[fg-arc] Workshop on Logic and Practice of Programming

Matthew Castellana matcastellan at cs.stonybrook.edu
Tue Aug 25 21:45:41 CEST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

This is the call for position papers and participation for the 2020 
Workshop on Logic and Practice of Programming 
(https://2020.splashcon.org/home/lpop-2020), to be held in conjunction 
with SPLASH 2020.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together the best people and best 
languages, tools, and ideas to help improve logic languages for the 
practice of programming and improve the practice of programming with 
logic and declarative programming. We plan to organize the workshop 
around a number of “challenge problems”, including in particular 
expressing a set of system components and functionalities clearly and 
precisely using a chosen description language.

We will have invited talks by four wonderful people: Adnan Darwiche 
(UCLA), Leslie Lamport (Microsoft Research), Stuart Russell (UC 
Berkeley), and Peter Stuckey (U of Melbourne). There will be additional 
presentations and discussion panels on using well-known description 
methods and tools. We will aim to group presentations of description 
methods by the kind of problems that they address, and to allow ample 
time to understand the strengths of the various approaches and how they 
might be combined.

Potential participants are invited to submit a position paper (1 or 2 
pages in PDF format), and also to state whether they wish to present a 
talk at the workshop, explaining how they would express the challenge 
problems. Because we intend to bring together researchers from many 
parts of logic and declarative languages and practice of programming 
communities, it is essential that all talks be accessible to 

The program committee will invite attendees based on the position paper 
submissions and will attempt to accommodate presentation requests, but 
in ways that fit with the broader organizational goals outlined above.

Instructions for preparing a position paper appears below. Please submit 
your position paper through this EasyChair submission URL: 

*Preparing your position paper*: To streamline the exchange of ideas, 
you may consider using a challenge software domain: the domain of 
Role-Based Access Control. It was created for LPOP 2018, as described in 
http://lpop.cs.stonybrook.edu/preparing-your-position-paper, but it was 
only solved in part by various groups, as described in 
http://lpop.cs.stonybrook.edu/workshop-report (also 
https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.07901). We are also working to create RBAC 
data for running experiments.

*Submission deadline*: Friday Sep 4, 2020

Best Regards,
David Warren, SUNY Stony Brook
Peter Van Roy, Université catholique de Louvain
Annie Liu, SUNY Stony Brook
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