[fg-arc] GDE 2022: Workshop on Goal-directed Execution of Answer Set Programs

Víctor Pérez victor.perez at software.imdea.org
Thu Jan 13 09:31:37 CET 2022

         CALL FOR PAPERS!!                        CALL FOR PAPERS

  ICLP'22   Workshop on Goal-directed Execution of Answer Set Programs
                               Date: August 1, 2022 
                              located with
       ICLP'22: 38th International Conference on Logic Programming
                     July 31 - Aug 8, 2022, Haifa, Israel

Workshop Aim: Answer set programming is a successful extension of
logic programming for solving combinatorial problems as well as
knowledge representation and reasoning problems. Most current
implementations of ASP work by grounding a program and using a SAT
solver-like technology to find the answer sets. While this approach is
extremely efficient, relying on grounding of the program leads to
significant blow-up of the program size, and computing the whole model
makes finding justification of an atom in the model hard. This limits
the applicability of ASP to problems dealing with large knowledge
bases. Goal-directed or query-driven execution strategies have been
proposed that do not require grounding. The goal of this workshop is
to foster discussion around challenges and opportunities that such
approaches present.

Tentative list of topics include:

    Non-grounding based implementations of ASP
    Constructive Negation
    Implementation Technology for Goal-directed ASP
    Applications of Goal-directed ASP
    Query-driven Constraint ASP
    System Description
    Tabling in goal-directed ASP Systems
    Coinductive Logic Programming and ASP

Submission Instructions: 
    Technical papers, position papers, as well as extended abstracts are welcome.  
    Papers should be maximum 8 pages long and in LNCS Format. 
    Submissions must be made via EasyChair:

Important Dates: 
     Paper Submission: May 20, 2022
     Decision Notification: June 5, 2022
     Final Paper: June 20, 2022
     Workshop Date: August 1, 2022

Program Chair: 
     Joaquín Arias, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain; joaquin.arias at urjc.es

Program Committee: TBA

    Joaquín Arias, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain; joaquin.arias at urjc.es
    Gopal Gupta, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA; gopal.gupta at utdallas.edu
    Elmer Salazar, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA; elmer.salazar at utdallas.edu 

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