[mei-neumes-ig] A draft for the new Neumes Module schema

Prof. Dr. Morent stefan.morent at uni-tuebingen.de
Wed May 17 16:00:13 CEST 2017

  Dear Perry, dear Ichirio, dear list,

thank you very much for the further work on the MEI neumes module  
after our meeting at Tübingen, November 16.

Unfortunately I can't attend the meeting at Tours this Friday, but  
would be great to get minutes or reports on this list.


PS Great art work in particular of this unknown incarnation of Hildegard :-))

----- Nachricht von "Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof."  
<ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca> ---------
     Datum: Thu, 11 May 2017 07:26:27 +0000
       Von: "Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof." <ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca>
Antwort an: "Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof." <ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca>,  
Neumes Interest Group of the Music Encoding Initiative  
<mei-neumes-ig at lists.uni-paderborn.de>
   Betreff: [mei-neumes-ig] A draft for the new Neumes Module schema
        An: Neumes Interest Group of the Music Encoding Initiative  
<mei-neumes-ig at lists.uni-paderborn.de>

> Dear List,
> Perry Roland has kindly worked on a new version of the MEI Neumes  
> Module schema.
> This was based on my suggestions, which were based on the  
> discussions at the last MEI Neumes Interest Group (19 November 2016,  
> Tübingen) and at various Cantus Ultimus meetings.
> I hope this will be a staring point for fruitful discussions on this  
> list and at the upcoming Neumes Interest Group meeting in Tours on  
> Friday 19 May.
> Attached are an ODD file with Perry’s comments at the bottom; an RNG  
> file; and a test MEI file. All provided by Perry.
> Below is what I provided to Perry.
> ================================
> A <neume> element consists of one or more <neumeComponent> element(s).
> A <neumeComponent> is a single pitched event, although the exact  
> pitch may not be known.
> Attributes for <neume>
> @direction (relative to the previous <neume>) {N|S|L|H|SH|SL}
>    N: neutral or unknown
>    H: higher
>    L: lower
>    S: same
>    SH: same or higher (but not lower)
>    SL: same or lower (but not higher)
> @significative letters
> @hispanicLoop (not sure about this)
> Attributes for <neumeComponent>
> @direction: pitch relative to the previous pitch (<neumeComponent>)  
> within the same <neume> {N|S|L|H|SH|SL}
>    N: neutral or unknown
>    H: higher
>    L: lower
>    S: same or unison
>    SH: same or higher (but not lower)
>    SL: same or lower (but not higher)
> @wavy
> @curved (anticlockwise, clockwise)
> @angled
> @episma
> @flat
> @jagged
> @liquescence
> @extended
> @diagonal right (up or down)
> @quilisma (2 or 3 curves)
> @long
> @oriscus (curved, flat, jagged)
> @connection (gapped, looped) (to the previous neumeComponent within  
> the same <neume>)
> ================================
> Ichiro

----- Ende der Nachricht von "Ichiro Fujinaga, Prof."  
<ichiro.fujinaga at mcgill.ca> -----
-------------- next part --------------
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