[MEI-L] Open Positions: Research Assistants / Musical Human Computer

Aristotelis Hadjakos thadjakos at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 10:32:50 CET 2014

Dear all (apologies for cross-posting),

two research assistant positions are open at the Center of Music and Film Informatics (zemfi.de <http://zemfi.de/>). The application deadline is the 25th of November. See below for further information.

Best regards,

Aristotelis Hadjakos
Prof. Dr. Aristotelis Hadjakos
Center of Music and Film Informatics (ZeMFI)
University of Music Detmold, University of Applied Sciences OWL
Hornsche Straße 44 . 32756 Detmold . Germany
T +49 5231 975 868 . F +49 5231 975 899
hadjakos at hfm-detmold.de <mailto:hadjakos at hfm-detmold.de>
zemfi.de <http://zemfi.de/>

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In a new collaborative research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the University of Paderborn, the University of Music Detmold and the University of Applied Sciences OWL are founding a joint Center Music-Edition-Media (ZenMEM). In this context, the University of Applied Sciences OWL offers two positions as 

Research Assistant

with a focus on musical Human Computer Interaction.

Within the Center Music-Edition-Media, researchers in media studies, musicology and computer science are collaboratively developing concepts, models and software for digital music editions. The project has a focus on interaction with non-textual objects, such as graphics, film, audio, musical notation and physical objects. For the positions offered here, the following topics are particularly relevant:
The development of new interaction concepts for musicologists, media scholars, musicians, audio engineers and music enthusiasts
The integration of current interaction devices, such as tablets with pen input, smartphones and digital pen & paper, and the evaluation of new interactions in the context of various music- and media-related professions

We are looking forward for your application if you meet the following requirements:
You either have an excellent degree (M.Sc. or equivalent) in computer science or in a related area. Furthermore, you have basic musical or instrumental skills. Or you have a degree in music (M.A. or equivalent) and a profound background in computer science.
You have very good English language skills.
You are interested in interdisciplinary cooperation with researchers from other areas and you like to work as part of a team.

The positions are initially limited to two years with the possibility of extension. The current grant for the first phase of the project provides funding for three years. The opportunity to obtain a Ph.D. is provided. 

The remuneration will be paid, depending on competences and qualifications, up to remuneration group 13 TV-L.

The place of employment will be the Center of Music and Film Informatics in Detmold (zemfi.de <http://zemfi.de/>)

In accordance with the regulations of the “Landesgleichstellungsgesetz”, women with the same qualification are taken into consideration preferentially. Qualified applicants with a disability will be given preference.

Please send your application until the 25th of November to Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Dezernat Personal und Organisation, reference “ZenMEM”, Liebigstraße 87, 32657 Lemgo, Germany or via E-Mail as a single PDF to: bewerbung at hs-owl.de <mailto:bewerbung at hs-owl.de>. 
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