[fg-arc] Deadline-Extension Propser 2022 March 14th, 2022

Ralf Reussner reussner at kit.edu
Tue Mar 1 15:29:39 CET 2022


*PROPSER 2022 Call For Papers*

The Second International Workshop on Properties of Software Engineering 
Research and their Systematic Documentation and Evaluation (PROPSER)


*The deadlines for the submissions are as follows:*

* Optional abstract submission: March 7th, 2022

* Paper submission: (Feb. 28th 2022) *extended to March 14th, 2022*

Organized by Prof. Dr. Ralf H. Reussner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Koziolek, 
Dr. Francesca Lonetti

The Second International Workshop on Properties of Software Engineering 
Research and their Systematic Documentation and Evaluation (PROPSER) 
aims to bring together researchers at various points in their career and 
practitioners alike, for discussing the systematic description and 
evaluation of software engineering research and their documentation.

The extend of software engineering research is rapidly growing and still 
needs to be demand-driven searched, to be understood and evaluated by 
researchers and practitioners. Researchers need to understand how to 
present their work, how to evaluate the work by other researchers in 
peer reviews and to build own research on top. Practitioners need to 
understand how to judge suitability and relevance for own projects.

The workshop is motivated by two observations:

(i) writing and reviewing software engineering research results is often 
hindered by the lack of a community understanding what are important 
questions (hypotheses) to validate research and which methods are 
suitable, appropriate and needed for demonstrating evidence.

(ii) retrieving research results just through syntactical terms of the 
paper title (or even abstract) is often very hard, and, as a 
consequence, comprehensively relating research results to each other in 
terms of support, strengthening or contradiction is rarely done.

Thus, this workshop aims to consider insights, new proposals and open 
questions on (i) planning and conducting research; (ii) writing research 
papers; (iii) reviewing research papers; (iv) communicating research and 
(v) effectively finding research results in a digital world.

Therefore, in PROPSER we want to discuss in particular:

·properties for describing software engineering research, such as 
relevance, evidence, applicability, appropriateness, etc;

·general patterns for suitable empirical validations of research results 
and hypotheses;

·suitable classifications of software engineering research, beyond 
established subject categories;

·experiences, rules or guidelines, on how to decide on suitable 
validation questions and subsequently suitable empirical methods;

·managing and organising research knowledge at a finer grain than paper 

·methods for evaluating the impact of research on software engineering 

The workshop aims to discuss these subjects as such, it is not meant to 
be a platform for original research results in a specific software 
engineering topic. Therefore, we intentionally do not require original 
new ideas to be submitted. Of course, for inclusion in the proceedings a 
paper should be original text.



Topics of interest of the proposed workshop include, but are not limited 
to, the following themes:

• properties for describing software engineering research, such as 
relevance, evidence, applicability, appropriateness, etc.

• general patterns for suitable empirical validations of research 
results and hypotheses.

• suitable classifications of software engineering research, beyond 
established subject categories.

• experiences, rules or guidelines, on how to decide on suitable 
validation methods depending on properties of the research.

• managing and organizing research knowledge more fine grained than 
paper citations.



Concretely, we invite three types of submissions:

·taxonomy and overview papers (up to 8 pages): papers presenting or 
surveying classifications of software engineering subjects, empirical 
methods, areas of software applications, etc.; including hypotheses 
about relationships between such categories (e.g., "contributions of 
type X should be validated with method Y.")

·open question papers (up to 6 pages): papers describing ongoing 
research that has unsolved questions regarding how to demonstrate the 
validity and relevance of the work.

·proposal-for-solution papers (up to 6 pages): papers describing 
sketches or solutions to address one or several of the mentioned topics.

Note, that the "open question papers" are different from the commonly 
used format of research result submissions (like: "motivation, idea, 
foundations, approach, state of the art, validation, conclusion"). Of 
course, any paper of that format could be presented as an open question 
paper (keeping the first parts, but substituting the validation with 
open questions accordingly). But we also encourage the submission of 
papers on ongoing research, where validation is indeed open. Please 
note, that we intentionally to not require original new work to be 
submitted, as the workshop does not aim to be a platform for original 
research results in a specific software engineering subject. In fact, 
the workshop wants to discuss the above described subjects concerning 
the organisation, validation and documentation of software engineering 
research as such. Papers will be reviewed with respect of their rigour 
of argumentation, potential to spark interesting discussions during the 
workshop regarding the above mentioned topics.

Submissions are done via the Easychair site of EASE.



All accepted papers will be published at ACM EASE 2022 conference 
companion proceedings.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
KASTEL - Institute of Information Security and Dependability
Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI)

Prof. Dr. Ralf H. Reussner
KIT: Chair Dependability of Software-intensive Systems (DSiS):reussner at kit.edu  
KIT: Vice Dean of KIT-Department of Informatics:reussner at kit.edu
FZI: Director:reussner at fzi.de

Am Fasanengarten 5, Building 50.34, Room 328
D-76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-45993
Fax: +49 721 608-45990
http://sdq.ipd.kit.edu  /http://www.fzi.de

Registered office:
Kaiserstrasse 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

KIT -- The Research University in the Helmholtz Association
The Palladio book:https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/modeling-and-simulating-software-architectures
The Design For Future book:https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030134983
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