[fg-arc] School on Automated Functional and Security Testing of Web and Mobile Applications (GaSES 2019) - Genoa (Italy) May 13-16

Maurizio Leotta maurizio.leotta at unige.it
Mon Mar 11 11:04:18 CET 2019

===== Call for Participation =====

GaSES 2019
3rd International Genoa Software Engineering School on 
“Automated Functional and Security Testing of Web and Mobile Applications”

We are pleased to announce GaSES 2019, the 3rd International Genoa Software
Engineering School, to be held in Genoa (Italy) May 13-16, 2019. 

This year our goal is to bring together academic and industrial researchers
along with PhD students to provide participants an opportunity to get
first-hand knowledge from experts of recent research technologies in the
field of Software Testing of Web and Mobile Applications with a particular
emphasis on Functional and Security aspects.

The school consists of four lectures:

- End-to-End Testing of Web Applications  
      (Filippo Ricca and Maurizio Leotta – University of Genoa, Italy)
- Testing the UI of Mobile Apps 
      (Marco Torchiano – Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
- Search-based Test Case Generation, with Applications to Web Testing 
      (Paolo Tonella – Università della Svizzera Italiana USI, Switzerland)
- Security Testing of Web applications 
      (Mariano Ceccato – FBK, Italy)

and of laboratory sessions. Graduate students in Computer Science and
Engineering, as well as postdoctoral fellows, young researchers and
professionals, are welcome. Participants are required to register before 15
April 2019.  We are now collecting expressions of interest, so please add
your name to the list!

Further information can be found on the webpage

The organizers

   Maurizio Leotta – maurizio.leotta at unige.it
   Filippo Ricca – filippo.ricca at unige.it

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