[fg-arc] CfP JWS special issue on Benchmarking Semantic Web Solutions : 31st August 2019

Cassia TROJAHN Cassia.Trojahn at irit.fr
Thu Jun 6 14:29:49 CEST 2019

(Apologies for multiple postings)
* Special Issue of the JWS on Benchmarking Semantic Web Solutions *

** Call for Papers **
The availability of benchmarks is often regarded as a prerequisite for sustainable developments in quantitative research. From a practical perspective, the cost and effort required for introducing Semantic Web and Linked Data technology is significant. A key step towards abolishing the barriers to the adoption and deployment of this technology is to provide open benchmarking reports that allow users to assess the fitness of existing solutions for their purposes.

In this special issue, we hence welcome articles (1) proposing benchmarks and related platforms, and/or (2) performing a throughout evaluation of Semantic Web solutions. A focus of the special issue will be scalability and reproducibility. The target topics of the benchmark/evaluation include (but are not limited to):

    Knowledge extraction
        Named entity recognition
        Relation extraction
        Open and closed knowledge extraction
    Link discovery and prediction
        Linking at scale
        Linking for dedicated data types (e.g., geospatial data)
    Knowledge curation and fact checking
    Ontology alignment
        Alignment discovery
        Alignment repair
        Complex ontology alignment
    Tabular data to knowledge graph matching
        Cell to KG entity matching
        Column to KG semantic type
        Relation discovery among table columns
        KG population
    OWL reasoning
        Entailment checking
        Class satisfiability
        Ontology satisfiability
        Query answering
    Knowledge graph completion
        Semantic embeddings
        Quality of embeddings
    Ontology Based Data Access
        Relational schema to ontology alignment

** Important Dates **
    Intention to submit:                          31st July 2019, 23:59 PM Hawaii-Time 
    Submission deadline:                       31st August 2019
    Author notification (1st round):      15th October 2019
    Revisions due:                                   15th November 2019
    Publication:                                        Q1 2020

** Guest Editors **

    - Axel Ngonga, Paderborn University (Germany) (axel.ngonga at uni-paderborn.de)
    - Cassia Trojahn dos Santos, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (France) (cassia.trojahn at irit.fr)
    - Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, The Alan Turing Institute (UK) and University of Oslo (Norway) (ernesto.jimenez.ruiz at gmail.com) - Main contact point
    - Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool (UK) (V.Tamma at liverpool.ac.uk)

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