From haowu at Tue May 1 16:00:03 2018 From: haowu at (HaoWu) Date: Tue, 1 May 2018 15:00:03 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] FMICS Call for Papers Message-ID: <002a01d3e154$c58f1f30$50ad5d90$> **************************************************************************** *************************************** 23rd International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS) Co-located with the 14th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods (iFM) **************************************************************************** *************************************** Call for Papers - Extended Deadline **************************************************************************** *************************************** Dates Abstract submission: (extended) 7 May 2018 Paper submission: (extended) 11 May 2018 Conference: 03-04 September 2018 Scope The aim of the FMICS conference series is to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in the development and application of formal methods in industry. In particular, FMICS brings together scientists and engineers who are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage of these methods. The FMICS conference series also strives to promote research and development for the improvement of formal methods and tools for industrial applications. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): - Design, specification, code generation, and testing based on formal methods. - Methods, techniques and tools to support automated analysis, certification, debugging, learning, optimization and transformation of complex, distributed, real-time systems and embedded systems. - Automated verification (model checking, theorem proving, SAT/SMT constraint solving, abstract interpretation, etc.) of critical systems - Verification and validation methods that address shortcomings of existing methods with respect to their industrial applicability (e.g., scalability and usability issues). - Tools for the development of formal design descriptions. - Case studies and experience reports on industrial applications of formal methods, focusing on lessons learned or identification of new research directions. - Impact of the adoption of formal methods on the development process and associated costs. Application of formal methods in standardization and industrial forums. - Formal methods for mobile and autonomous systems. Submission and Publication Papers must describe authors' original research work and results. Submitted papers must not have previously appeared in a journal or conference with published proceedings and must not be concurrently submitted to any other peer-reviewed workshop, symposium, conference or archival journal. Any partial overlap with any such published or concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated. Submissions should clearly demonstrate relevance to industrial application. Case study papers should identify lessons learned, validate theoretical results (such as scalability of methods) or provide specific motivation for further research and development. Papers should not exceed 15 pages formatted according to the LNCS style (Springer). All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee who will make a selection among the submissions based on the novelty, soundness and applicability of the presented ideas and results. Papers must be written in English and should be submitted as Portable Document Format (PDF) files using the EasyChair submission site: The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in their LNCS series, while authors of the best full papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nicosia at Wed May 2 11:04:20 2018 From: nicosia at (Giuseppe Nicosia) Date: Wed, 2 May 2018 10:04:20 +0100 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP: 4th International Conference on machine Learning, Optimization & Data science - LOD 2018 Call for Papers - Paper submission deadline: May 15, 2018 Message-ID: [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement] [Please kindly help forward it to potentially interested attendees] 4th International Conference on machine Learning, Optimization & Data science - LOD 2018 An Interdisciplinary Conference: Machine Learning, Optimization & Data Science without Borders SIAF Learning Village - Volterra (Pisa) Tuscany, September 13-16, 2018 lod at KEYNOTE SPEAKERS * Jörg Bornschein DeepMind, London, UK * Peter Flach - Editor-in-Chief of the Machine Learning Journal University of Bristol, UK * Stephen Smale - Fields Medal University of California Berkeley, USA * George Karypis University of Minnesota, USA * Martin Ravetti Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil * Andrey Raygorodsky Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia ************************* CALL FOR PAPERS ************************* Paper submission deadline: May 15, 2018 The LOD 2018 conference will consist of four days of main conference sessions. The 4th Annual Conference on machine Learning, Optimization and Data science (LOD) is a single-track machine learning, computational optimization, data science conference that includes invited talks, tutorial talks, special sessions, industrial tracks, demonstrations and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. We invite submissions of papers, abstracts and posters on all topics related to Machine learning, Optimization and Big Data including real-world applications for the conference proceedings: Please prepare your paper in English using the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template, which is available Papers must be submitted in PDF. LOD 2018 Types of Submissions When submitting a paper to LOD 2018, authors are required to select one of the following four types of papers: + Long paper: original novel and unpublished work (max. 12 pages in Springer LNCS format); + Short paper: an extended abstract of novel work (max. 4 pages); + Work for oral presentation only (no page restriction; any format). For example, work already published elsewhere, which is relevant and which may solicit fruitful discussion at the conference; + Work for poster presentation only. The poster format for the presentation is A0 (118.9 cm high and 84.1 cm wide, respectively 46.8 x 33.1 inch). For research work which is relevant and which may solicit fruitful discussion at the conference. LOD 2018 Post-Proceedings All accepted long papers will be published in a volume of the series 'Lecture Notes in Computer Science' from Springer after the conference. Instructions for preparing and submitting the final versions (camera-ready papers) of all accepted papers will be available later on. All the other papers (short papers, abstract of the oral presentations, poster presentations) will be published on the LOD 2018 web site. LOD 2018 Best Paper Springer sponsors the LOD 2018 Best Paper Award with a cash prize of EUR 1,000. LOD 2018 Submission System All papers must be submitted using EasyChair: DEADLINE: May 15, 2018 LOD 2018 Important Dates + Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2018 + Decision Notification to Authors: June 20, 2018 + Camera Ready Submission Deadline: July 1st, 2018 + Deadline for early Registration as Presenting Author: July 1st, 2018 + Late registration: July 2 – September 16, 2018 + On-Site registration: September 13-16, 2018 + LOD 2018 conference: September 13-16, 2018 LOD 2018 Registration LOD 2018 Program Committee The current LOD 2018 Program Committee includes about 300 Program Committee members: Any questions regarding the submission process can be sent to conference organizers: lod at We look forward to seeing you in Tuscany! LOD 2018 Chairs & Organizing Committee. lod at MOD 2017 Keynote Speakers: Yi-Ke Guo, Imperial College London, UK. Founding Director of Data Science Institute Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA. Director of the Center for Applied Optimization Ruslan Salakhutdinov,Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Director of AI Research at Apple. My Thai, University of Florida, USA Jun Pei, Hefei University of Technology, China Vincenzo Sciacca, Cloud and Cognitive Division – IBM Rome, Italy MOD 2016 Keynote Speakers: Nello Cristianini, University of Bristol, UK George Michailidis, University of Florida, USA Stephen Muggleton, Imperial College London, UK Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA MOD 2015 Keynote Speakers: Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota, USA Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA Tomaso Poggio, MIT, USA 2015 Best Paper Award of the Previous Editions: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pstuckey at Wed May 2 02:57:03 2018 From: pstuckey at (Peter James Stuckey) Date: Wed, 2 May 2018 00:57:03 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Second round call for papers: LOPSTR 2018 Message-ID: ====================================================================== LOPSTR 2018: Second Round Call for Papers ====================================================================== 28th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation LOPSTR 2018 Frankfurt, Germany, September 4-6, 2018 (co-located with PPDP 2018 and WFLP 2018) The aim of the LOPSTR series is to stimulate and promote international research and collaboration on logic-based program development. LOPSTR is open to contributions in logic-based program development in any language paradigm. LOPSTR has a reputation for being a lively, friendly forum for presenting and discussing work in progress. Formal proceedings are produced only after the symposium so that authors can incorporate this feedback in the published papers. The 28th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2018) will be held at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Previous symposia were held in Siena, Canterbury, Madrid, Leuven, Odense, Hagenberg, Coimbra, Valencia, Lyngby, Venice, London, Verona, Uppsala, Madrid, Paphos, London, Venice, Manchester, Leuven, Stockholm, Arnhem, Pisa, Louvain-la-Neuve, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Namur. LOPSTR 2018 will be co-located with PPDP 2018 (International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming) and WFLP 2018 (International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming). Topics of interest cover all aspects of logic-based program development, all stages of the software life cycle, and issues of both programming-in-the-small and programming-in-the-large. Both full papers and extended abstracts describing applications in these areas are especially welcome. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of logic-based program development, including, but not limited to: * synthesis * transformation * specialization * composition * optimization * inversion * specification * analysis and verification * testing and certification * program and model manipulation * transformational techniques in SE * applications and tools Survey papers that present some aspects of the above topics from a new perspective, and application papers that describe experience with industrial applications are also welcome. Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with refereed proceedings. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshop proceedings may be submitted (please contact the PC chairs in case of questions). In order to more closely follow previous LOPSTR timelines, we have added an additional round of paper submission at a more usual time for LOPSTR. Papers submitted in the first round may already be accepted before this round, while rejected papers from the first round can be resubmitted. Important Dates Abstract submission: June 26, 2018 Paper/Extended abstract submission: June 30, 2018 Notification: July 30, 2018 Camera-ready (for electronic pre-proceedings): August 15, 2018 Symposium: September 4-6, 2018 Submission Guidelines Authors should submit an electronic copy of the paper (written in English) in PDF, formatted in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science style. Each submission must include on its first page the paper title; authors and their affiliations; contact author's email; abstract; and three to four keywords which will be used to assist the PC in selecting appropriate reviewers for the paper. Page numbers (and, if possible, line numbers) should appear on the manuscript to help the reviewers in writing their report. Submissions cannot exceed 15 pages including references but excluding well-marked appendices not intended for publication. Reviewers are not required to read the appendices, and thus papers should be intelligible without them. Papers should be submitted via the Easychair submission website for LOPSTR 2018. Best Paper Award and Prize A best paper award will be granted, which will include a 500 EUR prize provided by Springer. This award will be given to the best paper submitted to the conference, based on the relevance, originality, and technical quality. The program committee may split the award among two or more papers, also considering authorship (e.g., student paper). Invited Talks LOPSTR/PPDP: Philippa Gardner, Imperial College - formal methods for JavaScript LOPSTR/PPDP: Jorge Navas, SRI International - SeaHorn and constrained horn clauses for verification LOPSTR: Laure Gonnord, University of Lyon - expressivity and scalability of program analysis PPDP: Chung-Chieh Shan, Indiana University - probabilistic programming Proceedings The formal post-conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Full papers can be directly accepted for publication in the formal proceedings, or accepted only for presentation at the symposium and inclusion in informal proceedings. After the symposium, all authors of extended abstracts and full papers accepted only for presentation will be invited to revise and/or extend their submissions in the light of the feedback solicited at the symposium. Then, after another round of reviewing, these revised papers may also be published in the formal proceedings. Program Committee See Program Chairs Fred Mesnard, University of Reunion Island, France Peter Stuckey, University of Melbourne, Australia Organizing Committee David Sabel (General Chair), Computer Science Institute Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany From Cassia.Trojahn at Thu May 3 12:30:53 2018 From: Cassia.Trojahn at (Cassia TROJAHN) Date: Thu, 03 May 2018 12:30:53 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] =?utf-8?q?EKAW_2018_Call_for_workshops_ans_tutorials_?= =?utf-8?q?=3A_deadlne_approaching?= In-Reply-To: <5a71-5acdb680-205-347a7c80@198200425> Message-ID: <16d0-5aeae500-ad-23f12e80@262867292> Call for workshops and tutorials In conjunction with EKAW 2018 November 12 - 16 Nancy, France Authors of the best workshop papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions to a special issue of Data Science Journal ( ** Introduction ** The International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW) is concerned with all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, modelling and managing knowledge, as well its role in the construction of knowledge-intensive systems and services for the semantic web, knowledge management, e-business, natural language processing, intelligent information integration, etc. This year, EKAW will pay special attention to topics related to knowledge and artificial intelligence. Besides the regular conference tracks, EKAW will host a number of workshops and tutorials on topics related to the theme of the conference. We hope our workshops to provide an informal setting where participants have the opportunity to discuss specific technical topics in an atmosphere that fosters the active exchange of ideas; and tutorials to enable attendees to fully appreciate current issues, main schools of thought, and possible application areas. ** Topics of Interest ** In order to meet these goals, workshop/tutorial proposals should address topics that satisfy the following criteria: the falls in the general scope of EKAW 2018; there is a clear focus on a specific technology, problem or application; there is a sufficiently large community interested in the topic. ** Submission Guidelines ** Proposals should be submitted via EasyChair at: Submissions should be a single PDF file of no more than 5 pages, specifying "Workshop Proposal" or "Tutorial Proposal", and should contain the following information. Workshop proposals: Title. Abstract (200 words). Motivation on why the topic is of particular interest at this time and its relation to the main conference topics. Workshop format, discussing the mix of events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, and general discussion. Intended audience and expected number of participants. List of (potential) members of the program committee (at least 50% have to be confirmed at the time of the proposal, confirmed participants should be marked specifically). Indication of whether the workshop should be considered for a half-day or full-day. The tentative dates (submission, notification, camera-ready deadline, etc.) Past versions of the workshop, including URLs as well as number of submissions and acceptance rates. Details of the organisers (name, affiliation, email address, homepage) and short CV. We strongly advise having more than one organiser, preferably from different institutions, bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome, and will prioritise, workshops with creative structures and organisations that attract various types of contributions and ensure rich interactions. A special issue of Data Science Journal will be compiled with revised and extended versions of the best workshop papers from EKAW 2018. For more information on Data Science Journal, see: Workshop organisers will be requested to nominate papers from their workshops, whose authors will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their papers to this special issue. Papers submitted to the special issue will go through the regular Data Science review process. Tutorial proposals: Title. Abstract (200 words). Relation to the conference topics, i.e. why it will be of interest to the conference attendants. If the tutorial, or a very similar tutorial, has been given elsewhere, explanation of the benefit of presenting it again to the EKAW community. Overview of content, description of the aims, presentation style, potential/preferred prerequisite knowledge. Indication on whether the tutorial should be considered for a half-day or full-day. Intended audience and expected number of participants. Audio-visual or technical requirements and any special room requirements (for hands-on sessions, any software needed and download sites must be provided by the tutorial presenters). Details of the presenters (name, affiliation, email address, homepage) and short CV including also their expertise, experiences in teaching and in tutorial presentation. ** Workshop Organiser Responsibilities ** The organisers of accepted workshops are expected to: prepare a workshop webpage (linked to the official EKAW website) containing the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop organisation and timelines. be responsible for the workshop publicity. be responsible for their own reviewing process, decide upon the final program content and report the number of submissions and accepted papers to the workshop chair. be responsible for publishing electronic proceedings (e.g. on the CEUR-WS website). ensure workshop participants are informed they have to register to the main conference and the workshop. schedule, attend and coordinate their entire workshop. ** Tutorial Organisers Responsibilities ** The proposers of accepted tutorials are expected to prepare a tutorial webpage (linked to the official EKAW website) containing detailed information about the tutorial prepare the tutorial materials publicity distribute materials to participants schedule, attend and coordinate their tutorial. ** Important Dates ** Proposals due: 9 May, 2018 Notifications: 23 May 2018 ** Suggested Timeline for Workshops ** Workshop website up and calls: 1 June 2018 Deadline to submit Papers to Workshops: 8 September 2018 Acceptance of Papers for Workshops: 1 October 2018 Workshop days: 12 or 13 November 2018 ** Chairs ** Manuel Atencia, Université Grenoble Alpes & Inria, France Marieke van Erp, KNAW Humanities Cluster, The Netherlands ** Contact: ** ekaw2018wst at From peterol at Fri May 4 16:39:25 2018 From: peterol at (=?utf-8?Q?Peter_Csaba_=C3=96lveczky?