 CET 2024
Hello Michele,
I am forwarding an email from Studierendenwerk Paderborn to you. I am writing to bring two pressing issues to your attention that require immediate resolution.
Firstly, as per my rental contract, the tenancy for my current apartment is scheduled to end on March 31st. However, Studierendenwerk Paderborn has requested that all tenants vacate the premises three days earlier, by March 28th. While I have arranged for accommodation starting from April 1st, I am deeply concerned about where I will stay during these three days, especially considering that I have already paid rent for the entire month. Attached is a copy of my rental contract for your reference.
Secondly, I am troubled by the Nebenkost charges imposed by Studierendenwerk Paderborn. Despite no mention of utility limitations in the contract I signed, I have been consistently billed for Nebenkost since before 2023. In 2021 alone, I received a Nebenkost bill totaling approximately 792 euros, which came as a surprise to me as I was not informed of these additional costs beforehand. It is worth noting that as residents of student dormitories, we expect accommodation costs to be reasonable, particularly when compared to similar facilities in larger cities such as Cologne, Duisburg, and Soest.
Therefore, I kindly request your intervention in addressing these concerns. Specifically, I urge you to advocate on behalf of the students to rectify the situation regarding the early termination of the rental contract and to seek reimbursement for the excessive Nebenkost charges that have been imposed without prior agreement. Attached to this email, you will find copies of the Nebenkost bills and my original rental contract, which do not indicate any utility usage limitations.
I appreciate your prompt attention to these matters and look forward to your assistance in resolving them swiftly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hafiz Abdul Mannan
From: Choi, Kevin <choi at stwpb.de>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 10:08 AM
To: hafiz.abdul.mannan at outlook.com
Subject: Auszugstermin zum 28.03.2024
Importance: High
Sehr geehrte Mieter/Innen,
Wie Sie wissen, sind an Wochenenden und Feiertagen keine Ein- und Auszüge möglich.
Da der 29.03.2024 ein Feiertag ist und der 30.03.2024 sowie der 31.03.2024 auf ein Wochenende fallen, ist der letztmögliche Auszugstermin der 28.03.2024. Bitte beachten Sie diesen Termin bei Ihrer persönlichen Planung und vereinbaren zeitnah einen Auszugstermin mit den zuständigen Hausmeistern.
Ein Auszug nach dem 28.03.2024 ist leider nicht möglich.
Dear tenants,
as you are aware, move-ins and move-outs are not possible on weekends and public holidays.
Since 29th March 2024 is a holiday and both 30th and 31st March 2024 fall on a weekend, the latest possible move-out date is 28th March 2024.
Please consider this date in your personal planning and schedule a move-out date with the respective caretakers as soon as possible.
Unfortunately moving out after 28th March is not possible.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
i. A. Kevin Choi
Gebäudemanagement, Technik und Wohnen
Studierendenwerk Paderborn
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Mersinweg 2
33100 Paderborn
Tel. : 05251 89207 690
E-Mail: <mailto:choi at stwpb.de> choi at stwpb.de
Internet: <http://www.stwpb.de/> www.stwpb.de
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