From fioretto.ferdinando at Mon Feb 4 01:03:07 2019 From: fioretto.ferdinando at (Fioretto, Ferdinando) Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 00:03:07 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP: The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019) Message-ID: <> Apologies for cross-posting The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019) Call for Papers ===================== September 21-25, 2019 Las Cruces, New Mexico (USA) Scope ------ Since the first conference held in Marseille in 1982, ICLP has been the premier international event for presenting research in logic programming. Contributions are sought in all areas of logic programming, including but not restricted to: * Foundations: Semantics, Formalisms, Nonmonotonic reasoning, Knowledge representation. * Languages: Concurrency, Objects, Coordination, Mobility, Higher Order, Types, Modes, Assertions, Modules, Meta-programming, Logic-based domain-specific languages, Programming Techniques. * Declarative programming: Declarative program development, Analysis, Type and mode inference, Partial evaluation, Abstract interpretation, Transformation, Validation, Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing, Execution visualization. * Implementation: Virtual machines, Compilation, Memory management, Parallel/distributed execution, Constraint handling rules, Tabling, Foreign interfaces, User interfaces. * Related Paradigms and Synergies: Inductive and Co-inductive Logic Programming, Constraint Logic Programming, Answer Set Programming, Interaction with SAT, SMT and CSP solvers, Logic programming techniques for type inference and theorem proving, Argumentation, Probabilistic Logic Programming, Relations to object-oriented and Functional programming. * Applications: Databases, Big Data, Data integration and federation, Software engineering, Natural language processing, Web and Semantic Web, Agents, Artificial intelligence, Computational life sciences, Education, Cybersecurity, and Robotics. Tracks and Special Sessions --------------------------- Besides the main track, ICLP 2019 will host additional tracks and special sessions: * Applications Track: This track invites submissions of papers on emerging and deployed applications of LP, describing all aspects of the development, deployment, and evaluation of logic programming systems to solve real-world problems, including interesting case studies and benchmarks, and discussing lessons learned. * Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track: This track provides a forum to discuss important results related to logic programming that appeared recently (from January 2017 onwards) in selective journals and conferences, but have not been previously presented at ICLP. * Research Challenges in Logic Programming Track: This track invites submissions of papers describing research challenges that an individual researcher or a research group is currently attacking. The goal of the track is to promote discussions, exchange of ideas, and possibly stimulate new collaborations. * Special Session: Women in Logic Programming: This special session will include invited talks and presentations by women in logic programming. Every track and special session will have its own dedicated chairs, PC, evaluation criteria, and CFP with the submission details. Submission Details ------------------- All submissions of the main track must be made via the EasyChair conference system: . Regular papers must be in the condensed TPLP format and not exceed 14 pages including bibliography. Regular papers may be supplemented with appendices for proofs and details of datasets which do not count towards the page limit and which will be available as appendices to the published paper. Three kinds of regular papers will be accepted: * Technical papers for technically sound, innovative ideas that can advance the state of logic programming; * Application papers that impact interesting application domains; * System and tool papers which emphasize novelty, practicality, usability, and availability of the systems and tools described. Application, system, and tool papers need to be clearly marked in their title. All submissions must be written in English and describe original, previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without archival proceedings. Papers of the highest quality will be selected to be published in the journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge University Press (CUP). In order to ensure the quality of the final version, papers may be subject to more than one round of refereeing (within the decision period). The program committee may recommend some regular papers to be published as Technical communications, which will be published by Dagstuhl Publishing in the OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs). Technical communications must be in the OASIcs format (template here) and not exceed 14 pages excluding the bibliography and a short appendix (up to 5 more pages). The authors of the technical communications can also elect to convert their submissions into extended abstracts, of 2 or 3 pages, for inclusion in the OASIcs proceedings. This should allow authors to submit a long version elsewhere. All regular papers and technical communications will be presented during the conference. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be automatically included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic Programming Newsletter at no cost. Important Dates ---------------- * Abstract registration: April 27, 2019 * Paper submission: May 4, 2019 * Notification: June 19, 2019 * TPLP revision submission: July 3, 2019 * TPLP final notifications: July 17, 2019 * Camera-ready copy: July 31, 2017 * Conference: September 23, 2019 Organization ------------- General Chairs: Enrico Pontelli - New Mexico State University Son Tran Cao - New Mexico State University Program Chairs: Esra Erdem - Sabanci University German Vidal - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Publicity Chair: Ferdinando Fioretto - Georgia Institute of Technology Workshops Chair: Martin Gebser - University of Klagenfurt and Graz University of Technology Tutorials Chair: Pedro Cabalar - University of Corunna DC Chairs: Paul Fodor - Stony Brook New York Daniela Inclezan - Miami University Programming Competition Chairs: Manuel Carro - Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute Orkunt Sabuncu - TED University Applications Track Chairs: Andrea Formisano - Universita' di Perugia Fangkai Yang - NVIDIA Corporation Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track Chairs: Bart Bogaerts - KU Leuven Giovambattista Ianni - Universita' della Calabria Research Challenges in Logic Programming Track Chairs: Alessandro dal Palu - Universita' di Parma Amelia Harrison - University of Texas at Austin and Google Inc. Joohyung Lee - Arizona State University Women in Logic Programming Special Session Chairs: Alicia Villanueva - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Marina De Vos - University of Bath Program Committee: Hassan Ait-Kaci - University of Lyon 1 Mario Alviano - University of Calabria Roman Bartak - Charles University Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary - Azrieli College of Engineering Bart Bogaerts - KU Leuven Gerhard Brewka - Leipzig University Pedro Cabalar - University of Corunna Michael Codish - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Stefania Costantini - University of L'Aquila Marina De Vos - University of Bath Agostino Dovier - University of Udine Thomas Eiter - Vienna University of Technology Wolfgang Faber - Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt Fabio Fioravanti - University of Chieti-Pescara Andrea Formisano - Universita' di Perugia John Gallagher - Roskilde University and IMDEA Software Institute Martin Gebser - University of Klagenfurt and Graz University of Technology Michael Gelfond - Texas Tech University Michael Hanus - CAU Kiel Amelia Harrison - University of Texas at Austin and Google Inc. Manuel Hermenegildo - Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute Giovambattista Ianni - Universita' della Calabria Daniela Inclezan - Miami University Katsumi Inoue - National Institute of Informatics Tomi Janhunen - Aalto University Angelika Kimmig - Cardiff University Ekaterina Komendantskaya - Heriot-Watt University Vladimir Lifschitz - University of Texas at Austin Evelina Lamma - University of Ferrara Joohyung Lee - Arizona State University Nicola Leone - University of Calabria Yanhong Annie Liu - Stony Brook New York Fred Mesnard - Universite de la Reunion Jose F. Morales - IMDEA Software Institute Emilia Oikarinen - Aalto University Carlos Olarte - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Magdalena Ortiz - Vienna University of Technology Mauricio Osorio - Universidad de las Americas Puebla Barry O'Sullivan - University College Cork Simona Perri - University of Calabria Enrico Pontelli - New Mexico State University Ricardo Rocha - University of Porto Alessandra Russo - Imperial College Orkunt Sabuncu - TED University Chiaki Sakama - Wakayama University Torsten Schaub - University of Potsdam Guillermo R. Simari - Universidad Nacional del Sur Theresa Swift - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Francesca Toni - Imperial College Paolo Torroni - University of Bologna Son Tran Cao - New Mexico State University Alicia Villanueva - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Kewen Wang - Griffith University Jan Wielemaker - VU University of Amsterdam Stefan Woltran - Vienna University of Technology Fangkai Yang - NVIDIA Corporation Roland Yap - National University of Singapore Jia-Huai You - University of Alberta Zhizheng Zhang - Southeast University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Tue Feb 5 11:41:11 2019 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2019 12:41:11 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] The 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2019): Last Call for Tutorial Proposals Message-ID: *** LAST CALL FOR TUTORIAL PROPOSALS *** 27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2019) Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 9-12, 2019 Proposals due: February 11, 2019 ACM UMAP 2019, the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information, is pleased to invite proposals for tutorials to be given in conjunction with the conference. Tutorials are intensive instructional sessions aimed to provide a comprehensive introduction to established or emerging research topics of interest for the UMAP community. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: · new user modeling technologies, methods, techniques, and trends (e.g. exploiting data mining and big data analytics for user modeling, evaluation methodologies, data visualization, etc.); · user modeling and personalization techniques for specific domains (e.g., health sciences, e-government, e-commerce, cultural heritage, education, internet of things, mobile, music, information retrieval, etc.); · application of user modeling and personalization techniques for information retrieval and recommender systems; · eliciting and learning user preferences by taking into account users' emotional state, physical state, personality, trust, cognitive factors. An ideal tutorial should be broad enough to provide a basic introduction to the chosen area, but it should also cover the most important topics in depth. Tutorial presenters can have one page in the adjunct proceedings. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND SUBMISSION Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format to both tutorial chairs, not exceeding 5 pages and containing the following information: 1. Title and abstract of the tutorial for inclusion on the ACM UMAP 2019 website (200 words maximum). 2. Tutorial description: · learning objectives of the tutorial and relevance to ACM UMAP 2019; · targeted audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills; · a brief outline of the tutorial structure; · practical sessions. 3. Tutorial length: full (6 hours) or half day (3 hours). 4. Other venues to which the tutorial or part thereof has been or will be presented, in addition to explaining how the current tutorial differs from the other editions. 