=) Date: Fri, 4 May 2018 16:39:25 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP: Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'18) Message-ID: <> -------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers FACS 2018 15th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software Pohang, Korea, October 10-12, 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Abstract submission deadline: June 8, 2018 (AoE) Paper submission deadline: June 15, 2018 (AoE) Notification: August 7, 2018 Conference: Oct 10-12, 2018 OVERVIEW AND SCOPE Component-based software development proposes sound engineering principles and techniques to cope with the complexity of present-day software systems. However, many challenging conceptual and technological issues remain in component-based software development theory and practice. Furthermore, the advent of service-oriented and cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things has brought to the fore new dimensions, such as quality of service and robustness to withstand faults, which require revisiting established concepts and developing new ones. FACS 2018 is concerned with how formal methods can be applied to component-based software and system development. Formal methods have provided foundations for component-based software through research on mathematical models for components, composition and adaptation, and rigorous approaches to verification, deployment, testing, and certification. The conference seeks to address the application of formal methods in all aspects of software components and services. Specific topics include, but are not limited to: * formal models for software components and their interaction; * formal aspects of services, service-oriented architectures, business processes, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, and similar artifacts; * design and verification methods for software components and services; * composition and deployment: models, calculi, languages; * formal methods and modeling languages for components and services; * models for QoS and other extra-functional properties (e.g., trust, compliance, security) of components and services; * components for real-time, safety-critical, secure, and/or embedded systems; * components for the Internet of things and cyber-physical systems; * probabilistic techniques for modeling and verification of component-based systems; * model-based testing of components and services; * case studies and experience reports; * tools supporting formal methods for components and services. PAPER SUBMISSION We solicit submissions, related to the topics mentioned above, in the following categories: A) original research contributions (18 pages max); B) applications and experiences (18 pages max); C) surveys, comparisons, and state-of-the-art reports (18 pages max); D) tool papers (6 pages max). All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. Paper submission is done via EasyChair at Papers must be formatted according to the guidelines for Springer LNCS papers (see In addition, we solicit submissions to the Doctoral Track of FACS 2018, in the form of abstracts (3 pages max) concisely capturing work in progress, research questions, envisaged contributions, and/or partial results. Doctoral Track submission deadline: August 5, 2018 (AoE) Doctoral Track notification: August 15, 2018 PUBLICATION All accepted papers in the categories A-D above will appear in the proceedings of the conference that will be published as a volume in Springer’s LNCS series. The authors of a selected subset of accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a special issue of the Science of Computer Programming journal. INVITED SPEAKERS Edward A. Lee (University of California, Berkeley) Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) PROGRAM COMMITTEE Farhad Arbab (CWI and Leiden University) Cyrille Artho (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Kyungmin Bae (chair) (Pohang University of Science and Technology) Luis Barbosa (University of Minho) Simon Bliudze (INRIA Lille) Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa) Zhenbang Chen (National University of Defense Technology) Yunja Choi (Kyungpook National University) Jose Luiz Fiadeiro (Royal Holloway University of London) Xudong He (Florida International University) Sung-Shik Jongmans (Open University of the Netherlands) Yunho Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Olga Kouchnarenko (FEMTO-ST & University of Franche-Comte) Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna/INRIA) Axel Legay (INRIA Rennes) Shaoying Liu (Hosei University) Zhiming Liu (Southwest University, Chongqing) Markus Lumpe (Swinburne University of Technology) Eric Madelaine (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Hernan Melgratti (University of Buenos Aires) Jose Meseguer (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Kazuhiro Ogata (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Peter Olveczky (chair) (University of Oslo) Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA) Jose Proenca (University of Minho) Gwen Salaun (University of Grenoble Alpes) Francesco Santini (Univerity of Perugia) Meng Sun (Peking University) Antonio Vallecillo (University of Malaga) Daniel Varro (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) Shoji Yuen (Nagoya University) Min Zhang (East China Normal University) From zimmer at Mon May 7 09:09:00 2018 From: zimmer at (Prof. Dr. Wolf Zimmermann) Date: Mon, 07 May 2018 09:09:00 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Extended Deadlne: ESOCC 2018 (European Conference and Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing) Message-ID: <> ******************************** **** NEW SUBMISSION DATES!! **** ******************************** =============== CALL FOR PAPERS =============== 7th European Conference and Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2018) September 12-14, 2018, Como, Italy ----- Scope ----- Service-oriented and cloud computing have made a huge impact both on the software industry and on the research community. Today, service and cloud technologies are applied to build large-scale software landscapes as well as to provide single software services to end users. Services today are independently developed and deployed as well as freely composed while they can be implemented in a variety of technologies, a quite important fact from a business perspective. Similarly, cloud computing aims at enabling flexibility by offering a centralized sharing of resources. The industry's need for agile and flexible software and IT systems has made cloud computing the dominating paradigm for provisioning computational resources in a scalable, on-demand fashion. Nevertheless, service developers, providers, and integrators still need to create methods, tools and techniques to support cost-effective and secure development as well as use of dependable devices, platforms, services and service-oriented applications in the cloud. The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier conference on advances in the state of the art and practice of service-oriented computing and cloud computing in Europe. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the exchange between researchers and practitioners in the areas of service-oriented computing and cloud computing, as well as to explore the new trends in those areas and foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond. ------ Tracks ------ - Main conference: three days full of invited talks, panels, and presentations of selected research papers, including a dedicated day to satellite workshops . - PhD Symposium: here Ph.D. students have the opportunity to present their work, even at an early stage, to a panel of experienced professors and researchers, which can supply valuable comments for its improvement. - European Projects Track: an extremely useful opportunity for researchers around Europe to disseminate the latest research developments in their projects. - Industrial Track: specifically conceived to allow researchers and practitioners from companies to share their experience and latest breakthroughs. Details about all the tracks are available at the conference web site: ------------- Special focus ------------- A particular focus in this year's conference will be on: - Service and Cloud Computing in the era of virtualization - Business Process Management in the Cloud ------------- Invited talks ------------- Valerie Issarny (INRIA, France) and Omer Rana (Cardiff University, UK) will be the keynote speakers of ESOCC 2018 with two outstanding and relevant speeches on, namely, “When service-oriented and cloud computing meets the IoT: A use case in the context of urban mobile crowd-sensing” and “Edge Clouds: Architectures and Deployment Models”. ------------------ Topics of interest ------------------ ESOCC 2018 seeks original, high quality papers related to all aspects of service-oriented and cloud computing. Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Service and Cloud Computing Models     * Design patterns, guidelines and methodologies     * Governance models     * Architectural models     * Requirements engineering     * Formal Methods     * Model-Driven Engineering     * Quality models     * Security, Privacy & Trust models     * Self-Organizing Service-Oriented and Cloud Architectures Models     * Testing models - Service and Cloud Computing Engineering     * Service Discovery, Matchmaking, Negotiation and Selection     * Monitoring and Analytics     * Governance and management     * Cloud Interoperability, Multi-Cloud, Cross-Cloud, and Federated Cloud solutions     * Frameworks & Methods for Building Service and Cloud based Applications     * Cross-layer adaptation     * Edge, Cloud, Service Orchestration & Management     * Service Level Agreement Management     * Service Evolution/Optimisation     * Service & Cloud Testing and Simulation     * QoS for Services and Clouds     * Semantic Web Services     * Service mining     * Service & Cloud Standards - Technologies     * DevOps in the Cloud     * Containerized services     * Emerging Trends in Storage, Computation and Network Clouds     * Microservices Deployment and Management     * Next Generation Services Middleware and Service Repositories     * RESTful Clouds and Services     * Service and Cloud Middleware & Platforms     * Blockchain for Services & Clouds     * Services and Clouds with IoT     * Fog Computing with Service and Cloud - Business and Social aspects     * Enterprise Architectures for Service and Cloud     * Service-based Workflow Deployment & Life-cycle Management     * Core Applications, e.g., Big Data, Commerce, Energy, Finance, Health, Scientific Computing, Smart Cities     * Business Process as a Service β€" BPaaS     * Service and Cloud Business Models     * Service and Cloud Brokerage     * Service and Cloud Marketplaces     * Service and Cloud Cost & Pricing     * Crowdsourcing Business Services     * Social and Crowd-based Cloud     * Energy issues in Cloud     * Sustainability issues ---------- Submissions ---------- ESOCC 2018 invites submissions in all the tracks: - Regular research papers (15 pages) - Ph.D. Symposium (8 pages, authored by the PhD student with indication of supervisor's names) - Industry Track (1-to-5 pages description of current R&D projects) - European Project Space (1-to-5 pages description of ongoing projects) We only accept original papers, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers must be formatted according to the LNCS proceedings guidelines. They must be submitted to the EasyChair site at All accepted papers of the main conference will be included in the conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series ( There is a high possibility that the accepted papers of the other tracks will be published on CCISS series of Springer (final approval pending) At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register and present the work at the conference. ---------- Important dates ---------- Research papers - Abstract submission: May 11, 2018 **** NEW! **** - Paper Submission: May 21, 2018 **** NEW! **** - Notification: June 22, 2018 - Final Version: July 06, 2018 Industrial papers/EU Project Space - Paper submission: July 14, 2018 - Notification: August 13. 2018 - Camera ready: August 27, 2018 PhD Symposium - Paper Submission: July 14, 2018 - Notification: August 24, 2018 - Camera ready: September 3, 2018 ---------- Organization ---------- General Chair - Flavio De Paoli (Università  di Milano-Bicocca, Italy) Program Chairs - Kyriakos Kritikos (ICS-FORTH, Greece) - Pierluigi Plebani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Workshop Chairs - Wolf Zimmermann (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany) - Maria Fazio (University of Messina, Italy) PhD Symposium Chairs - Vasilios Andrikopoulos (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) - Massimo Villari (University of Messina, Italy) EU Project Space Chairs - Federico Facca (Martel Innovate, Switzerland) - Dimitru Roman (SINTEF, Norway) Industrial Track Chair - Marco Brambilla (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) - Erik Wilde (CA Technologies API Academy, Switzerland) From wadt18 at Fri May 11 21:58:32 2018 From: wadt18 at (WADT 2018) Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 19:58:32 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] WADT 2018 & Leverhulme School - New extension to abstract submission deadline! Message-ID: ====================================================================== LAST CALL FOR PAPERS - New extension to abstract submission deadline! WADT 2018 24th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques July 2–5, 2018, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK AND CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - Programme now available! Leverhulme School on Graph Transformation Techniques 2018 June 29–July 1, 2018, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK ====================================================================== AIMS AND SCOPE The algebraic approach to system specification encompasses many aspects of the formal design of software systems. Originally born as a formal method for reasoning about abstract data types, it now covers new specification frameworks and programming paradigms (such as object-oriented, aspect-oriented, agent-oriented, logic and higher-order functional programming) as well as a wide range of application areas (including information systems, concurrent, distributed and mobile systems). The workshop will provide an opportunity to present recent and ongoing work, to meet colleagues, and to discuss new ideas and future trends. TOPICS OF INTEREST Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are: – Foundations of algebraic specification – Other approaches to formal specification, including process calculi and models of concurrent, distributed, and cyber-physical systems – Specification languages, methods, and environments – Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques – Model-driven development – Graph transformations, term rewriting, and proof systems – Integration of formal specification techniques – Formal testing and quality assurance, validation, and verification – Algebraic approaches to cognitive sciences, including computational creativity WORKSHOP FORMAT AND LOCATION The workshop will take place over four days, Monday to Thursday, at Royal Holloway University of London in Egham, UK ( Presentations will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts. Leverhulme School on Graph Transformation Techniques This occurrence of the ADT workshop will be preceded by the Leverhulme School on Graph Transformation Techniques. The school will take place over three days, from Friday, June 29th, to Sunday, July 1st, and will comprise a self-contained series of invited lectures on graph transformation to be given by Reiko Heckel (University of Leicester, UK), Fernando Orejas (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain), and Detlef Plump (University of York, UK). INVITED SPEAKERS Artur d'Avila Garcez (City, University of London, UK) Rolf Hennicker (LMU Munich, Germany) Kai-Uwe Kühnberger (Osnabrück University, Germany) Fernando Orejas (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain) IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline for abstracts: May 18th, 2018 Notification of acceptance: May 25th, 2018 Early registration: June 1st, 2018 Final abstract due: June 8th, 2018 Leverhulme School on Graph Transformation Techniques: June 29–July 1, 2018 ADT Workshop: July 2–5, 2018 SUBMISSIONS The scientific programme of the workshop will include presentations of recent results or ongoing research as well as invited talks. The presentations will be selected by the Steering Committee on the basis of submitted abstracts according to originality, significance and general interest. Abstracts must not exceed two pages including references; if a longer version of the contribution is available, it can be made accessible on the web and referenced in the abstract. Abstracts have to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair system at PROCEEDINGS After the workshop, authors will be invited to submit full papers for the refereed proceedings. All submissions will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. Selection will be based on originality, soundness, and significance of the presented ideas and results. The proceedings will be published as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer). The deadline for submissions will be September 3, 2018, with notifications by October 29. Camera-ready versions will be required by November 11. SPONSORSHIP The workshop takes place under the auspices of IFIP WG 1.3, while the series of graph-transformation lectures is supported by a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship. WADT STEERING COMMITTEE Andrea Corradini (Italy) José Fiadeiro (UK) [co-chair] Rolf Hennicker (Germany) Hans-Jörg Kreowski (Germany) Till Mossakowski (Germany) Fernando Orejas (Spain) Markus Roggenbach (UK) Grigore Roșu (United States) PROGRAMME COMMITEE Paolo Baldan (Italy) Andrea Corradini (Italy) Artur d'Avila Garcez (UK) Răzvan Diaconescu (Romania) José Fiadeiro (UK) [co-chair] Fabio Gadducci (Italy) Reiko Heckel (UK) Rolf Hennicker (Germany) Alexander Knapp (Germany) Barbara König (Germany) Antónia Lopes (Portugal) Narciso Marti-Oliet (Spain) Till Mossakowski (Germany) Fernando Orejas (Spain) Leila Ribeiro (Brazil) Markus Roggenbach (UK) Pierre-Yves Schobbens (Belgium) Lutz Schröder (Germany) Pawel Sobocinski (UK) Ionuț Țuțu (UK) [co-chair] Martin Wirsing (Germany) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Claudia Chiriță (UK) José Fiadeiro (UK) Ionuț Țuțu (UK) CONTACT INFORMATION Email: wadt18 at Homepage: From irdta at Thu May 10 00:26:36 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Thu, 10 May 2018 00:26:36 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] AlCoB 2018: call for posters Message-ID: <545102060a010b05035058010f0a5a54035e500754010558515058550552020003550d0050090605525e5606030157@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> AlCoB 2018: call for posters*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line* ------------------------------------------ The 5th International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB 2018) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. AlCoB 2018 will be held in Hong Kong on June 25-26, 2018. See Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion. TOPICS Presentations displaying novel work in progress on algorithms in computational biology are encouraged on the following topics: - assembling sequence reads into a complete genome, - identifying gene structures in the genome, - recognizing regulatory motifs, - aligning nucleotides and comparing genomes, - reconstructing regulatory networks of genes, and - inferring the evolutionary phylogeny of species. Posters do not need to show final research results. Work that might lead to new interesting developments is welcome. KEY DATES Poster submission deadline: May 18, 2018 Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: May 25, 2018 SUBMISSION Please submit a .pdf abstract through: It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not exceed 500 words. PRESENTATION Posters will be allocated 10 minutes each in the programme for oral presentation. Moreover, they will remain hanging out during the whole conference for discussion. PUBLICATION Posters will not appear in the LNCS/LNBI proceedings volume of AlCoB 2018. However, they will be eligible for submission to the post-conference journal special issue in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (2016 JCR impact factor: 1.955). REGISTRATION At least one author of each accepted poster must register to the conference by June 11, 2018. The registration fare is reduced: 285 Euros. It gives the same rights all other conference participants have (attendance, copy of the proceedings volume, lunches, coffee breaks). Contributors of regular papers who in addition get a poster accepted must register for the latter independently. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Thu May 10 16:02:52 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Thu, 10 May 2018 17:02:52 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 15th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2018): Call for Papers - Extended Deadline Message-ID: <> *** CALL FOR PAPERS - EXTENDED DEADLINE *** 15th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2018) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 4-5 October, 2018 The European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS) is an annual research event addressing the IS discipline with regional as well as global perspective. EMCIS has successfully helped bringing together researchers from around the world in a friendly atmosphere conducted to free exchange of innovative ideas. EMCIS was founded in 2004 by Brunel University research Group ISEing and it is an annual event. A number of respected collaborations were made with different local universities across the destinations chosen each year and EMCIS still proves to attract many further partnerships. EMCIS is one of the premier conferences in Europe and Middle Eastern region for Information Systems academics and professionals, covering technical, organisational, business and social issues in the application of Information Technology. EMCIS is dedicated to the definition and establishment of Information Systems as a discipline of high impact for the methodical community and IS professionals - focusing on approaches that facilitate the identification of innovative research of significant relevance to the IS discipline following sound research methodologies that lead to results of measurable impact. The EMCIS proceedings are published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Zahir Irani, University of Bradford, UK "An Enterprise View of Food Security: A Puzzle, Problem or Mess for a Circular Economy" Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne, Germany "Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Meet Human Brain" TOPICS The topics of interest are grouped into the following tracks: · Big Data and Analytics · Blockchain Technology and Applications · Cloud Computing · Digital Services and Social Media · e-Government · Enterprise Systems · Science Communication in the Digital Public Sphere · Information Systems Security and Information Privacy Protection · Healthcare Information Systems · Management and Organisational Issues in Information Systems · IT Governance · Innovative Research Projects · Immersive Technologies in IT/IS A full list of subtopics for each track can be found on the conference web site. PAPER SUBMISSION Submissions should be original, not published or being considered elsewhere for publication. Authors should not add their details (names, affiliation, email etc.) in the document they submit for review. All papers should be submitted via the Easy Chair conference management system (the URL is available on the conference web site) and adhere to the format for Springer Lecture Notes publications. The papers must be submitted as a single PDF document and should not exceed 5,000 words (recommended length is 14 pages). Please note that the working language is English. Papers go through a 'double-blind review' process that evaluates their significance, originality, contribution and clarity. Upon acceptance please make sure that at least one author registers to secure a slot for their presentation in the conference program. When preparing the camera-ready version of a paper, authors should add their details (names, affiliation, email, etc.) on the first page of the paper and indicate which is the corresponding author. Along with the camera-ready version of their paper, authors should fill, sign and submit the copyright form. The form shall be sent by email to info[at] IMPORTANT DATES · Electronic Submission Deadline: 31 May, 2018 (*** extended ***) · Notification of Acceptance to Authors: 30 June, 2018 · Camera Ready Copy: 10 July, 2018 · Early-bird Registration: 10 July, 2018 · Author Registration Deadline: 10 July, 2018 EMCIS ORGANIZATION Conference Chair · George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Conference co-Chair · Angelika Kokkinaki, University of Nicosia, Cyprus Conference Executive Committee · Vincenzo Morabito, Bocconi University, Italy, (Program Chair) · Marinos Themistocleous, University of Piraeus, Greece (Program Chair) · Gianluigi Viscusi, École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland (Publications Chair) · Muhammad Kamal, Brunel University, UK (Public Relations Chair) International Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Fri May 11 15:12:24 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 11 May 2018 16:12:24 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 24th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2018): Last Call for Papers Message-ID: *** LAST CALL FOR PAPERS *** 24th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2018) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 29-31 October, 2018 *** Extended Deadline: 28 May, 2018 *** WELCOME ISMIS is an established and prestigious conference for exchanging the latest research results in building intelligent systems. Held twice every three years, the conference provides a medium for exchanging scientific research and technological achievements accomplished by the international community. SCOPE The scope of ISMIS is intended to represent a wide range of topics on applying Artificial Intelligence techniques to areas as diverse as decision support, automated deduction, reasoning, knowledge based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, planning, databases, information retrieval, etc. The focus is on research in intelligent systems. The conference addresses issues involving solutions to problems that are complex to be solved through conventional approaches and that require the simulation of intelligent thought processes, heuristics and applications of knowledge. The integration of these multiple approaches in solving complex problems is of particular importance. ISMIS provides a forum and a means for exchanging information for those interested purely in theory, those interested primarily in implementation, and those interested in specific research and industrial applications. INVITED SPEAKERS · Michael May - Siemens, Munich, Germany · Jean-Marc Petit - INSA Lyon and Université de Lyon, France TOPICS ISMIS 2018 is intended to attract individuals who are actively engaged both in theoretical and practical aspects of intelligent systems. The goal is to provide a platform for a useful exchange between theoreticians and practitioners, and to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas in the following areas: · Active Media Human-Computer Interaction · Autonomic and Evolutionary Computation · Digital Libraries · Health Informatics · Intelligent Agent Technology · Intelligent Data Processing and Analytics · Intelligent Information Retrieval · Intelligent Information Systems · Intelligent Language Processing · Knowledge Integration and Aggregation · Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining · Knowledge Visualization · Logic for Artificial Intelligence · Multimedia Information Retrieval · Soft Computing · Text Mining · Web Intelligence · Web Mining In addition, we solicit papers dealing with Applications of Intelligent Systems in complex/novel domains, e.g. art, human genome, global change, manufacturing, social good, etc. PAPER SUBMISSION Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in LNCS/LNAI style (maximum 10 pages). All paper submissions will be handled electronically. All submissions will be subject to review by the ISMIS 2018 Program Committee. Papers should be prepared using the Springer LNCS/LNAI style (, maximum 10 pages. Papers should be submitted in PDF form via ISMIS 2018 Online Submission System: . PUBLICATION AND JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES The ISMIS 2018 proceedings will be published by Springer in LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) and will be available at the conference. Authors of best papers will be invited to submit their extended versions to the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS) ( published by Springer. Fast Track Processing will be used to have them reviewed and published. IMPORTANT DATES · Paper Submissions due: 28th May 2018 (extended) · Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 10th July 2018 · Camera-Ready Versions of Accepted Papers: 31st July 2018 · Author Registration: 31st Juy 2018 · Early Non-Author Registration: 10th September 2018 · Late Non-Author Registration: after 10th September 2018 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Steering Committee Chair · Zbigniew Ras (UNC-Charlotte, USA & Polish-Japanese Academy of IT, Poland) Symposium Chair · George Angelos Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) Program Committee Co-Chairs · Michelangelo Ceci (Universita degli Studi di Bari, Italy) · Nathalie Japkowicz (American University, USA) · Jiming Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong) Special Sessions Chair · Stefano Ferilli (University of Bari, Italy) Program Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Wed May 9 16:30:53 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Wed, 9 May 2018 17:30:53 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] The 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2019): Call for Track Proposals Message-ID: *** CALL FOR TRACK PROPOSALS *** The 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2019) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, April 8-12, 2019 *** Submission Deadline: May 25, 2018 *** For the past thirty-three years the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary and international forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers and application developers to gather, interact and present their work. The ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP) is the sole sponsor of SAC. The conference proceedings are published by ACM and are also available online through ACM's Digital Library. SAC is based on a flexible structure of mostly self-contained and self-managed tracks. Over the past years SAC hosted tracks on a variety of timely topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Computer Security, Database Technology, Data Mining, Embedded Systems, Evolutionary Computing, Distributed Systems and Grid Computing, Mobile Computing, Programming Languages, Software Engineering, and Web Technologies. SAC 2018 included 40 tracks that attracted 931 paper submissions from 50 countries; 235 submissions were finally accepted as full papers (25% acceptance rate). More information on past SAC events can be found at . The 34th Annual SAC meeting will be held in April 2019 in Limassol, Cyprus, and is hosted by the University of Cyprus. The conference Organizing Committee solicits proposals for organizing and hosting tracks. Prospective track chairs should submit an up to two-page description for organizing a track, which should include at least the following items: 1) The proposed title for the track with a description of its aims, topics it will cover, and rationale for having such a track in SAC. This rationale should refer to any related conference events that are held regularly and why the proposed track differs from them or complements them. The proposed track should not be overly general but also not overly specialized, thus being able to attract a wide audience of people sharing similar interests. Proposals from industry are also encouraged. Despite its name, SAC also welcomes topics of mostly theoretical nature, provided there is clear practical potential in applying the results of such work. 2) A short description of the activities the track chair(s) will undertake upon acceptance of the proposal, to disseminate the call-for-papers for the track, and to manage the review process. (Current Track Chairs guideline document is posted on the SAC 2019 website). 3) A short CV of the prospective track chair(s) with reference to research interests and publication record directly related to the themes of the proposed track, and any previous experience of involvement in the organization of similar events (in the interest of brevity, reference to a personal web page where such information can be found will be sufficient). All proposals will be reviewed by the Program Committee using the criteria described above. The Committee reserves the right to: (1) accept a proposal as is, (2) require modifications before acceptance, (3) recommend merging of similar proposals with a considerable overlap in the topics addressed (in this case the track chairs of the different proposals will be asked to form a single track), (4) reject a proposal. Upon acceptance of a proposal, the track chairs will be notified of their responsibilities in managing the affairs of their track; as such responsibilities are defined by both the ACM and SAC conference rules. The Committee reserves the rights to cancel a track at any time if these responsibilities are not addressed adequately by the track chair(s). Important Dates May 25, 2018: Submission of track proposals June 8, 2018: Notification of acceptance/rejection June 15, 2018: Call-For-Papers for accepted tracks Sept 10, 2018: Submission of papers Sept 20, 2018: Submission of tutorial proposals Nov 10, 2018: Author notification Nov 25, 2018: Camera-ready copies Please submit your proposal electronically to the START submission system in PDF format through the SAC 2019 website. If you encounter any problems for your submission, please e-mail your questions to: - Dongwan Shin (dongwan.shin at - Seiji Isotani (isotani at SAC 2019 Program Co-Chairs -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Sat May 12 10:47:44 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 11:47:44 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2018): Third Call for Papers Message-ID: *** THIRD CALL FOR PAPERS *** 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2018) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 15-17 October, 2018 (*** Sponsorship Approved by IEEE Communication Society ***) WiMob is an international forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, developers and practitioners of wireless and mobile technology. For fourteen years, the International WiMob conference has provided unique opportunities for researchers and developers to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations, and discuss emerging directions in a number of contemporary topics in wireless and mobile computing. WiMob 2018 is soliciting high quality technical papers addressing research challenges in the areas of wireless communications, wireless networking, mobility, nomadicity, ubiquitous computing, services and applications. Papers should present original work validated via analysis, simulation or experimentation. Practical experiences and Testbed trials also are welcome. TOPICS WiMob 2018 will host 5 parallel symposia on: · Wireless Communications · Wireless Networking, Mobility and Nomadicity · Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications · Green and Sustainable Communications and Network Computing · Security on Wireless and Mobile Networks A full list of topics for each symposium can be found on the conference web site. PAPER SUBMISSION Authors are required to submit fully formatted, original papers (PDF), with graphs, images, and other special areas arranged as intended for the final publication. Papers should be written in English conforming to the IEEE standard conference format (8.5" x 11" - US letter, Two-Column). The initial submission for review will be limited to 8 pages. The final manuscript for publication will be limited to 8 IEEE pages included in the registration. However, additional charges may apply for additional pages. The conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore (after approval) as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the co-authors or a third party, otherwise it will not be indexed and archived through IEEE Xplore. Only timely submissions through EDAS at will be accepted. For more details, please visit the Facebook page for WiMob 2018: as well as the conference web site. IMPORTANT DATES · Paper submission: June 15, 2018 · Notification: August 15, 2018 · Final manuscript: September 1, 2018 ORGANISATION Honorific Chair · Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, UK General Chair · Abderrahim Benslimane, University of Avignon, France Steering Committee · Abderrahim Benslimane - University of Avignon, France · Hsiao-Hwa Chen - National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan · Khaled Ben Letaief - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK · Victor C. M. Leung - University of British Columbia, Canada · Samuel Pierre - Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada · Dovan Thanh - Telenor & Norwegian Univ. of Science & Technology, Norway Executive Co-Chairs · Wessam Ajib, Universite du Quebec - Montreal, Canada · George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Workshop Co-Chairs · Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA · Hossam Hassanein, Queen's University, Canada · Anna Maria Vegni - Roma Tre University, Italy TPC Co-Chairs · Abbas Bradai, XLIM Institute, University of Poitiers, France · Brigitte Jaumard, Concordia University, Canada · Ming Li, University of Arizona, USA · Qi Liao, Nokia Bell Labs, Germany Publication Co-Chairs · Abderrahim Benslimane, University of Avignon, France · Corinna Schmitt, University of Zurich, Switzerland Publicity Co-Chairs · Abdellatif Ezzouhairi, ENSA Fez, Morocco · Chunxiao Jiang, Tsinghua University, China · Neeraj Kumar, Thapar University, India · Cristina López-Bravo, Universidade de Vigo, Spain · Roca Vincent, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Sun May 13 14:25:03 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sun, 13 May 2018 15:25:03 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] ENTER 2019 eTourism Conference: First Call for Papers Message-ID: <> ENTER 2019: The 26th Annual eTourism Conference "eTourism: Towards a Sustainable Digital Society" Hilton Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 30 January - 1 February, 2019 *** First Call for Research Papers *** (Proceedings published by Springer - Journal special issue in JITT, Springer) Every year, hundreds of tourism academics, industry representatives, government officials, students and entrepreneurs come together to share, discuss and challenge latest developments in information technology in the fields of travel, tourism and hospitality. With the theme "eTourism: Towards a Sustainable Digital Society" the ENTER 2019 conference will focus on exploring the ways in which technology and tourism together can make our society more sustainable. We call for latest research and case studies on emergent and cutting-edge information and communication technology concepts, applications, and business models to be shared in the conference. Organized by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT), the ENTER 2019 conference provides a unique venue for various tourism stakeholders to understand the application of information and communication technologies to travel and tourism, with a special focus on how eTourism can contribute to the sustainability of the society. The ENTER 2019 research track is divided into three major topics that all contribute to our capabilities in building a sustainable digital society: Tourism Business and Technology, Governance, Sustainability and Education, and Computer Science and Information Systems. Issues to be covered at the conference include, but are not limited, to the following areas in the travel, tourism and hospitality context: Tourism Business and Technology · ICT and Tourism Experience · Augmented and Virtual Reality · Platform Economy · Website Design and Evaluation · Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategies · Digital Distribution and Social Selling · Social Networking, Social Media and Social Inspiration · Gaming and Gamification · ICT Adoption and Value Creation · E-strategy and eBusiness Models · ICT for Innovation and Service Design · Digital Nomads · Consumer Behaviour in Digital Space · Robotics and Automation in Travel and Hospitality Governance, Sustainability and Education · ICT for Regional Development and Sustainability · Advanced Distribution Systems and Strategies, Dynamic Packaging · ICT-enabled Partnership and Collaboration · E-Learning, Life-long Learning and MOOCs · E-Government and Public Policy in Tourism · Digital Divide and Socio-economic Development · Privacy and Internet Security · Legal, Ethical and Social Aspects of ICT Computer Science and Information Systems · Big Data and Large-scale Systems · Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning · Data Mining, Analytics and Measurement · Text and Concept Mining, Sentiment Analysis · Recommender Systems and Personalization · User Modeling and Decision Making · Human-Computer Interaction · Emotions and Personality-based Systems · Social Network Analysis · Location-based Services and Context-Aware Systems · Mobile Services and Wearable Technologies · Semantic Web, Tourism Ontologies and Linked Open Data · Data Standards and Data Integration · Travel Information Search and Retrieval · Internet-of-Things · Smart Destinations · Travel Chatbots · Blockchain and Other Emerging Technologies Welcoming Academics and the Industry The conference brings together the research community and industry, and it is organized in three streams, namely industry track, destinations track, and research track. If you are representing tourism industry or destinations, please see suitable calls for presentations at The conference also features six to eight world-class keynote speakers discussing the most pressing topics within eTourism. Location The 26th edition of ENTER will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus. Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus; a status it has enjoyed for 1000 years since the 10th century, though its beginnings date back 5000 years to the Bronze Age. Nicosia is a sophisticated and cosmopolitan city, rich in history and culture that combines its historic past with the amenities of a modern city. Cyprus is an island drenched in sun and mythology, at the crossroads of ancient civilizations. 9,000 years of history gathered on one island. Cyprus packs a remarkable array of sights and attractions, museums and archaeological parks, throbbing beach resorts, pine covered mountains, medieval fortresses and ancient temples. Over the last few years, it has become one of the top touristic European destinations breaking in consecutive years the record of tourist arrivals. It is expected that in 2018, more than 3.6 million tourists will visit Cyprus and plans target a steady intake of 5 million tourists per year. More information about Nicosia and Cyprus as well as what the island and its capital offer can be found on the conference web site. Call for Research Papers We invite research papers across the widest spectrum of Information and Communication Technologies in Travel and Tourism to be presented at the ENTER 2019 conference. All submissions to the research track are rigorously evaluated for novelty, significance, and soundness. Papers should clearly state the background, introduction, purpose, theory, methodology, results, conclusions and managerial/industry/social implications of the study, and be fully referenced with appropriate citations. The authors of full papers and research notes will have the opportunity to present their research orally supported by PowerPoint slides. Full technical details will be provided with the acceptance of the paper. The proceedings of recently held ENTER conferences are listed by ISI's Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S). ENTER 2019 proceedings will follow a similar indexing process for ISI and other major indices. A) Full Papers Full papers should be innovative, so to advance the knowledge base of related fields. These papers present major contributions to the field and should be up to 12 pages in length. The conference proceedings (to be published by Springer International Publishing) will include all accepted full papers. An award for the best full paper will be presented during the conference. B) Research Notes Research notes of up to 5 pages are invited. These papers represent new ideas not developed enough at the scale of a full paper, findings that restate known research, descriptions of prototypes, or research that is limited in scope. All research notes will be published by the e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR) at (Editor of eRTR: Cody Morris Paris, Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates). C) Organized Sessions Proposals for organizing technical or other research-oriented sessions are invited. Proposals will include details of potential participants, topics, and presenters. Session Chairs are expected to attend ENTER 2019, set the order of presentations, and chair their session/s. Deadline for session chairs to submit their proposals to Research Track Chairs is September 3, 2018 (please submit proposal by e-mail to the research track chairs found at the end of the document). Submission Please refer to the 'Author Advice' document as a style guide for standards to follow in the preparation of manuscripts. Papers must be uploaded to the online reviewing platform: Easy Chair for ENTER2019 ( All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by experienced researchers who are members of the scientific review committee. Final acceptance will depend on whether the author(s) can adequately address review comments to the satisfaction of the reviewers. Authors must submit their revised manuscripts by the deadline (October 22, 2018) and must register for the conference by November 12, 2018 in order to have their papers included in the Conference Proceedings or eRTR. Time Schedule · Submission closes: September 3, 2018 · Notification of acceptance/rejection/revision: October 8, 2018 · Deadline to submit revised version: October 22, 2018 · Final acceptance: October 29, 2018 · End of Early Bird registration: November 12, 2018 · Registration deadline to be published later: November 12, 2018 · Conference: January 30 - February 1, 2018 Conference organizers reserve the right to modify the paper submission schedule. Submission Guideline and Presentation Template Please download the "Author Advice" document as a style guide here: and a template for your Presentation during ENTER2019 Conference (for speakers only) here: Fast Track Journal of Information Technology and Tourism (JITT) Best papers' authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their article to Journal of Information Technology and Tourism (Springer). These articles will be reviewed under a special fast track in order to assure a timely publication. JITT website: . Research Track Chairs · Juho Pesonen, University of Eastern Finland (juho.pesonen[at] · Julia Neidhardt, TU Wien, Austria (julia.neidhardt[at] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Mon May 14 14:25:02 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 15:25:02 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] The 6th International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES 2018): Fourth Call for Papers (*** Extension Deadline ***) Message-ID: *** FOURTH CALL FOR PAPERS *** The 6th International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES 2018) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 1-2 October, 2018 (*** Extension Deadline: 4 June, 2018 ***) WELCOME Welcome to the 6th International Conference on Enterprise Systems. Enterprise Systems (ES), also referred to as Enterprise Information Systems, has become increasingly popular over the last 20 years because it integrates and extends business processes across the boundaries of business functions and corporate walls, as well as country border lines. The International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES) has been held every year since 2013. The sixth in the series will be held at St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 8-9 October, 2018. The conference is hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus. This conference series is focusing on both the technical and application aspects of enterprise systems, the complex and cross-disciplinary problems of enterprise integration, and the new technological frontiers such as Industrial Integration, Industrial Information Integration, and Industry 4.0. The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science and technology. The main features of the conference include Keynote Speeches, Regular and Special Sessions. It has been highlighted by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society: . SCOPE We welcome original and survey articles about the latest advances of technology. The final results can be state-of-the-art, requirements, fundamental theories, models, frameworks, algorithms, methodologies, platforms, protocols, prototypes, testbeds, field trials, case studies/stories, field experiences, standardization efforts, regulatory activities, education and training innovations, etc. The application areas include aeronautics and astronautics, agriculture, automotive, building, construction, energy, finance, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, process industry, power, transportation, etc. TOPICS The topics of interest include but are not limited to: · Enterprise Systems for Industry 4.0 · Cyber Physical Systems for Industry 4.0 · Internet of Things for Industry 4.0 · Big Data for Industry 4.0 · Security and Privacy Protection for Industry 4.0 · System Engineering and Human Factors for Industry 4.0 · IoT-enabled Smart Manufacturing A full list of subtopics for each one of the above topics can be found on the conference web site. SPECIAL SESSIONS The goal of Special Sessions is to provide a focused discussion of new or innovative topics. Special Session organizers consist of at least 5 papers. Please download the template of Special Sessions and submit it to the Special Session Chair (relevant information is available on conference web site). All Special Session papers will be reviewed with the same criteria as Regular Session papers. PAPER SUBMISSION The submitted paper should adhere to the double-blind review policy. All papers will be double-blind reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity. All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Papers that do not comply with the Submission Guidelines will be rejected without review. Paper types: · Full papers present final result. They must not exceed 8 pages. · Short papers can contain preliminary results. They must not exceed 6 pages. · Work-in-progress papers to present valuable and latest progresses of ongoing projects: 4 pages. Note, all manuscripts shall be written in English, using the IEEE conference template (double column, size 10). Templates can be found at: . Please use the following submission link for Easy Chair: . PUBLICATION AND SPECIAL ISSUES Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore Database which is indexed by EI. Furthermore, selected papers will be invited for a special issue by the Journal of Industrial Integration and Management, World Scientific, with theme "Next-Generation Enterprise Systems in the Industrial Integration Era". More information is available on the conference web site. IMPORTANT DATES · Regular Paper Submissions (al types) due: 4th June 2018 (extended) · Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 23rd July 2018 · Camera-Ready Versions of Accepted Papers: 13th August 2018 · Author Registration: 13th August 2018 · Early Non-Author Registration: 10th September 2018 · Late Non-Author Registration: after 10th September 2018 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Honorary General Chairs · Aurona Gerber, South Africa, IEEE SMC EAE TC Chair · Alta Van der Merwe, South Africa, IEEE SMC EAE TC Chair · Li Da Xu, USA, IEEE SMC EIS TC Co-Chair Program Chair · George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Program Co-Chairs · Ling Xia Li, Old Dominion University, USA · Wattana Golf Viriyasitavat, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand · Yale Yu, Infosys Australia & New Zealand · Chris Zhang, University of Saskatchewan, Canada · Zhuo Zou, Fudan University, China Program Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From irdta at Mon May 14 23:47:19 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 23:47:19 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] DeepLearn 2018: early registration May 29 Message-ID: <545102060a010b050455510300035a5454020258040450070a5601035001055451020201570a555007030357520a05@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> DeepLearn 2018: early registration May 29*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   ***************************************************************   2nd INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON DEEP LEARNING   DeepLearn 2018   Genova, Italy   July 23-27, 2018   Organized by: University of Genova IRDTA – Brussels/London   ***************************************************************   --- Early registration deadline: May 29, 2018 ---   ***************************************************************   SCOPE:   DeepLearn 2018 will be a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning. This is a branch of artificial intelligence covering a spectrum of current exciting machine learning research and industrial innovation that provides more efficient algorithms to deal with large-scale data in neurosciences, computer vision, speech recognition, language processing, human-computer interaction, drug discovery, biomedical informatics, healthcare, recommender systems, learning theory, robotics, games, etc. Renowned academics and industry pioneers will lecture and share their views with the audience.   Most deep learning subareas will be displayed, and main challenges identified through 2 keynote lectures, 24 six-hour courses, and 1 round table, which will tackle the most active and promising topics. The organizers are convinced that outstanding speakers will attract the brightest and most motivated students. Interaction will be a main component of the event.   An open session will give participants the opportunity to present their own work in progress in 5 minutes. Moreover, there will be two special sessions with industrial and recruitment profiles.   ADDRESSED TO:   Master's students, PhD students, postdocs, and industry practitioners will be typical profiles of participants. However, there are no formal pre-requisites for attendance in terms of academic degrees. Since there will be a variety of levels, specific knowledge background may be assumed for some of the courses. Overall, DeepLearn 2018 is addressed to students, researchers and practitioners who want to keep themselves updated about recent developments and future trends. All will surely find it fruitful to listen and discuss with major researchers, industry leaders and innovators.   STRUCTURE:   3 courses will run in parallel during the whole event. Participants will be able to freely choose the courses they wish to attend as well as to move from one to another.   VENUE:   DeepLearn 2018 will take place in Genova, the capital city of Liguria, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and with one of the most important ports of the Mediterranean. The venue will be:   Porto Antico di Genova – Centro Congressi Magazzini del Cotone – Module 10 16128 Genova, Italy   KEYNOTE SPEAKERS:   tba   PROFESSORS AND COURSES:   Tülay Adalı (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), [introductory/intermediate] Data Fusion through Matrix and Tensor Decompositions: Linear, Multilinear, and Nonlinear Models and their Applications   Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications to the Natural Sciences   Thomas Breuel (NVIDIA Corporation), [intermediate] Design and Implementation of Deep Learning Applications   Joachim M. Buhmann (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), [introductory/advanced] Model Selection by Algorithm Validation   Sergei V. Gleyzer (University of Florida), [introductory/intermediate] Feature Extraction, End-end Deep Learning and Applications to Very Large Scientific Data: Rare Signal Extraction, Uncertainty Estimation and Realtime Machine Learning Applications in Software and Hardware   Michael Gschwind (IBM Global Chief Data Office), [introductory/intermediate] Deploying Deep Learning at Enterprise Scale   Xiaodong He (JD AI Research), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing and Language-Vision Multimodal Intelligence   Namkug Kim (Asan Medical Center), [intermediate] Deep Learning for Computer Aided Detection/Diagnosis in Radiology and Pathology   Sun-Yuan Kung (Princeton University), [introductory] A Methodical and Cost-effective Approach to Optimization/Generalization of  Deep Learning Networks   Li Erran Li (Uber ATG), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Reinforcement Learning: Foundations, Recent Advances and Frontiers   Dimitris N. Metaxas (Rutgers University), [advanced] Adversarial, Discriminative, Recurrent, and Scalable Deep Learning Methods for Human Motion Analytics, Medical Image Analysis, Scene Understanding and Image Generation   Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University), [intermediate/advanced] Speech Recognition and Machine Translation: From Statistical Decision Theory to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks   Jose C. Principe (University of Florida), [introductory/advanced] Cognitive Architectures for Object Recognition in Video   Douglas A. Reynolds (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) & Najim Dehak (Johns Hopkins University), [introductory/intermediate] More than Words Can Say: Machine and Deep Learning for Speaker, Language, and Emotion Recognition from Speech   Björn Schuller (Imperial College London), [intermediate/advanced] Deep Learning for Signal Analysis   Michèle Sebag (French National Center for Scientific Research, Gif-sur-Yvette), [intermediate] Representation Learning, Domain Adaptation and Generative Models with Deep Learning   Ponnuthurai N Suganthan (Nanyang Technological University), [introductory/intermediate] Learning Algorithms for Classification, Forecasting and Visual Tracking   Johan Suykens (KU Leuven), [introductory/intermediate] Deep Learning and Kernel Machines   Kenji Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology), [introductory/advanced] Deep Learning in Medical Image Processing, Analysis and Diagnosis   René Vidal (Johns Hopkins University), [intermediate/advanced] Mathematics of Deep Learning   Eric P. Xing (Carnegie Mellon University), [intermediate/advanced] A Statistical Machine Learning Perspective of Deep Learning: Algorithm, Theory, Scalable Computing   Ming-Hsuan Yang (University of California, Merced), [intermediate/advanced] Learning to Track Objects   Mohammed J. Zaki (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), [introductory] Introductory Tutorial on Regression and Deep Learning   Yudong Zhang (University of Leicester), [introductory/intermediate] Convolutional Neural Network and Its Variants   OPEN SESSION:   An open session will collect 5-minute voluntary presentations of work in progress by participants. They should submit a half-page abstract containing title, authors, and summary of the research to david at by July 15, 2018.   INDUSTRIAL SESSION:   A session will be devoted to 10-minute demonstrations of practical applications of deep learning in industry. Companies interested in contributing are welcome to submit a 1-page abstract containing the program of the demonstration and the logistics needed. At least one of the people participating in the demonstration must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by July 15, 2018.   EMPLOYERS SESSION:   Firms searching for personnel well skilled in deep learning will have a space reserved for one-to-one contacts. At least one of the people in charge of the search must register for the event. Expressions of interest have to be submitted to david at by July 15, 2018.   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Alberto Cabri (Genova) Francesco Masulli (Genova, co-chair) Sara Morales (Brussels) Manuel J. Parra-Royón (Granada) Stefano Rovetta (Genova) David Silva (London, co-chair)   REGISTRATION:   It has to be done at   The selection of up to 8 courses requested in the registration template is only tentative and non-binding. For the sake of organization, it will be helpful to have an estimation of the respective demand for each course. During the event, participants will be free to attend the courses they wish.   Since the capacity of the venue is limited, registration requests will be processed on a first come first served basis. The registration period will be closed and the on-line registration facility disabled when the capacity of the venue is exhausted. It is highly recommended to register prior to the event.   FEES:   Fees comprise access to all courses and lunches. There are several early registration deadlines. Fees depend on the registration deadline.   ACCOMMODATION:   Suggestions for accommodation can be found at   CERTIFICATE:   A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered indicating the number of hours of lectures.   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david at   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   Università degli studi di Genova Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA) – Brussels/London -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steffen.becker at Tue May 15 13:08:37 2018 From: steffen.becker at (Steffen Becker) Date: Tue, 15 May 2018 13:08:37 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Architekturen 2018 - Registrierung offen Message-ID: <> Brief Summary ----------------- Jahrestagung der GI FG Architekturen The Digital Age - Software Architectures in Future Applications Datum: 19. - 20.6.2018 Ort: paluno, Universität Duisburg-Essen Webseite: --- In knapp einem Monat findet die Jahrestagung der GI-Fachgruppe Architekturen in Essen statt. *Die Registrierung ist jetzt offen. Bitte helfen Sie uns mit der Planung durch eine zeitnahe Anmeldung.