[mei-neumes-ig] MEI Neumes Module Draft, Version 0.2

Prof. Dr. Morent stefan.morent at uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Sep 7 19:02:46 CEST 2017

Dear all,

thanks for this update.
Would be indeed good to discuss all matters concerning the MEI Neumes  
module on this list so that all can contribute to the ongoing  

Would be great to have some sample encodings to see how the proposed  
draft could work and what should or could be adjusted for different  
repertoires of neumed manuscripts.

Thanks a lot,
best regards

----- Nachricht von "Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof."  
<ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca> ---------
      Datum: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 12:57:43 +0000
        Von: "Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof." <ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca>
Antwort an: "Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof." <ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca>,  
Neumes Interest Group of the Music Encoding Initiative  
<mei-neumes-ig at lists.uni-paderborn.de>
    Betreff: [mei-neumes-ig] MEI Neumes Module Draft, Version 0.2
         An: Neumes Interest Group of the Music Encoding Initiative  
<mei-neumes-ig at lists.uni-paderborn.de>

> Here’s what I have for the draft of the proposal for the new MEI  
> Neumes Module schema.
> I’ve arbitrarily named it Version 0.2, so that we can refer back to it.
> For ease of discussion and efficiency, please discuss one issue at a  
> time in separate email threads, e.g., Re: @oriscus.
> Thanks,
> Ichiro
> ==============================
> MEI Neumes Module Draft, Version 0.2
> A <neume> element consists of one or more <nc> element(s).
> A <nc> (neume component) is a single pitched event, although the  
> exact pitch may not be known.
> Attributes for <neume>:
> @intm (interval melodic; relative to the previous <neume>)  
> {u|d|s|n|sh|sl} (u = up/high, d = down/low, s = same, n =  
> neutral/unknown, sh = same or higher (but not lower), sl = same or  
> lower (but not higher))
> @significative letters
> @hispanicTick (type1, type2)
> @hook
> Attributes for <nc>:
> @pname
> @oct
> @intm (interval melodic; relative to the previous <neume>)  
> {u|d|s|n|sh|sl} (u = up, d = down, s = same, n = neutral/unknown, sh  
> = same or higher (but not lower), sl = same or lower (but not higher))
> @wavy
> @significative letters
> @curved (anticlockwise, clockwise)
> @angular (plain, v-shaped, staircase) (was @angled)
> @liquescence
> @episema
> @extended
> @tilt {n|ne|e|se|s|sw|w|ne} (north, northeast, etc.)
> @quilisma (2, 3, or 4 curves)
> @oriscus (curved, flat, jagged)
> @con (gapped, looped) (connection to the previous <nc> within the  
> same <neume>)
> Removed from the previous version: @jagged, @flat, @long,  
> @diagonalright, and @hispanicLoop from the <neume> level.
> _______________________________________________
> mei-neumes-ig mailing list
> mei-neumes-ig at lists.uni-paderborn.de
> https://lists.uni-paderborn.de/mailman/listinfo/mei-neumes-ig

----- Ende der Nachricht von "Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof."  
<ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca> -----

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