[fg-arc] Special issue on "Coordination and Self-Adaptiveness of Software Applications" - Open CFP

Jacopo Soldani soldani at di.unipi.it
Wed Jan 15 10:51:47 CET 2020

This is an open call for contributions to the special issue "Coordination
and Self-Adaptiveness of Software Applications". The special issue belongs
to the Elsevier journal "Science of Computer Programming" (ISSN: 0167-6423).


*** Aims and scope ***

Nowadays software systems are distributed, concurrent, mobile, and often
involve the composition of heterogeneous components and stand-alone
(micro)services. Service coordination, service orchestration and
self-adaptation constitute the core characteristics of distributed and
service-oriented systems. Theoretical/practical approaches to modelling and
reasoning about (self-)adaptive behaviour help to simplify the development
of complex distributed systems, enable their validation and evaluation, and
improve interoperability, reusability and maintainability of such systems.
The goal of the this special issue is to allow researchers and practitioners
to discuss common problems and present novel solutions in the aforementioned


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) both theoretical and
practical solutions for what follows:

* Coordination, orchestration, composition and adaptation of components,
services or microservices.

* Business processes and concurrent system modelling. 

* Languages and models for component and service interaction, their
semantics, expressiveness, validation and verification, type checking,
static and dynamic analysis. 

* Cloud/fog/edge computing, and large-scale distributed systems.

* Dynamic software architectures, self-adaptive, self-monitoring and
self-organizing systems.

* Peer-to-peer and multi-agent systems, and blockchains.

* QoS observation, storage, history-based analysis in self-adaptive systems.


*** Important dates ***

Submission deadline: February 29th, 2020

First notification: Apr 20th, 2020

Revised Manuscript: July 10th, 2020

Final notification: August 31st, 2020


*** Guest Editors ***

Ernesto Pimentel, University of Malaga, Spain

Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, Italy


*** Submission instructions ***

Detailed instructions about manuscript formatting can be found at 



The submission site is available at 


When submitting, specify "VSI: FOCLASA 2019" as the Special Issue name.


With our Best Regards,

Ernesto Pimentel and Jacopo Soldani


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