5. Name, email address, affiliation and brief professional biography of the tutorial instructor(s), indicating previous training and speaking experience. IMPORTANT DATES · Tutorial proposals: February 11, 2019 · Notification of acceptance: February 26, 2019 · Tutorial summary camera-ready: April 3, 2019 · Adjunct proceedings camera ready: April 15, 2019 · Tutorial day: June 9, 2019 EVALUATION CRITERIA All proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chairs. The features that will be evaluated are: 1. ability of the tutorial to contribute to strengthening the foundations of UMAP research; 2. clarity of the tutorial, which should emerge from its description; 3. good organization, as appearing from the outline; 4. background/experience of tutorial instructor(s) in teaching the target topics. TUTORIAL CHAIRS · Milos Kravcík, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany (milos.kravcik AT · Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (ivan.cantador AT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From simon.hacks at Wed Feb 6 13:39:01 2019 From: simon.hacks at (Hacks, Simon) Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 12:39:01 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP 1st Workshop on the Value and Quality of Enterprise Modelling (VEnMo 2019) Message-ID: *********************************************************************** 1st Workshop on the Value and Quality of Enterprise Modelling (VEnMo 2019) in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2019) 2 September 2019 in Vienna *********************************************************************** In computer science and information systems development, enterprise modelling (EM) is used for different purposes, like representing requirements, visualizing established work processes, specifying system design, expressing information structures, formalizing the relationships between organizational structures and IT landscapes and many more. Despite this large spectrum of modelling purposes and use cases, the value of modelling in general and of enterprise models in particular is still subject of research. The 1st VEnMo Workshop invites researchers and practitioners with strong interest in the value of EM to discuss approaches and experiences in measuring, assessing, evaluating, and improving the value of enterprise related models like enterprise models, enterprise architecture models, or business process models. While it is common sense that EM adds value to organizations, existing research is still vague regarding how this value manifests. Therefore, the workshop aims to shed light on existing as well as new theories, concepts and frameworks for describing, understanding and measuring the benefit of EM. One important aspect in this context may be the quality of EM, as only models of an adequate quality with respect to their intended purpose allow organizations to exploit the full value of EM. Therefore, the workshop further encourages researchers and practitioners to report on insights or approaches how to assess the quality of enterprise models. Contributions may span from generic methods and appropriate quantifiable quality metrics to studies that investigate what makes an enterprise model of high quality from the perspective of relevant stakeholders. However, we support a broad interpretation of the topics „value“ and „quality“ and encourage submissions also in related areas. **Topics** • interpretations or conceptualizations of the terms “value” and “quality” in the context of Enterprise related Models (EM, EA models, BPM, ) • new approaches to measure, assess, evaluate, or improve the value of enterprise related models • interrelations between model, method, and tool value • perceived value of models, methods, and tools • stakeholder perspectives on value and quality of EM • metrics, quantitative, and qualitative approaches to assess the quality of enterprise related models. • theories or best practices for maximizing modelling value • relationship between quality, quantity and value • management of value aspects in modelling • case studies and industrial experience reports on successful or failed application of approaches to assess the value or quality of enterprise related models. • tools, infrastructure and environments supporting the assessment of value or quality of enterprise related models. • empirical studies, evaluation and comparison of measurement techniques and models. • we support a broad interpretation of the topics „value“ and „quality“ and encourage submissions also in related areas. **Submissions** Two kinds of papers will be accepted: • Full papers with a page limit of 12 pages, • Short papers with a page limit of 6 pages. Additionally, we accept “alternative formats”, like conducting experiments or discussions with the participants on a certain topic. If you are interested in doing so, please hand in a short abstract of 3 pages describing your concept, i.e. what you plan to do and what the result should be. Papers should be written in English, following the LNBIP format and should be submitted through the BPM 2019 easychair installation, accessible via All workshop papers will be published by Springer as a post-workshop proceedings volume in the series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). These proceedings will be made available to all registered participants approximately four months after the workshops, while preliminary proceedings will be distributed during the workshop. **Key Dates** • Workshop papers submission deadline: May 24, 2019 • Workshop papers notification deadline: June 28, 2019 • Workshop camera-ready papers deadline: July 12, 2019 • Workshop VEnMo: September 2, 2019 **Web Site** More information and link to the submission site: **Program Committee** • Mathias Ekstedt, KTH (Sweden) • Peter Fettke, DFKI and Saarland University (Germany) • Janis Grabis, Riga Technical University (Latvia) • Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University (Latvia) • Agnes Koschmider, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) • Robert Lagerström, KTH (Sweden) • Birger Lantow, Rostock University (Germany) • Michael Leyer, Rostock University (Germany) • Monika Malinova, Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria) • Judith Michael, RWTH Aachen University (Germany) • Alexander Nolte, University of Tartu (Estonia) • Erik Proper, Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (Luxembourg) • Alixandre Santana, UFRPE (Brazil) • Rainer Schmidt, Munich University (Germany) • Ulf Seigerroth, Jönköping University (Sweden) • Nuno Silva, UTL (Portugal) • Janis Stirna, Stockholm University (Sweden) • Margus Välja, Scania AB (Sweden) **Organization Committee** • Felix Timm*, University of Rostock (Germany) • Simon Hacks*, RWTH Aachen University (Germany) • Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock (Germany) • Michael Fellmann, University of Rostock (Germany) *Co-Chairs -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 7670 bytes Desc: not available URL: From riebisch at Wed Feb 6 23:06:50 2019 From: riebisch at (Riebisch, Matthias) Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 22:06:50 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CfPart Intern. Conf. on Software Architecure ICSA 2019 Message-ID: <> Verpassen Sie nicht die einzigartige Gelegenheit, die International Conference on Software Architecure ICSA 2019 in Deutschland zu erleben! 25. – 29. März 2019, Hamburg @ICSAconf ------------------------------------- *** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION *** We invite you to attend ICSA 2019, the International Conference on Software Architecure, the premier venue for practitioners and researchers interested in software architecture, in component-based software engineering and in quality aspects of software and how these relate to the design of software architectures. ICSA has a strong tradition as a working conference, where researchers meet practitioners and software architects can explain the problems they face in their day-to-day work and try to influence the future of the field. It will be held in Hamburg, Germany, from 25 to 29 March 2019. You can register to the conference and its co-located events at: *** KEYNOTES *** We invite to three exciting keynotes: Resolving technical debts in software architecture - Carola Lilienthal, Workplace Solutions GmbH, Hamburg Moving towards Evidence-based Software Architecture Research - Claes Wohlin, Blekinge Institute of Technology Democratising Software Architecture - Eoin Woods, Endava *** MAIN CONFERENCE PROGRAM *** The main conference program on Wednesday to Friday includes paper presentations for the technical track, a Software Architecture in Practice track, and a New and Emerging Ideas track. Please check the detailed program at *** TOOL DEMONSTRATIONS *** This track on Wednesday provides researchers, practitioners, and educators with most recent innovations and findings in the field of software architecture by means of live tool presentations. *** EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS FORUM *** This forum on Thursday provides a vibrant place for discussing potential and ongoing research at any stage, from ideas to results. It provides a friendly environment for early career researchers to present their research proposals and early results, and get feedbacks and inspirations from experienced researchers. *** WORKSHOPS AND TUTORIALS*** On Monday 25 March 2019, we will have two workshops: 3rd International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms (IOT-ASAP 2019) The Fifth International Workshop on Automotive System/Software Architectures (WASA 2019) On Tuesday 26 March 2019, we will have another two workshops: Joint edition of the 4th Workshop Continuous Software Engineering & the 5th Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps ( CSE 2019 & QUDOS 2019) 3rd International Workshop on decision Making in Software ARCHitecture ( MARCH) There will be two exciting tutorials: Sense of Place within the Virtuous Circle of Architecture Decision-Making, by Ken Power and Rebecca Wirfs-Brock – on Monday 25 March 2019 Architecting Trustworthy Self-adaptive Systems, by Radu Calinescu, Danny Weyns, Simos Gerasimou and Ibrahim Habli – on Tuesday 26 March 2019 *** IMPORTANT DATES *** Early registration deadline 28 February 2019 for reduced fee Conference 25 - 29 March 2019 We recommend to book your accommodation as soon as possible because the conference rate is subject to availability. See the website > Attending > Accommodation *** CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS *** General Chair: Matthias Riebisch, University of Hamburg, Germany Local Chair: Sebastian Gerdes, University of Hamburg, Germany Finance Chair and Conference Desk: Stephanie Schulte Hemming, University of Hamburg, Germany Program Co-Chairs: Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria New and Emerging Ideas Track Co-Chairs: Matthias Galster, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and Eltjo Poort, CGI, The Netherlands SW Architecture in Practice Co-Chairs: Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of Kiel, Germany, and Heiko Koziolek, ABB Corporate Research, Germany Early Career Researchers Forum Co-Chairs: Claus Lewerentz, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany, and Anthony Tang, Swinburne University, Australia Tool Demonstrations Co-Chairs: Tomáš Bureš, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, and André van Hoorn, University of Stuttgart, Germany Workshop Co-Chairs: Ipek Ozkaya, SEI, U.S.A, and Eoin Woods, Endava, UK Tutorials Co-Chairs: Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, and Michael Stal, Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany Publicity Chair: Paula Rachow, University of Hamburg, Germany Social Media Chair: Bastian Tenbergen, State University of New York at Oswego, U.S.A. Publications Chair: Stephanie Schulte Hemming, University of Hamburg, Germany Student Volunteers Chair: Sandra Schröder, University of Hamburg, Germany *** Follow us on Social Media *** ============================== Twitter: @ICSAconf Facebook: WikiCFP: For updated and detailed information about ICSA 2019, please visit From wortmann at Wed Feb 6 23:43:31 2019 From: wortmann at (Andreas Wortmann) Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 23:43:31 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] Call for Tutorial Proposals - MODELS 2019 Message-ID: [Our apologies for multiple posts] ************************************************************** MODELS 2019 - Call for Tutorial Proposals ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 15-20 September 2019 Munich, Germany *************************************************************** Following the tradition of previous conferences, MODELS 2019 will host tutorials as part of its satellite events on September 15 to 17, 2019. Tutorials provide intensive courses on topics in the area of model-based software and systems engineering ranging from modeling methodologies and research methods through new modeling tools and technologies to thoughts on the past, current, and future development of the modeling discipline. --------------------- Important Dates --------------------- - Tutorial proposal submission: March 16, 2019 Anywhere on Earth (i.e. UTC-12) - Notification: April 16, 2019 - Tutorials: September 15-17, 2019 --------------------- Audience --------------------- Tutorials target an audience of practitioners, researchers (academic and industrial), students, and developers familiar with, and already working with, modeling techniques. The target audience typically has a strong interest in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), including work on improving and evolving modeling languages (such as UML or DSLs), developing sophisticated MDE tool support, and using MDE to develop / test / reverse / maintain complex systems. Potential attendees may also be interested in how modeling has been applied effectively in specialized domains (e.g., in the automotive industry), and in learning about successful uses of MDE methods in real-world applications. --------------------- Topics --------------------- The following themes are examples of what is considered relevant for tutorials: - Modeling techniques for specific domains (e.g., automobile, cyber-physical and hybrid systems, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, ...) - Modeling methodologies and model-oriented processes (e.g., for agile modeling or modeling at scale) - AI in modeling (including search*based approaches, machine learning, planning, or flexible modeling) - Presentation of new tools or new versions of old tools (e.g., modeling tools, language workbenches, model transformation languages, model verification tools, model execution tools) - Dissemination of project results from industry-related projects - Teaching of model-driven software development - Research methods in MD* (Model-Driven Development (MDD), Model Driven Engineering (MDE), Model Driven Software Development (MDSD), etc.) - Modeling for re-engineering and legacy evolution - Empirical studies in the context of modeling - User experience in model-based software engineering - Practical experiences of general interest - General topics of interest to young researchers, like presentation skills or research methodologies Tutorials are intended to provide independent instructions on a topic of relevance to the audience described above. Therefore, no sales-oriented presentations will be accepted. Tutorials relating to commercial tools or involving the use of