[fg-arc] Vacancy - Junior Professor in Distributed Systems

Bart De Decker Bart.DeDecker at cs.kuleuven.be
Fri Sep 16 18:20:22 CEST 2022

Dear colleages,

Thanks for helping with sharing the vacancy and apologies for possible 
double postings.


*Junior Professor in Distributed Systems**
The KU Leuven  offers an academic vacancy at the /*Department of 
Computer Science*/, Faculty of Engineering Science. The new faculty 
member will become a member of the /*DistriNet research unit*/. 

/Distributed Systems/ and /System Software/ is interpreted broadly, and 
includes for example reliability, security and performance of 
Internet-based software systems.

Candidates will be expected to develop an ambitious research program 
that integrates well with the current research activities of the 
research group. Candidates should also be prepared to provide scientific 
services both within and outside the university, and to contribute to 
education at bachelor and master level.


  *   a PhD in Computer Science or equivalent
  *   a strong research track record in distributed systems and system
  *   publications in leading international journals and conferences
  *   international experience
  *   demonstrable qualities related to academic education
  *   organizational skills
  *   a cooperative attitude
  * a good command of English

If you are interested, you should submit your application at the latest 
*December 15, 2022* through our online application system.

For more information, please consult 


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