From helma.torkamaan at Mon Apr 4 19:10:39 2022 From: helma.torkamaan at (Helma Torkamaan) Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 19:10:39 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] ACM UMAP 2022: Second Call for Late-breaking Results and Demos Message-ID: <> * --- Please forward to anyone who might be interested --- --- Apologies for cross-posting --- ----------------------------------------------------------------- # ** Second Call for LBR and Demos: 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’22)** (*) Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are planning for a hybrid conference and will accommodate online presentations where needed. ----------------------------------------------------------------- **Important Dates** ============================ *- Submission of demos and LBR papers: April 22, 2022 (Updated)* - Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2022 - Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: May 18, 2022 - Conference: July 4-7, 2022 **Note: The submissions times are 11:59 pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)** -------------------------------------------------------- ACM UMAP – User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization – is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information. ACM UMAP is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGWEB, and organized with User Modeling Inc. as the core Steering Committee, extended with past years' chairs. The proceedings are published by the ACM and will be part of the ACM Digital Library. ACM UMAP 2022 invites Demonstrations and Late-Breaking Results (LBR) papers of innovative UMAP-based systems (including research prototypes). You are encouraged to submit your Demo or LBR by April 22, 2022. -------------------------------------------------------- **Submission formats** ============================ For more details, see below! ** # Demonstrations - Max. 5 pages + max. 1 additional page for references - (Required) unpublished page describing how they would present the demo virtually and/or in person - (Optional) video or external material demonstrating the system - Publication in ACM UMAP 2022 Adjunct Proceedings - Presentation as a (potentially virtual) demo + poster at the conference ** # Late-Breaking Results - Max. 7 pages + max. 2 additional pages for references - (NEW: required) unpublished page with a list of questions the authors aim to get feedback on - Publication in ACM UMAP 2022 Adjunct Proceedings - Presentation as a (potentially virtual) poster at the conference **Submission via**: **Demonstrations** ============================ Demonstrations will showcase research prototypes and commercially available products in a dedicated session. Demo submissions must be based on an implemented and tested system that pursues one or more innovative ideas in the interest areas of the conference. Demonstrations are an excellent and exciting way to showcase implementations and to get valuable feedback from the community. Each demo submission must make clear which aspects of the system will be demonstrated, and how these will be demonstrated on-site as well as online. To better identify the value of demos, we also encourage authors to submit a pointer to a screencast (max. 5 minutes on Vimeo or YouTube) or any external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub). Descriptions of demonstrations should have a length of max. 3 pages + 1 page of references in the new ACM single-column style. On an extra page (not to be published), submissions should include a specification of the technical requirements for demonstrating the system at UMAP 2022. Given uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, this extra page should also describe if/how the demo can be presented in a virtual setting (e.g. with a video or a live link to the system). **Late-Breaking Results** ============================ Late-Breaking Results (LBR) are research-in-progress that must contain original and unpublished accounts of innovative research ideas, preliminary results, industry showcases, and system prototypes, addressing both the theory and practice of User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. In addition, papers introducing recently started research projects or summarizing project results are welcome as well. We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit a late-breaking work as it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. Late-Breaking Results papers have a length of up to 7 pages + 2 pages of references in the new ACM single-column style and will be presented to the conference as (in-person and virtual) posters. On an extra page (not to be published), submissions should include a list of questions that the authors aim to get feedback on during the poster session at UMAP 2022. -------------------------------------------------------- **Submission and Review Process** ============================ Papers will be reviewed single-blind and do not need to be anonymized before submission. Papers (demo and LBR) must be formatted according to the new workflow for ACM publications. The templates and instructions are available here: Authors should submit their papers as single-column. The templates are available here (we strongly recommend the usage of LaTeX for the camera-ready papers to minimize the extent of reformatting): - LaTeX (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} in the sample-authordraft.tex file for single-column): - Overleaf (use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} for single-column): - MS Word: Note: Accepted papers will require a further revision to meet the requirements and page limits of the camera-ready format required by ACM. Instructions for the preparation of the camera-ready versions of the papers will be provided after acceptance. The ACM Code of Ethics gives the UMAP program committee the right to (desk-)reject papers that perpetuate harmful stereotypes, employ unethical research practices, or uncritically present outcomes/implications that clearly disadvantage minority communities. Submit your papers in PDF format via EasyChair for ACM UMAP 2022 Demos and Late-Breaking Results at (choose *New Submission*and make sure to select *UMAP 2022 Demo and LBR*track). The review process will be single-blind, i.e. authors' names should be included in the papers. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. They will be assessed based on their originality and novelty, potential contribution to the research field, potential impact in particular use cases, and the usefulness of presented experiences, as well as their overall readability. Papers that exceed the page limits or do not adhere to the formatting guidelines will be returned without review. -------------------------------------------------------- **Publication and Presentation** ============================ Accepted Demo and Late-Breaking Results papers will be published in the ACM UMAP 2022 Adjunct Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Papers will be accessible from the UMAP '22 website through ACM OpenToc Service for one year after publication in the ACM Digital Library. All categories will be presented at the poster reception of the conference, in the form of a poster and/or a software demonstration following poster format. This form of presentation will provide presenters with an opportunity to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience during the conference. Due to the uncertainties regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the poster session may be partially or fully virtual. **To be included in the Proceedings, at least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there.** -------------------------------------------------------- **Late-Breaking Results and Demo Chairs** ============================ - Cataldo Musto, University of Bari, Italy - Veronika Bogina, University of Haifa, Israel - Contact: umap2022-lpd at -------------------------------------------------------- **Follow UMAP 2022 on Social Media** ============================ - Twitter: @UMAPconf #umap2022 ( - Facebook: * -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Mon Apr 4 14:57:15 2022 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 15:57:15 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022): Third Call for Contributions Message-ID: *** Third Call for Contributions *** 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022) "Community Smartification and towards ZERO emission Smart Cities for a Green New Era" September 26-29, 2022, Aliathon Resort, Paphos, Cyprus  The Call-for-Contributions for the 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022) is OPEN! The IEEE ISC2 2022 Organizing Committee is glad to announce that it is currently accepting papers for the 8th edition of the IEEE International Smart Cities Conference.  This year, the IEEE ISC2 will be held in-person on September 26-29, 2022, in Paphos, Cyprus and the theme of the conference is “Community Smartification and towards ZERO emission Smart Cities for a Green New Era.” The IEEE ISC2 is the flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Smart Cities Technical Community, a coalition of eight IEEE technical societies and organizations. Besides contributions addressing the conference theme, authors are welcome to submit their original research results in traditional topics across broad application and functional domains, within the context of smart urban infrastructure systems. The technical areas include, but are not limited to:   • Smart city theory, modelling and simulation 
• Intelligent infrastructure
• Sensors and actuators
• Open data and big data analytics
• AI powered smart cities services
• Safety and security systems
• Smart healthcare
• Smart emergency management
• IoT and Smart X services • Data security and privacy
• Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
• Smart mobility and transportation
• Smart energy systems
• Smart buildings and Smart grid
• Digital city and smart growth
• Smart traffic system operations
• Environmental monitoring technologies The complete list of technical areas can be found here: . Should you need further clarifications or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at: isc22022 at . Paper Submission Guidelines Prospective authors are invited to submit high quality original (Full or Short) papers via the EasyChair submission site at . Full papers should describe novel research contributions with evaluation results and are limited to seven (7) pages. Short papers, limited in length to four (4) pages, should be more visionary in nature and are meant to discuss new challenges and visions, highlight early research results, and explore novel research directions. All submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication, should be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE Template ( ). Each submitted paper will pass through the standard IEEE peer-review process. If accepted and presented at the conference, it will appear in the conference proceedings and be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The conference organisers are currently negotiating a number of special issues with high quality journals. More information is available on the conference web site ( The best papers will be awarded in the conference Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award contests.  For more information, please visit the conference website: . Special Sessions Proposals Please refer to the web site for further details: . Workshops Proposals Please refer to the web site for further details: . Tutorials Proposals Please refer to the web site for further details: . Sponsorship Opportunities Please refer to the web site for further details: . Important Dates • Conference Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2022 • Conference Acceptance Notification: July 15, 2022 • Conference Camera-ready Deadline: July 31, 2022 • Special Sessions and Workshops Proposals Submission Deadline: April 15, 2022 • Special Sessions and Workshops Proposals Selection: April 21, 2022 • Tutorial Proposals Submission Deadline: May 27, 2022 • Tutorial Proposals Selection: June 3, 2022 • Conference Dates: September 26-29, 2022 Organizing Committee Special Track Chairs Committee IEEE Smart Cities -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Sun Apr 3 13:02:36 2022 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2022 14:02:36 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2022): Fifth Call for Contributions Message-ID: <> *** Fifth Call for Contributions *** ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2022) 7–9 September, 2022, 5* St. Raphael Resort & Marina, Limassol, Cyprus Scope The ACM GoodIT conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions related to the application of information technologies (IT) to social good. Social good is typically defined as something that provides a benefit to the general public. In this context, clean air and water, Internet connection, education, and healthcare are all good examples of social goods. However, new media innovations and the explosion of online communities have added new meaning to the term. Social good is now about global citizens uniting to unlock the potential of individuals, technology, and collaboration to create a positive societal impact. GoodIT solicits papers that address important research challenges related to, but not limited to: • Citizen science • Civic intelligence • Decentralized approaches to IT • Digital solutions for Cultural Heritage • Environmental monitoring • Ethical computing • Frugal solutions for IT • Game, entertainment, and multimedia applications • Health and social care • IT for automotive • IT for development • IT for education • IT for smart living • Privacy, trust and ethical issues in ICT solutions • Smart governance and e-administration • Social informatics • Socially responsible IT solutions • Sustainable cities and transportation • Sustainable IT • Technology addressing the digital divide Paper Submission The papers should not exceed eleven (11) pages single-column, including figures, tables, and references in the new ACM format ( ). They must be original works and must not have been previously published. At least one of the authors of all accepted papers must register and present the work at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be published in the proceedings. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library. In addition to a Main Track, the conference features 9 additional Special Tracks. More information on these tracks is available on the conference web site. Journal Special Issues and Best Paper Award Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to two special journal issues: • FGCS, Elsevier ( • MDPI Sensors, where the theme of the special issue will be "Application of Information Technology (IT) to Social Good" ( ). Specifically 5 papers will be invited free of charge and another 5 papers will get a 20% discount on the publication fees. Furthermore, MDPI Sensors will sponsor a Best Paper Award with the amount of 400 CHF. Work-in-Progress and PhD Track Inside ACM GoodIT, the Work-in-Progress and PhD Track provides an opportunity to showcase interesting new work that is still at an early stage. We encourage practitioners and researchers to submit to the Work-in-Progress venue as it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. Moreover, this track provides a platform for PhD students to present and receive feedback on their ongoing research. Students at different stages of their research will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research questions, goals, methods and results. This is an opportunity to obtain guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers and other PhD students working in research areas related to technologies for social good. Important: For this specific track, papers must not exceed nine (9) pages single column, including figures, tables, and references in the new ACM format ( ). Submission Instructions All papers must be submitted electronically via the hotcrp web site ( ). Once on the submission page, you will be able to select the track where to submit your paper. Important Dates • Submission deadline for all types of contributions: 23 May 2022 • Notification of acceptance: 20 June 2022 • Camera-ready submission and author registration: 11 July 2022 Conference Committees -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jesse.heyninck at Mon Apr 4 21:46:40 2022 From: jesse.heyninck at (Heyninck, Jesse) Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 19:46:40 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - KR 2022 DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM - EXTENDED DEADLINE Message-ID: <> ** KR 2022 DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM - EXTENDED DEADLINE ** * Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call * ============================== ** CALL FOR APPLICATIONS ** KR 2022 - Doctoral Consortium Dates: 31 July - 5 August 2022 Haifa, Israel * Submission deadline: 30 April 2022 (EXTENDED) * Webpage: ============================== The 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2022) invites PhD students to apply for the Doctoral Consortium program. * Aims and Scope * The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a student mentoring program bringing together PhD students and senior researchers from the area of KR. The aims of the consortium are: - to provide a forum for students to present their current research, and receive feedback from other students and senior researchers; - to promote contacts among PhD students working in similar areas; - to support students with information and advice on academic, research, and industrial careers. The DC is intended for PhD students who have a specific research proposal and some preliminary results, but who have sufficient time prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from the consortium experience. Preference will be given to students satisfying these criteria, but we also encourage students to apply who are at an earlier or more advanced stage of the completion of their thesis. Accepted students will participate in several dedicated DC events, which will likely consist of a lightning talk session, a poster session, and a mentoring lunch (the precise format of the DC will be finalized closer to the conference). Each student will be given ample time to present their work and therefore be able to fully benefit from direct feedback from the assigned senior researcher mentor and the wider KR conference audience. * Application Submission * Applications must be submitted through the EasyChair conference system: Each application must contain the following elements combined into a single PDF document: 1. Thesis summary. A description of the problem being addressed, your motivation for addressing the problem, proposed plan of research, the progress to date (what you have already achieved and what remains to be done), and related work. It must be four pages maximum and use the same style as for KR paper submissions (see submission page, 2. Curriculum Vitae. A description of your background and relevant experience (research, education, employment), of two pages maximum. 3. Letter of recommendation. A letter from your thesis advisor supporting your participation in the DC. 4. Optionally, a suggestion of up to 5 potential mentors with similar research interests, who could give good advice on technical aspects related to the work, and/or career opportunities. The selection process will consider the quality of the submitted proposal and the stage of the student's PhD project. Doctoral students who submit to the DC are permitted to have previously published on their research, and are encouraged to submit papers to KR 2022 and associated conferences and workshops. * Important Dates * - Application deadline: April 30, 2022 (EXTENDED) - Acceptance notification: May 23, 2022 (EXTENDED) - Conference: July 31 - August 5, 2022 For further information, please contact the DC chairs: dc_kr2022 at Jandson Santos Ribeiro (FernUniversität Hagen, Germany), jandson.ribeiro at Giovanni Casini (CNR, Italy), giovanni.casini at Wichtiger Hinweis: Die Information in dieser E-Mail ist vertraulich. Sie ist ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt. Sollten Sie nicht der für diese E-Mail bestimmte Adressat sein, unterrichten Sie bitte den Absender und vernichten Sie diese Mail. Vielen Dank. Unbeschadet der Korrespondenz per E-Mail, sind unsere Erklärungen ausschließlich final rechtsverbindlich, wenn sie in herkömmlicher Schriftform (mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift) oder durch Übermittlung eines solchen Schriftstücks per Telefax erfolgen. Important note: The information included in this e-mail is confidential. It is solely intended for the recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail please contact the sender and delete this message. Thank you. Without prejudice of e-mail correspondence, our statements are only legally binding when they are made in the conventional written form (with personal signature) or when such documents are sent by fax. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jens.knodel at Thu Apr 14 11:55:06 2022 From: jens.knodel at (Jens Knodel) Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 09:55:06 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] WSRE 2022: Aufruf zur Teilnahme, Bad Honnef, 02.-04. Mai 2022 Message-ID: === Aufruf zur Teilnahme am 24. Workshop Software-Reengineering & -Evolution (WSRE 2022) === 24. Workshop Software-Reengineering & -Evolution (WSRE 2022) Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, 02.-04. Mai 2022 Anmeldung zum WSRE Workshop: Vorläufiges Tagungsprogramm des WSRE 2022: === Wir freuen uns auf einen spannenden Workshop und viele interessante Vorträge und lebhafte Diskussionen - natürlich unter Beachtung und Einhaltung der dann im Physikzentrum ggf. geltenden Hygienevorschriften (Infos dazu erfolgen noch vorab an die Teilnehmer)! Bleiben Sie gesund! IHRE GI-FACHGRUPPE SRE Dr. Jens Knodel, Caruso GmbH, Ismaning Dr. Marco Konersmann, Universität Koblenz-Landau Torsten Görg, itemis AG, Stuttgart Matthias Gutheil, itemis AG, Bonn Dr. Stefan Sauer, Universität Paderborn Kontakt? WSR at -- Dr. Jens Knodel Head of Platform Engineering +49 179 5343284 Caruso GmbH I Harrlachweg 2 I 68163 Mannheim Caruso GmbH I Steinheilstraße 10 I 85737 Ismaning Managing Directors: Norbert Dohmen, Jürgen Buchert | registered Local Court Munich | HRB 233 669 From sauer at Thu Apr 14 13:53:11 2022 From: sauer at (Stefan Sauer) Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 13:53:11 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] HCSE 2022 - New submission deadline April 25 - 9th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering - Call for Papers Message-ID: <> **Submission deadline for Technical Full Papers and Late Breaking Results is extended until April 25, 2022!* * **** Apologies for cross postings **** * *************************************************************************** HCSE 2022 9th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering 24th to 26th of August, 2022, Eindhoven, The Netherlands *************************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS HCSE is a bi-annual, single-track, working conference organized by the IFIP Working Group 13.2 on Methodology for User-Centred System Design ( We aim at bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in strengthening the scientific foundations of user interface design, examining the relationship between software engineering and human-computer interaction and on how to strengthen human-centered design as an essential part of software engineering processes. Other topics of interest include: * contributions to the theory and best practices of user-centered design * involvement of end-users, clients and stakeholders in the design and development process of interactive systems * innovative methods for identifying end-user requirements for interactive systems * integration of user experience (and any other user interface property) in development processes * methods for designing, building and assessing interactive systems beyond the desktop (e.g. the living room, ubiquitous and multi-display, cockpits, etc.) * models and model-based approaches for building interactive systems * methods and tools for low-code and no-code development paradigms * integration of multiple properties (e.g. usability, (cyber)security, reliability, user experience, privacy, accessibility, etc.) in software development and making them more accessible to developers and users * context-aware and adaptive interactive systems (e.g. in areas such as digital collaboration, digital and worker assistance) * design and integration of novel interaction techniques such as augmented, virtual, and mixed reality * support for new kinds of human-machine interaction (HMI) for increasingly autonomous systems and systems that use or provide artificial intelligence (e.g. autonomous driving or human-robot collaboration) * socio-technical aspects of interactive software development * artificial intelligence and machine learning to support the development of interactive systems * software architectures and architectural patterns for interactive systems * rational design, design patterns and traceability of design choices. HCSE 2022 welcomes contributions as technical full papers, late breaking results, demonstrations and posters. All papers are peer-reviewed and selected contributions will appear in the proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series. In the present edition of HCSE 2022 we are particularly interested in studies focused on multi-stakeholder concepts and how to cope with multi-stakeholders taking into account not only micro perspective, but on the systemic change level. This research area is central to the host of the current edition of the conference, the Eindhoven University of Technology, Industrial Design, Systemic Change group. In addition, building on the activities carried out by the WG13.2 during the workshop held at the INTERACT 2021 IFIP TC-13 conference, special consideration will be given to issues related to “changing the context of use”, which has significant impact on how to design and develop with a user-centered perspective and how usage of these systems changed for example in the current pandemic situation. As in past editions, the focus of the working group is on user interface properties (such as usability, ux, privacy, trust, security, reliability, adaptability, among others) and how to design, develop and evaluate based on a user-centered development process. We are interested in understanding how different stakeholders and developers value diverse user interface properties and how they manage conflicts between them (when one property might degrade the value of another) on a systemic change level. Our aim is to cover a large set of user interface properties and try to reveal their inner dependencies. We are particularly interested in the development of theories, methods, tools and approaches for dealing with multiple properties that should be taken into account when developing interactive systems. HCSE welcomes the following types of contributions: * Technical full papers (up to 20 pages) should describe substantial research contributions of novel work that has produced advanced results including validation of results. * Late-breaking results (up to 12 pages) are short papers that present work in progress, new practice and experience reports containing good (and bad) practices and/or recent practical evaluations of methods, techniques and tools. * Demonstrations and posters (5–8 pages, plus poster design draft) should present ongoing work and/or late-breaking results related to the use of innovative tools and cutting-edge systems not described in other paper submissions. Demonstration papers should provide description of tools including user tasks and evidence of use to end-users. Demo submissions should summarize the system’s significance and its performance and should either include screenshots or link to an online-accessible resource. The poster design draft should show the planned design and content of the poster that will be presented at the conference. Industry contributions to demos and posters are particularly welcome and highly encouraged. SUBMISSIONS AND REVIEWING PROCESS All contributions should be submitted via the EasyChair system ( All submissions will be peer-reviewed for their topical relevance, originality, technical contribution, and presentation quality by the members of the international program committee. Technical full papers and late-breaking results short papers will be reviewed double-blind, demonstrations and posters single-blind. Authors must prepare their submission files accordingly! For poster submissions, both paper and poster design draft will be assessed for review. It will be possible for the program committee to suggest accepting submissions in other than their original submission categories. PRESENTATIONS If we hold a physical conference, under the current circumstances, all accepted submissions will be presented at the conference in technical sessions. It will be possible for authors of accepted technical full papers and late-breaking results short papers to give tool demos as well without submitting additional demo papers. The conference will NOT enable hybrid participation. PROCEEDINGS Accepted contributions must be formatted according to the guidelines of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of Springer ( Authors are requested to prepare submissions as close as possible to final camera-ready versions. IMPORTANT DATES Technical full papers, late breaking results * Submission: Friday, April 25th, 2022 (*NEW!