commercial tools may be accepted but will be subject to closer scrutiny, including possible approval of presentation slides. Potential presenters should keep in mind that there may be quite a varied audience, including novice graduate students, seasoned practitioners, and specialized researchers. Tutorial speakers should be prepared to cope with this diversity. --------------------- Proposal Contents --------------------- All submissions must be in English and adhere to the IEEE formatting instructions ( The submission must include the following information in the indicated order: - Title - Presenters: Name, affiliation, contact information, and short bio. - Authors of the proposal or tutorial material, who are not going to be presenting, may be listed, but must be listed last with a footnote “Author only; will not be presenting”. - Abstract (maximum of 200 words) - If accepted, the abstract will be used to advertise the tutorial. Thus, the abstract should clearly highlight the goals of the tutorial and the skills that participants will acquire. - Keywords (at least 5 keywords) - Proposed length: half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6 hours) - Regular tutorials should be set up as half-day tutorials (3 hours). A proposal for a full-day tutorial (6 hours) must be accompanied by a clear justification of why 6 hours are necessary. - Level of the tutorial: beginner/introduction or advanced - Target audience and any prerequisite background required by attendees to be able to follow the tutorial (beyond average modeling skills) - Description of the tutorial and intended outline (maximum of 4 pages) - Novelty of the tutorial - List offerings of similar tutorials at previous editions of the MODELS conference or other conferences, and discuss the differences with respect to the current proposal - Required infrastructure - Declare any infrastructure that you would need for your tutorial besides a data projector (e.g., flip charts, whiteboards). We will do our best together with the local organizers to provide you with the needed infrastructure - Sample slides (minimum of 6 slides, maximum of 25 slides) - Supplementary material (optional) --------------------- Submission Guidelines --------------------- Proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format through the MODELS 2019 Tutorials EasyChair submission page at; Select category “Tutorials”, by March 16, 2019 AoE. This is a hard deadline. No extensions will be allowed. --------------------- Review Process --------------------- The Tutorials Selection Committee will review each submitted proposal to ensure high quality, and select tutorials based on their anticipated benefit for prospective participants and their fit within the tutorial program as a whole. Factors to be considered also include: relevance, timeliness, importance, and audience appeal; effectiveness of teaching methods; and past experience and qualifications of the instructors. The goal will be to provide a diverse set of tutorials that attracts a high level of interest among broad segments of the MODELS participants. --------------------- Compensation --------------------- As in previous years, participants will pay a single satellite fee, which will cover both tutorials and workshops. This permits unifying the treatment of workshops and tutorials, and it makes tutorials more attractive to attendees. Under this scheme, tutorial presenters will not receive monetary compensation and will have to pay their own registration to the satellite events. By submitting a tutorial proposal, the presenter accepts that there will be no compensation for giving the tutorial if accepted and that the registration fees for the instructors have to be funded by the instructors themselves. The benefit to the presenter is the opportunity to extend their sphere of influence to the MODELS community. --------------------- Selection Committee --------------------- - Colin Atkinson, University of Mannheim (Germany) - Loli Burgueño, Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) & CEA List (Paris, France) - Thomas Degueule, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (The Netherlands) - Juergen Dingel, Queen's University (Canada) - Michalis Famelis, Université de Montréal (Canada) - Esther Guerra, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) - Regina Hebig, Chalmers | Gothenburg University (Sweden) - Emilio Insfran, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) - Harald König, FHDW Hannover (Germany) - Levi Lucio, Fortiss (Germany) - Richard Paige, McMaster University (Canada) and the University of York (UK) - Ernesto Posse, Zeligsoft (Canada) - Jan Oliver Ringert, University of Leicester (UK) - Bran Selic, Malina Software Corp. (Canada) - Arnor Solberg, Tellu (Norway) - Gabriele Taentzer, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) - Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Málaga (Spain) --------------------- Tutorials Co-Chairs --------------------- - Ruth Breu, Universität Innsbruck (Austria) - Andreas Wortmann, RWTH Aachen University (Germany) For further information, please contact the tutorial chairs at models-tutorials at -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Andreas Wortmann | Software Engineering Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany | RWTH Aachen University Phone +49 (241) 80-21346 / Fax -22218 | From announce at Wed Feb 6 09:31:11 2019 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 10:31:11 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] 46th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2020): Last Call for Track Proposals Message-ID: <> *** Last Call for Track Proposals *** 46th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2020) Atlantica Miramare 4* Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus January 20-24, 2020 *** Submission Deadline: February 11, 2019 *** (Proceedings to be published by Springer) SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is an annual international winter conference devoted to the theory and practice of Computer Science. SOFSEM presents the latest results and developments in academic and industrial research in leading areas of Computer Science. The first SOFSEM was organized in 1974, and it was traditionally located in the Czech and Slovak Republics, before it started moving to other European locations. In 2017 it was organised in Ireland, in 2018 in Austria and in 2019 in Slovakia. The 46th edition will be organised in the sunny Mediterranean island of Cyprus. SOFSEM consists of Invited Talks by prominent researchers, Contributed Talks selected from the submitted papers, and the Student Research Forum. The program is organized in plenary talks and parallel tracks devoted to original research in contemporary areas of Computer Science. SOFSEM has a long-standing tradition of facilitating discussions and collegial interactions and is well-known for its familiar and inspiring atmosphere and as a meeting place for active and leading computer scientists. SOFSEM is a track based conference. It features the traditional track on Foundations of Computer Science and a number of other tracks that over the years have evolved to cover and address contemporary important areas of Computer Science, such as Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography, Security, and Verification, Data Science, Knowledge Engineering, Social Computing and Human Factors, Software and Web Engineering, etc. The proceedings of SOFSEM are published in the prestigious ARCoSS (Advanced Research in Computing and Software Science) subseries of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. For SOFSEM 2020, the Steering Committee is inviting proposals for organising tracks. The tracks can be of theoretical or practical nature or a combination of both. Tracks from industry are particularly welcome. A proposal should not exceed 3 pages and should include the following items: a) Title, aim and scope of the proposed track, as well as the list of topics that the proposed track will address. b) Rationale for having this track in SOFSEM, including any other similar events that the proposed track complements or differs from. c) Names, affiliations and short CVs for the chairs of the proposed track, demonstrating past relevant experience in organising such tracks or events. d) Tentative list of names of the Program Committee for the proposed track. e) A short dissemination plan for the CFP mentioning the forums where the latter will be posted. The proposals will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and the General Chairs, based on the above mentioned criteria. A proposal may be accepted as is, requested to modify its title and/or topics covered, merged with another proposed track or rejected. Upon acceptance, the track chairs will be notified of their exact duties in managing the affairs of their track. The Steering Committee reserves the right to cancel a track at any moment in time, if these responsibilities are not dealt with satisfactorily by the track chairs. Proposals should be submitted by February 11th, 2019 to the SOFSEM 2020 General Chairs, Yannis Manolopoulos (yannis.manolopoulos AT and George A. Papadopoulos (george AT IMPORTANT DATES * Submission of track proposals: February 11, 2019 * Notification of proposals acceptance or rejection: February 25, 2019 * Submission of abstracts: July 29, 2019 * Submission of full papers: August 5, 2019 * Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: September 30, 2019 * Camera-Ready submission of accepted papers: October 28, 2019 * Early and author registration deadline: November 25, 2019 * Conference dates: January 20-24, 2020 ORGANISATION General Chairs Yannis Manolopoulos, Open University of Cyprus, CY George A, Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY Steering Committee Barbara Catania, University of Genova, IT Miroslaw Kutylowski, Wroclaw Uni. of Technology, PL Tiziana Margaria-Steffen, University of Limerick, IE Branislav Rovan, Comenius University, Bratislava, SK Petr Saloun, Technical University of Ostrava, CZ Julius Stuller, Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ, chair Jan van Leeuwen, Utrecht University, Utrecht, NL -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ecl.drexel at Mon Feb 11 22:25:23 2019 From: ecl.drexel at (Emily LeBlanc) Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 16:25:23 -0500 Subject: [fg-arc] CAUSAL 2019 Call for Papers Message-ID: <> [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute to interested parties.] CALL FOR PAPERS *** CAUSAL 2019 *** (June 3 or 4, 2019) CAUSAL 2019 is a workshop co-located with LPNMR 2019 in Philadelphia, PA (USA). CAUSAL 2019 IMPORTANT DATES ----------------------- * Paper submission: April 15th 2019 * Notification: May 2nd 2019 * Final Versions: May 26th 2019 * Workshop Date: June 3rd or 4th 2019 ------------------------ Sophisticated causal reasoning has long been prevalent in human society and continues to have an undeniable impact on the advancement of science, technology, medicine, and other significant fields. From the development of ancient tools to modern roots of causal analysis in business and industry, reasoning about and understanding causality enables us to identify how an outcome of interest came to be and gives us insight into how to bring about, or even prevent, similar outcomes in future scenarios. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners of logic programming with a dedicated focus on methods and trends emerging from the study of causality and explanation. We welcome the submission of papers on systems, tools, and applications of logic programming methods for causal reasoning and explanation. In particular, we encourage submissions presenting recent developments, including works in progress. The workshop will present the latest research and application developments in these areas and provide opportunities to discuss current and future research directions and relationships to other fields (e.g. Machine Learning, Diagnosis, Natural Language Processing and Understanding). An important expected outcome of this workshop is to collect first-hand feedback from the LPNMR community about the role and placement of causal reasoning and explanation in the landscape of modern computer theory as well as in the software industry. TOPICS ------ Topics of interests include (but are not limited to): * Modeling causal theories in logic programming * Formalization of types of causes: sufficient, necessary, actual, etc * Causality, temporal reasoning and action theories * Causality and counterfactual reasoning * Causality, learning and experimental design * Causality and probability * Causality and equivalence * Relating LP based causality and Causal Networks * Challenging problems and benchmark examples * Justifications and argumentation * Explanations for diagnosis and debugging * Tools, systems and applications Submissions must describe original research and be prepared using the Springer LNAI/LNCS format and should be no longer than 13 pages. Please submit your paper via EasyChair: At least one co-author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the workshop. Please check the LPNMR 2019 website for registration procedure and fees. ORGANIZERS ---------- Emily LeBlanc, Drexel University, USA, ecl.drexel at Joost Vennekens, KU Leuven, Belgium Tran Cao Son, New Mexico State University, USA Pedro Cabalar, Corunna University, Spain Jorge Fandiño, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, France Marcello Balduccini, Saint Joseph's University, USA -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shankar at Tue Feb 12 08:36:15 2019 From: shankar at (Natarajan Shankar) Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:36:15 -0800 Subject: [fg-arc] Ninth Summer School on Formal Techniques, Atherton, California, May 18-24, 2019 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <>   Ninth Summer School on Formal Techniques, May 18 - May 24, 2019   Menlo College   Atherton, California Techniques based on formal logic, such as model checking, satisfiability, static analysis, and automated theorem proving, are finding a broad range of applications in modeling, analysis, verification, and synthesis. This school, the ninth in the series, will focus on the principles and practice of formal techniques, with a strong emphasis on the hands-on use and development of this technology. It primarily targets graduate students and young researchers who are interested in studying and using formal techniques in their research. A prior background in formal methods is helpful but not required. Participants at the school can expect to have a seriously fun time experimenting with the tools and techniques presented in the lectures during laboratory sessions. The lecturers at the school include: * Peter Mueller, ETH Zurich Switzerland:       Modular Program Verification * Daniel Jackson, CSAIL MIT USA:       A principled approach to software design * Orna Grumberg, Technion Israel:       Model Checking and its Applications * Kwangkeun Yi, Seoul National University, S. Korea:       Introduction to Static Analysis from an Abstract Interpretation Perspective * Benjamin Gregoire, INRIA France:       An overview of Easycrypt and how to prove concrete security of cryptographic primitives The main lectures in the summer school will be preceded by a background course on logic: * Natarajan Shankar (SRI CSL) and Stephane Graham-Lengrand (SRI-CSL)   Speaking Logic The school also include several distinguished invited talks. Information about previous Summer Schools on Formal Techniques can be found at Jay Bosamiya of CMU has blogged about the 2018 Summer School at We expect to provide support for the travel and accommodation for (a limited number of) students registered at US universities.  