[MEI-L] Stylesheet compilation: undeclared namespace prefix
Anna Plaksin
annplaksin at gmx.net
Tue Nov 24 16:13:38 CET 2015
Hello all,
maybe the ODD experts could help me with this issue:
I'm working on a MEI customization and since yesterday I get pattern syntax
errors complaining about an undeclared namespace prefix in the schematron
rules after the compilation from ODD to Relax NG.
It seems to me a little bit weird because I didn't make big changes in my
ODD file and the errors occur both at my own schematron rules and the
I'm using the TEI framework in Oxygen 17.1 with the driver.xml of the
v2.1.1, but it occurs also with the customization web service. It is
possible to correct the errors in the output file by changing the schematron
<ns> from TEI to MEI but this cannot be a proper solution, because the
namespace is always TEI even if the schema works fine.
I think it is most likely a mistake I've done but I just don't find it. Is
someone able to explain it to me?
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