*) * Notification to authors: Monday, May 16th, 2022 * Camera-ready due: Monday, June 13th, 2022 Demos, posters * Submission: Monday, May 30th, 2022 * Notification to authors: Monday, June 13th, 2022 * Camera-ready due: Monday, June 27th, 2022 CONFERENCE DATES: August 24th – 26th, 2022 ORGANIZERS General Conference Chairs: Regina Bernhaupt, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Carmelo Ardito, Politecnico di Bari, Italy Stefan Sauer, Paderborn University, Germany * -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sauer.vcf Type: text/vcard Size: 458 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: OpenPGP_signature Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 840 bytes Desc: OpenPGP digital signature URL: From madeira at Wed Apr 6 14:24:45 2022 From: madeira at (Alexandre Madeira) Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2022 12:24:45 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?WADT=2722_-_26th_International_Workshop_on_Al?= =?utf-8?q?gebraic_Development_Techniques_2022_=282nd_cl=C3=A3=29?= Message-ID: =================================================================================== WADT'22 - 26th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques 2022 ****************** Second call for papers ****************** **** UPDATES: Deadline Extension and Invited Speakers ****** Aveiro, 28-30 June, 2022 =================================================================================== ** Aims and Scope ** The algebraic approach to system specification encompasses many aspects of the formal design of software systems. Originally born as a formal method for reasoning about abstract data types, it now covers new specification frameworks and programming paradigms (such as object-oriented, aspect oriented, agent-oriented, logic and higher-order functional programming) as well as a wide range of application areas (including information systems, concurrent, distributed and mobile systems). The workshop will provide an opportunity to present recent and ongoing work, to meet colleagues, and to discuss new ideas and future trends. In 2020 WADT features additionally two special thematic tracks: one in *Algebra for timed and hybrid systems* and another in *Algebraic approaches to quantum computation*. ** Main track ** Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest for the main track are: - Foundations of algebraic specification - Other approaches to formal specification, including process calculi and models of concurrent and distributed systems - Specification languages, methods, and environments - Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques - Integration of formal specification techniques - Formal testing and quality assurance, validation, and verification ** Algebra for timed and hybrid systems ** Track Chair: Renato Neves (UM, PT) The track 'Algebra for timed and hybrid systems' seeks algebraic contributions towards a better understanding of timed and hybrid systems, including their design and verification. A non-exhaustive list of topics includes: - (co)algebraic syntax and semantics, - observational notions of equivalence, - equational reasoning and variants thereof, - distributed and/or concurrent computing; - modal and temporal logic, - (co)algebraic verification tools, - experience reports on the use of (co)algebraic tools. ** Algebraic approaches to quantum computation ** Track Chair: Rui Soares Barbosa (INL, PT) This track seeks contributions on algebraic methods in the context of quantum computing, broadly understood, ranging from foundations to applications and tools. A non-exhaustive list of topics includes: - foundational structures for quantum computing - quantum calculi and logics - quantum programming languages - algebraic and categorical semantics for quantum computing - algebraic approaches to verification of quantum programs - rewriting and automated reasoning with applications to quantum compilation and optimisation - tool support - application of quantum algebra to quantum computing and beyond ** Invited Speakers ** - Radu Mardare University of Strathclyde, UK - José Meseguer University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US - José Nuno Oliveira Universidade do Minho, PT - Peter Selinger Dalhousie University, CA ** Workshop format and location ** WADT'22 is planned to be realised in a family-owned guesthouse with panoramic views to lagoon Pateira de Fermentelos, 20 minutes from the centre of Aveiro. The registration fees, that includes the event registration, accommodations and meals, will be around EUR 500 for standard and EUR 300 for student participants. Instructions will be available soon at ** Submissions and Publications ** Presentations will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts. The abstracts must be up to two pages long including references. If a longer version of the contribution is available, it can be made accessible on the web and referenced in the abstract. The abstracts have to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair link WADT 2022 is organised by IFIP WG 1.03. As an IFIP event, post-proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series. The deadline for the submission of full papers to be considered in this volume, to be announced during the workshop, are expected to the end of September 2022. ** Important dates ** April 15 (Extended) Contributed Abstracts April 25 (Extended) Notifications about the contributed talks TBA: full papers (Expected to September) ** Organisation ** * Steering Committee * Andrea Corradini (IT) José Fiadeiro (UK) Rolf Hennicker (GE) Alexander Knapp (GE) Hans-Jörg Kreowski (GE) Till Mossakowski (GE) Fernando Orejas (SP) Leila Ribeiro (BR) Markus Roggenbach (UK) Grigore Roșu (US) * Program Committee * Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen, NL) Luis S. Barbosa (U. Minho, PT) Rui S. Barbosa (INL, PT) [Track Chair] Carlos Caleiro (U. Lisboa, PT) Andrea Corradini (U. Pisa, IT) José Luiz Fiadeiro (U. Dundee, UK) Ichiro Hasuo (National Institute of Informatics, JP) Rolf Hennicker (LMU, DE) Marieke Huisman (U. Twente, NL) Martti Karvonen (U. Ottawa, CN) Aleks Kissinger (U. Oxford, UK) Alexander Knapp (U. Augsburg, DE) Alexandre Madeira (U. Aveiro, PT) [Co-chair] Manuel A. Martins (U. Aveiro, PT) [Co-chair] Narciso Marti-Oliet (U. Complutense de Madrid, SP) Dominique Mery (LORIA, FR) Till Mossakowski (U. Magdeburg, DE) Renato Neves (U. Minho, PT) [Track Chair] Peter Ölveczky (U. Oslo, NR) Fernando Orejas (U. Politècnica Catalunya, SP) Markus Roggenbach (Swansea University, UK) Georg Struth (U. Sheffield, UK) Ionut Tutu (Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics, RO) Benoît Valiron (Univ. Paris Saclay, FR) Vladimir Zamdzhiev (Inria, FR) ** Contacts ** For any information, please contact us to wadt2022 at From amedeo.napoli at Thu Apr 7 11:48:38 2022 From: amedeo.napoli at (Amedeo Napoli) Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 11:48:38 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [fg-arc] Call For Papers FCA4AI (Workshop co-located with IJCAI-ECAI 2022) Message-ID: <> Sorry for duplicates... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FCA4AI (Tenth Edition) -- ``What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?'' co-located with IJCAI-ECAI 2022, Vienna, Austria July 23 or 24 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information. The preceding editions of the FCA4AI Workshop (from ECAI 2012 until IJCAI 2021) showed that many researchers working in Artificial Intelligence are indeed interested by powerful techniques for classification and data mining provided by Formal Concept Analysis. Again, we have the chance to organize the 10th edition of the workshop in Vienna, co-located with the IJCAI-ECAI 2022 Conference. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematically well-founded theory aimed at data analysis and classification. FCA allows one to build a concept lattice and a system of dependencies (implications and association rules) which can be used for many AI needs, e.g. knowledge processing, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning, ontology engineering as well as information retrieval, recommendation, social network analysis and text processing. Thus, there are many ``natural links'' between FCA and AI. Recent years have been witnessing increased scientific activity around FCA, in particular a strand of work emerged that is aimed at extending the possibilities of plain FCA w.r.t. knowledge processing, such as work on pattern structures and relational context analysis, as well as on hybridization with other formalisms. These extensions are aimed at allowing FCA to deal with more complex than just binary data, for solving complex problems in data analysis, classification, knowledge processing... While the capabilities of FCA are extended, new possibilities are arising in the framework of FCA. As usual, the FCA4AI workshop is dedicated to the discussion of such issues, and in particular: - How can FCA support AI activities in knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, natural language processing... - By contrast, how the current developments in AI can be integrated within FCA to help AI researchers solve complex problems in their domain, - Which role can be played by FCA in the new trends in AI, especially in ML, XAI, fairness of algorithms, and ``hybrid systems'' combining symbolic and subsymbolic approaches. TOPICS OF INTEREST include but are not limited to: - Concept lattices and related structures: pattern structures, relational structures, distributive lattices. - Knowledge discovery and data mining: pattern mining, association rules, attribute implications, subgroup discovery, exceptional model mining, data dependencies, attribute exploration, stability, projections, interestingness measures, MDL principle, mining of complex data, triadic and polyadic analysis. - Knowledge and data engineering: knowledge representation, reasoning, ontology engineering, mining the web of data, text mining, data quality checking. - Analyzing the potential of FCA in supporting hybrid systems: how to combine FCA and data mining algorithms, such as deep learning for building hybrid knowledge discovery systems, producing explanations, and assessing system fairness. - Analyzing the potential of FCA in AI tasks such as classification, clustering, biclustering, information retrieval, navigation, recommendation, text processing, visualization, pattern recognition, analysis of social networks. - Practical applications in agronomy, astronomy, biology, chemistry, finance, manufacturing, medicine... The workshop will include time for audience discussion aimed at better understanding of of the issues, challenges, and ideas being presented. IMPORTANT DATES: Submission deadline: May 23 2022 Notification to authors: June 20 2022 Final version: July 01 2022 Workshop: July 23 or 24 2022 SUBMISSION DETAILS: The workshop welcomes submissions in pdf format in Springer's LNCS style. Submissions can be: - technical papers not exceeding 12 pages, - system descriptions or position papers on work in progress not exceeding 6 pages. Submissions are via EasyChair at The workshop proceedings will be published as CEUR proceedings (see preceding editions in CEUR Proceedings Vol-2972, Vol-2729, Vol-2529, Vol-2149, Vol-1703, Vol-1430, Vol-1257, Vol-1058, and Vol-939). WORKSHOP CHAIRS: Sergei O. Kuznetsov National Research University Higher Schools of Economics, Moscow, Russia Amedeo Napoli Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, LORIA, Nancy, France Sebastian Rudolph Technische Universität Dresden, Germany PROGRAM COMMITTEE (under construction) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Coen.De.Roover at Fri Apr 8 15:32:08 2022 From: Coen.De.Roover at (Coen DE ROOVER) Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2022 13:32:08 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Tenure-track assistant professor in Formal Aspects of Programming Languages Message-ID: <> The Software Languages Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium has a vacancy for a **tenure-track assistant professor** in the broad domain of: Formal Aspects of Programming Languages Please apply by April 22nd through'Formal-Aspects-of-Programming-Languages'/786364001/ From M.Daggitt at Mon Apr 11 12:34:52 2022 From: M.Daggitt at (Daggitt, Matthew) Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 10:34:52 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] MPC 2022 - Deadline extension Message-ID: Dear all, It has been drawn to the organisers' attention that the paper submission deadline for MPC 2022 lies over the Easter weekend which is a public holiday in some parts of the world. To avoid disrupting people's well-earned holidays and to increase the number of submissions, we are extending the deadlines for both abstract and paper submission by 12 days. The new dates are therefore: * Abstract submission - 22nd of April (anywhere on Earth) * Paper submission - 29th of April (anywhere on Earth) Many thanks, Katya and Matthew ________________________________ Founded in 1821, Heriot-Watt is a leader in ideas and solutions. With campuses and students across the entire globe we span the world, delivering innovation and educational excellence in business, engineering, design and the physical, social and life sciences. This email is generated from the Heriot-Watt University Group, which includes: 1. Heriot-Watt University, a Scottish charity registered under number SC000278 2. Heriot- Watt Services Limited (Oriam), Scotland's national performance centre for sport. Heriot-Watt Services Limited is a private limited company registered is Scotland with registered number SC271030 and registered office at Research & Enterprise Services Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS. The contents (including any attachments) are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of its contents is strictly prohibited, and you should please notify the sender immediately and then delete it (including any attachments) from your system. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cfp at Wed Apr 13 16:10:05 2022 From: cfp at (cfp) Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 16:10:05 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] LPNMR 2022 - Last Call for Papers In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> [Apologies in case of multiple posting] 10 days to abstract submission! Call for Papers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning LPNMR 2022 Genova, Italy September 5-9, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIMS AND SCOPE LPNMR 2022 is the sixteenth in the series of international meetings on logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning. LPNMR is a forum for exchanging ideas on declarative logic programming, non-monotonic reasoning, and knowledge representation. The aim of the conference is to facilitate interactions between researchers and practitioners interested in the design and implementation of logic-based programming languages and database systems, and those working in knowledge representation and non-monotonic reasoning. LPNMR strives to encompass theoretical and experimental studies that have led or will lead to advances in declarative programming and knowledge representation, as well as their use in practical applications. A Doctoral Consortium will also be a part of the program. LPNMR 2022 aims to bring together researchers from LPNMR core areas and application areas of the aforementioned kind in order to share research experiences, promote collaboration and identify directions for joint future research. TOPICS Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on all aspects of non-monotonic approaches in logic programming and knowledge representation. We invite submissions of both long and short papers on topics detailed below. Conference topics include, but are not limited to: 1. Foundations of LPNMR Systems: * Semantics of new and existing languages; * Action languages, causality; * Formalization of Commonsense Reasoning and understanding its laws and nature; * Relationships among formalisms; * Complexity and expressive power; * Inference algorithms and heuristics for LPNMR systems; * Extensions of traditional LPNMR languages such as new logical connectives or new inference capabilities; * Updates, revision, and other operations on LPNMR systems; * Uncertainty in LPNMR systems. 2. Implementation of LPNMR systems: * System descriptions, comparisons, evaluations; * Algorithms and novel techniques for efficient evaluation; * LPNMR benchmarks. 3. Applications of LPNMR: * Use of LPNMR in Commonsense Reasoning and other areas of KR; * LPNMR languages and algorithms in planning, diagnosis, argumentation, reasoning with preferences, decision making and policies; * Applications of LPNMR languages in data integration and exchange systems, software engineering and model checking; * Applications of LPNMR to bioinformatics, linguistics, psychology, and other sciences; * Integration of LPNMR systems with other computational paradigms; * Embedded LPNMR: Systems using LPNMR subsystems. SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION LPNMR 2022 welcomes submissions of long papers (13 pages) or short papers (6 pages) in the following categories: * Technical papers * System descriptions * Application descriptions The indicated number of pages includes title page, figures, tables, references and appendix. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published in the Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register for the conference to present the work. Submissions must be written in English, present original research, and be formatted according to Springer's guidelines and technical instructions available at: Paper submission is enabled via the LPNMR 2022 Easychair site: The two best papers of general AI interest will be invited for rapid publication in the Artificial Intelligence Journal. Also, the 2-5 best papers with a logic programming focus will be invited for rapid publication in the journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. MULTIPLE SUBMISSION POLICY LPNMR 2022 will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also required not to submit their papers elsewhere during LPNMR's review period. However, these restrictions do not apply to previous workshops with a limited audience and without archival proceedings. COLOCATED WORKSHOPS * 4th International Workshop on the Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and Industry (DATALOG 2.0) * 1st International Workshop on HYbrid Models for Coupling Deductive and Inductive ReAsoning (HYDRA 2022) * 29th RCRA workshop on Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion (RCRA 2022) ASSOCIATED EVENTS LPNMR DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM - A mentoring event where PhD students have a chance to present their current research, get feedback from peers and senior researchers, and establish contacts for their future career. FURTHER INFORMATION WWW: Email:lpnmr2022 at (submission and program) lpnmr2022 at (general and local matters) Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: IMPORTANT DATES * Paper registration: April 23, 2022 * Paper submission: April 30, 2022 * Notification: June 10, 2022 * Final versions due: June 30, 2022 VENUE The main conference will take place in Genova Nervi, Italy, in the Collegio Emiliani (, information available only in Italian on this link), which is a college directly situated on the sea. Nervi is a former fishing village, now a suburb of Genoa. Nervi is 7 km east of central Genova. Genova is the capital of Liguria, stretching along the bay of the same name from Nervi to the east as far as Voltri to the west. The pride of Nervi is the sea promenade, a 2 km walkway along the cliffs. The stunning views make it one of Italy's most beautiful promenades. Nervi is also well known for its Parchi, a park of about 22 acres (9 hectares) created from the gardens of the Villa Grimaldi, Villa Groppallo, and Villa Serra. It has typical Mediterranean plant species and many exotic species. Genova's old town district (reachable by local train, by bus, as well as by boat) is one of the largest in Europe, and hosts some remarkable artistic and architectural treasures, including the Palazzi dei Rolli, fifty or so homes of the aristocracy entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. In addition to offering a wealth of cultural attractions, Genova is a fascinating destination for tourists, with its scenic vantage points, sea promenades, aristocratic villas and of course the Riviera to the east and west, both easy to reach: Portovenere and Le Cinque Terre (also UNESCO World Heritage Sites), Portofino and Camogli to the east and Alassio, Sanremo, Bordighera to the west. Workshops and associated events, differently from what we mentioned in the previous call, are planned to be held in the main conference venue as well. Of course, we will continuously monitor the pandemic situation in order to evaluate whether the conference can be indeed held as an in-person event, or we will need to switch to a hybrid event, if not completely on-line. GENERAL CHAIR Georg Gottlob, Oxford University, UK PROGRAM CHAIRS Daniela Inclezan, Miami University, USA Marco Maratea, University of Genova, Italy PUBLICITY CHAIR Jessica Zangari, University of Calabria, Italy WORKSHOPS CHAIR Viviana Mascardi, University of Genova, Italy DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM CHAIR Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt, Austria LOCAL ORGANIZATION Matteo Cardellini, University of Genova, Italy Angelo Ferrando, University of Genova, Italy (Chair) Marco Mochi, University of Genova, Italy PROGRAM COMMITTEE (Current) Mario Alviano, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria Chitta Baral, Arizona State University Marcello Balduccini, Saint Joseph's University Francesco Calimeri, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria Marina De Vos, University of Bath Carmine Dodaro, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria Agostino Dovier, University of Udine Daniele Theseider Dupré, Universita' del Piemonte Orientale Thomas Eiter, Vienna University of Technology Esra Erdem, Sabanci University Wolfgang Faber, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Johannes K. Fichte, TU Wien Paul Fodor, Stony Brook University Gerhard Friedrich, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Sarah Alice Gaggl, TU Dresden Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt Michael Gelfond, Texas Tech University Gopal Gupta, The University of Texas at Dallas Katsumi Inoue, NII Tomi Janhunen, Tampere University Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Technische Universitaet Dortmund Matthias Knorr, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Emily Leblanc, Drexel University Joao Leite, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Vladimir Lifschitz, The University of Texas at Austin Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University Francesco Ricca, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Calabria Alessandra Russo, Imperial College London Orkunt Sabuncu, TED University, Ankara Chiaki Sakama, Wakayama University Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam Guillermo R. Simari, Universidad del Sur in Bahia Blanca Theresa Swift, NOVALINKS, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Matthias Thimm, FernUniversität in Hagen Hans Tompits, Vienna University of Technology Mirek Truszczynski, Computer Science Department, University of Kentucky Johannes P. Wallner, TU Graz Kewen Wang, Griffith University Stefan Woltran, Vienna University of Technology Jia-Huai You, University of Alberta -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Cassia.Trojahn at Thu Apr 14 09:31:54 2022 From: Cassia.Trojahn at (Cassia TROJAHN) Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 09:31:54 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?Postdoc_position_=3A_knowledge_representation?= =?utf-8?q?_IRIT_-_Airbus?= In-Reply-To: <63b0-61e94480-b-508bf500@94428845> Message-ID: <1c7c-6257ce00-13-3e00bb00@149333267> (apologies for multiple posts) Dear all, We are (urgently) recruiting at the Institute of Research in Informatics of Toulouse (IRIT, France) a post-doc in the context of a collaboration with Airbus (see details below). Best regards, Nathalie Hernandez and Cassia Trojahn --------------------------------------------------------------- *Context: Collaboration between IRIT and Airbus on the Digital Design, Manufacturing and Services Transformation project* Digital Design, Manufacturing and Services (DDMS) is the project that aims at transforming Airbus methods, processes and tools with the objectif of improving the strategic axes of the company: from the ability to develop a new product more quickly to its reduction of the ecological footprint. The issues of knowledge representation and sharing are at the heart of the capacities to be implemented in order to succeed in this development. In DDMS, the Modeling & Simulation department is therefore working to have the necessary foundations, in terms of methods and tools, for the knowledge representation and sharing, in relation with other Airbus entities in order to implement an industrial solution. ** Description ** As part of the development of DDMS capabilities in 2021, the tasks that are to be taken into account are the following : * to align different domain ontologies * to implement a domain ontology validation mechanism, particularly through the useof shape constraints (SHACL) * to enable the semantic integration of data (development of an Ontology Based Data Access service). For each task, the expected activities are: *  the application of knowledge representation to solve the problems of a pilot business application use case in the Airbus environment * the synthesis of a methodological approach and an architectural solution based on this casea generalized framework to respond to this problem in other areas by applying the methodological principles acquired and synthesized previously. The proposed pilot case is Flight Dynamics and Sizing, which is responsible, in conjunction with pre-projects and industrialization, for sizing the aircraft according to loads, mass, aerodynamic forces, flight controls in particular. It is expected to continue on themes such as: * Automatic publication of ontology documentation * Managing the criticality of data in ontologies * Reasoning in the service of extending data sets and checking the consistency of information * Semantic search in data Searching for ontologies in catalogs (notably using dcat) ** Requirements for this position ** Applicants are required to have a PhD in Computer Science, a strong background in semantic web technologies, ontology engineering, linked data management and query, and if possible, in ontology alignment. Fluency in written / spoken English is required too. A good publication record and strong programing skills will be a plus. ** Work environment ** Localization : Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) – Universite Toulouse - Jean Jaures / Maison de la Recherche, 5, allees Antonio Machado 31058 Toulouse, and Airbus (St Martin du Touch). ** Duration ** : 9 months, starting ASAP - probability of renewal 9 to 12 months. Salary between 2 663 to 3953 (depending on experience). ** How to apply ** Applications will be accepted until the position is closed. Applicants should send a full Curriculum including a complete list of publications, a cover letter indicating their research interests, achievements to date and vision for the future, as well as either support letters or the name of 2 persons that have worked with them. Contact: Nathalie Hernandez and Cassia Trojahn ** Full description ** : From announce at Sat Apr 16 12:05:07 2022 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2022 13:05:07 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] Second International Conference on ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (IHAW 2022): Third Call for Papers Message-ID: *** Third Call for Papers *** Second International Conference on ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (IHAW 2022) December 5-7, 2022, Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus (Proceedings to be published by Springer in CCIS; Journal Special Issues with SN Computer Science (Springer) and Smart Health (Elsevier); Best Paper Award sponsored by MDPI "Sensors" with 300 CHF) ICT for Health, Accessibility and Wellbeing (IHAW 2022) is the second of the series of International Conferences on "ICT for Societal Challenges". It is a showcase for high quality oral and poster presentations and demonstrations sessions. This conference aims to be a platform for multi and interdisciplinary research at the interplay between Information and Communication Technologies, Biomedical, Neuro-cognitive, and Experimental research. This research includes the design, experimental evaluation and standardization of new ICT scalable systems and in-silico systems for new and future inclusive and sustainable technologies that benefit all: healthy people, people with disabilities or other impairments, people having chronic diseases, etc. User-centered design and innovation, new intuitive ways of human -computer interaction, and user acceptance are the topics of particular interest. Conference Topics Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following: Artificial Intelligence, Computation and Data Analytics • Artificial Intelligence methods for medical device testing. • Algorithms, methods and services for condition-specific intervention (e.g., diabetes, obesity, dementia, post cancer treatment, allergies, mental health). • Algorithms, methods and services for predicting and monitoring infectious disease. • Crowd-sourcing and social media analysis for predicting and monitoring infectious disease. • Medical Data and/or Medical Image Analysis. • Electronic Medical Records Analysis. • Computational methods for medical devices. Human Computer Interaction and Cognition • Human-Machine Interaction for healthcare and well-being. • Cognitive Mechatronics for healthcare and well-being. • Models for human-device interaction for medicine. • Cobotics for healthcare and well-being. • Model-based design and configuration tools for healthcare and well-being. Assistive Devices • Precision medicine. • ICT for in-silicon trials. • Implantable medical devices. • Multimodal assistive ICT devices to empower people with sensory, cognitive, motor, balance and spatial impairments. ICT & Wellbeing • Age-friendly systems for active and healthy ageing (telepresence, robotics solutions, innovative solutions for independent living, innovative elderly care, integrated care, age-related risks prevention/detection). • ICT systems to improve the quality of life and for daily life activities assistance (education, recreation, and nutrition). • Smart living homes and wearables (Intelligent and personalized digital solutions for sustaining and extending healthy and independent living; personalized early risk detection and intervention). • Smart Systems and services promoting access to the socio-economical and cultural environment. • IoT and smart real-time surveillance systems for monitoring, auditing and control to prevent the spread of the pandemic. • eHealth smart solutions in the fight against a COVID-19 like pandemic. • IoT and Smart Healthcare systems with an environmentally friendly and sustainable footprint. Health Infrastructure and Healthcare Operation Services • Distributed and connected digital healthcare services. • IoT services for real-time monitoring of health data and status of patients and/or older adults. • Wearable devices and IoT systems for remote monitoring of health data and status of patients and/or older adults. • mHealth services and applications using mobile and wearable devices to collect community and clinical health data, and deliver healthcare information to practitioners, researchers and patients. • Sustainable city environments for emergency health management. • 5G and beyond for healthcare in sustainable smart cities. • Wireless Sensor Networks for advanced smart healthcare in sustainable cities. Quality in Healthcare Systems • New experimental validation methods with end-users. • Systems and services for ensuring patient’s commitment to the medication schedule. • Digital health systems and tools for health care professional training and workforce development. • Communication systems and services improving the quality of patient and healthcare provider contact before, during and after admission. • Methods and Technology for Improving the quality of services-oriented care delivery systems. • Methods, Digital Tools and/or Services for inclusive-for-all healthcare systems. • Co-Creation of healthcare systems for social well being of people with special needs, older adults and/or deprivileged or disadvantaged people. • Systems for management of health and care (mental health, pain, neurological disorders, sight, hearing, balance, space awareness; sensory based physiological and psychological non-invasive measurements, preventive healthcare, m-healthcare, e-healthcare, integrated care, serious games, electronic health record, self- management, patient-centered systems for survivorship, palliation and/or end-of-life care). Privacy, Security & Standardization • Standardization, certification, labelling, and communication issues (related to ageing well, to sensory impairment). • Privacy and Security/Regulation compliant services in health care systems (e.g., HIPAA). • Security and privacy of digital health systems and service. • Socio-economic issues of smart healthcare in sustainable societies. • Privacy, security and ethics in eHealth smart solutions and surveillance at scale in the fight against a COVID-19 pandemic. High-quality original submissions that address such future issues, show the design and evaluation in (near-) real scenarios, explain how to benchmark systems, and outline the education and training procedures for acquiring new perceptual skills while using such systems are welcome. Research and technical papers are expected to present significant and original contributions validated with the targeted end-users. Submissions should clearly state the progress beyond the existing state-of- the-art and the expected societal benefits of the developed technology. When possible, validate scenarios with the target user groups and well-identified technology readiness levels ( should be at least outlined. Submissions We invite Research and Technical papers, up to 15 pages, describing original unpublished research, making a substantial contribution to the research field. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. As was the case for IHAW 2021, the proceedings of IHAW 2022 will be published by Springer in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series ( and will be presented in the technical sessions of the conference. The Best Paper Award is sponsored by MDPI "Sensors" with 300 CHF. The authors of the best papers accepted and presented at IHAW2022 will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for further review and possible inclusion in either of two Journal Special Issues that will be organised with SN Computer Science (Springer) and Smart Health (Elsevier). Submissions of all types should be carefully formatted according to the Springer format for conference proceedings: . The submission process will be handled through Easy Chair and the submission link is: . Important Dates • Submission Deadline: July 18, 2022 (AoE) • Notification: September 26, 2022 • Camera-Ready Submission Deadline: October 10, 2022 • Author Registration Deadline: October 10, 2022 Organizers Honorary General Chair • Edwige Pissaloux, University of Rouen Normandy, France General Chair • George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Scientific Chair • Achilleas Achilleos, Frederick University, Cyprus Scientific Vice-Chair • Ramiro Velazquez, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico Publicity Chair • Jessica Allingham, Lakehead University, Canada Finance Chair • Petros Stratis, Easy Conferences LTD, Cyprus -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mmosteiro at Tue Apr 19 22:44:12 2022 From: mmosteiro at (Mosteiro, Miguel A.) Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 20:44:12 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Participation FUN 2020 & 2022 Message-ID: <> (Apologies for multiple postings) ======================================== Call for Participation FUN 2020 & 2022 ======================================== The 10th & 11th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms will be held in Island of Favignana, Sicily, Italy on May 30 - June 3, 2022. The conference is planned to be held with all participants on site. FUN 2022 will be co-located with FUN 2020, which was postponed due to the pandemic. The conference program is available at: and Registration is now open at: We look forward to see you in Favignana! FUN 2020 & 2022 chairs ======================================== From cfp at Wed Apr 20 13:36:40 2022 From: cfp at (cfp) Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 13:36:40 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Datalog 2.0 2022 - Second Call for Papers (opportunity for TPLP rapid publication) Message-ID: [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute to interested parties.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS 4th International Workshop on the Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and Industry Datalog 2.0 2022 September 5, 2022, Genova, Italy Workshop of LPNMR 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW IN THIS CALL * Opportunity for TPLP rapid publication * Invited Speaker * Program Committee AIMS AND SCOPE Datalog 2.0 is a workshop for Datalog researchers, implementors, and users. Its aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in different aspects of Datalog to share research experiences, promote collaboration and identify directions for joint future research. The 4th International Workshop on the Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and Industry (Datalog 2.0 2022) will be held in Genova, Italy, on September 5, 2022. Datalog 2.0 2022 is a workshop of the 16th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2022). The first edition of Datalog 2.0 was held in Oxford, UK, in 2010, and it was by invitation only. Since Datalog has resurrected as a lively topic with applications in many different areas of computer science, as well as industry, the second and the third edition of the workshop, which were held in Vienna in 2012 and in Philadelphia in 2019, respectively, were open for submissions. INVITED SPEAKER Reinhard Pichler, Vienna University of Technology, Austria TOPICS Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on the foundational aspects of Datalog, as well as on its applications in other areas of computer science and in industry. Potential areas of application of Datalog may include (among others): data management, data mining, knowledge representation and reasoning, cloud computing, distributed computing, logic programming, privacy and security, probabilistic reasoning, program analysis, programming languages, semantic web, social networks, streaming, verification, web services. SUBMISSION Datalog 2.0 2022 welcomes two types of submissions * Long papers of up to 12 pages, presenting original research * Short papers of up to 5 pages that may contain either original ongoing research or recently published results in the following categories * Technical papers * System descriptions * Application descriptions The indicated number of pages includes title page and references. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be submitted for publication in the CEUR Workshop proceedings ( Authors can opt-out if desired. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop to present the work. Submissions must be written in English, and formatted according to Springer's guidelines and technical instructions available at: Paper submission is enabled via the Datalog 2.0 2022 EasyChair site: Up to five best papers will be invited for rapid publication in the journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). FURTHER INFORMATION WWW: Email:datalog20-22 at IMPORTANT DATES Paper registration: July 1 Paper submission: July 8 Notification: August 1 Final versions due: August 20 VENUE The workshop will take place in Genova Nervi, Italy, in the Collegio Emiliani (, information available only in Italian on this link), which is a college directly situated on the see. (To be confirmed. Alternative: University of Genova.) Genova is the capital of Liguria, stretching along the bay of the same name from Nervi to the east as far as Voltri to the west. Genova’s old town district (reachable by local train, by bus, as well as by boat) is one of the largest in Europe, and hosts some remarkable artistic and architectural treasures, including the Palazzi dei Rolli, fifty or so homes of the aristocracy entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Nervi is a former fishing village, now a suburb of Genoa, 7 km east of central Genova. Two of the most important tourist attractions of Genoa are in Nervi: the sea promenade, a 2 km walkway along the cliffs, and the "Parchi di Nervi". The sea promenade is famous for the stunning views that make it one of Italy's most beautiful promenades. While the "Parchi di Nervi" is a park of about 22 acres (9 hectares) created from the gardens of the Villa Grimaldi, Villa Groppallo, and Villa Serra. It has typical Mediterranean plant species and many exotic species and the entrance is just at the end of the promenade. In addition to offering a wealth of cultural attractions, Genova is a fascinating destination for tourists, with its scenic vantage points, sea promenades, aristocratic villas, and of course the Riviera to the east and west, both easy to reach: Portovenere and Le Cinque Terre (also UNESCO World Heritage Sites), Portofino and Camogli to the east and Alassio, Sanremo, Bordighera to the west. Of course, we will continuously monitor the pandemic situation in order to evaluate whether the conference can be indeed held as an in-person event, or we will need to switch to a hybrid event, if not completely on-line. PROGRAM CHAIRS Mario Alviano, University of Calabria, Italy Andreas Pieris, University of Edinburgh, UK & University of Cyprus, Cyprus PUBLICITY CHAIR Jessica Zangari, University of Calabria, Italy PROGRAM COMMITTEE Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile Leopoldo Bertossi, University Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile & Skema Business School, Canada Marco Calautti, University of Trento, Italy Esra Erdem, Sabanci University, Turkey Jorge Fandinno, University of Nebraska, USA Cristina Feier, University of Bremen, Germany Roman Kontchakov, Birkbeck, University of London, UK Paraschos Koutris, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Markus Krötzsch, TU Dresden, Germany Matthias Lanzinger, University of Oxford, UK Domenico Lembo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Francesca Alessandra Lisi, Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy Yanhong A. Liu, Stony Brook University, USA Marco Manna, University of Calabria, Italy Michael Morak, University of Klagenfurt, Austria Liat Peterfreund, Paris-Est University, France Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam, Germany Mantas Simkus, TU Wien, Austria Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State University, USA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Thu Apr 21 13:14:11 2022 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 14:14:11 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022): Fourth Call for Contributions Message-ID: *** Fourth Call for Contributions *** 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022) "Community Smartification and towards ZERO emission Smart Cities for a Green New Era" September 26-29, 2022, Aliathon Resort, Paphos, Cyprus  The Call-for-Contributions for the 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2022) is OPEN! The IEEE ISC2 2022 Organizing Committee is glad to announce that it is currently accepting papers for the 8th edition of the IEEE International Smart Cities Conference.  This year, the IEEE ISC2 will be held in-person on September 26-29, 2022, in Paphos, Cyprus and the theme of the conference is “Community Smartification and towards ZERO emission Smart Cities for a Green New Era.” The IEEE ISC2 is the flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Smart Cities Technical Community, a coalition of eight IEEE technical societies and organizations. Besides contributions addressing the conference theme, authors are welcome to submit their original research results in traditional topics across broad application and functional domains, within the context of smart urban infrastructure systems. The technical areas include, but are not limited to:   • Smart city theory, modelling and simulation 
