[MEI-L] Working towards MEIron tool set

Raffaele Viglianti raffaeleviglianti at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 17:27:01 CEST 2011

Dear list,

The technical team has been discussing the possibility of creating an XSLT
set of tools to address multiple encoding mechanisms in MEI.

The two main uses of these tools would be:

1. Flatten ambiguity/multiple-choice (hence the "iron"). For example:
- select readings from one source
- choose between components of choice (e.g. sic vs corr, abbr vs expan)
- choose between alternatives in ossia
- etc.

2. Convert between multiple encoding mechanisms. For example:
- ELEMENTspan to/from ELEMENT (e.g. beamSpan to/from beam)
- attribute forms to/from element forms (e.g. @tie to tie; @slur to slur;
- @startid @endid to/from time stamp values
- etc.

Eventually, these tools could be wrapped up in a (web)application that,
given appropriate parameters, generates the emended MEI.  changeDesc and
appInfo can be used to record changes and settings.

Such a tool set would be of huge help for moving between different
implementations of MEI. We have already started creating some of these
tools, but we would like to hear suggestions on what encoding models you
think can be "ironed" and/or which models can be converted into each other.
Please contribute your insights!

We will start a fuller list of desirable transformations soon and make it

Raffaele on behalf of the technical team gathered at Detmold.
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