We welcome applications from non-US students as well as non-students (if space permits).  Non-US students will have to cover their own travel and will be charged around US$800 for meals and lodging.  Applications should be submitted at the website Applicants are urged to submit their applications before April 30, 2019, since there are only a limited number of spaces available. Non-US applicants requiring US visas are requested to apply early. We strongly encourage the participation of women and under-represented minorities in the summer school. From rmcouto at Tue Feb 12 16:16:34 2019 From: rmcouto at (rui couto) Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 15:16:34 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] EICS 2019 - Call for papers (2019 Q1: Submission deadline February 21, 2019) Message-ID: (Apologies for cross-postings - also, a kind reminder for the submission deadline) EICS 2019 : Engineering Interactive Computing System The 11th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems 18-21 June, 2019 - Valencia, Spain EICS 2019 is the eleventh international conference devoted to engineering usable and effective interactive computing systems. Work presented at EICS covers the full range of aspects that come into play when "engineering" interactive systems, such as innovations in the design, development, deployment, verification and validation of interactive systems. Topics of interest include the design and development of systems incorporating new interaction techniques and multimodal interaction, multi-user, multi-device/screen, multi-environment interaction, mobile and pervasive systems, large-scale and big data applications, deployment of interactive systems, as well as novel development methods and processes for improving the development of interactive systems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOPICS EICS 2019 focuses on models, languages, notations, methods, techniques and tools that support designing and developing interactive systems. The Conference brings together people who study or practice the engineering of interactive systems, drawing from HCI, Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Conceptual Modelling, CSCW, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Systems. Submissions are invited that advance the state of the art of the engineering of interactive systems. Topics include but are not limited to: * Modelling and analysis of interaction and interactive systems * Processes for engineering interactive systems (e.g., design, implementation, prototyping, evaluation, verification and validation, testing) * Integrating interaction design into the software development process * Requirements engineering for interactive systems * Specification of interactive systems (methods, principles and tools) * Software architectures for interactive systems * Frameworks, toolkits, and APIs for interactive systems (e.g., API usability, interaction-driven API design) * Domain-specific languages for interactive systems * Formal methods within interactive systems engineering * Modelling and analysis of users’ activities * Engineering innovative interactive applications (e.g., adaptive, tangible, touch and multitouch input, voice, gesture, EEG, multimodal input, mobile and wearable systems) * Engineering hardware/software integration in interactive systems (e.g., fabrication and maker processes, physical computing, etc.) * Engineering user experience (e.g., fun, affective) * Engineering complex interactive systems (e.g., large datasets, large communities, enterprise systems, collaborative systems) * Engineering interactive systems for various user categories (e.g., children, elderly, people with disabilities) * Certification issues of interactive systems * New datasets and evaluation data relevant for engineering interactive systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAPER SUBMISSIONS EICS papers are now published as articles in the journal Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (EICS series). Papers submissions still follow the normal conference review process, but this process is iterated multiple times per year. Submissions to this venue should present original and mature research work. High-quality, elaborated case studies and practice reports with generalizable findings will also be considered. There are no length restrictions on papers, nor any limit to the number of references that may be included. More information about the new PACM-HCI (EICS series) review and publication process can be found at Upcoming deadlines for papers to be presented at EICS 2019 are: * 2019 Q1: Submission deadline February 21, 2019 Some of the best papers submitted as full papers and still do not accepted in iteration Q1 will be invited to present a short summary of this work as (late breaking results) in EICS 2019. The authors can continue improving the version of the full paper for the next conference in EICS 2020. Submissions can be done through Further information can be found on the web site: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fioretto.ferdinando at Thu Feb 14 00:42:26 2019 From: fioretto.ferdinando at (Fioretto, Ferdinando) Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 23:42:26 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP: ICLP 2019 - Application Track Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting ** CALL FOR PAPERS ** The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019) Applications Track September 21-25, 2019 Las Cruces, New Mexico (USA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives Logic programming (LP) has been widely adopted as a powerful declarative programming paradigm to build a variety of applications from research projects to industrial products, including bioinformatics, natural language understanding, robotics, etc. Motivated by such a wide range of applications, this year ICLP will have a special track dedicated to Applications of LP, to bring together LP researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry communities to share the recent advancement, challenge and insight for LP applications. The goal of the Application Track is two-folded. On the one side, it aims at providing a fresh impulse for the LP community to recast its interests towards solving practical problems and applications. On the other side, its goal is to attract representatives from the wider academia and industrial communities to discuss their challenges related to using LP in practical problems, applications and industrial products and their expectations of the development of theory and tools from LP community. Expected contributions The Applications Track at ICLP 2019 invites submissions of papers on emerging and deployed applications of LP, describing all aspects of the development, deployment, and evaluation of LP systems to solve real-world problems, including interesting case studies and benchmarks, and discussing lessons learned. We welcome LP applications in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to: * industrial applications * commonsense reasoning, knowledge representation * declarative problem solving * education * bioinformatics, computational biology * life sciences, genetics, medicine, pharmacology * cognitive robotics, social robotics, human-robot interactions * intelligent transportation, logistics * computer vision, sensing, internet of things * data analysis, machine learning * creative computing * digital forensics, cybersecurity, blockchain * economics, game theory, social choice * software engineering, intelligent user interfaces * multi-agent systems, argumentation, epistemic reasoning * constraint programming, SAT, SMT * natural language understanding, story telling, question answering * explanation generation, diagnosis * spatial/temporal/probabilistic reasoning * planning and scheduling * databases, ontologies, knowledge bases, Semantic Web Evaluation Criteria In this track, selection process of the highest quality papers will apply the following criteria: * Significance of the real-world problem being addressed * Importance and novelty of using logic programming technologies to solve this problem * Evaluation and applicability of the system in real-world * Reusability of datasets, case studies and benchmarks Important Dates * Abstract registration: April 27, 2019 * Paper submission: May 4, 2019 * Notification: June 19, 2019 * TPLP revision submission: July 3, 2019 * TPLP final notifications: July 17, 2019 * Camera-ready copy: July 31, 2017 * Conference: September 21-25, 2019 Submission Details All submissions must be written in English. * Regular papers (14 pages in TPLP format, including references) must describe original, previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without archival proceedings. The accepted regular papers will be published in TPLP, along with the selected ICLP-TPLP papers. The program committee may recommend some regular papers to be published as technical communications (TCs), along with the selected ICLP-TC papers. The authors of the TCs can also elect to convert their submissions into extended abstracts (2 or 3 pages) for inclusion in the OASIcs proceedings. This should allow authors to submit a long version elsewhere. * Short papers (7 pages in OASIcs format, including references) can describe published research. The accepted short papers that describe original and previously unpublished work will be published as TCs, along with the selected ICLP-TC papers. The accepted short papers that describe published research will be made available at the conference webpage, with the permission of the authors. All accepted regular papers and technical communications will be presented during the conference. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be automatically included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly updates from the Logic Programming Newsletter at no cost. Any additional questions can be directed towards the Application Track Chairs: Andrea Formisano, Università di Perugia andrea.formisano at Fangkai Yang, NVIDIA Corporation wolfgang.yang at Applications Track Program Committee * Chitta Baral (Arizona State University, USA) * Alex Brik (Google Inc, USA) * Francesco Calimeri (University of Calabria, Italy) * Xiaoping Chen (University of Science and Technology of China) * Federico Chesani (University of Bologna, Italy) * Martín Diéguez (ENIB, France) * Gerhard Friedrich (Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria) * Gopal Gupta (University of Texas at Dallas, USA) * Jianmin Ji (University of Science and Technology of China, China) * Gabriele Kern-Isberner (Technische Universitaet Dortmund, Germany) * Zeynep Kiziltan (University of Bologna, Italy) * Viviana Mascardi (University of Genova, Italy) * Yunsong Meng (Houzz Inc., USA) * Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria, Italy) * Mohan Sridharan (University of Birmingham, UK) * David Warren (SUNY Stony Brook, USA) * Shiqi Zhang (SUNY Binghamton, USA) * Neng-Fa Zhou (CUNY Brooklyn College and Graduate Center, USA) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fioretto.ferdinando at Fri Feb 15 14:39:49 2019 From: fioretto.ferdinando at (Fioretto, Ferdinando) Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 13:39:49 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP: AAMAS-19 - The 10-th International Workshop on Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems (OptMAS) Message-ID: <> CFP [OptMAS 2019] The 10-th International Workshop on Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems Apologies for cross-posting CALL FOR PAPERS The 10-th International Workshop on Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems (OptMAS 2019) A full-day workshop at AAMAS 2019. Workshop date: May 13 or 14, 2019 Website: AAMAS Website: Workshop description The goal of the workshop is to provide researchers with a venue to explore how to model and solve a variety of multi-agent optimization problems. We seek contributions in the general area of multi-agent optimization, including distributed constraint