• Intelligent infrastructure
• Sensors and actuators
• Open data and big data analytics
• AI powered smart cities services
• Safety and security systems
• Smart healthcare
• Smart emergency management
• IoT and Smart X services • Data security and privacy
• Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
• Smart mobility and transportation
• Smart energy systems
• Smart buildings and Smart grid
• Digital city and smart growth
• Smart traffic system operations
• Environmental monitoring technologies The complete list of technical areas can be found here: . Should you need further clarifications or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at: isc22022 at . Paper Submission Guidelines Prospective authors are invited to submit high quality original (Full or Short) papers via the EasyChair submission site at . Full papers should describe novel research contributions with evaluation results and are limited to seven (7) pages. Short papers, limited in length to four (4) pages, should be more visionary in nature and are meant to discuss new challenges and visions, highlight early research results, and explore novel research directions. All submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication, should be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE Template ( ). Each submitted paper will pass through the standard IEEE peer-review process. If accepted and presented at the conference, it will appear in the conference proceedings and be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The conference organisers are currently negotiating a number of special issues with high quality journals. More information is available on the conference web site ( ). The best papers will be awarded in the conference Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award contests.  For more information, please visit the conference website: . Special Sessions Proposals Please refer to the web site for further details: . Workshops Proposals Please refer to the web site for further details: . Tutorials Proposals Please refer to the web site for further details: . Sponsorship Opportunities Please refer to the web site for further details: . Important Dates • Conference Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2022 • Conference Acceptance Notification: July 15, 2022 • Conference Camera-ready Deadline: July 31, 2022 • Special Sessions and Workshops Proposals Submission Deadline: April 25, 2022 • Special Sessions and Workshops Proposals Selection: April 29, 2022 • Tutorial Proposals Submission Deadline: May 27, 2022 • Tutorial Proposals Selection: June 3, 2022 • Conference Dates: September 26-29, 2022 Organizing Committee Special Track Chairs Committee IEEE Smart Cities -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Luigia.Petre at Thu Apr 21 13:57:36 2022 From: Luigia.Petre at (Luigia Petre) Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:57:36 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] FM Tutorial Lecture on THURSDAY, April 28, at 3 pm CET: Prof. Jeremy Gibbons on How to Design Co-Programs Message-ID: <> Dear all, The FM Tutorial series continues with Prof. Jeremy Gibbons's lecture on THURSDAY April 28, 2022, at 3 pm CET: His talk is entitled "How to Design Co −Programs". The abstract of Prof. Gibbons's lecture is here: The observation that program structure follows data structure is a key lesson in introductory programming: good hints for possible program designs can be found by considering the structure of the data concerned. In particular, this lesson is a core message of the influential textbook “How to Design Programs” by Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, and Krishnamurthi. However, that book discusses using only the structure of input data for guiding program design, typically leading towards structurally recursive programs. We argue that novice programmers should also be taught to consider the structure of output data, leading them also towards structurally corecursive programs. The zoom link is The event will last about an hour. Warmly welcome!! Best wishes, Luigia PS1: the tutorial series webpage is updated with the list of speakers who confirmed their lectures in 2022 here: Please note that we have a speaker every month from now on until August, and then also October is booked. PS2: the April 2022 lecture is scheduled exceptionally on the last _Thursday_ of the month, instead of the usual Friday. __ Luigia Petre, Docent, PhD Faculty of Science and Engineering Åbo Akademi University, Finland -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jesse.heyninck at Sun Apr 24 22:07:48 2022 From: jesse.heyninck at (Heyninck, Jesse) Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2022 20:07:48 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - KR 2022 DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM - EXTENDED DEADLINE Message-ID: <> ** KR 2022 DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM - EXTENDED DEADLINE ** * Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call * ============================== ** CALL FOR APPLICATIONS ** KR 2022 - Doctoral Consortium Dates: 31 July - 5 August 2022 Haifa, Israel * Submission deadline: 30 April 2022 (EXTENDED) * Webpage: ============================== The 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2022) invites PhD students to apply for the Doctoral Consortium program. * Aims and Scope * The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a student mentoring program bringing together PhD students and senior researchers from the area of KR. 
The aims of the consortium are: - to provide a forum for students to present their current research, and receive feedback from other students and senior researchers; - to promote contacts among PhD students working in similar areas; - to support students with information and advice on academic, research, and industrial careers. The DC is intended for PhD students who have a specific research proposal and some preliminary results, but who have sufficient time prior to completing their dissertation to benefit from the consortium experience. Preference will be given to students satisfying these criteria, but we also encourage students to apply who are at an earlier or more advanced stage of the completion of their thesis. Accepted students will participate in several dedicated DC events, which will likely consist of a lightning talk session, a poster session, and a mentoring lunch (the precise format of the DC will be finalised closer to the conference). Each student will be given ample time to present their work and therefore be able to fully benefit from direct feedback from the assigned senior researcher mentor and the wider KR conference audience. * Application Submission * Applications must be submitted through the EasyChair conference system: Each application must contain the following elements combined into a single PDF document: 1. Thesis summary. A description of the problem being addressed, your motivation for addressing the problem, proposed plan of research, the progress to date (what you have already achieved and what remains to be done), and related work. It must be four pages maximum (bibliography included) and use the same style as for KR paper submissions (see submission page, 2. Curriculum Vitae. A description of your background and relevant experience (research, education, employment), of two pages maximum. 3. Letter of recommendation. A letter from your thesis advisor supporting your participation in the DC. 4. Optionally, a suggestion of up to 5 potential mentors with similar research interests, who could give good advice on technical aspects related to the work, and/or career opportunities. The selection process will consider the quality of the submitted proposal and the stage of the student's PhD project. Doctoral students who submit to the DC are permitted to have previously published on their research, and are encouraged to submit papers to KR 2022 and associated conferences and workshops. * Important Dates * - Application deadline: April 30, 2022 (EXTENDED) - Acceptance notification: May 23, 2022 (EXTENDED) - Conference: July 31 - August 5, 2022 For further information, please contact the DC chairs: dc_kr2022 at Jandson Santos Ribeiro (FernUniversität Hagen, Germany) jandson.ribeiro at Giovanni Casini (CNR, Italy) giovanni.casini at Wichtiger Hinweis: Die Information in dieser E-Mail ist vertraulich. Sie ist ausschließlich für den Adressaten bestimmt. Sollten Sie nicht der für diese E-Mail bestimmte Adressat sein, unterrichten Sie bitte den Absender und vernichten Sie diese Mail. Vielen Dank. Unbeschadet der Korrespondenz per E-Mail, sind unsere Erklärungen ausschließlich final rechtsverbindlich, wenn sie in herkömmlicher Schriftform (mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift) oder durch Übermittlung eines solchen Schriftstücks per Telefax erfolgen. Important note: The information included in this e-mail is confidential. It is solely intended for the recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail please contact the sender and delete this message. Thank you. Without prejudice of e-mail correspondence, our statements are only legally binding when they are made in the conventional written form (with personal signature) or when such documents are sent by fax. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fm-announcements at Wed Apr 20 15:27:58 2022 From: fm-announcements at (Havelund, Klaus (US 348B) via fm-announcements) Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 13:27:58 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] NFM 2022 - Call for participation Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 14th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2022) May 24-27, 2022 Pasadena, California, USA URL: NFM 2022 is organized by Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA *** Free Registration *** : MIXED PHYSICAL + VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM After two years of virtual NFM symposia, we are returning to arranging a physical event. However, virtual participation is supported for those who prefer this option. THEME OF THE SYMPOSIUM The complexity of mission-critical and safety-critical systems at NASA and in the aerospace industry requires advanced techniques to address their specification, design, verification, validation, and certification. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM) is a forum to foster collaboration between theoreticians and practitioners from NASA, academia, and industry working on formal methods to develop and apply such techniques. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is an annual event organized by the NASA Formal Methods Research Group, composed of researchers spanning six NASA centers. REGISTRATION There is no registration fee charged to participants. Register here: KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Dines Bjørner (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) Steve Chien (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA) Daniel Jackson (MIT CSAIL, USA) Julia Lawall (Inria-Paris, France) Sriram Sankaranarayanan (University of Colorado Boulder, USA) Alex Summers (University of British Columbia, Canada) Emina Torlak (University of Washington, USA) TUTORIALS Edwin Brady (University of St. Andrews, UK) Ankush Desai (Amazon Web Services, USA) Anastasia Mavridou (KBR Inc/NASA Ames Research Center, USA) Leonardo de Moura (Microsoft Research, USA) Sebastian Ullrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) ORGANIZERS Klaus Havelund (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, PC chair) Jyo Deshmukh (USC, PC chair) Richard Murray (Caltech, Local chair) Ivan Perez (NIA, PC chair) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From michael at Mon Apr 25 12:41:16 2022 From: michael at (Michael, Judith) Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 10:41:16 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] =?iso-8859-1?q?Modellierung_2022=3A_Aufruf_zur_Einreich?= =?iso-8859-1?q?ung_von_Workshopbeitr=E4gen_=28Extended_Deadlines=29?= Message-ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint Call for Workshop Papers (Extended Deadlines) Modellierung 2022 27. Juni - 01. Juli 2022 | Hamburg | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Tagung Modellierung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) findet vom 27.6. - 1.7. 