[fg-arc] CFP: The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019)

Fioretto, Ferdinando fioretto.ferdinando at isye.gatech.edu
Mon Feb 4 01:03:07 CET 2019

Apologies for cross-posting

The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019)

Call for Papers

September 21-25, 2019
Las Cruces, New Mexico (USA)

Since the first conference held in Marseille in 1982, ICLP has been the premier international event for presenting research in logic programming.  Contributions are sought in all areas of logic programming, including but not restricted to:

  *   Foundations: Semantics, Formalisms, Nonmonotonic reasoning, Knowledge representation.
  *   Languages: Concurrency, Objects, Coordination, Mobility, Higher Order,  Types, Modes, Assertions, Modules, Meta-programming, Logic-based  domain-specific languages, Programming Techniques.
  *   Declarative programming: Declarative program development, Analysis, Type and mode inference, Partial evaluation, Abstract interpretation,  Transformation, Validation, Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing,  Execution visualization.
  *   Implementation: Virtual machines, Compilation, Memory management, Parallel/distributed execution, Constraint handling rules, Tabling, Foreign interfaces, User interfaces.
  *   Related Paradigms and Synergies: Inductive and Co-inductive Logic Programming, Constraint Logic Programming, Answer Set Programming, Interaction with SAT, SMT and CSP solvers, Logic programming techniques for type inference and theorem proving, Argumentation, Probabilistic Logic Programming, Relations to object-oriented and Functional programming.
  *   Applications: Databases, Big Data, Data integration and federation, Software engineering, Natural language processing, Web and Semantic Web, Agents, Artificial intelligence, Computational life sciences, Education,  Cybersecurity, and Robotics.

Tracks and Special Sessions
Besides the main track, ICLP 2019 will host additional tracks and special sessions:

  *   Applications Track: This track invites submissions of papers on emerging and deployed applications of LP, describing all aspects of the development, deployment, and evaluation of logic programming systems to solve real-world problems, including interesting case studies and benchmarks, and discussing lessons learned.
  *   Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track: This track provides a forum to discuss important results related to logic programming that appeared recently (from January 2017 onwards) in selective journals and conferences, but have not been previously presented at ICLP.
  *   Research Challenges in Logic Programming Track: This track invites submissions of papers describing research challenges that an individual researcher or a research group is currently attacking. The goal of the track is to promote discussions, exchange of ideas, and possibly stimulate new collaborations.
  *   Special Session: Women in Logic Programming: This special session will include invited talks and presentations by women in logic programming.

Every track and special session will have its own dedicated chairs, PC, evaluation criteria, and CFP with the submission details.

Submission Details
All submissions of the main track must be made via the EasyChair conference system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclp2019 .

Regular papers must be in the condensed TPLP format and not exceed 14 pages including bibliography. Regular papers may be supplemented with appendices for proofs and details of datasets which do not count towards the page limit and which will be available as appendices to the published paper.

Three kinds of regular papers will be accepted:

  *   Technical papers for technically sound, innovative ideas that can advance the state of logic programming;
  *   Application papers that impact interesting application domains;
  *   System and tool papers which emphasize novelty, practicality, usability, and availability of the systems and tools described.

Application, system, and tool papers need to be clearly marked in their title.

All submissions must be written in English and describe original, previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without archival proceedings.

Papers of the highest quality will be selected to be published in the journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge University Press (CUP). In order to ensure the quality of the final version, papers may be subject to more than one round of refereeing (within the decision period).

The program committee may recommend some regular papers to be published as Technical communications, which will be published by Dagstuhl Publishing in the OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs). Technical communications must be in the OASIcs format (template here) and not exceed 14 pages excluding the bibliography and a short appendix (up to 5 more pages). The authors of the technical communications can also elect to convert their submissions into extended abstracts, of 2 or 3 pages, for inclusion in the OASIcs proceedings. This should allow authors to submit a long version elsewhere.

All regular papers and technical communications will be presented during the conference. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be automatically included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic Programming Newsletter at no cost.

Important Dates

  *   Abstract registration: April 27, 2019
  *   Paper submission: May 4, 2019
  *   Notification: June 19, 2019
  *   TPLP revision submission: July 3, 2019
  *   TPLP final notifications: July 17, 2019
  *   Camera-ready copy: July 31, 2017
  *   Conference: September 23, 2019

General Chairs:
   Enrico Pontelli - New Mexico State University
   Son Tran Cao - New Mexico State University
Program Chairs:
   Esra Erdem - Sabanci University
   German Vidal - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Publicity Chair:
   Ferdinando Fioretto - Georgia Institute of Technology
Workshops Chair:
   Martin Gebser - University of Klagenfurt and Graz University of Technology
Tutorials Chair:
   Pedro Cabalar - University of Corunna
DC Chairs:
   Paul Fodor - Stony Brook New York
   Daniela Inclezan - Miami University
Programming Competition Chairs:
   Manuel Carro - Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute
   Orkunt Sabuncu - TED University
Applications Track Chairs:
   Andrea Formisano - Universita' di Perugia
   Fangkai Yang - NVIDIA Corporation
Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track Chairs:
   Bart Bogaerts - KU Leuven
   Giovambattista Ianni - Universita' della Calabria
Research Challenges in Logic Programming Track Chairs:
   Alessandro dal Palu  - Universita' di Parma
   Amelia Harrison - University of Texas at Austin and Google Inc.
   Joohyung Lee - Arizona State University
Women in Logic Programming Special Session Chairs:
   Alicia Villanueva - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
   Marina De Vos - University of Bath

Program Committee:
   Hassan Ait-Kaci - University of Lyon 1
   Mario Alviano - University of Calabria
   Roman Bartak - Charles University
   Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary - Azrieli College of Engineering
   Bart Bogaerts - KU Leuven
   Gerhard Brewka - Leipzig University
   Pedro Cabalar - University of Corunna
   Michael Codish - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
   Stefania Costantini - University of L'Aquila
   Marina De Vos - University of Bath
   Agostino Dovier - University of Udine
   Thomas Eiter - Vienna University of Technology
   Wolfgang Faber - Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt
   Fabio Fioravanti - University of Chieti-Pescara
   Andrea Formisano - Universita' di Perugia
   John Gallagher - Roskilde University and IMDEA Software Institute
   Martin Gebser - University of Klagenfurt and Graz University of Technology
   Michael Gelfond - Texas Tech University
   Michael Hanus - CAU Kiel
   Amelia Harrison - University of Texas at Austin and Google Inc.
   Manuel Hermenegildo - Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute
   Giovambattista Ianni - Universita' della Calabria
   Daniela Inclezan - Miami University
   Katsumi Inoue - National Institute of Informatics
   Tomi Janhunen - Aalto University
   Angelika Kimmig - Cardiff University
   Ekaterina Komendantskaya - Heriot-Watt University
   Vladimir Lifschitz - University of Texas at Austin
   Evelina Lamma - University of Ferrara
   Joohyung Lee - Arizona State University
   Nicola Leone - University of Calabria
   Yanhong Annie Liu - Stony Brook New York
   Fred Mesnard - Universite de la Reunion
   Jose F. Morales - IMDEA Software Institute
   Emilia Oikarinen - Aalto University
   Carlos Olarte - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
   Magdalena Ortiz - Vienna University of Technology
   Mauricio Osorio - Universidad de las Americas Puebla
   Barry O'Sullivan - University College Cork
   Simona Perri  - University of Calabria
   Enrico Pontelli - New Mexico State University
   Ricardo Rocha - University of Porto
   Alessandra Russo - Imperial College
   Orkunt Sabuncu - TED University
   Chiaki Sakama - Wakayama University
   Torsten Schaub - University of Potsdam
   Guillermo R. Simari - Universidad Nacional del Sur
   Theresa Swift - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
   Francesca Toni - Imperial College
   Paolo Torroni - University of Bologna
   Son Tran Cao - New Mexico State University
   Alicia Villanueva - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
   Kewen Wang - Griffith University
   Jan Wielemaker - VU University of Amsterdam
   Stefan Woltran - Vienna University of Technology
   Fangkai Yang - NVIDIA Corporation
   Roland Yap - National University of Singapore
   Jia-Huai You - University of Alberta
   Zhizheng Zhang - Southeast University

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