[MEI-L] Antw.: More "precise" <app>s

TW zupftom at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 23 13:14:37 CEST 2012

2012/7/23 Benjamin W. Bohl <bohl at edirom.de>:
> Hi evbdy!
> Discussing the lacking possibility to aggregate multiple app elements by
> means of an attribute, which could be very handy indeed, I'd like to put
> into consideration that @prev and @next imply an order. This might exactly
> be what One is looking for, especially when thinking of genetic editions,
> but something like @corresp might be more applicable in other situations.

@corresp would be covered by my suggestion to allow att.common.anl on
<app> and <choice>.  However, @corresp always felt a bit vague to me.
I guess it could legitimately be used to point to an independent <app>
element, meaning something like "Look, this is the same *kind* of
difference" rather than "This belongs to one virtual entity that has
been split because we can't break the hierarchy".  @prev and @next are
a bit more definite, implying a "user-defined collection".

@sameas (also in att.common.anl) "sounds" like the most precise way of
saying everything belongs to the same logical <app>, but I see that
this meaning would be inconsistent with other uses of @sameas.

Other options I can think of:
- Having @plist on a "master" <app>, pointing to the subordinate
<app>s.  This is very clear, but it's rather arbitrary what becomes
the master <app>.  At first sight, a subordinate <app> can not be
distinguished from a standalone <app>.
- Some kind of stand-off markup?

In any case, I think having att.common.anl would already be a really
useful improvement.


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