2022 in Hamburg statt., die Organisation liegt bei der HAW Hamburg und der Universität Hamburg. Den Start der Konferenz bilden am 27. und 28. Juni eine Reihe spannender Workshops, für die wir hier gemeinsam zu Beiträgen aufrufen. Modelle stellen eines der wichtigsten Hilfsmittel zur Beherrschung komplexer Systeme dar. Die Themenbereiche der Entwicklung, Nutzung, Kommunikation und Verarbeitung von Modellen sind so vielfältig wie die Informatik mit all ihren Anwendungen. Systeme über mehrere technische Plattformen hinweg sowie die Einbeziehung des organisatorischen und technischen Umfelds in den Entwurf stellen zusätzliche Herausforderungen dar. Digital Twin als Abbildung der Eigenschaften von Systemen ist ein Konzept, das eine solche Unterstützung verspricht. Die Anwendung für Domänen wie Embedded Systems, Automatisierung, Fertigungstechnik, Smart City und Unternehmensorganisation verspricht viele Vorteile. Die Modellierung 2022 bietet eine Plattform für Beiträge der unterschiedlichen Modellierungscommunities sowie Workshops und Tools & Demos. Es wird einen Konferenzband geben und Workshop, Tools & Demos Beiträge werden als gemeinsamer Tagungsband in der Digital Library der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI e.V.) unter publiziert. Wir freuen uns über Einreichungen für die folgenden Workshops (Details auf den Websites der jeweiligen Workshops): +++ Modellierung in der Hochschullehre (MoHoL) Meike Ullrich, Peter Fettke, Peter Pfeiffer, Selina Schüler und Michael Striewe Deadline: 30.04.2022 Bislang wird die Modellierung in der Hochschullehre überwiegend in klassischen Frontalveranstaltungen, wie z.B. Vorlesungen unterrichtet. Jedoch wird aus der Wissenschaftsforschung und Hochschuldidaktik in den letzten Jahrzehnten verstärkt ein Perspektivenwechsel von einer dozenten- zu einer studierendenzentrierten sowie einer kompetenzorientierten Lehre hin gefordert, die eine aktive Rolle der Studierenden und praktische Anwendung theoretischer Inhalte vorsieht. Ebenso gewinnt nicht zuletzt durch den Bologna-Prozess die Frage nach der Qualität von Hochschulabschlüssen und damit verbunden die faire, objektive und lernzielgerichtete Überprüfung studentischer Leistungen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Mit diesen Herausforderungen muss sich auch die Hochschullehre rund um das Thema Modellierung auseinandersetzen. Die Zielgruppe für den Workshop umfasst alle an der Modellierung in der Hochschullehre interessierten und beteiligten Personen. Insbesondere werden unterschiedliche Perspektiven von Dozenten aber auch Tutoren oder Studierenden gesucht. Darüber hinaus ist auch die Meinung von Personen aus der Praxis gefragt, die wertvolle Hinweise zu wünschenswerten Lernzielen und zur Praxisrelevanz des üblicherweise zur Modellierung gelehrten Stoffes liefern können. Daher sind neben beispielsweise didaktischen Konzepten und wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen ausdrücklich auch Beiträge erwünscht, die Erfahrungswerte aus der (Hochschul-)Praxis liefern oder Ideen und Anregungen für zukünftige Entwicklungen vorstellen. Ebenso sind Zusammenfassungen von thematisch verwandten Beiträgen, die bereits an anderer Stelle veröffentlicht worden sind (submission of resubmissions), und Beispiele für besondere Modellierungsaufgaben gerne gesehen. Insgesamt sollen mit dem Workshop Austausch und Diskussion über das Thema Modellierung in der Hochschullehre angeregt werden, um zukünftigen Weiterentwicklungsbedarf und relevante Forschungsschwerpunkte zu identifizieren. +++ Modelle und KI (MoKI) Dominik Bork, Peter Fettke and Ulrich Reimer Mit der zunehmenden Verfügbarkeit großer Datenmengen in praktisch allen Anwendungsbereichen erfährt der Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) seit einiger Zeit wachsende Aufmerksamkeit. Das neue Paradigma der datengesteuerten KI, d. h. das Erlernen von (Domänen-) Modellen und deren Aktualisierung durch den Einsatz von Data-Mining-Techniken, ist äußerst attraktiv, da es den Aufwand für die Erstellung von Anwendungssystemen verringert. Allerdings hat sie auch viele Nachteile. So können die aus Daten generierten Modelle in der Regel nicht von einem Menschen überprüft und verstanden werden, und es ist schwierig, bereits vorhandenes Domänenwissen in gelernte Modelle zu integrieren - vor oder nach dem Lernen. Die Ansätze zur konzeptionellen Modellierung sowie frühere KI-Ansätze konzentrierten sich hauptsächlich auf die manuelle Erstellung von Modellen, was einen hohen Zeit- und Kostenaufwand erfordert. Je nach Anwendungsbereich lassen sich diese Ansätze daher nur schlecht skalieren. In der Kombination von manueller Modellierung und datengesteuerter Modellgenerierung liegt ein großes Potenzial: Die Vorteile beider Ansätze können kombiniert und ihre Nachteile gemildert werden. In diesem Workshop sind wir an allen Arten von Einreichungen interessiert, die an der Schnittstelle zwischen konzeptioneller Modellierung und KI angesiedelt sind. Insbesondere möchten wir Beiträge sehen, die den Wert der konzeptionellen Modellierung für die KI und umgekehrt den Wert der KI für die konzeptionelle Modellierung untersuchen. Die Beiträge können unter anderem neue Ideen und Lösungen präsentieren, Probleme und mögliche Lösungen kritisch reflektieren oder neue Forschungsagenden präsentieren. +++ Modeling in (and for) Production (MoPro) Judith Michael and István Koren Deadline: 02.05.2022 The production domain is permeated by heterogeneous data sources, a variety of IT systems, and complex industrial use cases - aspects that offer an exciting field for research. The MoPro Workshop aims to be a platform for researchers and practitioners within the production domain to exchange their modeling techniques, interesting use cases, and challenges. We are interested in the use of models for development, production, and usage cycles, as well as model-based and model-driven approaches that span these domains across disciplinary boundaries. Specifically, digital shadows as contextual data traces could be considered an adequate data-driven vehicle to digitally bridge domain silos, and serve digital twins. We accept the following submission formats: short and long research papers, novel directions talks and digital shadow use cases. +++ Modellierung und Simulation im Engineering und zur virtuellen Inbetriebnahme im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Ronald Schmidt-Vollus Deadline: 30.04.2022 Die virtuelle Inbetriebnahme (VIBN) hat sich im Laufe der Jahre in vielen Bereichen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus zu einem etablierten Instrument im Engineering von Maschinen und Anlagen entwickelt. Dennoch gibt es noch immer zahlreiche Herausforderungen, und bei vielen Unternehmen ist die VIBN noch nicht integraler Bestandteil ihrer Unternehmensprozesse. Die Grundidee der VIBN ist das Testen eines Automatisierungssystems für eine Produktions- oder Fertigungsanlage bzw. Maschine an Hand eines Modells dieser, noch bevor die eigentliche physische Anlage bzw. Maschine vollständig gebaut ist. Das heißt, das reale Steuerungssystem wird, gegebenenfalls auf emulierter Hardware, mit einem virtuellen Abbild der Anlage, welches in einem Simulationssystem ausgeführt wird, verbunden. Dies erfolgt idealerweise in Echtzeit. Für das der Simulation zugrundeliegende Modell hat sich auch der Begriff des ausführbaren digitalen Zwillings als geeignet erwiesen. Für den hier vorgestellten Workshop sind alle allen Arten von Einreichungen rund um VIBN im engeren, wie auch im erweiterten Sinne, interessant. Sowohl wissenschaftliche Beitrage aus dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung als auch Anwendungsbereiche sind willkommen. Die Beiträge können unter anderem neue Ideen und Lösungen präsentieren, Probleme und mögliche Lösungen kritisch reflektieren oder zukünftige Forschungsbedarfe aufzeigen. Mögliche Themen sind: (1) Einführung der virtuellen Inbetriebnahme in Unternehmen, Integration der virtuellen Inbetriebnahme in den Engineering-Prozess; (2) Modellbildung, Modellgenerierung sowie Durchführung der VIBN; (3) Bibliothekmanagement und Tools zur VIBN; (4) Operator-Training; (5) Betriebs- und produktionsbegleitende Simulation +++ Research Data Management in Modeling (RDM4MOD) Michael Goedicke and Ulrike Lucke The demand increases to substantiate the claims made in the scientific processes in the realm of modeling in all areas of computer science. Thus, publications, funding proposals etc. require more often that empirical data (if available) along with the related context of experiments and the artifacts in terms of descriptions, software and other tools will be part of the publication or proposed project as well. Infrastructure will be provided to store and make available this kind of research data according to the FAIR - principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) as part of the National Research Data Infrastructure. With this workshop, the consortium NFIDxCS aims at collecting requirements as well as existing approaches to build such an infrastructure with a special focus on modeling issues. The key questions for research in modeling are manifold. The aim of the workshop is to connect interested individuals who are willing to contribute here. The outcome shall be a manifesto on the importance of research data management for modeling (in computer science) as well as a discussion of key challenges in this context. This will be a working workshop. Thus, we request contributions on the topic of this workshop in the form of extended abstracts beforehand but will be open to any form of contributions on short notice as well. Based on these presentations and facilitating the joint forces of participants on-site, the manifesto will be created. This core result of the workshop will be published afterwards. +++ State of the Art Methods and Tools in Model-based Systems Engineering Wolfgang Böhm, David Schmalzing and Nico Jansen Deadline: 01.05.2022 Der Übergang von dokumentenbasiertem zu modellbasiertem Systems Engineering (engl. "Model-based Systems Engineering, MBSE) bietet einen Ansatz, komplexe cyber-physische Systeme im interdisziplinären Kontext nachhaltig und verständlich zu entwickeln. Die Fähigkeit eines Unternehmens, solche Systeme im interdisziplinären Kontext effizient entwickeln zu können, ist bereits heute ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsfaktor. Herausforderungen bei der interdisziplinären Entwicklung cyber-physischer Systeme basieren insbesondere auf der Kollaboration unterschiedlicher Domänenexperten, dem Fehlen einer zugrundeliegenden (expliziten) Semantik für verwendete Modellierungstechniken, sowie der Toolunterstützung zur effizienten und agilen Weiterentwicklung von Systemen. Techniken wie Abstraktion, Komposition und Verfeinerung wurden bereits intensiv erforscht, finden im industriellen Kontext aber trotzdem weiterhin wenig Anwendung. Zwar bieten moderne Werkzeuge im Systems Engineering bereits eine Vielzahl von Modellierungstechniken, allerdings werden EntwicklerInnen wenig bei Verwaltung von Komplexität unterstützt. Der Modellierungsprozess selbst ist methodisch nur wenig geführt, sodass viel Potential ungenutzt bleibt. Ziel dieses Workshops ist die Förderung neuer Methoden und Werkzeuge im MBSE Kontext. Der Fokus wird hierbei insbesondere auf die Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis, die nachhaltige Beherrschung der Komplexität in der Entwicklung, sowie die Einordnung des Modells in einen semantischen Kontext gelegt. ---------------------------------------- Wichtige Daten ---------------------------------------- 23.04.2022 (Deadline Verlängerungen siehe Websites der Workshops): Einreichungsfrist für Workshop-Beiträge 14.05.2022: Benachrichtigung für Workshop-Beiträge 26.05.2022: Einreichung der finalen Workshop-Beiträge 27./28.06.2022: Workshop Präsentationen ---------------------------------------- Einreichungen ---------------------------------------- Details zu den Einreichungen finden Sie auf den jeweiligen Webseiten der Workshops. Die Beiträge müssen verpflichtend die Autorenhinweise der LNI Reihe befolgen und werden als gemeinsamer Workshop Band in der Digital Library der Gesellschaft für Informatik veröffentlicht. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Beiträge! Judith Michael und Andreas Wortmann michael at andreas.wortmann at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Samuel.Beck at Fri Apr 29 17:43:36 2022 From: Samuel.Beck at (Samuel Beck) Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 15:43:36 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Papers: VISSOFT 2022 - 10th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization Message-ID: <> VISSOFT 2022 (10th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization) Call for Papers ======================================= VISSOFT 2022: 2-3 October 2022, Limassol, Cyprus. ======================================= Software visualization is a broad research area whose general goal is to enhance and promote the theory, realization, and evaluation of approaches to visually encode and analyze software systems, including software development practices, evolution, structure, and software runtime behavior. Software visualization is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing on theories and techniques from areas such as information visualization, human-computer interaction, computer graphics, and data science, and applying these in the software engineering domain. The VISSOFT conference is principally a venue for publishing and discussing research related to software visualization. Consequently, VISSOFT brings together a community of researchers from software engineering, information visualization, human-computer interaction, computer graphics, and data science to discuss theoretical foundations, algorithms, techniques, tools, and applications related to software visualization. VISSOFT, co-located with ICSME, encourages a variety of submissions that address outstanding challenges in software systems using visualization. This includes technical papers, evaluations, and papers that present novel ideas and tools. Topics of interest ======================================= * Innovative visualization and visual analytics techniques for the analysis of software engineering data. This includes source code, dependencies, repositories, developer social networks like StackOverflow and GitHub, mobile app reviews, documentation, runtime logs, and DevOps data * Visualization to support software development activities, including design, requirements engineering, software maintenance, program comprehension, software performance, software testing, and debugging * Interaction techniques and algorithms for software visualization * Visualization-based techniques in software