[MEI-L] Linking <instrVoice> to <staff>

Richard Lewis richard at rjlewis.me.uk
Tue May 13 14:14:24 CEST 2014

Hi there,

We're working on encoding some lute tablature and, as well as some
lute-specific things we need to deal with, we've actually got stuck
with a more general question of how to associate instruments with

If we have some <instrVoice>s in an <instrumentation> (in <perfMedium>
in a <workDesc> in the header), how can I indicate that a particular
<staff> is the line played by one of those <instrVoice>s? I know I can
add a @label attribute, but I'd prefer to have something that's
actually an IDREF.

For now, we're looking at putting an @instrID attribute on the <staff>
itself. Any thoughts?

Richard Lewis
j: ironchicken at jabber.earth.li
@: lewisrichard

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