[fg-arc] FME Tutorial series lecture this week, June 17, at 3 pm CET: Dr Tim Nelson (Brown University, US) on "Building Formal Methods Classes for Everybody"

Luigia Petre Luigia.Petre at abo.fi
Mon Jun 13 21:50:28 CEST 2022

Dear all,

The FME Tutorial series continues!

This week we have the pleasure of listening to Dr Tim Nelson's (Brown University, US) lecture on

Friday June 17, 2022, at 3 pm CET. His talk is entitled "Building Formal Methods Classes for Everybody". The abstract of Dr Nelson's lecture is here:

We think math and logic are beautiful and essential. If you teach a formal methods class, you probably agree. Some of our students, perhaps the most visible to us, also feel that way. But what about the other 90%, the students who aren’t inclined to take our classes or any non-required “theory” class at all? If formal methods really are essential, we owe every student an opportunity to explore them, discover useful ideas, and maybe even fall in love.

Some people derisively respond to a more inclusive class by assuming it will coddle students. On the contrary, these students have their own strengths and abilities that we can and should design rigorous content around. After all, many of them will build the technologies we all use every day, so deepening their view of formalism satisfies both moral and selfish imperatives. This talk will cover the design space of such a course: pedagogy, tool choice (sometimes building our own!), assignment design, and even TA hiring. I’ll talk about things that have worked well for us, other things that didn’t, and what we learned along the way.

The zoom link is https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/64254430116. The event will last

about an hour.

Warmly welcome!!

Best wishes,


PS1: the tutorial series webpage is updated with the list of speakers who

confirmed their lectures in 2022 here:


Please note that we have a speaker every month from now on until October!!

PS2: the June 2022 lecture is scheduled exceptionally on the 17th of the month, instead of the usual last Friday of the month, due to the summer holidays of some of the involved academics.

Luigia Petre, Docent, PhD
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Åbo Akademi University, Finland
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