* Die Veranstaltung findet am 19. und 20. Juni am Informatik-Institut paluno der Universität Duisburg-Essen statt. Das Motto in diesem Jahr lautet: „The Digital Age - Software Architectures in Future Applications“. Die Tagungsreihe Architekturen wurde von der GI-Fachgruppe Architekturen initiiert. Sie hat sich die Veranstaltung zu einer der wichtigsten Plattformen für IT-Architekten entwickelt und bringt mit über 80 Teilnehmern viele Fachleute aus Praxis, Forschung und Forschungstransfer im Bereich der Softwarearchitekturen zusammen. Nutzen auch Sie diese Chance, knüpfen Sie Kontakte und tauschen Sie sich zu den neuesten Trends, Herausforderungen, und Erfolgen zum Thema Softwarearchitekturen aus. Neben den Fachvorträgen sind auch Treffen der GI-Arbeitskreise der Fachgruppe geplant. In diesem Jahr konnten wir die folgenden Referenten für Vorträge gewinnen: * Prof. Dr. Uwe Zdun, Universät Wien * Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen * Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Züllighoven, WPS – Workplace Solutions GmbH * Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Radomski, Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig * Beatrice Nickel und Corbinian Löcker, adesso AG * Dr. Moritz Balz, ista International GmbH * Dr. Zoltan Mann, Universität Duisburg-Essen * Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lucke, Universität Potsdam * Dr. Christian Piwetz, E.ON Business Services GmbH Zusätzlich tagen die Arbeitskreise "Langlebige Softwaresysteme (L2S2)" und "Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung/Modellgetriebene Softwarearchitektur (MDSD/MDA)" im Rahmen des Programms. Das vollständige Programm sowie weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Die Architekturen 2018 wird gesponsert durch die adesso AG. Dadurch ist sie für Teilnehmer kostenlos. Bitte registrieren Sie sich **bis zum 5. Juni** über unsere Registrierungsseite Wir hoffen, wir konnten Sie begeistern, zu uns nach Essen zu kommen und mitzuwirken. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldung und lebhafte Diskussionen. == Organisation und Kontakt == Michael Goedicke Marco Konersmann paluno, Universität Duisburg-Essen == Sponsor == adesso AG -- Universität Stuttgart - Institut für Softwaretechnologie Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Becker - Reliable Software Systems Tel +49 711 685 88273 From frederic.mesnard at Mon May 21 13:23:51 2018 From: frederic.mesnard at (Fred Mesnard) Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 15:23:51 +0400 Subject: [fg-arc] LOPSTR 2018: Second Round Call for Papers Message-ID: <> ====================================================================== LOPSTR 2018: Second Round Call for Papers ====================================================================== 28th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation LOPSTR 2018 Frankfurt, Germany, September 4-6, 2018 (co-located with PPDP 2018 and WFLP 2018) The aim of the LOPSTR series is to stimulate and promote international research and collaboration on logic-based program development. LOPSTR is open to contributions in logic-based program development in any language paradigm. LOPSTR has a reputation for being a lively, friendly forum for presenting and discussing work in progress. Formal proceedings are produced only after the symposium so that authors can incorporate this feedback in the published papers. The 28th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2018) will be held at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Previous symposia were held in Siena, Canterbury, Madrid, Leuven, Odense, Hagenberg, Coimbra, Valencia, Lyngby, Venice, London, Verona, Uppsala, Madrid, Paphos, London, Venice, Manchester, Leuven, Stockholm, Arnhem, Pisa, Louvain-la-Neuve, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Namur. LOPSTR 2018 will be co-located with PPDP 2018 (International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming) and WFLP 2018 (International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming). Topics of interest cover all aspects of logic-based program development, all stages of the software life cycle, and issues of both programming-in-the-small and programming-in-the-large. Both full papers and extended abstracts describing applications in these areas are especially welcome. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of logic-based program development, including, but not limited to: * synthesis * transformation * specialization * composition * optimization * inversion * specification * analysis and verification * testing and certification * program and model manipulation * transformational techniques in SE * applications and tools Survey papers that present some aspects of the above topics from a new perspective, and application papers that describe experience with industrial applications are also welcome. Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference, or workshop with refereed proceedings. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshop proceedings may be submitted (please contact the PC chairs in case of questions). In order to more closely follow previous LOPSTR timelines, we have added an additional round of paper submission at a more usual time for LOPSTR. Papers submitted in the first round may already be accepted before this round, while rejected papers from the first round can be resubmitted. Important Dates Abstract submission: June 26, 2018 Paper/Extended abstract submission: June 30, 2018 Notification: July 30, 2018 Camera-ready (for electronic pre-proceedings): August 15, 2018 Symposium: September 4-6, 2018 Submission Guidelines Authors should submit an electronic copy of the paper (written in English) in PDF, formatted in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science style. Each submission must include on its first page the paper title; authors and their affiliations; contact author's email; abstract; and three to four keywords which will be used to assist the PC in selecting appropriate reviewers for the paper. Page numbers (and, if possible, line numbers) should appear on the manuscript to help the reviewers in writing their report. Submissions cannot exceed 15 pages including references but excluding well-marked appendices not intended for publication. Reviewers are not required to read the appendices, and thus papers should be intelligible without them. Papers should be submitted via the Easychair submission website for LOPSTR 2018. Best Paper Award and Prize A best paper award will be granted, which will include a 500 EUR prize provided by Springer. This award will be given to the best paper submitted to the conference, based on the relevance, originality, and technical quality. The program committee may split the award among two or more papers, also considering authorship (e.g., student paper). Invited Talks LOPSTR/PPDP: Philippa Gardner, Imperial College - formal methods for JavaScript LOPSTR/PPDP: Jorge Navas, SRI International - SeaHorn and constrained horn clauses for verification LOPSTR: Laure Gonnord, University of Lyon - expressivity and scalability of program analysis PPDP: Chung-Chieh Shan, Indiana University - probabilistic programming Proceedings The formal post-conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Full papers can be directly accepted for publication in the formal proceedings, or accepted only for presentation at the symposium and inclusion in informal proceedings. After the symposium, all authors of extended abstracts and full papers accepted only for presentation will be invited to revise and/or extend their submissions in the light of the feedback solicited at the symposium. Then, after another round of reviewing, these revised papers may also be published in the formal proceedings. Program Committee See Program Chairs Fred Mesnard, University of Reunion Island, France Peter Stuckey, University of Melbourne, Australia Organizing Committee David Sabel (General Chair), Computer Science Institute Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany From erwan.bousse at Fri May 18 10:47:06 2018 From: erwan.bousse at (Bousse, Erwan Gwendal) Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 08:47:06 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP - Workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven Engineering (MDEbug 2018) - co-located with MODELS 2018 Message-ID: <> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers: 2nd International Workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven Engineering (MDEbug 2018) co-located with MODELS 2018, October 16 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We would like to invite you to submit papers to the 2nd International Workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven Engineering (MDEbug 2018), held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE 21th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) at Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 16 2018. --------------------------- Context and Motivation --------------------------- System engineers spend a significant part of their time debugging the systems they develop, i.e., finding and fixing the cause of failures initially observed using verification and validation techniques such as testing, model checking, and simulation. While verification and validation techniques are finding their way into model-driven engineering processes and tools, locating the source of a failure (a defect) in a modelled system is still mostly a manual task. Although program debugging techniques are well-established and used in academia and industry, only a few debugging techniques and tools for models have been proposed, which are most often implemented in an ad-hoc way. Among other problems, providing such debugging tools is complicated due to the wide variety of models and modelling languages used throughout system development. It is therefore crucial to better understand what is means to debug a model, and to identify what directions can be followed to support effective debugging in model-driven engineering. The 2018 edition of the MDEbug workshop will follow the successful previous edition that took place during MODELS 2017 in Austin, TX, USA. This workshop aims to bring together researchers, to contribute to the emerging field of debugging in model-driven engineering by further developing the research agenda established in the previous edition of the workshop, and by presenting new ideas, techniques, and tools. --------------------------- Topics --------------------------- The topics of interest for MDEbug 2018 include: * Debugging for languages with diverse semantics, including: * non-determinism (e.g., Petri nets) * concurrency (e.g., Statecharts); * continuous-time/discrete-time/discrete-event semantics; * spatial distribution (e.g., cellular automata); * dynamic structure (e.g., dynamic-structure DEVS); * semantics without dynamic behaviour. * Debugging for languages whose semantics are defined: * operationally by building a simulator, executor, or interpreter; * denotationally (or translationally), by mapping onto a domain with known semantics by building a model transformation, code generator, or compiler. * Debugging for domain-specific languages. * Tool support for model debugging. * Techniques for “live modelling” (analogous to “live programming”). * Debugging for model transformations. * Debugging for declarative languages. * Techniques for omniscient/time-travel/reverse debugging. * Debugging languages and their interpreters. * Tracing support for modelling languages. * Debugging of (instrumented) deployed systems, with feedback to the models that describe its design. * Debugging for co-simulation and hybrid languages. * The relation between code debugging operations and model debugging operations. This year, we encourage submissions that focus on the notion of "stepping", as this concept has proven a crucial element for implementing interactive debugging techniques. For example, simulation algorithms often naturally decompose into multiple layers of steps that can be used to debug models. But, other stepping behaviour can be observed, and it can be interesting to investigate the relation of stepping to formalism semantics and debugging operations. --------------------------- Submissions --------------------------- Submitted papers must follow the ACM sigconf format (https://www.acm.or g/publications/proceedings-template), and belong to one of these categories: - Full research papers (up to 6 pages) present a novel, innovative approach to one of the workshop’s topics. - Experience reports (up to 6 pages) present applications of an approach to one of the workshop’s topics, and extensively discusses the experiences of the researchers, including lessons learned, and open issues/challenges that were identified. These can serve as the starting point for discussions at the workshop. - Position papers (up to 3 pages) present new ideas or early-stage research on one of the workshop’s topics. They should have the potential to spark lively debate on the workshop. - Tool demonstration papers (up to 3 pages) present new debugging tools or extensions to existing tools that implement debugging techniques. Each contribution must be submitted electronically in PDF format via Easychair: The accepted papers will be published by CEUR in the workshop proceedings. Also, participants will be encouraged to participate in preparing the workshop report. --------------------------- Important Dates --------------------------- * Abstract submission deadline: July 10, 2018 * Paper submission deadline: July 17, 2018 * Notification of acceptance: August 17, 2018 * Workshop: October 16, 2018 --------------------------- Workshop Format --------------------------- The workshop will last one full day. The morning will be dedicated to presentations and the afternoon reserved for focused discussions in small groups, where the discussion points will be derived from the presentations and ensuing discussions. The goals of the workshop are to provide constructive feedback on submitted papers, to give opportunities to establish collaborations between participants, and overall to build a community on the topic of debugging in model-driven engineering. In addition, this workshop can be seen as an opportunity to identify research challenges related to debugging in model-driven engineering, and to relate existing solutions. A summarizing report will be included in the proceedings. --------------------------- Organizers --------------------------- * Simon Van Mierlo, University of Antwerp, Belgium * Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, Belgium and McGill University, Canada * Manuel Wimmer, TU Wien, Austria * Erwan Bousse, TU Wien, Austria * Clark Verbrugge, McGill University, Canada --------------------------- Program Committee --------------------------- * Mauricio Alférez, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg * Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway * Reda Bendraou, UPMC-LIP6, France * Arnaud Blouin, INSA Rennes, Inria/IRISA, France * Andrei Chiș, feenk gmbh, Switzerland * Federico Ciccozzi, Mälardalen University, Sweden * Benoit Combemale, IRIT, University of Toulouse, France * Jonathan Corley, University of West Georgia, USA * Julien Deantoni, INRIA, France * Davide Di Ruscio, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy * Juergen Dingel, Queen’s University, Canada * Martin Gogolla, University of Bremen, Germany * Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA * Robert Heinrich, Karlsruher Institute of Technology, Germany * Nicolas Hili, IRT Saint Exupéry, France * Levi Lucio, Fortiss, Germany * Tanja Mayerhofer, TU Wien, Austria * Tim Molderez, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium * Eugene Syriani, University of Montreal, Canada * Jérémie Tatibouët, CEA, France * Matthias Tichy, Ulm University, Germany * Massimo Tisi, INRIA, France * Javier Troya, University of Seville, Spain * Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Málaga, Spain From irdta at Mon May 21 14:53:31 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 14:53:31 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] SLSP 2018: extended submission deadline June 3 Message-ID: <545102060a010b05045f510b030b5a000307075102550e07045208015750005151500553020a015554565705045058@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> SLSP 2018: extended submission deadline June 3*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED: June 3 ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   **********************************************************************************   6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STATISTICAL LANGUAGE AND SPEECH PROCESSING   SLSP 2018   Mons, Belgium   October 15-17, 2018   Co-organized by:   NUMEDIART Institute University of Mons   LANGUAGE Institute University of Mons   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA), Brussels/London   **********************************************************************************   AIMS:   SLSP is a yearly conference series aimed at promoting and displaying excellent research on the wide spectrum of statistical methods that are currently in use in computational language or speech processing. It aims at attracting contributions from both fields. Though there exist large, well-known conferences and workshops hosting contributions to any of these areas, SLSP is a more focused meeting where synergies between subdomains and people will hopefully happen. In SLSP 2018, significant room will be reserved to young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology.   VENUE:   SLSP 2018 will take place in Mons, which was European Capital of Culture in 2015. The venue will be:   University of Mons 31 Bvd Dolez, 7000 Mons Belgium   SCOPE:   The conference invites submissions discussing the employment of statistical models (including machine learning) within language and speech processing. Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited to:   anaphora and coreference resolution authorship identification, plagiarism and spam filtering computer-aided translation corpora and language resources data mining and semantic web information extraction information retrieval knowledge representation and ontologies lexicons and dictionaries machine translation multimodal technologies natural language understanding neural representation of speech and language opinion mining and sentiment analysis parsing part-of-speech tagging question-answering systems semantic role labelling speaker identification and verification speech and language generation speech recognition speech synthesis speech transcription spelling correction spoken dialogue systems term extraction text categorisation text summarisation user modeling   STRUCTURE:   SLSP 2018 will consist of:   invited talks peer-reviewed contributions posters   INVITED SPEAKERS:   Thomas Hain (University of Sheffield), Crossing Domains in Automatic Speech Recognition   Simon King (University of Edinburgh), Does 'End-to-End' Speech Synthesis Make any Sense?   Isabel Trancoso (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon), Analysing Speech for Clinical Applications   PROGRAMME COMMITTEE:   Steven Abney (University of Michigan, US) Srinivas Bangalore (Interactions LLC, US) Jean-François Bonastre (University of Avignon et Pays du Vaucluse, FR) Pierrette Bouillon (University of Geneva, CH) Nicoletta Calzolari (Italian National Research Council, IT) Erik Cambria (Nanyang Technological University, SG) Kenneth W. Church (Baidu Research, US) Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp, BE) Thierry Dutoit (University of Mons, BE) Marcello Federico (Bruno Kessler Foundation, IT) Robert Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield, UK) Ralph Grishman (New York University, US) Udo Hahn (University of Jena, DE) Siegfried Handschuh (University of Passau, DE) Mark Hasegawa-Johnson (University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, US) Keikichi Hirose (University of Tokyo, JP) Julia Hirschberg (Columbia University, US) Nancy Ide (Vassar College, US) Gareth Jones (Dublin City University, IE) Philipp Koehn (University of Edinburgh, UK) Haizhou Li (National University of Singapore, SG) Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair) Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JP) Alessandro Moschitti (Qatar Computing Research Institute, QA) Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University, DE) Jian-Yun Nie (University of Montréal, CA) Elmar Nöth (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE) Cecile Paris (CSIRO Data61, AU) Jong C. Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KR) Alexandros Potamianos (National Technical University of Athens, GR) Paul Rayson (Lancaster University, UK) Mats Rooth (Cornell University, US) Paolo Rosso (Technical University of Valencia, ES) Alexander Rudnicky (Carnegie Mellon University, US) Tanja Schultz (University of Bremen, DE) Holger Schwenk (Facebook AI Research, FR) Vijay K. Shanker (University of Delaware, US) Richard Sproat (Google Research, US) Tomoki Toda (Nagoya University, JP) Gökhan Tür (Google Research, US) Yorick Wilks (Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, US) Phil Woodland (University of Cambridge, UK) Dekai Wu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK) Junichi Yamagishi (University of Edinburgh, UK)   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   Stéphane Dupont (Mons) Thierry Dutoit (Mons, co-chair) Kévin El Haddad (Mons) Kathy Huet (Mons) Sara Morales (Brussels) Manuel J. Parra Royón (Granada) Gueorgui Pironkov (Mons) David Silva (London, co-chair)   SUBMISSIONS:   Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see   Submissions have to be uploaded to:   PUBLICATIONS:   A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series will be available by the time of the conference.   