engineering education * Integration of software visualization tools with development environments * Empirical evaluation of software visualizations, including eye-tracking * Industrial experience with using software visualization * Applications of new technologies to enhance software visualization, including virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification, and machine learning * Analytical approaches to understanding software-related aspects based on data science concepts We solicit papers that present original, unpublished research results. Papers will be rigorously reviewed by an international program committee. In addition to full technical papers, VISSOFT features a New Ideas and Emerging Results and Tool Demo (NIER/TD) track whose purpose is to present an idea still under development or to demonstrate the functionality of a newly developed tool. All accepted submissions will appear in the conference proceedings and the IEEE Digital Library. Submission Types ======================================= ==== Technical Track A technical paper contribution must describe an in-depth and mature research result relevant to software visualization. The content of a technical paper can be a maximum of 10 pages long (including all figures, tables, and appendices). However, the 10-page limit does not include the bibliography, which is limited by two additional pages. The submission of a video (up to 5 minutes in length) to accompany the paper is highly encouraged to show interaction possibilities. Authors who wish to submit a video should add a URL to the video at the end of the abstract (e.g., Video URL: Authors of technical papers that do not receive an acceptance recommendation from reviewers can, eventually, be invited to adapt the paper and make it acceptable for the NIER/TD track. Paper Awards: VISSOFT 2022 will award the best technical papers. Artifact Evaluation: Paper authors are encouraged to submit research artifacts (e.g., tools, data repositories, frameworks, videos) for evaluation. For more details, please refer to the Artifact Track. == Important Dates (23:59:59 AoE) Paper Abstract: June 20, 2022 Paper Submission: June 27, 2022 Notification: July 25, 2022 Camera-Ready: August 1, 2022 Submission link: ==== NIER/TD Track The NIER/TD Track of VISSOFT accepts two types of submissions: NIER (New Ideas and Emerging Results) and Tool Demonstrations (TD). Both NIER and TD contributions have a page limit of 5 (including bibliography). NIER contributions describe work-in-progress and preliminary, exciting results. Authors are encouraged to include open questions and even provocative hypotheses to get early feedback on their research ideas. A sound evaluation is not required for NIER contributions. One of the goals of the NIER Track is to foster collaboration among different research groups. Tool Demonstrations (TD) describe the design or actual utilization of software visualization tools, with a focus on the architecture of the tool or its use to gain new insights. During the conference, we will organize an informal tool demonstration session where authors of TD papers are invited to demonstrate their tools. The submission may also contain a link to a screencast (e.g., YouTube or Vimeo) to show the interaction possibilities offered by the tool. == Important Dates (23:59:59 AoE) Paper Abstract: June 20, 2022 Paper Submission: June 27, 2022 Notification: July 25, 2022 Camera-Ready: August 1, 2022 Submission link: ==== Artifact Evaluation Track Also this year, ICSME, VISSOFT, and SCAM have joined forces and present a single Artifact Evaluation Track for all three venues. We invite authors of papers of all lengths accepted to VISSOFT 2022 to submit artifacts associated with those papers for evaluation. Papers with artifacts that meet the review criteria will be awarded badges, noting their contributions to open science in SE. For more information please read the Call for Papers of the Joint Artifact Evaluation Track available at ==== Journal-first Track A submission to the VISSOFT 2022 call for journal-first paper presentations must adhere to the following criteria: * The paper was accepted to a relevant journal and it is in the scope of the conference * The paper was published between July 1, 2019 and July 25, 2022. * The paper reports new research results and/or presents novel contributions that significantly extend, and were not previously reported in, prior work * The paper has not been presented at and is not under consideration for journal-first programs of other conferences Authors of a paper that meets these criteria are invited to submit by email to vissoft2022 at a one-page presentation proposal consisting of the paper's title, the paper's authors, a short statement on how the work satisfies the journal first criteria, and a pointer to the original journal paper at the journal's Website. If the paper is not online yet, then specify so. The original paper (or a preprint) should also be sent during submission. The journal-first manuscripts are published through the journals and will not be part of the Conference proceedings. The journal-first papers will be listed in the conference program. Journal first presentations will have the same presentation time as technical papers. == Important Dates (23:59:59 AoE) Paper Submission: July 25, 2022 Notification: August 1, 2022 Informal Tools Showcase ======================================= As successfully done in the past, at VISSOFT 2022 authors of all accepted papers will be invited to demonstrate their approaches and tools to the participants in an informal setting. More details will follow a few weeks before the conference. How to submit ======================================= Technical papers must not exceed 10 pages (including figures and appendices) plus up to 2 pages that contain ONLY references. NIER/TD papers must not exceed 5 pages including references. Journal-first presentations must submit a one-page proposal. Papers must strictly adhere to the two-column IEEE conference proceedings format. Please use the available IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings: If a submission is accepted for the journal-first program, at least one author of the associated journal paper must register and present the paper at the conference. Supplemental material (e.g., video, data, software) that might be helpful for reviewers can be linked in your paper. Note: VISSOFT uses a single-blind review process (i.e., the names and affiliations of the authors are revealed to reviewers but reviewers' identities are not revealed to authors). Important Dates ======================================= All dates refer to midnight 23:59:59 AoE. Paper Abstract: June 20, 2022 Paper Submission: June 27, 2022 (Technical Papers, NIER/TD Track) July 25, 2022 (Journal First Track) Notification: July 25, 2022 (Technical Papers, NIER/TD Track) August 1, 2022 (Journal First Track) Camera Ready: August 1, 2022 Conference Date: October 2-3, 2022 ======================================= We look forward to your contributions! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fm-announcements at Sun Apr 24 18:15:47 2022 From: fm-announcements at (Martin Zimmermann via fm-announcements) Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2022 16:15:47 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] [fm-announcements] MOVEP: Early-bird rate ends April 30th Message-ID: IMPORTANT DATES: - Early-bird rate ends April 30th - Submission deadline for student presentations: May 1st 15th Summer School on Modelling and Verification of Parallel Processes (MOVEP) Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark June 13 - 17, 2022 MOVEP is a five-day summer school on modelling and verification of infinite state systems. It aims to bring together researchers and students working in the fields of control and verification of concurrent and reactive systems. MOVEP 2022 will consist of ten invited tutorials. In addition, there will be special sessions that allow PhD students to present their on-going research (each talk will last around 20 minutes). Extended abstracts (1-2 pages) of these presentations will be published in informal proceedings. == Speakers == Giovanni Bacci (Aalborg University, Denmark): From Bisimulations to Metrics via Couplings David Baelde (ENS Rennes & IRISA): Formal Proofs of Cryptographic Protocols with Squirrel Christel Baier (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany): From Verification to Causality-based Explications Wojciech Czerwiński (University of Warsaw, Poland): The Reachability Problem for Vector Addition Systems Bartek Klin (Oxford University, United Kingdom): Computation Theory over Sets with Atoms Laura Kovacs (Vienna University of Technology, Austria): First-Order Theorem Proving and Vampire Anca Muscholl (LaBRI & Université Bordeaux, France): A View on String Transducers Nir Piterman (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden): Reactive Synthesis Amaury Pouly (IRIF, France): Linear Dynamical Systems: Reachability and Invariant Generation Renaud Vilmart (LMF & Inria): How to Verify Quantum Processes == Registration == Please visit == Committees == Organising committee * Peter G. Jensen (Aalborg University, Denmark) * Florian Lorber (Aalborg University, Denmark) * Martin Zimmermann (chair, Aalborg University, Denmark) Program committee * Saddek Bensalem (Université Grenoble Alpes, France) * Patricia Bouyer-DeCitre (LMF, CNRS & ENS Paris-Saclay, France) * Emmanuel Filiot (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) * Dana Fisman (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) * Radu Grosu (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) * Holger Hermanns (Saarland University, Germany) * Nils Jansen (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands) * Marcin Jurdzinski (University of Warwick, United Kingdom) * Steve Kremer (Inria Nancy - Grand Est, France) * K Narayan Kumar (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India) * Denis Kuperberg (ENS Lyon, France) * Anca Muscholl (LaBRI & Université Bordeaux, France) * Paritosh K. Pandya (IIT Bombay, India) * Gabrielle Puppis (Udine University, Italy) * Nir Piterman (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) * Kristin Rozier (Iowa State University, United States) * César Sánchez (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain) * Szymon Torunczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland) * Martin Zimmermann (chair, Aalborg University, Denmark) Steering committee * Nathalie Bertrand (INRIA Rennes, France) * Benedikt Bollig (LMF, CNRS & ENS Paris-Saclay, France) * Radu Iosif (CNRS & Verimag, France) * Didier Lime (Ecole centrale de Nantes, France) * Christof Löding (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) * Nicolas Markey (CNRS & INRIA & Univ. Rennes 1, France) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request at with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner at From C.Kop at Wed Apr 27 11:13:15 2022 From: C.Kop at (Cynthia Kop) Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 11:13:15 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] WST 2022: final call for papers (submission deadline changed!) Message-ID: <> ======================================================================                       WST 2022 - Call for Papers               18th International Workshop on Termination                   August 11-12, 2022, Haifa, Israel                 Co-located with IJCAR-11 at FLoC 2022 ====================================================================== The Workshop on Termination (WST) traditionally brings together, in an informal   setting,  researchers   interested   in   all aspects   of termination,  whether  this  interest  be  practical  or theoretical, primary  or  derived.   The  workshop   also  provides  a  ground for cross-fertilization of ideas from the different communities interested in termination (e.g., working on computational mechanisms, programming languages,  software  engineering,   constraint  solving,  etc.). The friendly  atmosphere  enables  fruitful  exchanges  leading  to joint research and subsequent publications. /*The submission deadline has been extended by one week.*/ IMPORTANT DATES:   * submission deadline: *May 10, 2022*   * notification: *June 15, 2022*   * final version due: *June 29, 2022*   * workshop:             August 11-12, 2022 INVITED SPEAKER: René Thiemann TOPICS: The 18th International Workshop  on Termination welcomes contributions on  all aspects  of termination.  In particular,  papers investigating applications  of  termination  (for example  in  complexity analysis, program   analysis  and   transformation,  theorem   proving, program correctness, modeling computational systems, etc.) are very welcome. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):   * abstraction methods in termination analysis   * certification of termination and complexity proofs   * challenging termination problems   * comparison and classification of termination methods   * complexity analysis in any domain   * implementation of termination analysis methods   * non-termination analysis and loop detection   * normalization and infinitary normalization   * operational termination of logic-based systems   * ordinal notation and subrecursive hierarchies   * SAT, SMT, and constraint solving for (non-)termination analysis   * scalability and modularity of termination methods   * termination analysis in any domain (lambda calculus, declarative     programming, rewriting, transition systems, probabilistic     programs, etc.)   * well-founded relations and well-quasi-orders SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Submissions  are  short  papers/extended abstracts  which  should not exceed 5 pages.  There will be only informal reviewing.  In particular, we welcome  short  versions of  recently  published  articles and papers submitted  elsewhere.  The  program  committee  checks  relevance and provides additional feedback for  each submission. The accepted papers will be made available electronically before the workshop. Papers should be submitted electronically via the submission page: Please, use LaTeX and the LIPIcs style file to prepare your submission. PROGRAM COMMITTEE:   * Jose Divasón - U. de La Rioja   * Florian Frohn - AbsInt GmbH   * Jera Hensel - RWTH Aachen   * Dieter Hofbauer - ASW Saarland   * Sebastiaan Joosten - Dartmouth College   * Cynthia Kop (chair) - Radboud U. Nijmegen   * Akihisa Yamada - AIST, Japan   * Hans Zantema - Eindhoven U. of Technology -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: