[mei-neumes-ig] Report on the neumes-ig online meeting

Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof. ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca
Fri May 29 18:35:54 CEST 2020

Report on the neumes-ig online meeting @vMEC on 2020-05-28.

We had a nice meeting with about 20 participants on Zoom.

Elsa de Luca gave an overview of the new Neumes Module Guidelines:
Kudos to Elsa and Gabriel Vigliensoni, who worked very hard on the guidelines!

Suggestions for the improvement to the guidelines included: examples using IIIF and add SMuFL glyphs.

Introductory online MEI workshops will be given by Elsa and Martha Thomae at the end of June:

A possible creation of MEI Modal Rhythm module was raised.

Juliette Regimbal explained the need for @rotate attribute for the staves (zones).
A discussion on generalizing shape translation followed, e.g., a mesh transform. 
The discussions to be continued.

There was also a discussion on the naming of the <divisio | division | divisiones> element.
After some discussion, it was decided, although the Latin name, divisio, would be consistent with other terms used in the module, to use the neutral English term, division, mainly for two reasons:
1) The Latin name was not used for the bar-like symbols in the Medieval times. 
2) The Latin name _was_ mentioned in some Medieval music  theoretical treatises (e.g., monochord divisions); thus, it was agreed that the name (divisio) should be reserved for other purposes in MEI.

Finally, Gabriel gave an update on the progress of the SIMSSA project.



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