A special issue of Computer Speech and Language (Elsevier, JCR 2016 impact factor: 1.900) will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.   REGISTRATION:   The registration form can be found at:   DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):   Paper submission: June 3, 2018 – EXTENDED – Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: July 3, 2018 Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNAI proceedings: July 13, 2018 Early registration: July 13, 2018 Late registration: October 1, 2018 Submission to the journal special issue: January 17, 2019   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david at   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   Université de Mons   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice (IRDTA), Brussels/London -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From wortmann at Tue May 22 11:23:57 2018 From: wortmann at (Andreas Wortmann) Date: Tue, 22 May 2018 11:23:57 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP: ModComp'18: 5th International Workshop on Interplay of Model-Driven and Component-Based Software Engineering Message-ID: ------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS ------------------------------ ModComp'18: 5th International Workshop on Interplay of Model-Driven and Component-Based Software Engineering At MODELS'18, Copenhagen, Denmark ------------------------------ IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------ Deadline for submission of papers: 17 July, 2018 Notification for acceptance of papers: 17 August, 2018 Workshop dates: 14-16 October, 2018 ------------------------------ SCOPE ------------------------------ Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) have been shown to effectively reduce software development complexity by (i) shifting the focus from source code to models and (ii) building software systems as the composition of new and existing components, respectively. Moreover, the interplay of MDE and CBSE approaches is gaining recognition as a very promising means to boost the development of software systems by reducing costs and risks and shorten time-to-market. While several attempts to effectively combine MDE and CBSE have been documented, there are still unsolved clashes arising when exploiting interplay of MDE and CBSE, mostly due to mismatches in the related terminology as well as to differences in their basic essence. As satellite event of MoDELS'18, the goal of ModComp’18 is to gather researchers and practitioners to share opinions, propose solutions to open challenges and generally explore the frontiers of interweaving between MDE and CBSE. ------------------------------ TOPICS ------------------------------ Solicited topics include, but are not limited to: - Partial model reuse: once individual components are modelled (interfaces and behavior), these models should be reusable in the different usage contexts of these components; - Model composition: building a system model by the composition of pre-existing models of individual components; - Component versioning: in order to handle evolution when for instance one component is upgraded to a newer version; - Modelling component interaction and component behaviours: clear separation of internal behaviour and externally visible interaction capabilities, e.g. by interface protocols; - Model extraction for componentization of legacy systems: when legacy systems are componentized, generation of architectural and behavioural models from, e.g., implementation artefacts is needed in order to get full support from model-based activities such as analysis, e.g. if those components are reused in a new context. Along with implementation artefacts, other kinds of information regarding any observation of the system at runtime, such as, e.g., log files, system execution traces, traces, might need to be considered for reverse componentization; - Component interoperability: in order to enable the automated construction of semantic matching and mapping between different modelling notations (e.g., component models) with emphasis on precise syntactic, protocol and operational descriptions of components - Management and elicitation of model interdependencies: in order to infer and support automated reasoning on the possible interdependencies between the different software models exploited throughout the software life cycle; - Component models evolution: tackling challenges in component models evolution and model co-evolution which are amplified by the high degree of interchangeability typical of CBSE; - Model transformations in presence of third-party components: exploring how model-driven techniques may deal with third-party components, especially concerning the preservation of system properties (both functional and extra-functional) along the involved model manipulations for e.g. analysis, code generation, etc; - Metamodel modularity: reasoning on issues related to composability of (i) metamodels and (ii) views in terms of metamodel portions; - Composition of MDE artefacts: analysis results, model transformations, and/or model viewpoints could take advantage of CBSE advancements in order to ease their reuse, and composition; - Enforcement of incrementality: models and model manipulations to support incremental verification and validation of component-based systems; - Case studies & applications: best practices applied to real-world applications, lessons learned, success/failure stories in intertwining MDE and CBSE. ------------------------------ SUBMISSION ------------------------------ ModComp'18 welcomes research papers, experience papers and tool presentations; nevertheless, papers describing novel research contributions and innovative applications are of particular interest. Three types of submissions are solicited: Research Papers, Experience Reports, and Position Papers. - Research papers: novel research contributions, challenging problems tackled with innovative ideas, or practical contributions in the interplay of MDE and CBSE. Long papers should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the potential benefits of the contribution (6 pages including figures, appendices AND references). - Experience reports: tool demonstrations, industrial experiences and case-studies. Authors of papers reporting industrial experiences are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results available for use by reviewers. Similarly, case-study papers should describe significant case-studies and the complete development should be made available for use by reviewers. Tool demonstration papers should explain enhancements made in comparison to previously published work. Authors of tool demonstration papers should make their tool available for use by reviewers (6 pages including figures, appendices AND references). - Position papers: well-pondered and sufficiently documented visionary papers, new ideas or early research results in one of the topics of the workshop (2 pages including figures, appendices AND references). Contributions should represent original and previously unpublished ideas that are currently not under review in any conference or journal. Each submitted paper undergoes a formal peer review process by a minimum of 3 Program Committee members. Submitted papers should include authors' names, affiliations and contact information. Special issue at SoSym: We plan to organize a special issue at SoSym to which the best papers from the workshop will be invited for being submitted in extended form. The extended papers would undergo a new peer-reviewing process. ------------------------------ ORGANIZATION ------------------------------ Workshop organizers and chairs Federico Ciccozzi (main contact), Mälardalen University (Sweden) Antonio Cicchetti, Mälardalen University (Sweden) Andreas Wortmann, RWTH Aachen University (Germany) ------------------------------ CONTACT ------------------------------ Website: Main contact: Federico Ciccozzi, federico.ciccozzi[at] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Andreas Wortmann | Software Engineering Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany | RWTH Aachen University Phone +49 241 80-21343 / Fax -22218 | From maurice.terbeek at Tue May 22 13:58:04 2018 From: maurice.terbeek at (Maurice ter Beek) Date: Tue, 22 May 2018 13:58:04 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] First Call for Papers: FSEN 2019 Message-ID: ###################################################################### FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS Eighth International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering 2019 - Theory and Practice (FSEN '19) Tehran, Iran May 1-3, 2019 ###################################################################### -- About FSEN -- Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN) is an international conference that aims to bring together researchers, engineers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss their research work in the area of formal methods for software engineering. Additionally, this conference seeks to facilitate the transfer of experience, adaptation of methods, and where possible, foster collaboration among different groups. The topics of interest cover all aspects of formal methods, especially those related to advancing the application of formal methods in the software industry and promoting their integration with practical engineering techniques. Following the success of the previous FSEN editions, the next edition of the FSEN conference will take place in Tehran, Iran, May 1-3, 2019. -- Important Dates -- Abstract Submission (optional): October 19, 2018 (AoE) Paper Submission: October 28, 2018 (AoE) Notification: December 18, 2018 Final pre-Conference Version: January 20, 2019 (AoE) Conference: May 1-3, 2019 -- Keynote Speakers -- SOON TO APPEAR ON THE WEBSITE -- Topics of Interest -- The topics of this conference include, but are not restricted to, the following: * Models of programs and software systems * Software specification, validation, and verification * Software testing * Software architectures and their description languages * Object, actor and multi-agent systems * Coordination, feature interaction and software product lines * Integration of formal and informal methods * Integration of different formal methods * Component-based and Service-oriented software systems * Collective, self-adaptive and cyber-physical software systems * Model checking and theorem proving * Quantitative formal methods * Software and hardware verification * CASE tools and tool integration * Industrial Applications -- Paper Submission -- Authors are invited to submit full papers (up to 15 pages including references) describing original research, applications and tools; or short papers (up to 6 pages including references) describing ongoing research or new ideas that have not yet been fully validated. Both categories of papers must be submitted electronically in Postscript or PDF using the online submission process via the Easychair conference system at the following link: Contributions must be written in English, should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS style (LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates) that can be found at the following link ( and not exceed the page limit for the category (including figures and references). Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed by at least three reviewers considering scientific originality, significance, relevance to the FSEN conference, technical soundness, clarity, self-containedness and discussion of appropriate related work. The reviewers will be asked to rate the submissions and evaluate whether they can be accepted as: 1) Full paper for the LNCS post-proceedings and conference pre-proceedings 2) Short paper for the LNCS post-proceedings and conference pre-proceedings 3) Poster included only in the pre-proceedings Papers accepted in the first 2 categories will be invited for presentation at the conference. Posters will be illustrated by the authors in separate poster sessions. Submissions are required to report on original, unpublished work and should not be submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere (cf. IFIP's Author Code of Conduct, see under Publications/Links). -- Proceedings and Special Issue -- The post-proceedings of FSEN'19 will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series (to be confirmed). Pre-proceedings, printed locally by IPM, will be available at the conference. Following the tradition of FSEN, we plan to have a special issue of the Science of Computer Programming journal devoted to FSEN'19 (to be confirmed). After the conference a selection of papers will be invited for this special issue. The invited papers should be revised and extended and will undergo a new round of review by an international program committee. Please see the websites of previous editions of FSEN for more information on post-proceedings and special issues related to those editions. -- General Chairs -- Farhad Arbab - CWI, Netherlands; Leiden University, Netherlands Hamid Sarbazi-azad - IPM, Iran; Sharif University of Technology, Iran -- Program Chairs -- Hossein Hojjat - Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Mieke Massink - CNR-ISTI Pisa, Italy -- Publicity Chair -- Maurice ter Beek - CNR-ISTI Pisa, Italy -- Steering Committee -- Farhad Arbab - CWI, Netherlands; Leiden University, Netherlands Christel Baier - University of Dresden, Germany Frank de Boer - CWI, Netherlands; Leiden University, Netherlands Ali Movaghar - IPM, Iran; Sharif University of Technology, Iran Hamid Sarbazi-azad - IPM, Iran; Sharif University of Technology, Iran Marjan Sirjani - Malardalen University, Sweden; Reykjavik University, Iceland (Chair) Jan Rutten - CWI, Netherlands; Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands -- Program Committee -- SOON TO APPEAR ON THE WEBSITE From announce at Fri May 25 09:06:35 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 10:06:35 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 15th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2018): Last Mile Message-ID: <> *** Last Mile *** 15th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2018) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 4-5 October, 2018 *** Submission Deadline: 31 May, 2018 (firm) *** The European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS) is an annual research event addressing the IS discipline with regional as well as global perspective. EMCIS has successfully helped bringing together researchers from around the world in a friendly atmosphere conducted to free exchange of innovative ideas. EMCIS was founded in 2004 by Brunel University research Group ISEing and it is an annual event. A number of respected collaborations were made with different local universities across the destinations chosen each year and EMCIS still proves to attract many further partnerships. EMCIS is one of the premier conferences in Europe and Middle Eastern region for Information Systems academics and professionals, covering technical, organisational, business and social issues in the application of Information Technology. EMCIS is dedicated to the definition and establishment of Information Systems as a discipline of high impact for the methodical community and IS professionals - focusing on approaches that facilitate the identification of innovative research of significant relevance to the IS discipline following sound research methodologies that lead to results of measurable impact. The EMCIS proceedings are published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Zahir Irani, University of Bradford, UK "An Enterprise View of Food Security: A Puzzle, Problem or Mess for a Circular Economy" Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne, Germany "Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Meet Human Brain" TOPICS The topics of interest are grouped into the following tracks: · Big Data and Analytics · Blockchain Technology and Applications · Cloud Computing · Digital Services and Social Media · e-Government · Enterprise Systems · Science Communication in the Digital Public Sphere · Information Systems Security and Information Privacy Protection · Healthcare Information Systems · Management and Organisational Issues in Information Systems · IT Governance · Innovative Research Projects · Immersive Technologies in IT/IS A full list of subtopics for each track can be found on the conference web site. PAPER SUBMISSION Submissions should be original, not published or being considered elsewhere for publication. Authors should not add their details (names, affiliation, email etc.) in the document they submit for review. All papers should be submitted via the Easy Chair conference management system (the URL is available on the conference web site) and adhere to the format for Springer Lecture Notes publications. The papers must be submitted as a single PDF document and should not exceed 5,000 words (recommended length is 14 pages). Please note that the working language is English. Papers go through a 'double-blind review' process that evaluates their significance, originality, contribution and clarity. Upon acceptance please make sure that at least one author registers to secure a slot for their presentation in the conference program. When preparing the camera-ready version of a paper, authors should add their details (names, affiliation, email, etc.) on the first page of the paper and indicate which is the corresponding author. Along with the camera-ready version of their paper, authors should fill, sign and submit the copyright form. The form shall be sent by email to info[at] IMPORTANT DATES · Electronic Submission Deadline: 31 May, 2018 (*** firm ***) · Notification of Acceptance to Authors: 30 June, 2018 · Camera Ready Copy: 10 July, 2018 · Early-bird Registration: 10 July, 2018 · Author Registration Deadline: 10 July, 2018 EMCIS ORGANIZATION Conference Chair · George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Conference co-Chair · Angelika Kokkinaki, University of Nicosia, Cyprus Conference Executive Committee · Vincenzo Morabito, Bocconi University, Italy, (Program Chair) · Marinos Themistocleous, University of Piraeus, Greece (Program Chair) · Gianluigi Viscusi, École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland (Publications Chair) · Muhammad Kamal, Brunel University, UK (Public Relations Chair) International Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Tue May 22 14:37:22 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Tue, 22 May 2018 15:37:22 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 24th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2018): Last Mile Message-ID: <> *** LAST MILE *** 24th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2018) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 29-31 October, 2018 *** Deadline: 28 May, 2018 (final) *** WELCOME ISMIS is an established and prestigious conference for exchanging the latest research results in building intelligent systems. Held twice every three years, the conference provides a medium for exchanging scientific research and technological achievements accomplished by the international community. SCOPE The scope of ISMIS is intended to represent a wide range of topics on applying Artificial Intelligence techniques to areas as diverse as decision support, automated deduction, reasoning, knowledge based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, planning, databases, information retrieval, etc. The focus is on research in intelligent systems. The conference addresses issues involving solutions to problems that are complex to be solved through conventional approaches and that require the simulation of intelligent thought processes, heuristics and applications of knowledge. The integration of these multiple approaches in solving complex problems is of particular importance. ISMIS provides a forum and a means for exchanging information for those interested purely in theory, those interested primarily in implementation, and those interested in specific research and industrial applications. INVITED SPEAKERS · Michael May - Siemens, Munich, Germany · Jean-Marc Petit - INSA Lyon and Université de Lyon, France TOPICS ISMIS 2018 is intended to attract individuals who are actively engaged both in theoretical and practical aspects of intelligent systems. The goal is to provide a platform for a useful exchange between theoreticians and practitioners, and to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas in the following areas: · Active Media Human-Computer Interaction · Autonomic and Evolutionary Computation · Digital Libraries · Health Informatics · Intelligent Agent Technology · Intelligent Data Processing and Analytics · Intelligent Information Retrieval · Intelligent Information Systems · Intelligent Language Processing · Knowledge Integration and Aggregation · Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining · Knowledge Visualization · Logic for Artificial Intelligence · Multimedia Information Retrieval · Soft Computing · Text Mining · Web Intelligence · Web Mining In addition, we solicit papers dealing with Applications of Intelligent Systems in complex/novel domains, e.g. art, human genome, global change, manufacturing, social good, etc. PAPER SUBMISSION Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in LNCS/LNAI style (maximum 10 pages). All paper submissions will be handled electronically. All submissions will be subject to review by the ISMIS 2018 Program Committee. Papers should be prepared using the Springer LNCS/LNAI style (, maximum 10 pages. Papers should be submitted in PDF form via ISMIS 2018 Online Submission System: . PUBLICATION AND JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES The ISMIS 2018 proceedings will be published by Springer in LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) and will be available at the conference. Authors of best papers will be invited to submit their extended versions to the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS) ( published by Springer. Fast Track Processing will be used to have them reviewed and published. IMPORTANT DATES · Paper Submissions due: 28th May 2018 (final) · Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 10th July 2018 · Camera-Ready Versions of Accepted Papers: 31st July 2018 · Author Registration: 31st Juy 2018 · Early Non-Author Registration: 10th September 2018 · Late Non-Author Registration: after 10th September 2018 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Steering Committee Chair · Zbigniew Ras (UNC-Charlotte, USA & Polish-Japanese Academy of IT, Poland) Symposium Chair · George Angelos Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) Program Committee Co-Chairs · Michelangelo Ceci (Universita degli Studi di Bari, Italy) · Nathalie Japkowicz (American University, USA) · Jiming Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong) Special Sessions Chair · Stefano Ferilli (University of Bari, Italy) Program Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Wed May 23 14:46:56 2018 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 15:46:56 +0300 Subject: [fg-arc] 21st International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2018): Second Call for Papers Message-ID: *** SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS *** 21st International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2018) St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 30-31 October, 2018 (*** In conjunction with ISMIS 2018 ***) WELCOME The 21st International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2018) provides an open forum for intensive discussions and exchange of new ideas among researchers working in the area of Discovery Science. The scope of the conference includes the development and analysis of methods for discovering scientific knowledge, coming from machine learning, data mining, intelligent data analysis, big data analysis as well as their application in various scientific domains. We welcome papers that focus on the analysis of different types of massive and complex data, including structured, spatio-temporal and network data. We particularly welcome papers addressing applications. Finally, we would like to encourage contributions from the areas of computational scientific discovery, mining scientific data, computational creativity and discovery informatics. DS 2018 will be co-located with ISMIS 2018, the 24th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems. The two conferences will be held in parallel, and will share their invited talks. TOPICS We invite submissions of research papers addressing all aspects of discovery science. We particularly welcome contributions that discuss the application of data analysis, data mining and other support techniques for scientific discovery including, but not limited to, biomedical, astronomical and other physics domains. Applications to massive, heterogeneous, continuous or imprecise data sets are of particular interests. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: · Knowledge discovery, machine learning and statistical methods · Ubiquitous knowledge discovery · Data streams, evolving data and models · Change detection and model maintenance · Active knowledge discovery · Learning from text and web mining · Information extraction from scientific literature · Knowledge discovery from heterogeneous, unstructured and multimedia data · Knowledge discovery in network and link data · Knowledge discovery in social networks · Data and knowledge visualization · Spatial/temporal Data · Mining graphs and structured data · Planning to learn · Knowledge transfer · Computational creativity · Human-machine interaction for knowledge discovery and management · Biomedical knowledge discovery and analysis · Machine learning for high-performance computing, grid and cloud computing · Applications of the above techniques to natural or social sciences PAPER SUBMISSION Papers may contain up to fifteen (15) pages and must be formatted according to the layout supplied by Springer-Verlag for the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Submitted papers may not have appeared in or be under consideration for another workshop, conference or a journal, nor may they be under review or submitted to another forum during the DS 2018 review process Authors can submit their papers electronically via our submission page through Easychair: . PUBLICATION AND JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES The DS 2018 proceedings will be published by Springer in LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) and will be available at the conference. Authors of best papers will be invited to submit their extended versions to the Machine Learning journal ( published by Springer. Fast Track Processing will be used to have them reviewed and published. IMPORTANT DATES · Paper Submissions due: 18th June 2018 · Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 18th July 2018 · Camera-Ready Versions of Accepted Papers: 28th July 2018 · Author Registration: 31st Juy 2018 · Early Non-Author Registration: 10th September 2018 · Late Non-Author Registration: after 10th September 2018 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair · George Angelos Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) Program Committee Co-Chairs · Larisa Soldatova, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK · Joaquin Vanschoren, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Henning.Schulz at Tue May 29 13:34:04 2018 From: Henning.Schulz at (Schulz Henning) Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 11:34:04 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] Call-for-Nominations: SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award 2018 Message-ID: Dear Sir or Madam, The SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award aims to recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations in the field of computer benchmarking, performance evaluation, and experimental system analysis in general. Nominated dissertations will be evaluated in terms of scientific originality, scientific significance, practical relevance, impact, and quality of the presentation. The SPEC Research Group promotes research in quantitative system evaluation and analysis both with classical performance metrics – such as response time, throughput, scalability and efficiency, as well as other extra-functional system properties included under the term dependability – such as availability, reliability, and security. Contributions of interest span the design of metrics for system evaluation as well as the development of methodologies, techniques and tools for measurement, load testing, profiling, workload characterization, dependability and efficiency evaluation of computing systems. The winner will receive $1000, which will be awarded at the ICPE 2019 International Conference on Performance Engineering. A nomination consists of one PDF file less than 20MB that must include the following information in this order: * A nomination letter with the name of the student, the title of the dissertation, the institution where the dissertation was defended, and the date of the defense. The nomination letter should outline the outstanding contributions of the dissertation and should not exceed 2 pages (letter size) using 11 point font. * A C.V. of the nominee (up to three pages) that clearly marks all publications/technical reports that are included in the dissertation. * The dissertation itself, including a one-page extended abstract of the dissertation. If the dissertation is written in language other than English, it may be accompanied by publications, in English, describing the same research as the dissertation. SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award is open to dissertations that have been defended between October 2017, and September 2018. If there are several outstanding submissions, the committee may split the award between them. The submission deadline is September 30, 2018. Nominations are welcome at any time before the final submission deadline. Questions about the application process can be e-mailed to nominations at spec dot org. Nominations should be uploaded to EasyChair. The nomination can be provided by anyone except the thesis author. Typically, it is the thesis advisor or a member of the thesis defense committee, but other people – especially experts in performance evaluation – can do so as well. Selection committee: * Chair: Evgenia Smirni (College of William and Mary, USA) * André van Hoorn (Universität Stuttgart, Germany) * Diwakar Krishnamurthy (University of Calgary, Canada) * Arif Merchant (Google, USA) * Erich Nahum (IBM Research, USA) * Vittoria de Nitto Personè (University of Rome, Italy) * Xipeng Shen (NCSU, USA) * Xiaoyun Zhu (Hyperpilot, USA) Kind regards, Henning Schulz Consultant Application Performance Management NOVATEC // Consulting GmbH Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 10 // D-76131 Karlsruhe phone: +49 721 5099 8756 fax: mobile: +49 711 22040-899 +49 160 9085 6928 e-mail: henning.schulz at web: Sitz der Gesellschaft: Leinfelden-Echterdingen // Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Stuttgart – HRB 739078 Geschäftsführer: Stefan Bleicher // Hans-Dieter Brenner // Konrad Pfeilsticker // Michael Schuchart -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From erwan.bousse at Tue May 29 16:55:56 2018 From: erwan.bousse at (Bousse, Erwan Gwendal) Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 14:55:56 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP - Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2018) - co-located with MODELS 2018 Message-ID: <> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers: 6th International Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2018) co-located with MODELS 2018, October 15 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We are pleased to invite you to submit papers to the 6th International Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2018), held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE 21th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) at Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 15 2018. --------------------------- Context and Motivation --------------------------- Software intensive systems are becoming more complex, driven by the need to integrate across multiple concerns. Consequently, the development of such systems requires the integration of different concerns and skills. These concerns are usually covered by different languages, with specific concepts, technologies and abstraction levels. This multiplication of languages eases the development related to one specific concern but raises language and technology integration problems at the different stages of the software life cycle. In order to reason about the global system, it becomes necessary to explicitly describe the different kinds of relationships that exist between the different languages used in the development of a complex system. To support effective language integration, there is a pressing need to reify and classify these relationships, as well as the language interactions that the relationships enable. The 2018 edition of the GEMOC workshop will follow the successful previous five editions: GEMOC at MODELS 2013 in Miami, USA, GEMOC at MODELS 2014 in Valencia, Spain, GEMOC at MODELS 2015 in Ottawa, Canada, GEMOC at MODELS 2016 in Saint-Malo, France, and GEMOC at MODELS 2017 in Austin, TX, USA. This edition will complete the state-of-the-art and practice initiated during the last years. It will also strengthen the community that broadens the current DSML research focus beyond the development of independent DSMLs to a research focus that provides support for globalized DSMLs. GEMOC 2018 is supported by the GEMOC initiative and its associated Eclipse Research consortium, which promotes research seeking to develop the necessary breakthroughs in software languages to support global software engineering, i.e., breakthroughs that lead to effective technologies supporting different forms of language integration, including language collaboration, interoperability and composability. --------------------------- Topics --------------------------- The topics of interest for GEMOC 2018 include: * Tools and methods for engineering modeling languages * Composability and interoperability of heterogeneous modeling languages * Language integration challenges, from requirement to design, for analysis and simulation, during runtime, etc. * Model and metamodel composition * Language interface, viewpoint * Heterogeneous modeling and simulation * Language-based socio-technical coordination * Multi-language or multi-disciplinary environment Submissions describing practical and industrial experience related to the use of heterogeneous modeling languages are also encouraged, particularly in the following application domains: * Cyber-Physical Systems, System of Systems * Internet of Services, Internet of Things * Complex Adaptive Systems * Smart City, Smart Building, Home automation * Smart Grids, management of renewable and intermittent energy sources * Industry 4.0 and the smart factory of the future --------------------------- Submissions --------------------------- As contributions, we expect early research results about the aforementioned topics, descriptions of case studies on the coordinated use of multiple modeling languages, and/or descriptions of practical experience, opinions and related approaches. Each contribution must be described in a short paper not exceeding 3 pages in the ACM sigconf format, or a full paper not exceeding 6 pages in the ACM sigconf format. Each paper should describe problems, case studies, or solutions related to the topics of interest. Each paper is expected to highlight the relationships between modeling languages, as well as their management. Papers that describe use cases, or novel integration approaches can be accompanied by concrete artifacts, such as models (requirements, design, analysis, transformation, composition, etc.), stored in a public repository (e.g., ReMoDD). Artifacts should illustrate any experience on the conjoint use of different modeling languages. Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The program chairs will apply the principles of the ACM Plagiarism Policy throughout the submission and review process. All contributions will be reviewed and selected by the program committee members. Each contribution must be submitted electronically in PDF format via Easychair: The accepted papers will be published by CEUR in the workshop proceedings. Also, participants will be strongly encouraged to participate in preparing the workshop report. --------------------------- Important Dates --------------------------- * Abstract submission deadline: July 10, 2018 * Paper submission deadline: July 17, 2018 * Notification of acceptance: August 17, 2018 * Workshop: October 15, 2018 --------------------------- Workshop Format --------------------------- The format of the workshop reflects the goals of the workshop: constructive feedback on submitted papers and other artifacts on the conjoint use of different modeling languages, collaborations, and community building. The format of the workshop is that of a working meeting. Hence, there is less focus on presentations and more focus on producing and documenting a research content that identifies challenges, different forms of language integration, and relates existing solutions. The workshop consists of a morning session in which a keynote and short presentations of the accepted papers will be given. A significant amount of time will be reserved for discussing each paper and their relations to each other. The afternoon session is devoted to a working session dedicated to open discussions of the presented contributions and other topics suggested by the participants. The closing session is dedicated to develop a plan to publish the results of the discussion in a final workshop report. --------------------------- Organizers --------------------------- * Erwan Bousse, TU Wien, Austria * Benoit Combemale, University of Toulouse, France * Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA Contact: gemoc2018 at --------------------------- Program Committee --------------------------- * Frédéric Boulanger (CentraleSupélec) * Eugene Syriani (University of Montreal) * Julien Deantoni (UNS - I3S - INRIA Sophia Antipolis Mediterranee) * Jonathan Corley (University of West Georgia) * Mark Van Den Brand (Eindhoven University of Technology) * Bernhard Rumpe (RWTH Aachen University) * Richard Paige (University of York) * Tony Clark (Sheffield Hallam University) * Marsha Chechik (University of Toronto) * Andreas Wortmann RWTH (Aachen University) * Tanja Mayerhofer (TU Wien) * Marjan Mernik (University of Maribor) From irdta at Tue May 29 00:49:09 2018 From: irdta at (IRDTA) Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 00:49:09 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] TPNC 2018: 1st call for papers Message-ID: <545102060a010b050553500a05005a52505651520b0603040a000c50010251035d025600035d005004035801570404@grlmc_ip-zone_com-6> TPNC 2018: 1st call for papers*To be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line*   *************************************************************************** 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF NATURAL COMPUTING   TPNC 2018   Dublin, Ireland   December 12-14, 2018   Co-organized by:   Natural Computing Research & Applications Group School of Business University College Dublin   Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice Brussels / London ***************************************************************************   AIMS:   TPNC is a conference series intending to cover the wide spectrum of computational principles, models and techniques inspired by information processing in nature. TPNC 2018 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career and particular focus will be put on methodology. The conference aims at attracting contributions to nature-inspired models of computation, synthesizing nature by means of computation, nature-inspired materials, and information processing in nature.   VENUE:   TPNC 2018 will take place in Dublin, a major historical and contemporary centre for education, arts, administration, economy and industry. The venue will be:   Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School University College Dublin Carysfort Avenue Blackrock Co. Dublin   SCOPE:   Topics include, but are not limited to:   - Theoretical contributions to:   artificial chemistry artificial immune systems artificial life cellular automata cognitive computing cognitive engineering cognitive robotics collective behaviour complex systems computational intelligence computational social science computing with words developmental systems DNA computing DNA nanotechnology evolutionary algorithms evolutionary computing evolutionary game theory fractal geometry fuzzy control fuzzy logic fuzzy sets fuzzy systems genetic algorithms genetic programming granular computing heuristics intelligent agents intelligent systems machine intelligence metaheuristics molecular programming multiobjective optimization neural computing neural networks quantum communication quantum computing rough sets self-assembly self-organization social computing social simulation soft computing swarm intelligence synthetic biology   - Applications of natural computing to:   algorithmics bioinformatics control cryptography design economics graphics hardware human-computer interaction knowledge discovery learning logistics medicine natural language processing optimization pattern recognition planning and scheduling programming robotics telecommunications web intelligence   A flexible "theory to/from practice" approach would be the perfect focus for the expected contributions.   