[MEI-L] TISMIR Special Collection: "Digital Musicology" – Call for Papers

Martha Thomae thomaemartha at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 00:58:50 CET 2025

TISMIR Special Collection on “Digital Musicology”
Call for Papers
Deadline for submission: May 31st, 2025

Scope of the collection 
This special collection serves as a platform for an interdisciplinary dialogue between music technology and musicology, promoting scholarly discussions on the application and usability of digital technologies to enhance music research, and capturing contemporary trends and emerging directions in digital musicology scholarship. It is simultaneously inspired by the recent “Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research Conference: Methodologies, Projects and Challenges” (Lisbon, 06.2024), alongside reflections and consolidation celebrating a decade of contributions from the international Digital Libraries for Musicology conference (DLfM), which held its first event in London in September 2014. 

We welcome discussions on pressing issues in the digital humanities, such as cultural heritage preservation, FAIR principles and interconnected repertories, digital sustainability, and increasing awareness and access to digital music in non-academic contexts. We also provide a venue for reflecting upon, re-evaluating, and revisiting research previously presented at DLfM, which has since been substantially extended or adapted, or for surveying and summarising technologies and methodologies that have emerged as instrumental or prevalent in the digital musicology research community. By bringing together scholars from digital libraries, humanities, computational musicology, and MIR, this collection aims to foster a broader mutual understanding of the needs, challenges, and desired outcomes within each of these areas. It seeks to help scholars evaluate methodologies and research questions, ultimately contributing to the development of new, more dynamic, inclusive and integrated research that benefits from diverse contributions. From a musicologist’s perspective, it will explore how digital technologies are transforming research practices and examine the extent of interdisciplinary collaboration between historical musicologists and music technology scholars in advancing our understanding and use of music.

Guest Editors
Elsa De Luca (lead). Researcher at CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon
Ichiro Fujinaga. Professor at McGill University
David Lewis. Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London
Kevin Page. Senior Researcher and Associate Faculty at the University of Oxford e-Research Centre
Martha Thomae. Post-doctoral researcher at CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon

Topics and submission guidelines at https://account.transactions.ismir.net/index.php/up-j-tismir/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/4 (or attached PDF).

If you are considering submitting to this special issue, it would greatly help our planning if you let us know by replying  to elsadeluca at fcsh.unl.pt <mailto:elsadeluca at fcsh.unl.pt>
Kind regards,

Martha E. Thomae (on behalf of the GE)
Martha E. Thomae (PhD Music Technology, McGill University)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at NOVA University Lisbon

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