[MEI-L] Terms and roles for inaugural MEI Board

Johannes Kepper kepper at edirom.de
Fri Jan 23 14:19:50 CET 2015

Dear MEI-Community,

Last week, the recently elected MEI Board held its first virtual meeting. The main purpose of this meeting was to determine the term for each Board member. According to our by-laws, we elected three Board members to serve for two, three and four years respectively. Starting two years from now, we will have annual elections, where we fill three out of the nine seats. 

Throughout the whole meeting, the Board succeeded in reaching consensus for all decisions. During our discussions, we agreed on the following terms:

* Johannes Kepper, Eleanor Selfridge-Field and Axel Teich Geertinger will serve for two years (2015-2016).
* Giuliano Di Bacco, Laurent Pugin and Kristina Richts will serve for three years (2015-2017).
* Benjamin Bohl, Ichiro Fujinaga and Perry Roland will serve for four years (2015-2018).

Additionally, the Board has agreed on the following responsibilities:

* Laurent Pugin and Perry Roland will act as Technical Co-Chairs of the Board.
* Johannes Kepper will function as the Administrative Chair of the Board.

The Board has agreed that these roles should be re-examined after each election, which means after two years for this first round, and annually thereafter. While this is not covered in the by-laws yet, the Board will not immediately pursue an amendment to the by-laws addressing this issue, but after about a year - well ahead of the next elections, but with the opportunity to identify and address other minor issues at the same time.

The whole Board was very enthusiastic about our first meeting, and we're looking forward to our work both within the Board and with the Community in general. 

Best regards,

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