[fg-arc] ECAI2020 goes Digital and Open

LUIS MAGDALENA luis.magdalena at upm.es
Thu Jun 11 22:41:13 CEST 2020

The 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence(ECAI2020, 
http://ecai2020.eu/) will be a great LIVE/GLOBAL/DIGITAL/OPEN event with 
a rich scientific and social program from August 29 to September 5.

Registration for non-authors is free, allowing access to all the 
conference contents with no charge at all. This is subject to 
registration at the Digital ECAI2020 
Platform(https://digital.ecai2020.eu/). Details will be announced soon!

*This free registration will provide you with full unlimited access to 
all the Digital ECAI2020 **contents* 
<https://ecai2020.eu/schedule-at-a-glance/>*during and after the 
conference dates, including:*

      o Oral presentations and posters
      o Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems,
        PAIS 2020 <https://ecai2020.eu/accepted-papers-pais/>
      o EU Challenges <https://ecai2020.eu/euchallenges/>
      o Frontiers in AI <https://ecai2020.eu/euchallenges/>
      o Women in AI <https://ecai2020.eu/womeninai/>
      o …
  * *Full Proceedings published by**IOS Press*
    <https://www.iospress.nl/?s=ecai&post_type=&submit=go>*(online) *
  * *All **Workshops* <https://ecai2020.eu/workshops/>
  * *All **Tutorials * <https://ecai2020.eu/tutorials/>
  * *Mentoring and Communication for Starting AI Researchers (**MC4SR*

      o 9th European Starting AI Researchers’ Symposium (STAIRS)
      o Doctoral Consortium <http://ecai2020.eu/doctoral-consortium/>
      o Job Fair <https://ecai2020.eu/jobfair/>
      o Meeting with an EurAI Fellow
  * *Social Development of AI event, organized by FIDE*
  * *Lab2Market* <https://ecai2020.eu/labtomarket/>

Full information at http://ecai2020.eu/

Luis Magdalena
ETSI Informaticos
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

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