[fg-arc] CfP: ICGT 2025 (Inf. Conf. on Graph Transformations 2025)

Matthias Tichy matthias.tichy at uni-ulm.de
Wed Dec 18 11:45:47 CET 2024

ICGT 2025
International Conference on Graph Transformations 2025
Research Papers Abstracts: 28 Jan 2025 (AoE)
Research Papers Submission: 4 Feb 2025 (AoE)
Journal-First Submission:  22 Apr 2025 (AoE)
Conference: within 10-13 Jun 2025

The 18th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2025) 
will be held in Koblenz, Germany, as part of STAF 2025 (Software 
Technologies: Applications and Foundations). The conference takes place 
under the auspices of EASST, EATCS, and IFIP WG 1.3.

Aims and Scope

The use of graphs and graph-like structures as a formalism for 
specification and modelling is widespread in all areas of computer 
science as well as in many fields of computational research and 
engineering. Relevant examples include software architectures, pointer 
structures, state space and control/data flow graphs, UML and other 
domain-specific models, network layouts, topologies of cyber-physical 
environments, quantum computing and molecular structures. Often, these 
graphs undergo dynamic change, ranging from reconfiguration and 
evolution to various kinds of behaviour, all of which may be captured by 
rule-based graph manipulation. Thus, graphs and graph transformation 
form a fundamental universal modelling paradigm that serves as a means 
for formal reasoning and analysis, ranging from the verification of 
certain properties of interest to the discovery of fundamentally new 

ICGT aims at fostering exchange and collaboration of researchers from 
different backgrounds working with graphs and graph transformation, 
either in contributing to their theoretical foundations or by applying 
established formalisms to classical or novel areas. The conference not 
only serves as a well-established scientific publication outlet, but 
also as a platform to boost inter- and intra-disciplinary research and 
to leeway for new ideas.

Research Papers

In order to foster a lively exchange of perspectives on the subject of 
the conference, the programme committee of ICGT 2025 encourages all 
kinds of contributions related to graphs and graph transformation, 
either from a theoretical point of view or a practical one.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following subjects:

* General models of graph transformation (e.g. adhesive categories and 
hyperedge replacement systems)
* Analysis and verification of graph transformation systems
* Graph-based machine learning, including graph neural networks and 
models of rule inference
* Graph theoretical properties of graph languages
* Automata on graphs and parsing of graph languages
* Logical aspects of graph transformation
* Computational models based on graphs
* Structuring and modularisation of graph transformation
* Hierarchical graphs and decomposition of graphs
* Parallel, concurrent, and distributed graph transformation
* Term graph and string diagram rewriting
* Petri nets and other models of concurrency
* Business process models and notations
* Bigraphs and bigraphical reactive systems
* Graph databases and graph queries
* Model-driven development and model transformation
* Model checking, program analysis and verification, simulation and 
* Syntax, semantics and implementation of programming languages, 
including domain-specific and visual languages
* Graph transformation languages and tool support
* Efficient algorithms (e.g. pattern matching, graph traversal, network 
* Applications and case studies in software engineering (e.g. software 
architectures, refactoring, access control, and service-orientation)
* Applications to computing paradigms (e.g. bio-inspired, quantum, 
ubiquitous, and visual)
* Graph transformation and artificial intelligence (e.g., AI for graph 
transformations, applying graph transformations in AI engineering and 
search-based software engineering)

Submission Types

Authors are invited to submit research papers in three possible 
categories. We are currently in discussion whether to go Open Access for 
ICGT 2025. We will update and detail the calls as soon as possible. 
Please take a look at the ICGT web site.

(1) Regular research papers, including papers describing applications 
and case studies. Papers will be evaluated with respect to their 
originality, significance, and technical soundness. Additional material 
intended for reviewers (but not publication) may be included in a 
clearly marked appendix. (While the exact layout is dependent on the 
final publication venue, the content limit will correspond to the usual 
16 pages in the LNCS style, excluding references and appendices)

(2) Tool presentation papers, which demonstrate the main features and 
functionality of graph-based tools. A tool presentation may have an 
appendix with a detailed demo description which will be reviewed but not 
included in the proceedings. (While the exact layout is dependent on the 
final publication venue, the content limit will correspond to 8 pages in 
the LNCS style, excluding references and appendices, for the main part 
and the equivalent of 4 pages in the LNCS style for the demo description)

(3) Blue Skies, reporting on new research directions or ideas which are 
not yet sufficiently developed to fit in other categories. (While the 
exact layout is dependent on the final publication venue, the content 
limit will correspond to the usual 8 pages in the LNCS style, excluding 
references and appendices)

Special Issue
Authors of the best papers at the conference will be invited to prepare 
and submit extended journal versions to be considered for publication in 
a special issue after an independent round of peer review (details TBA).

Journal-First Track

We invite authors of previously published papers in all areas of graph 
transformation to submit a journal-first contribution. Authors of 
accepted journal-first papers will be invited to present their work at 
ICGT 2025, enriching the programme, and providing an additional pathway 
to engage with the community.

Contributions in this category must have been published in high-quality 
journals, other high-quality conferences, and quality book chapters not 
earlier than 2021.


* The original contribution must have been peer-reviewed and published 
in a quality journal, quality conference (other than ICGT), or as a book 
chapter in 2021 or later.
* It must be within the scope of ICGT (authors should briefly justify 
this in their submission).
* The paper should not be an extended journal version of a paper 
previously published at ICGT.
* Authors should indicate whether the paper has previously been 
presented in equivalent Journal-First tracks of other conferences.

As contributions in this track will have already been peer-reviewed, 
they will not be reviewed again for technical content. Rather, the 
presentation proposals will be evaluated against the criteria above.

In the case where we have more submissions than available presentation 
slots at ICGT 2025, we will prioritise presentation proposals that: (1) 
will allow more authors to attend the conference, e.g., those with 
presenters who are not represented in the research papers track; and (2) 
will best complement the conference’s technical programme.


Authors should submit a presentation proposal consisting of the paper’s 
title, the paper's authors, the abstract, a link to the original 
publication, who will be presenting the paper, and a brief justification 
of its relevance to the ICGT community. The presentation proposal should 
be prepared using Springer's LNCS format with a maximum of 2 pages.

The presentation proposals will not be included in ICGT's proceedings.

Program Committee

Joerg Endrullis, Vrije Universitet Amsterdam, Co-Chair
Matthias Tichy, Ulm University, Co-Chair
Nicolas Behr, CNRS, Université Paris Cité
Andrea Corradini, University of Pisa
Fabio Gadducci, University of Pisa
Raffaela Groner, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Reiko Heckel, University of Leicester
Jens Kosiol, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Jean Krivine, CNRS
Harald König, FHDW Hannover
Leen Lambers, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Detlef Plump, University of York
Arend Rensik, University of Twente
Andy Schürr, TU Darmstadt
Daniel Strüber, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Jens Weber, University of Victoria
Steffen Zschaller, King's College London

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