[fg-arc] 2nd MABSS Working Group Meeting

Sabau, Alex alex.sabau at swc.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Jan 31 21:10:03 CET 2025

Dear members and interested parties of the Working Group on “Modeling,
Analysis and Assessment of Secure Software Architectures” (MABSS) of the GI
Architectures Devision,

We are pleased to announce that the second working group meeting of our
Working Group on “Modeling, Analysis and Assessment of Secure Software
Architectures” (MABSS) will take place as part of the
<https://se2025.sdq.kastel.kit.edu/> Software Engineering Annual Conference
(SE25) as a co-located event on Thursday, February 27 from 9:00  to 12:30 in

At this meeting, we will provide insights into our current and future work
in the area of “Security by Design” and discuss current results and the next
research steps in an open exchange over coffee and snacks.

New and interested participants in our working group are also cordially
invited to attend our 2nd working group meeting. 

To participate, you must book a conference ticket for the SE workshops or
the SE main conference. Tickets and prices can be viewed and booked on the
registration page <https://se2025.sdq.kastel.kit.edu/registrierung/> .
Further information can be found in the event information on our website:

If you have any questions, feel free to email the spokesperson of the
working group (sabau at swc.rwth-aachen.de <mailto:sabau at swc.rwth-aachen.de> ).

We look forward to seeing you!

On behalf of the working group


Alex R. Sabau


-- Spokesperson -- 



Alex Sabau, M.Sc. Computer Science

Research Assistant


Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences

SWC - Computer Science 3 Research Group Software Construction

RWTH Aachen University

Ahornstraße 55

D-52074 Aachen, Germany

phone: +49 241 80-21366

fax: +49 241 80-621331

 <mailto:alex.sabau at swc.rwth-aachen.de> alex.sabau at swc.rwth-aachen.de

 <http://www.swc.rwth-aachen.de/> http://www.swc.rwth-aachen.de

room: 4105a (building E1, 1st floor)


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