optimization, coalition formation, optimization under uncertainty, winner determination algorithms in auctions, and algorithms to compute Nash and other equilibria in games. Topics of Interest * Winner determination algorithms in auctions * Coalition formation algorithms * Scheduling and task allocation problems * Algorithms for solving distributed constraint reasoning problems * Unified frameworks for distributed constraint reasoning * Handling privacy issues in multi-agent systems * Algorithms to compute solutions to games (cooperative or non-cooperative) * Multi-agent optimization under uncertainty * Multi-agent optimization with incomplete or dynamic input data * Algorithms for real-time applications * GPU for general purpose computations (GPGPU) * Multi-core and many-core computing * Cloud, distributed and grid computing * Online optimization problems in multi-agent systems Submission Conference submission site: Submissions should conform to the LNCS Springer format, the style file or Word templates can be found at Submissions should include the name(s), affiliations, and email addresses of all authors. We welcome the submission of papers rejected from the AAMAS 2019 and IJCAI 2019 technical program. Papers will be reviewed by at least 2 program committee members. Criteria for selection of papers will include technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. Submission Type * Long Papers: Full-length research papers detailing work in progress or work that could potentially be published at a major conference. These papers should not exceed *15* pages in LCNS format (excluding bibliography and appendices). * Short Papers: Position or demo papers that describe initial work or an application that has not yet been evaluated on the topics of interest. These papers should not exceed *5* pages in the LNCS format (excluding bibliography and appendices). Important dates * March 1, 2018 (Submission deadline) * April 3, 2018 (Notification of acceptance) * April 15, 2018 (Camera-ready deadline) * May 13 or 14, 2018 (Workshop dates ) Organizing committee * Archie Chapman, University of Sydney * Ferdinando Fioretto, Georgia Institute of Technology * Long Tran-Thanh, University of Southampton * Roie Zivan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Program Committee * Bo An (Nanyang Technological University) * Ana L. C. Bazzan (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) * Filippo Bistaffa (IIIA-CSIC) * Agostino Dovier (University of Udine) * Alessandro Farinelli (University of Verona) * Rica Gonen (Open University of Israel) * Tal Grinshpoun (Ariel University) * Katsutoshi Hirayama (Kobe University) * Christopher Kiekintveld (University of Texas at El Paso) * Sven Koenig (University of Southern California) * Amnon Meisels (Ben Gurion University of the Negev) * Gauthier Picard (Laboratoire Hubert Curien MINES Saint-Etienne) * Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State University) * Juan Antonio Rodriguez Aguilar (IIIA-CSIC) * Marius Silaghi (Florida Institute of Technology) * Mohamed Wahbi (Insight, University College Cork) * Harel Yedidsion (University of Texas, Austin) * William Yeoh (Washington University in St. Louis) * Makoto Yokoo (Kyushu University) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Sat Feb 16 11:42:33 2019 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 12:42:33 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] The 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2019): Final Call for Doctoral Consortium Submissions Message-ID: *** FINAL CALL FOR DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM SUBMISSIONS *** 27th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM UMAP 2019) Golden Bay Beach Hotel 5*, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 9-12, 2019 Submissions due: March 1, 2019 ACM UMAP 2019, the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users or to groups of users, and which collect, represent, and model user information, will, as in previous issues of the conference series, include a Doctoral Consortium (DC) Session, which provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests under the guidance of distinguished researchers from the field. Doctoral students are invited to apply to present their research to experienced scholars who will provide constructive feedback and advice. The Doctoral Consortium is implemented as a student mentoring program that introduces students to senior researchers from the relevant fields. Students are expected to document in a brief submission their doctoral research (see below described submission information for further details), which will be evaluated by the consortium committee. Good quality applications will be selected for presentation at a Doctoral Consortium Session as part of the conference. Promising, but less well- developed applications will be selected for presentation at a poster session. Each student with an accepted submission will be assigned a mentor who will provide feedback on the student's work and will discuss the doctoral research with the student and the audience at the consortium. How to Submit to the Doctoral Consortium To apply for the ACM UMAP 2019 Doctoral Consortium, students are asked to submit a paper presenting their doctoral research that describes: · The problem being addressed. · Motivation outlining the relevance of the problem and referring to related work. · The main contributions that the PhD project aims to achieve. · The progress made to date (including a clear description of the proposed approach, methodology and preliminary results) as well as the plan for further research. · Topics include (but are not limited to) the ACM UMAP 2019 key areas. Each DC submission is encouraged to consider the following: identification of related (state of the art) work, indication of the potential innovation, application or advancement of the state-of-the-art that the work intends to achieve. In addition, as appropriate for the PhD project, the submissions can consider: indication of data to be used for experimentation, indication of implementation approach, indication of evaluation criteria and experimental design. Each submission should contain a cover page including the paper title, name of the PhD candidate, the name of his/her supervisor(s) and University, a paragraph describing the stage they are in the PhD programme, together with a brief description of their background. This will enable the committee to adapt its assistance to each student. Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair Doctoral Consortium submission system: Submissions should be pdf documents consisting of 1 cover page and the paper (up to 4 pages long), formatted using the ACM SIG proceedings template. ACM UMAP Proceedings The accepted ACM UMAP 2019 Doctoral Consortium papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings, which will be published by ACM and that will be available via the ACM Digital Library. The main author (doctoral student) must register for the conference for the paper to be included in the proceedings. Financial Support ACM UMAP has a history of supporting students to attend. Further details are available on the conference web site: Important Dates · Paper submission: March 1st, 2019 · Notification to authors: March 22nd, 2019 · Camera ready submission: April 3rd, 2019 · ACM UMAP 2019 DC Session: June 11th and 12th, 2019 Note: The submissions times are 11:59pm AoE time (Anywhere on Earth). Doctoral Consortium Chairs · Laurens Rook, TU Delft, The Netherlands (l.rook AT · Markus Zanker, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (mzanker AT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From irdta at Sat Feb 16 12:43:02 2019 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 12:43:02 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] DeepLearn 2019: early registration March 2 Message-ID: <545102060a010b0b075f550301005a06040400025052505155075c050e5252075c070101515a550751565504070004@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> DeepLearn 2019: early registration March 2*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   ***************************************************************   3rd INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING   DeepLearn 2019   Warsaw, Poland   July 22-26, 2019   Co-organized by:   Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences   IRDTA – Brussels/London   ***************************************************************   --- Early registration deadline: March 2, 2019 ---   ***************************************************************   SCOPE:   DeepLearn 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. This is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current exciting machine learning research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in neurosciences, computer vision, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedical informatics, healthcare, recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.   Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 four-hour and a half courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.   An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.   ADDRESSED TO:   Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, DeepLearn 2019 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.   STRUCTURE:   3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.   VENUE:   DeepLearn 2019 will take place in Warsaw, whose historical Old Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The venue will be:   Global Expo Modlinska 6D 03-216 Warsaw   KEYNOTE SPEAKERS:   tba   PROFESSORS AND COURSES: (to be completed)   Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications to the Natural Sciences   Christopher Bishop (Microsoft Research Cambridge), [introductory] Introduction to the Key Concepts and Techniques of Machine Learning   Aaron Courville (University of Montréal), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Generative Models   Issam El Naqa (University of Michigan), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Biomedicine   Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Florida), [introductory/intermediate] Feature Extraction, End-end Deep Learning and Applications to Very Large Scientific Data: Rare Signal Extraction, Uncertainty Estimation and Realtime Machine Learning Applications in Software and Hardware   Tomas Mikolov (Facebook), [introductory] Using Neural Networks for Modeling and Representing Natural Languages (with Armand Joulin)   Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks   Navraj Pannu (GoDaddy), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning and Maximum Likelihood in Structural Biology   Jose C. Principe (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced] Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video   Björn Schuller (Imperial College London), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Intelligent Signal Processing   Alex Smola (Amazon), tba   Sargur Srihari (University at Buffalo), [intermediate/advanced] Explainable Artificial Intelligence   Ponnuthurai N Suganthan (Nanyang Technological University), [introductory/intermediate] Learning Algorithms for Classification, Forecasting and Visual Tracking   Johan Suykens (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning, Neural Networks and Kernel Machines   Alexey Svyatkovskiy (Princeton University), [introductory/intermediate] From Natural Language Processing to Machine Learning on Source Code   Bertrand Thirion (INRIA), [introductory] Understanding the Brain with Machine Learning   Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), [intermediate] Representation Learning in Limited Data Settings   René Vidal (Johns Hopkins University), [intermediate/advanced] Mathematics of Deep Learning   Haixun Wang (WeWork), [intermediate] Abstractions, Concepts, and Machine Learning   Zhongfei Zhang (Binghamton University), [introductory/advanced] Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data with Deep Learning   OPEN SESSION:   An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david at by July 14, 2019.   INDUSTRIAL SESSION:   A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of deep learning in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by July 14, 2019.   EMPLOYER SESSION:   Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for, to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. At least one of the people in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by July 14, 2019.   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Łukasz Kobyliński (Warsaw, co-chair) Sara Morales (Brussels) Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada) David Silva (London, co-chair)   REGISTRATION:   It has to be done at   The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.   Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.   FEES:   Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.   