STRUCTURE:   TPNC 2018 will consist of:   - invited talks - peer-reviewed contributions - posters   INVITED SPEAKERS: (to be completed)   Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis (Democritus University of Thrace), tba   PROGRAMME COMMITTEE:   Andrew Adamatzky (University of the West of England, UK) Wolfgang Banzhaf (Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA) Mauro Birattari (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE) Christian Blum (Spanish Higher Scientific Research Council, ES) Shyi-Ming Chen (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TW) Sung-Bae Cho (Yonsei University, KR) Claude Crépeau (McGill University, CA) Jean-Louis Deneubourg (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE) Marco Dorigo (Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE) Matthias Ehrgott (Lancaster University, UK) Carlos M. Fonseca (University of Coimbra, PT) Amir H. Gandomi (Stevens Institute of Technology, US) Michel Gendreau (Polytechnique Montréal, CA) Deborah M. Gordon (Stanford University, US) Jin-Kao Hao (University of Angers, FR) Zeng-Guang Hou (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN) Licheng Jiao (Xidian University, CN) Janusz Kacprzyk (Polish Academy of Sciences, PL) Hamid Reza Karimi (Polytechnic University of Milan, IT) Ljupco Kocarev (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, MK) Vladik Kreinovich (University of Texas El Paso, US) Rudolf Kruse (University of Magdeburg, DE) José Ignacio Latorre (University of Barcelone, ES) Jing Liang (Zhengzhou University, CN) Gui Lu Long (Tsinghua University, CN) Jianquan Lu (Southeast University, CN) Carlos Martín-Vide (Rovira i Virgili University, ES, chair) Luis Martínez (University of Jaén, ES) Ujjwal Maulik (Jadavpur University, IN) José M. Merigó (University of Chile, CL) Nenad Mladenovic (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, RS) Michael O'Neill (University College Dublin, IE) Celso C. Ribeiro (Fluminense Federal University, BR) Frank Schweitzer (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, CH) Patrick Siarry (Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne University, FR) Andrzej Skowron (University of Warsaw, PL) John A. Smolin (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, US) Attila Szolnoki (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU) José Luis Verdegay (University of Granada, ES) Fernando J. Von Zuben (State University of Campinas, BR) David Wolpert (Santa Fe Institute, US) Hao Ying (Wayne State University, US) Jacek M. Żurada (University of Louisville, US)   ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:   David Fagan (Dublin, co-chair) Sara Morales (Brussels) Michael O'Neill (Dublin, co-chair) Manuel Jesús Parra Royón (Granada) David Silva (London, co-chair) Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez (Cáceres) Irene Ward (Dublin)   SUBMISSIONS:   Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according to the standard format for Springer Verlag's LNCS series (see   Submissions have to be uploaded to:   PUBLICATIONS:   A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series will be available by the time of the conference.   A special issue of Soft Computing (Springer, 2016 JCR impact factor: 2.472) will be later published containing peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.   REGISTRATION:   The registration form can be found at:   DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):   Paper submission: July 29, 2018 Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: September 5, 2018 Final version of the paper for the LNCS proceedings: September 12, 2018 Early registration: September 12, 2018 Late registration: November 28, 2018 Submission to the journal special issue: March 14, 2019   QUESTIONS AND FURTHER INFORMATION:   david at   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:   UCD – University College Dublin   IRDTA – Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London   -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From erwan.bousse at Tue May 29 17:19:12 2018 From: erwan.bousse at (Bousse, Erwan Gwendal) Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 15:19:12 +0000 Subject: [fg-arc] CFP - Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2018) - co-located with MODELS 2018 Message-ID: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers: 4th International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2018) Co-located with MODELS 2018, October 14, 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We are pleased to invite you to submit papers to the Fourth International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2018), held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) at Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 14, 2018. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope and Topics ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The complexity of modern software-intensive systems, time-to-market pressures, and the need for high quality systems are current challenges faced by the software and systems engineering industry. To address these challenges, model-driven engineering (MDE) advocates the elevation of models into the center of the development process. Models provide abstractions over the system to be developed, while also providing enough detail to automate the development of implementation artifacts and perform early analysis. In this context, executable models become more and more important. They provide abstractions of complex system behaviors and constitute the basis for performing early analyses of that behavior. The ability to analyze a system’s behavior early in its development has the potential to turn executable models into important assets of model-driven software development processes. Despite the potential benefits of executable models, there are still many challenges to solve, such as the lack of maturity in the definition of and tooling for executable modeling languages, and the limited experience with executable modeling in much of the software and systems development industry. EXE 2018 will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss these challenges and propose potential solutions, as well as to assess and advance the state-of-the- art in this area. Topics of interest to the workshop include but are not limited to the following: - Methodologies, languages, techniques, and methods for designing and implementing executable modeling languages - Case studies and experience reports on the successful or failed adoption of executable modeling in different application domains and application contexts - Model execution tools for the (dynamic) validation, verification, and testing of systems (e.g., model animation, debugging, simulation, trace exploration, model checking, symbolic execution) - Tracing model executions and analyzing model execution traces - Automation techniques for the development of model execution tools - Evolution in the context of executable modeling (e.g., evolution of executable modeling languages, execution semantics, executable models, model execution tools) - Verification of semantic conformance (e.g., among executable modeling languages, executable models, model execution tools) - Customization of executable modeling languages and model execution tools (e.g., semantic variation points,profiles) - Composition, extension, and reuse of executable modeling languages and model execution tools - Integration of executable modeling languages and programming languages - Semantics-aware model transformations and code generation - Scalability of model execution and execution-based model analysis - Execution of partial and underspecified models - Model execution in the presence of non-determinism and concurrency - Surveys and benchmarks of different approaches for the development of executable modeling languages, model execution, and execution-based model analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We will accept the following types of submissions: 1) Research papers (up to 6 pages) presenting novel and innovative approaches in executable modeling. We also strongly encourage the submission of comparative studies and benchmarks of existing approaches in one of the workshop topics. 2) Experience reports (up to 6 pages) presenting experiences and lessons learned in executable modeling. Experience reports should discuss knowledge gained from an executable modeling project and identify key challenges encountered. 3) Position papers (up to 3 pages) presenting new ideas or early research results in executable modeling. 4) Tool demonstration papers (up to 3 pages) presenting novel tools or novel features of state-of-the-art tools related to executable modeling. Submissions of tool demonstration papers should consist of two parts. The first part (up to 3 pages) will be included in the proceedings and should describe the tool presented (please include the URL of the tool if available). The second part (up to 2 pages) should explain how the tool demonstration will be carried out at the workshop, including examples and screenshots. All submissions have to follow the ACM sigconf formatting instructions available at Submissions created with LaTeX are preferred, but using Word is allowed. Submit your paper electronically as PDF via EasyChair at https://easych All submissions will be evaluated by at least three members of the program committee. Research papers, experience reports, and tool demonstration papers will be evaluated concerning novelty, correctness, significance, readability, and alignment with the workshop call. Position papers will be evaluated primarily concerning validity and ability to generate discussion (even controversy), as well as alignment with the workshop call. Furthermore, all submissions must be original work and must not have been previously published or being under review elsewhere. For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors must register for the workshop, participate fully in the workshop, and present the paper at the workshop. A pre-workshop version of the accepted papers will be available on the workshop website and a post-workshop version will be published as CEUR workshop proceedings ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop Format ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EXE 2018 is a full-day workshop held as part of MODELS 2018. We plan to have one keynote talk in the morning, followed by two sessions of presentations of the accepted papers. The last session of the day will be a discussion session, where challenges, questions, experiences, opinions, and requirements related to executable modeling will be discussed. The detailed program will be announced in August, shortly after the author notifications have been sent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Abstract submission deadline: July 10, 2018 - Submission deadline: July 17, 2018 - Author notification: August 17, 2018 - Submission deadline for camera-ready version: August 21, 2018 - Workshop: October 14, 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Organizers ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tanja Mayerhofer, TU Wien, AT - Philip Langer, EclipseSource, AT - Ed Seidewitz, nMeta, US - Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, US - Erwan Bousse, TU Wien, AT Contact: exe at ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Committee ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Francis Bordeleau, Canada - Andrei Chiş, feenk, Switzerland - Federico Ciccozzi, Mälardalen University, Sweden - Tony Clark, Aston University, United Kingdom - Peter Clarke, Florida International University, United States - Benoit Combemale, IRISA and University of Rennes, France - Jonathan Corley, University West Georgia, USA - Julien Deantoni, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, I3S, Inria, France - Thomas Degueule, CWI, The Netherlands - Davide Di Ruscio, University of L'Aquila, Italy - Juergen Dingel, Queen's University, Canada - Nicolas Hili, IRT Saint Exupéry, France - Nicholas Matragkas, University of Hull, United Kingdom - Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia - Zoltan Micskei, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary - Domenik Pavletic, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany - Ernesto Posse, Zeligsoft, Canada - Taylor Riche, National Instruments, United States - Bran Selic, Malina Software Corporation, Canada - Cortland Starrett, One Fact Inc, United States - Jérémie Tatibouët, CEA, France - Massimo Tisi, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France - Simon Van Mierlo, University of Antwerp, Belgium - Andreas Wortmann, RWTH Aachen University, Germany - Thanos Zolotas, University of York, United Kingdom From eichelberger at Thu May 31 15:44:48 2018 From: eichelberger at (Holger Eichelberger) Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 15:44:48 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] CfP: Symposium on Software Performance 2018 Message-ID: <> Call for Papers 9th Symposium on Software Performance 2018 Hildesheim, November 09-09, 2018 Performance is one of the most relevant quality attributes of any IT system. While good performance leads to high user satisfaction, weak response times lead to loss of users, perceived unavailability of the system, or unnecessarily high costs of network or computing resources. Therefore, various techniques to measure, collect, evaluate, control, and improve the performance of IT systems have been developed, ranging from online monitoring and benchmarking to modeling and prediction. Experience shows, that for system design or later optimization, such techniques should be applied in smart combination. Therefore, the “Symposium on Software Performance” brings together researchers and practitioners interested in all facets of software performance, ranging from modeling and prediction to monitoring and runtime management. The symposium is organized by the three established research groups Descartes, Kieker, and Palladio; thus this symposium also serves as a joint community meeting. The symposium program will include contributions (in form of talks and demos) from practitioners and researchers in the field of software performance. SSP 2018 is supported by the GI special interest group "Softwaretechnik". Submission: We solicit technical papers (maximum 3 pages) and extended abstracts for industry or experience talks (maximum 700 words). Technical papers should follow the Softwaretechnik-Trends format ( and need to be submitted electronically via EasyChair ( Extended abstracts need to be submitted as "abstract only" submissions via EasyChair. A LaTeX template is available via the web pages. For further submission details, see Important dates: - Abstract submission: Aug. 15, 2018 at 23.59 AoE - Paper submission: Sep. 02, 2018 at 23.59 AoE - Acceptance notification: Oct. 01, 2018 - Program announcement: Oct. 02, 2018 - Camera ready papers: Oct. 15, 2018 - Registration deadline: Oct. 24, 2018 Steering committee: - Steffen Becker, Uni Stuttgart - Wilhelm Hasselbring, Kiel University - André van Hoorn, Uni Stuttgart - Samuel Kounev, Uni Würzburg - Ralf Reussner, KIT / FZI Local Organization: - Holger Eichelberger, Uni Hildesheim - Klaus Schmid, Uni Hildesheim Program Review Committee: - Dušan Okanović, Uni Stuttgart - Jürgen Walter, Uni Würzburg - Christian Stier, FZI - Robert Heinrich, KIT - Reiner Jung, Kiel University - Henning Schnoor, Kiel University - Johannes Kroß, fortiss - Holger Knoche, Kiel University [please apologize cross-postings] -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Holger Eichelberger Software Systems Engineering University of Hildesheim Tel.: +49 (0) 5121 / 883-40334 Institute of Computer Science Fax.: +49 (0) 5121 / 883-40331 Universitätsplatz 1 eichelberger at D-31141 Hildesheim, Germany PGP public key: PGP fingerprint: 4522 685C 57E5 D0EA D5BA 4EDE C53F 5B9D 9F71 55E7 From peterol at Thu May 31 19:34:08 2018 From: peterol at (=?utf-8?Q?Peter_Csaba_=C3=96lveczky?=) Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 19:34:08 +0200 Subject: [fg-arc] Final CfP: FACS'18 (15th Int'l Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software) Message-ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers FACS 2018 15th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software Pohang, Korea, October 10-12, 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Abstract submission deadline: June 8, 2018 (AoE) Paper submission deadline: June 15, 2018 (AoE) Notification: August 7, 2018 Conference: Oct 10-12, 2018 OVERVIEW AND SCOPE Component-based software development proposes sound engineering principles and techniques to cope with the complexity of present-day software systems. However, many challenging conceptual and technological issues remain in component-based software development theory and practice. Furthermore, the advent of service-oriented and cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things has brought to the fore new dimensions, such as quality of service and robustness to withstand faults, which require revisiting established concepts and developing new ones. FACS 2018 is concerned with how formal methods can be applied to component-based software and system development. Formal methods have provided foundations for component-based software through research on mathematical models for components, composition and adaptation, and rigorous approaches to verification, deployment, testing, and certification. The conference seeks to address the application of formal methods in all aspects of software components and services. Specific topics include, but are not limited to: * formal models for software components and their interaction; * formal aspects of services, service-oriented architectures, business processes, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, and similar artifacts; * design and verification methods for software components and services; * composition and deployment: models, calculi, languages; * formal methods and modeling languages for components and services; * models for QoS and other extra-functional properties (e.g., trust, compliance, security) of components and services; * components for real-time, safety-critical, secure, and/or embedded systems; * components for the Internet of things and cyber-physical systems; * probabilistic techniques for modeling and verification of component-based systems; * model-based testing of components and services; * case studies and experience reports; * tools supporting formal methods for components and services. PAPER SUBMISSION We solicit submissions, related to the topics mentioned above, in the following categories: A) original research contributions (18 pages max); B) applications and experiences (18 pages max); C) surveys, comparisons, and state-of-the-art reports (18 pages max); D) tool papers (6 pages max). All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. Paper submission is done via EasyChair at Papers must be formatted according to the guidelines for Springer LNCS papers (see In addition, we solicit submissions to the Doctoral Track of FACS 2018, in the form of abstracts (3 pages max) concisely capturing work in progress, research questions, envisaged contributions, and/or partial results. Doctoral Track submission deadline: August 5, 2018 (AoE) Doctoral Track notification: August 15, 2018 PUBLICATION All accepted papers in the categories A-D above will appear in the proceedings of the conference that will be published as a volume in Springer?s LNCS series. The authors of a selected subset of accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a special issue of the Science of Computer Programming journal. INVITED SPEAKERS Edward A. Lee (University of California, Berkeley) Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) PROGRAM COMMITTEE Farhad Arbab (CWI & Leiden University) Cyrille Artho (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Kyungmin Bae (chair) (Pohang University of Science and Technology) Luis Barbosa (University of Minho) Simon Bliudze (INRIA Lille) Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa) Zhenbang Chen (National University of Defense Technology) Yunja Choi (Kyungpook National University) Jose Luiz Fiadeiro (Royal Holloway University of London) Xudong He (Florida International University) Sung-Shik Jongmans (Open University of the Netherlands) Yunho Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Olga Kouchnarenko (FEMTO-ST & University of Franche-Comte) Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna/INRIA) Axel Legay (INRIA Rennes) Shaoying Liu (Hosei University) Zhiming Liu (Southwest University, Chongqing) Markus Lumpe (Swinburne University of Technology) Eric Madelaine (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Hernan Melgratti (University of Buenos Aires) Jose Meseguer (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Kazuhiro Ogata (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Peter Olveczky (chair) (University of Oslo) Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA) Jose Proenca (University of Minho) Gwen Salaun (University of Grenoble Alpes) Francesco Santini (Univerity of Perugia) Meng Sun (Peking University) Antonio Vallecillo (University of Malaga) Daniel Varro (Budapest University of Technology and Economics & McGill University) Shoji Yuen (Nagoya University) Min Zhang (East China Normal University)