[MEI-L] Music Encoding Conference 2015 - Submissions now possible

Johannes Kepper kepper at edirom.de
Wed Dec 3 15:29:02 CET 2014

Dear AnonyPeter,

thanks for catching this – it was set to the wrong year. I'm sorry to say that I fixed that now, which means the rest of you has little more than two days…


Am 03.12.2014 um 14:50 schrieb Peter Stadler <stadler at edirom.de>:

> I just anonymously (*cough*) entered a submission and conf tool told me that there were 367 days left for submitting. I hope I submitted for the right conference?! ;)
> Best
> Anonymous 
> Am 03.12.2014 um 14:02 schrieb Urs Liska <ul at openlilylib.org>:
>> Dear Johannes (and Christine),
>> Am 03.12.2014 11:27, schrieb Johannes Kepper:
>>> Dear Urs,
>>> all identifying information must be provided in the corresponding fields _in ConfTool only_, but not in the PDF you actually submit.
>> Thank you for that clarification.
>>> I tried to fix the wording on the website accordingly. 
>> Nevertheless it's good that it appeared (at least) on this list because many will prepare their submissions based on the initial call for papers and won't re-read it again.
>>> Regarding your second question: I'd submit them independently, with no reference between them. But that's only my take, and I'm no member of the Program Committee…
>> Hm, the problem with that is that we'd have somehow to "fake" our submissions because they are really very much related. They work on their own but if both should get accepted the workshop would be a kind of - non-obligatory - practical introduction to the paper. But we'll see what we can do about it.
>> Best
>> Urs
>>> Best,
>>> jo
>>> Am 03.12.2014 um 10:44 schrieb Urs Liska 
>>> <ul at openlilylib.org>
>>> :
>>>> Dear organizers,
>>>> I have two questions regarding the submission process, one of them should be of general interest:
>>>> a)
>>>> The conftool application states "  Please make sure that your submission is anonymous." while the call for papers explicitly asks to provide authors, institutions and email addresses.
>>>> Is this just a superficial glitch due to the used conference management software or is this a discrepancy that should be clarified?
>>>> b)
>>>> If I have a combined proposal for a paper and/or workshop (with options to do one, the other or both), should I submit my proposal twice, under the respective categories or is it enough to submit the paper and rely on the explanations in the submission document?
>>>> Thanks and best wishes
>>>> Urs Liska
>>>> Am 30.11.2014 09:29, schrieb Christine Siegert:
>>>>> Dear colleagues,
>>>>> I am very happy to announce that the link for submitting your abstracts for the Music Encoding Conference 2015 is now available. Please look at 
>>>>> http://www.music-encoding.org/conference/submission2015 for more information and submit your abstracts at https://www.conftool.net/music-encoding2015/
>>>>> Looking forward to a lot of interesting submissions with best wishes
>>>>> Christine Siegert
>>>>> (Chair of the program committee)
>>>>> Prof. Dr. Christine Siegert
>>>>> Universität der Künste Berlin
>>>>> Fakultät Musik, Musikwissenschaft
>>>>> Fasanenstraße 1B
>>>>> D-10623 Berlin
>>>>> Tel.: +49 (0)30 3185 2318
>>>>> siegert at udk-berlin.de
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