ACCOMMODATION:   Accommodation can be booked at   CERTIFICATE:   A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david at   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) – Brussels/London -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ggelfond at Wed Feb 13 17:09:11 2019 From: ggelfond at (Gregory Gelfond) Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 16:09:11 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] DATALOG 2.0 Call for Papers ** DEADLINE EXTENSION ** Message-ID: [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email. Please distribute to any and all interested parties.] Deadlines extended! Register your papers by February 26, and submit them by March 25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS 3rd International Workshop on the Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and Industry Datalog 2.0 2019 June 3-5, 2019, Philadelphia, USA Co-located with LPNMR 2019 at the Philadelphia Logic Week 2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIMS AND SCOPE Datalog 2.0 is a workshop for Datalog researchers, implementors, and users. Its aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in different aspects of Datalog to share research experiences, promote collaboration and identify directions for joint future research. The 3rd International Workshop on the Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and Industry (Datalog 2.0 2019) will be held in Philadelphia, USA, on June 3-5, 2019. Datalog 2.0 2019 is a major event of the Philadelphia Logic Week 2019, which is dedicated to the research on logic, knowledge representation, and reasoning. The other major event of the Philadelphia Logic Week 2019 is the 15th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2019). The first edition of Datalog 2.0 was held in Oxford, UK, in 2010, and it was by invitation only. Since Datalog has resurrected as a lively topic with applications in many different areas of computer science, as well as industry, the second edition of the workshop, which was held in Vienna, Austria, in 2012, was open for submissions. INVITED SPEAKERS Michael Gelfond, Texas Tech University, USA (more to be announced) TOPICS Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on the foundational aspects of Datalog, as well as on its applications in other areas of computer science and in industry. Potential areas of application of Datalog may include (among others): data management, data mining, knowledge representation and reasoning, cloud computing, distributed computing, logic programming, privacy and security, probabilistic reasoning, program analysis, programming languages, semantic web, social networks, streaming, verification, web services. SUBMISSION Datalog 2.0 2019 welcomes two types of submissions * Long papers of up to 12 pages, presenting original research * Short papers of up to 5 pages that may contain either original ongoing research or recently published results in the following categories * Technical papers * System descriptions * Application descriptions The indicated number of pages includes title page and references. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be submitted for publication in the CEUR Workshop proceedings ( Authors can opt-out if desired. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop to present the work. Submissions must be written in English, and formatted according to Springer's guidelines and technical instructions available at: Paper submission is enabled via the Datalog 2.0 2019 EasyChair site: The journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) will devote a special issue for a joint event of LPNMR/Datalog 2.0. Four to six papers will be selected for a rapid publication. In case of invited papers for a rapid publication in TPLP, there should be at least 30% new content compared to the published workshop paper. The extra material should consist of extensions of the existing material such as proofs, further experimental results, and implementation details. New results could be included too, if appropriate. Authors invited to submit to the special issue should confirm that such extra material is available. FURTHER INFORMATION WWW: Email: datalog2019 at IMPORTANT DATES Paper registration: February 26 (was February 12) Paper submission: March 5 (was February 19) Notification: April 2 (was March 19) Final versions due: April 30 (was April 16) VENUE Philadelphia, or the "City of Brotherly Love," is the sixth-largest city in the United States and once served as the nation's capital. Philadelphia is an active historical and cultural hub, and has been striving for excellence since 1776. The city's rich history of knowledge and academic prowess has never diminished as it continues to promote and foster higher education. Visitors can explore various attractions in and around Philadelphia, such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Franklin Institute, the Barnes Foundation, the Reading Terminal Market, and much more. Located on the East Coast of the U.S., between New York City and Washington D.C., Philadelphia is easily reachable by air, train, and car. As a testament to Philadelphia's commitment to educational advancement, Datalog 2.0 2019 will be held in one of the city's top colleges, Saint Joseph's University. Saint Joseph's campus is located at the outskirts of the city, in an area that features historic homes, green areas, and a quick connection to Philadelphia's Center City and Old City. GENERAL CHAIR Nicola Leone, University of Calabria, Italy PROGRAM CHAIRS Mario Alviano, University of Calabria, Italy Andreas Pieris, University of Edinburgh, UK PUBLICITY CHAIR Gregory Gelfond, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chitta Baral, Arizona State University, USA Pablo Barceló, University of Chile, Chile Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University, Canada and RelationalAI Inc. Meghyn Bienvenu, University of Montpellier, France Marco Calautti, University of Edinburgh, UK Andrea Calì, University of London, Birkbeck College, UK Rada Chirkova, North Carolina State University, USA Claire David, Universite Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee, France Cristina Feier, University of Bremen, Germany Markus Krötzsch, TU Dresden, Germany Georg Lausen, University of Freiburg, Germany Domenico Lembo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Yanhong A. Liu, Stony Brook University, USA Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen, Germany Marco Manna, University of Calabria, Italy Marie-Laure Mugnier, University of Montpellier, France Reinhard Pichler, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Emanuel Sallinger, University of Oxford, UK Mantas Simkus, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Mirek Truszczynski, University of Kentucky, USA Stijn Vansummeren, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium From fioretto.ferdinando at Thu Feb 14 01:49:35 2019 From: fioretto.ferdinando at (Fioretto, Ferdinando) Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 00:49:35 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP: ICLP 2019 - Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track Message-ID: <> Apologies for cross-posting ICLP 2019 Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track - Call for Papers The program committee of the 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) invites submissions of published journal papers and papers presented at related conferences for the Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track. The track is designed to provide a forum to discuss important results related to logic programming that appeared since 2017 in selective journals or were presented recently at related conferences but, but that have not been previously presented at ICLP. The goal of this track is twofold: * To provide authors an opportunity to present at the conference important results published in journals that might otherwise not be submitted to the conference due to their length and complexity. Papers that differ from traditional ICLP format and topics are welcome. * To broaden the program with lines of work at the intersection between logic programming and related fields such as for example constraint programming, operations research, control, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, multi-agent systems, robotics, computer games, and cognitive science. Papers that use logic programming in some innovative way are welcome. Paper Presentation All accepted submissions will be presented orally during the conference - at least one author is expected to register to ICLP 2019 and to present the paper in person. Complete citations and URLs of the original papers (if available from the publisher) will be published on the ICLP 2019 web site as a permanent reference. A 2-page extended abstract summarizing the line of research leading to the presented results can optionally be submitted for presentation in the technical communications of ICLP. Submission Requirements Submissions must meet the following criteria: * Candidate papers must be published in a journal such as (but not limited to) AIJ, ACM TOCL, JAIR, or other leading journals or in the proceedings of related conferences such as KR, LPNMR, AAMAS, AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, ICAPS, SAT, ICML, ICDT, PODS, VLDB, WWW, ISWC, ESWC, DL, JELIA, … * Candidate papers must have appeared since 2017. * Papers that are in press may be submitted as long as the final camera-ready version is available. * Extensions of papers that have been previously presented at ICLP are not eligible for this track. Submission Process All submissions will be done via EasyChair ( The submission will be in the following format: * Title of the original journal paper (to be published on the Web); * Complete reference of the original paper (to be published on the Web); * URL where the paper can be downloaded from the publisher (if available) (to be published on the Web); * An accompanying letter containing an explanation of why this paper is interesting to the logic programming community (in PDF); * A copy of the paper with its final camera-ready contents (in PDF). * A 2-page extended abstract of the paper (in PDF, LNCS format) (optional: only if the authors wish to publish such an extended abstract in the technical communications of ICLP). Submissions will go through a selection process. Selection criteria include significance of the results and relevance to the logic programming community. Important Dates * Submission deadline: June 27th, 2019 * Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2019 * Conference: September 21-25, 2019 Journal Presentation Track Chairs * Bart Bogaerts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, bart.bogaerts at * Giovambattista Ianni, University of Calabria, ianni at * -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From irdta at Thu Feb 14 23:29:45 2019 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 23:29:45 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] LATA 2019: call for participation Message-ID: <545102060a010b0b0755510a040b5a000302025902090f03510b0008050000575c045604005d07510903560b070502@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> LATA 2019: call for participation*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ************************************************************************* 13th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE AND AUTOMATA THEORY AND APPLICATIONS LATA 2019 Saint Petersburg, Russia March 26-29, 2019 Organized by:      Saint Petersburg State University and Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London ************************************************************************* PROGRAM Tuesday, March 26 09:00 - 09:30    Registration 09:30 - 09:40    Opening 09:40 - 10:30    Edward A. Lee. Observation and Interaction - Invited lecture 10:30 - 11:00    Break 11:00 - 12:15 Malek Anabtawi, Sabit Hassan, Christos Kapoutsis and Mohammad Zakzok. An Oracle Hierarchy for Small One-way Finite Automata Tim Becker and Klaus Sutner. Orbits of Abelian Automaton Groups Alex Bishop and Murray Elder. Bounded Automata Groups Are co-ET0L 12:15 - 13:45    Lunch 13:45 - 15:00 Alberto Dennunzio, Enrico Formenti, Luca Manzoni, Luciano Margara and Antonio E. Porreca. Decidability of Sensitivity and Equicontinuity for Linear Higher-order Cellular Automata Ondrej Klíma and Libor Polak. On Varieties of Ordered Automata Klaus Meer and Ameen Naif. Automata over Infinite Sequences of Reals 15:00 - 15:30    Break 15:30 - 17:10 Tomoyuki Yamakami. Non-uniform State Complexity of Quantum Finite Automata and Quantum Polynomial-time Logarithmic-space Computation with Quantum Advice Vladimir Zakharov. Equivalence Checking of Prefix-free Transducers and Deterministic Two-tape Automata Ilya Zakirzyanov, Antonio Morgado, Alexey Ignatiev, Vladimir Ulyantsev and Joao Marques-Silva. Efficient Symmetry Breaking for SAT-based Minimum DFA Inference Jackson Abascal, Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Shir Maimon and Daniel Rubery. Closure and Nonclosure Properties of the Compressible and Rankable Sets --- Wednesday, March 27 09:00 - 09:50    Henning Fernau. Modern Aspects of Complexity within Formal Languages - Invited lecture 09:50 - 10:20    Break 10:20 - 11:35 Markus Holzer and Michal Hospodár. The Range of State Complexities of Languages Resulting from the Cut Operation Lila Kari and Timothy Ng. State Complexity of Pseudocatenation Daniel Padé and Stephen Fenner. Complexity of (R,C)-crosswords 11:35 - 12:05    Break and Group photo 12:05 - 13:20 Berthold Hoffmann and Mark Minas. Generalized Predictive Shift-reduce Parsing for Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars Hans-Joerg Kreowski, Sabine Kuske and Aaron Lye. Transformation of Petri Nets into Context-dependent Fusion Grammars Ryoma Senda, Yoshiaki Takata and Hiroyuki Seki. Generalized Register Context-free Grammars 13:20 -    14:50    Lunch 15:00        Touristic visit --- Thursday, March 28 09:00 - 09:50    Pawel Gawrychowski. Searching and Indexing Compressed Text - Invited lecture 09:50 - 10:20    Break 10:20 - 11:35 Amazigh Amrane and Nicolas Bedon. Logic and Rational Languages of Scattered and Countable Series-parallel Posets Marcella Anselmo, Maria Madonia and Carla Selmi. Toroidal Codes and Conjugate Pictures Jean-Philippe Dubernard, Giovanna Guaiana and Ludovic Mignot. Geometrical Closure of Binary V3/2 Languages 11:35 - 12:05    Break 12:05 - 13:20 Galina Jirásková and Ondrej Klíma. Deterministic Biautomata and Subclasses of Deterministic Linear Languages Alexis Linard, Colin de la Higuera and Frits Vaandrager. Learning Unions of k-Testable Languages Iovka Boneva, Joachim Niehren and Momar Sakho. Regular Matching and Inclusion on Compressed Tree Patterns with Context Variables 13:20 -    14:50    Lunch 14:50 - 15:40    Vadim Lozin. From Words to Graphs, and back - Invited lecture 15:40 - 16:10    Break 16:10 - 17:25 Ajay K. Eeralla, Serdar Erbatur, Andrew M. Marshall and Christophe Ringeissen. Rule-based Unification in Combined Theories and the Finite Variant Property Pawel Parys. Extensions of the Caucal Hierarchy? Ahad N. Zehmakan. Tight Bounds on the Minimum Size of a Dynamic Monopoly --- Friday, March 29 09:00 - 09:50    Esko Ukkonen. Pattern Discovery in Biological Sequences - Invited lecture 09:50 - 10:20    Break 10:20 - 11:35 Emilie Charlier, Svetlana Puzynina and Elise Vandomme. Recurrence in Multidimensional Words Christophe Cordero. A Note with Computer Exploration of the Triangle Conjecture Tomasz Kociumaka, Jakub Radoszewski, Wojciech Rytter, Juliusz Straszynski, Tomasz Walen and Wiktor Zuba. Efficient Representation and Counting of Antipower Factors in Words 11:35 - 12:05    Break 12:05 - 13:20 Kalpana Mahalingam and Palak Pandoh. On the Maximum Number of Distinct Palindromic Sub-arrays Wojciech Rytter and Wiktor Zuba. Syntactic View of Sigma-Tau Generation of Permutations Andrew Ryzhikov and Clemens Mullner. Palindromic Subsequences in Finite Words 13:20 - 13:30    Closing 13:30 -    15:00    Lunch   -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Words2019 at Wed Feb 20 12:09:58 2019 From: Words2019 at (Words 2019) Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2019 11:09:58 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] WORDS 2019, 2nd call for papers Message-ID: <> *We apologize if you received this email several times. To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.* WORDS 2019 12th International Conference Loughborough, September 9–13, 2019 *Announcement* WORDS is a biannual international conference covering the mathematical theory of words (sequences of symbols) from all points of view: combinatorial, algebraic, algorithmic, as well as its applications to biology, linguistics, physics, and others. The previous WORDS conferences have taken place in Rouen (1997, 1999), Palermo (2001), Turku (2003, 2013), Montreal (2005, 2017), Marseille (2007), Salerno (2009), Prague (2011), and Kiel (2015). The 12th International Conference on Words, WORDS 2019 will take place on September 9-13 2019 at Loughborough University, UK ( Co-chairs of this edition are Robert Mercaș and Daniel Reidenbach. *Invited Speakers* Florin Manea (Kiel) Svetlana Puzynina (St. Petersburg) Antonio Restivo (Palermo) Gwenaël Richomme (Montpellier) Aleksi Saarela (Turku) Kristina Vuskovic (Leeds) *Program Committee* Marie-Pierre Béal (Paris) Srecko Brlek (Montreal) Émilie Charlier (Liège) Volker Diekert (Stuttgart) Gabriele Fici (Palermo) Anna Frid (Marseille) Amy Glen (Murdoch) Štěpán Holub (Prague) Shunsuke Inenaga (Kyushu) Robert Mercas (Loughborough) co-chair Dirk Nowotka (Kiel) Jarkko Peltomäki (Turku) Edita Pelantová (Prague) Narad Rampersad (Winnipeg) Daniel Reidenbach (Loughborough) co-chair Jeffrey Shallit (Waterloo) Arseny Shur (Yekaterinburg) *Important dates* Submission deadline: April 12, 2019 Notification to authors: May 20, 2019 Deadline for final versions: June 3, 2019 Conference: September 9–13, 2019 *Submission guidelines* Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages and be prepared according to the following guidelines and LNCS-style LaTeX2e. All proofs omitted due to space constraints should be given in an appendix or made accessible through a reliable link to a freely available electronic preprint (updated before submission). These will be read at the discretion of the program committee. Only original submission which have not been submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF through the EasyChair system: *More information* are available on the conference website, where different PDF versions of the conference poster can also be downloaded. *Contact* Words2019 at The conference is organized by the Department of Computer Science, School of Science, Loughborough University, UK. From duellmann at Fri Feb 22 18:42:59 2019 From: duellmann at (=?UTF-8?Q?Thomas_F=2e_D=c3=bcllmann?=) Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 18:42:59 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?GI_Arbeitskreis_Microservices_=26_DevOps_-_Ca?= =?utf-8?q?ll_for_Participation=3A_5=2E_Arbeitskreistreffen_am_11=2E/12=2E?= =?utf-8?q?_M=C3=A4rz_2019_in_Stuttgart?= Message-ID: Liebe Microservice- und DevOps-Interessierte, hiermit möchten wir Sie noch einmal herzlich zur Teilnahme am fünften Treffen unseres Arbeitskreises einladen. Das Treffen wird am 11. und 12. März 2019 in Stuttgart bei der Robert Bosch GmbH stattfinden. Zwecks besserer Planung bitten wir um eine Registrierung bis zum 01.03.2019 unter . Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und eine GI-Mitgliedschaft ist nicht erforderlich. Wir werden wieder interessante Vorträge aus Industrie und Wissenschaft haben, unter anderem: * Einführung/Keynote (Robert Bosch GmbH) * Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes - Side-by-Side Comparison of the Developer and Deployer Experience (Matthias Häußler, Novatec GmbH) * Elasticity Aspects in Microservice Architectures (Floriment Klinaku, Universität Stuttgart) * Ein Self-Service-Portal für die Inbetriebnahme komplexer IT-Infrastrukturen (für den öffentlichen Verkehr) (Max Gelmroth et al., IVU Traffic Technologies AG) * Microservices in the German Industry: Insights into Technologies, Characteristics, and Software Quality (Justus Bogner & Jonas Fritzsch, Universität Stuttgart) * Business-Centered Domain Driven Design at Wirecard (Peter Alexander, RWTH Aachen) Termin: 11. März 2019, 13:00 Uhr bis 12. März 2019, 13:00 Uhr Gastgeber: Robert Bosch GmbH Veranstaltungsort Bosch CI Borsigstr. 4 Gebäude 701 70469 Stuttgart Organisation: Thomas F. Düllmann duellmann at Registrierung: Bitte registrieren Sie sich bis zum 01.03.2019. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und eine GI-Mitgliedschaft ist nicht erforderlich. Aktuelle Informationen zum Treffen und weitere Details zu den Vorträgen finden Sie unter: Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme! Holger Knoche, Andreas Steffens, Thomas Düllmann und Wilhelm Hasselbring From erwan.bousse at Fri Feb 22 17:44:13 2019 From: erwan.bousse at (Erwan Bousse) Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 17:44:13 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?3rd_CFP_=E2=88=92_15th_European_Conference_on?= =?utf-8?q?_Modelling_Foundations_and_Applications_=28ECMFA_2019=29_?= =?utf-8?q?=E2=88=92_co-located_with_STAF_2019?= Message-ID: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Call for Papers: The 15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2019) co-located with STAF 2019, July 15-19 2019, Eindhoven, the Netherlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TL;NR: call for high-quality foundation and application papers to be presented at ECMFA 2019 in Eindhoven (July 15-19, 2019), and published as gold open access journal publications in the Journal of Object Technology (JOT). You may also consider the new junior researcher community track and the research project showcase, both also part of the STAF 2019 event. We are pleased to announce that keynotes will be given by Friedrich Steimann (University of Hagen, Germany) and Ivan Kurtev (Altran, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). --------------------------- About the conference --------------------------- The 15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA) is dedicated to advancing the state of knowledge and fostering the application of Model-Based Engineering (MBE) and related approaches. Its focus is on engaging the key figures of research and industry in a dialog which will result in stronger and more effective practical application of MBE, hence producing more reliable software based on state-of-the-art research results. --------------------------- Topics --------------------------- ECMFA’19 has two distinct kinds of papers: one for research papers dealing with the modelling foundations, and one for research papers dealing with the applications of modelling techniques, including experience reports on model-based engineering tools, industrial use, case studies, etc. In the Foundation track, we are soliciting papers presenting original research on all aspects of model-based engineering. Foundation papers will be evaluated based on their suitability for the conference, originality, and technical soundness. They require novel and complete research work supported by adequate evaluation results. Typical topics of interest include, among others: - Foundations of (Meta)modelling - Domain Specific Modelling Languages and Language Workbenches - Model Reasoning, Testing, and Validation - Model Transformation, Code Generation and Reverse Engineering - Model Execution and Simulation - Model Management aspects such as (Co-)Evolution, Consistency, Synchronization, Differencing, and Versioning - Model-Based Engineering Environments and Tool Chains - Foundations of Requirements Modelling, Architecture Modelling, Platform Modelling - Foundations of Quality Aspects and Modelling non-functional System Properties - Scalability of MBE techniques - Collaborative modelling In the Application track, we solicit papers representing viewpoints, innovations, and practical experiences in employing Model-Based Engineering (MBE) from all aspects, e.g., modelling foundations, methods, approaches, and tools. We are also seeking experience reports, empirical evaluations, or case studies on the applications, successes, or failures of MBE. Papers from both researchers and practitioners are welcomed in this track. Topics of interest include, but not limited are: - MBE for Critical Systems (Safety, Mission, ..) - MBE for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems and Internet of Things - Model-Based Security Engineering - MBE for Software and Business Process Modelling - MBE Applications in Transportation, Health Care, Cloud&Mobile computing... - Model-Based Integration and Simulation - Model-Based Testing - Model-Based System Analysis - Application of Modelling Standards - Comparative Studies of MBE Methods and Tools - Metrics for MBE Development - MBE Training - Practical Experiences of applying MBE --------------------------- Submission and Publication --------------------------- Submissions must conform to the Journal of Object Technology (JOT) LaTeX template ( (manuscript processed with MS Word should produce a similar format), and must not exceed 20 pages (including figures, references, and appendices). All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. The reviewers will assess the completeness, the quality of and the relevance of the submission. All papers have to be submitted electronically in PDF format through this Easychair link: All accepted papers will be published as gold open-access journal publication in the Journal of Object Technology (JOT). At least one author for each accepted paper must register before the early registration deadline and present the paper during the conference. Failure to do so will result in the paper being withdrawn from the proceedings. --------------------------- Important Dates --------------------------- - Abstract submission: March 8th, 2019 - Full paper submission: March 15th, 2019 - Notification: April 19th, 2019 - Camera ready: May 10th, 2019 --------------------------- Organization committee --------------------------- Program co-Chairs: - Benoit Combemale, University of Toulouse, France (Foundation track) - Shaukat Ali, Simula, Norway (Application track) Communication Chair: - Erwan Bousse, University of Nantes, France --------------------------- Program Committee --------------------------- - Francis Bordeleau, Cmind Inc - Michalis Famelis, University of Montreal - Erwan Bousse, Université de Nantes / LS2N - Davide Di Ruscio, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila - Federico Ciccozzi, Mälardalen University - Alessandra Bagnato, Softeam - Dimitris Kolovos, University of York - Øystein Haugen, Østfold University College and SINTEF - Romina Eramo, University of L’Aquila - Esther Guerra, Universidad Autónoma of Madrid - Massimo Tisi, IMT Atlantique / LS2N - Bran Selic, Malina Software Corp. - Brice Morin, SINTEF ICT - Antonio Cicchetti, Mälardalen University - Houari Sahraoui, University of Montreal - Thomas Kuehne, Victoria University of Wellington - Zinovy Diskin, McMaster University / University of Waterloo - Sudipto Ghosh, Colorado State University - Jean-Michel Bruel, IRIT - Manuel Wimmer, TU Wien - Richard Paige, University of York - Eric Cariou, LIUPPA / Université de Pau - Anthony Anjorin, Paderborn University - Javier Troya, University of Seville - Sebastien Gerard, CEA, LIST - Daniel Varro, McGill University / Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Jeff Gray, University of Alabama - Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, MetaCase - Martin Gogolla, Database Systems Group, University of Bremen - Steffen Zschaler, King’s College London - Joel Greenyer, Leibniz Universität Hannover - Jennifer Horkoff, Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg - Ralf Lämmel, Universität Koblenz-Landau - Marco Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano - Markus Schacher, KnowGravity Inc. - Regina Hebig, Chalmers | Gothenburg University - Jörg Kienzle, McGill University - Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University - Timothy Lethbridge, University of Ottawa - Andrzej Wąsowski, IT University From irdta at Fri Feb 22 01:43:35 2019 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 01:43:35 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] AlCoB 2019: call for posters Message-ID: <545102060a010b0b085356030f005a54545605590505545100560b0154575b5654070d510100005151075751010756@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> AlCoB 2019: call for posters*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 6th International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB 2019) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. AlCoB 2019 will be held in Berkeley on May 28-30, 2019. See Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion. TOPICS Presentations displaying novel work in progress on algorithms in computational biology are encouraged on the following topics: - assembling sequence reads into a complete genome, - identifying gene structures in the genome, - recognizing regulatory motifs, - aligning nucleotides and comparing genomes, - reconstructing regulatory networks of genes, and - inferring the evolutionary phylogeny of species. Posters do not need to show final research results. Work that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome. KEY DATES Poster submission deadline: April 21, 2019 Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: April 28, 2019 SUBMISSION Please submit a .pdf abstract through: It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not exceed 500 words. PRESENTATION Posters will be allocated 10 minutes each in the programme for oral presentation. Moreover, they will remain hanging out during the whole conference for discussion. PUBLICATION Posters will not appear in the LNCS/LNBI proceedings volume of AlCoB 2019. However, they will be eligible for submission to the post-conference journal special issue in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (2017 JCR impact factor: 2.428). REGISTRATION At least one author of each accepted poster must register to the conference by May 14, 2019. The registration fare is reduced: 285 Euros. It gives the same rights all other conference participants have (attendance, copy of the proceedings volume, lunches, coffee breaks). Contributors of regular papers who in addition get a poster accepted must register for the latter independently.   -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From c.a.furia at Mon Feb 25 10:53:34 2019 From: c.a.furia at (VerifyThis) Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 10:53:34 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] VerifyThis @ ETAPS 2019: Travel Grants + Call for Participation Message-ID: <> ******************************************************************************** VerifyThis Verification Competition 2019 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION -- TRAVEL GRANTS Competition to be held at ETAPS 2019 ******************************************************************************** IMPORTANT DATES Grant application deadline: March 7, 2019 Competition: April 6 and 7, 2019 ABOUT VerifyThis 2019 is a program verification competition taking place as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2019) on April 6-7, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic. It is the 8th event in the VerifyThis competition series. The competition will offer a number of challenges presented in natural language and pseudo code. Participants have to formalize the requirements, implement a solution, and formally verify the implementation for adherence to the specification. There are no restrictions on the programming language and verification technology used. The correctness properties posed in problems will have the input-output behaviour of programs in focus. Solutions will be judged for correctness, completeness, and elegance. PARTICIPATION Participation is open for anybody interested. Teams of up to two people are allowed. Registration for ETAPS workshops and physical presence on site is required. We particularly encourage participation of: - student teams (this includes PhD students) - non-developer teams using a tool someone else developed - several teams using the same tool TRAVEL GRANTS The competition has funds for a limited number of travel grants. A grant covers the incurred travel and accommodation costs up to a certain limit. The expected limit is EUR 350 for those coming from Europe and EUR 600 for those coming from outside Europe. To apply for a travel grant, send an email to verifythis at by March 7, 2019. The application should include: - your name - your affiliation - the verification system(s) you plan to use at the competition - the planned composition of your team (and whether you are developers of the tools you'll be using) - a short letter of motivation explaining your involvement with formal verification so far - if you are a student, please state the academic degree you are seeking and have your supervisor send a brief letter of support to verifythis at ORGANIZERS * Marieke Huisman, University of Twente, the Netherlands * Rosemary Monahan, Maynooth University, Ireland * Peter Müller, ETH Zürich, Switzerland * Claire Dross, Adacore, France * Carlo A. Furia, USI Lugano, Switzerland CONTACT Email: verifythis at Web: From irdta at Mon Feb 25 22:40:39 2019 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 22:40:39 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] DeepLearn 2019: early registration March 2 Message-ID: <545102060a010b0b09545100040b5a510305025656530055020a5c040e055b0554005303035b525209045204015403@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> DeepLearn 2019: early registration March 2*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   ***************************************************************   3rd INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING   DeepLearn 2019   Warsaw, Poland   July 22-26, 2019   Co-organized by:   Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences   IRDTA – Brussels/London   ***************************************************************   --- Early registration deadline: March 2, 2019 ---   ***************************************************************   SCOPE:   DeepLearn 2019 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. This is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current exciting machine learning research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in neurosciences, computer vision, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedical informatics, healthcare, recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.   Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 four-hour and a half courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.   An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.   ADDRESSED TO:   Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, DeepLearn 2019 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.   STRUCTURE:   3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.   VENUE:   DeepLearn 2019 will take place in Warsaw, whose historical Old Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The venue will be:   Global Expo Modlinska 6D 03-216 Warsaw   KEYNOTE SPEAKERS:   tba   PROFESSORS AND COURSES: (to be completed)   Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications to the Natural Sciences   Christopher Bishop (Microsoft Research Cambridge), [introductory] Introduction to the Key Concepts and Techniques of Machine Learning   Aaron Courville (University of Montréal), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Generative Models   Issam El Naqa (University of Michigan), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Biomedicine   Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Florida), [introductory/intermediate] Feature Extraction, End-end Deep Learning and Applications to Very Large Scientific Data: Rare Signal Extraction, Uncertainty Estimation and Realtime Machine Learning Applications in Software and Hardware   Tomas Mikolov (Facebook), [introductory] Using Neural Networks for Modeling and Representing Natural Languages (with Armand Joulin)   Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks   Navraj Pannu (GoDaddy), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning and Maximum Likelihood in Structural Biology   Jose C. Principe (University of Florida), [intermediate/advanced] Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video   Björn Schuller (Imperial College London), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning for Intelligent Signal Processing   Alex Smola (Amazon), tba   Sargur Srihari (University at Buffalo), [intermediate/advanced] Explainable Artificial Intelligence   Ponnuthurai N Suganthan (Nanyang Technological University), [introductory/intermediate] Learning Algorithms for Classification, Forecasting and Visual Tracking   Johan Suykens (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning, Neural Networks and Kernel Machines   Alexey Svyatkovskiy (Princeton University), [introductory/intermediate] From Natural Language Processing to Machine Learning on Source Code   Bertrand Thirion (INRIA), [introductory] Understanding the Brain with Machine Learning   Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), [intermediate] Representation Learning in Limited Data Settings   René Vidal (Johns Hopkins University), [intermediate/advanced] Mathematics of Deep Learning   Haixun Wang (WeWork), [intermediate] Abstractions, Concepts, and Machine Learning   Xiaowei Xu (University of Arkansas, Little Rock), [introductory/advanced] Multi-resolution Models for Learning Multilevel Abstract Representations of Text   Zhongfei Zhang (Binghamton University), [introductory/advanced] Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data with Deep Learning   OPEN SESSION:   An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david at by July 14, 2019.   INDUSTRIAL SESSION:   A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of deep learning in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by July 14, 2019.   EMPLOYER SESSION:   Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. It is recommended to produce a 1-page .pdf leaflet with a brief description of the company and the profiles looked for, to be circulated among the participants prior to the event. At least one of the people in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by July 14, 2019.   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Łukasz Kobyliński (Warsaw, co-chair) Sara Morales (Brussels) Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada) David Silva (London, co-chair)   REGISTRATION:   It has to be done at   The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.   Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.   FEES:   Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.   ACCOMMODATION:   Accommodation can be booked at   CERTIFICATE:   A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david at   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) – Brussels/London   -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Thu Feb 28 13:53:40 2019 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 14:53:40 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things: Call for Papers Message-ID: 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things Santorini Island, Greece May 29 - 31, 2019 Link: in conjunction with the: 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2019) Workshop papers will get 8 pages in the IEEE proceedings, in the same volume with the DCOSS papers. Important Dates Paper Submission: 8th March Acceptance Notification: 1st April Camera Ready: 15th April Early Registration: 10th April Scope The Internet of Things is a paradigm that assumes a pervasive presence in the environment of many smart things, including sensors, actuators, embedded systems and other similar devices. The development of IoT, however, has reached a crossroads, which means that without intelligence, an IoT system will act as an ordinary information transfer system. Emerging IoT applications in various fields, including smart city, smart home, smart grid, e-health, intelligent transportation systems, etc., require trustworthy networking solutions that are resilient against high mobility, high density, disasters, infrastructure failures, cyberattacks, and other disruptions. This interdisciplinary landscape of IoT applications demands researchers from different areas such as machine learning, computational intelligence, optimization, distributed computing, embedded systems, and big data to synergize their efforts in better understanding the untapped opportunities to produce highly efficient, deployable, intelligent IoT systems. Topics (Not limited to): Computational Intelligence for the IoT Performance evaluation for the IoT Machine Learning in IoT and Smart Systems Dependability and Fault Tolerance in Smart Systems Big Data and data Miningfor the IoT Intelligent Network Technologies for the IoT Swarm and Multi-Agent Models for IoT Embedded Multiagent Systems Collective and Collaborative Robotics Applications of the IoT Smart Systems in Different industry verticals IoT platforms Blockchain for the IoT IoT Intrusion Detection Trust and Privacy in IoT Cloud Computing for the IoT Data Fusion from the IoT Program Chairs Dr. Vasos Vassiliou, University of Cyprus and RISE Research Center on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies Dr. Zinonas Zinonos, Neapolis University of Paphos Dr. Loizos Michael, Open University of Cyprus and RISE Research Center on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies Dr. Stelios Timotheou, University of Cyprus and KIOS Center on Intelligent Systems Submission instructions Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts reporting applied or technical research. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the same volume with the DCOSS 2019 conference proceedings. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and selected papers will be organized for presentation at the workshop. All submissions will be exclusively electronic with a maximum length of eight (8) printed pages including title, authors, abstract, figures, diagrams, references and attachments. Articles must be prepared in English following the IEEE two-column Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings (available here) and submitted in PDF format only. Submission link: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: