[mei-neumes-ig] Question #1

Kate Helsen katehelsen at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 16:15:05 CEST 2016

Hi all,

Inga and I are hoping to have a clearer table to you soon, with all these
'bugs' worked out. In the meantime:

There are letters in the Pitch Modification column in the spreadsheet that
> do not seemed to be defined.
> Can someone let us know what the following modifications mean?
> c (crook?)

curved (as in, connection is curved, as opposed to angular)

> q
This is our new symbol for 'quilisma', to fall in line with the Old
Hispanic nomenclature. Before, we were using "w" which is what Hughes
always used ('w' is also the letter to get a quilisma in Volpiano font, but
that's beside the point.)

> h
This is gone now; it used to stand for a kind of German-English way of
describing what we are now calling "jagged", with a 'j' as abbreviation.

> p (as in op)
This is also gone now, replaced by 'f' for 'flat' (and "flach" in German.)
Before, it meant "plane", geometrically.

> Also do w2/w3 mean the same thing as 2W/3W respectively?
Yes, but we are not using "w" anymore to describe quilismas; we are using



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