[MEI-L] Figured Bass in MEI

Andrew Hankinson, Mr andrew.hankinson at mail.mcgill.ca
Mon Nov 15 16:50:32 CET 2010

Thanks Maja and Johannes,

For examples 4 & 5, how are the differences between a #6, slash-6 and a 6+ encoded? I'm not well versed in figured bass symbols, but your proposed solution seems to be unclear on this. Perhaps there might be a @sym attribute with values "+, s, n, f, \"? This might be accid.sym, or accid.fb.sym-it will likely not be plain @sym, but I use that just for clarity's sake.

Maybe just "+,\", since it might be assumed that s,n,f are literal if there is no modifying @sym attribute?

(There is a handy chart that I just found that might help with those unfamiliar with figured bass symbols:http://www.robertkelleyphd.com/FiguredBass.pdf)

There should also be some attempt to standardize the @place attribute on the <fb> element. I just did a quick look through the schema, and there are various instances of @xxxplacement (e.g., @barplacement), @placement and @place. I would suggest @placement instead of @place, but others might have a better idea of any differences between these.


On 2010-11-15, at 5:28 AM, Johannes Kepper wrote:

Dear all,

although it took us longer than expected, we have finally finished our proposal for a (hopefully) improved encoding of figured bass in MEI. We don't provide a technical schema, but instead offer a couple of examples that might help to slice the problem down. We hope that this paper will start an intense discussion that might pave the way for some changes in the next release of MEI – maybe even a new module!?!

We're looking forward to lots of comments and suggestions for improvement,
Maja and Johannes


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