[fg-arc] [VL/HCC'18] Calls for Posters, Showpieces, and Graduate Consortium

Rui Pereira ruipereira at di.uminho.pt
Wed Jun 27 12:17:38 CEST 2018

IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2018)

1-4 October, 2018 - Lisbon, Portugal

----------------------------------------------------CALL FOR POSTERS


- Submission: 13 July 2018
- Notification: 27 July 2018
- Camera Ready: 10 August 2018

The VL/HCC 2018 Poster Track provides an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to present and discuss their most recent advances,
ideas, experiences, and challenges in the field of visual languages
and human centric computing. The poster track will provide an
excellent environment for discussions that may generate new ideas and

For more information on Poster submission:


----------------------------------------------------CALL FOR SHOWPIECES


- Submission: 13 July 2018
- Notification: 27 July 2018
- Camera Ready: 10 August 2018

Showpieces offer an interactive opportunity to show off your ideas or
accomplishments to the VL/HCC community. Showpieces helps to start
conversations that could lead to new collaborations. In particular,
they help researchers to demonstrate their research to industry
partners and they help graduate students to meet faculty from other
universities. Showpieces can be tool demonstrations, videos,
downloadable apps, handouts, electronic devices, physical prototypes,
or any other artifacts that facilitate meaningful interactions with
other conference attendees.

For more information on Showpiece submission:


----------------------------------------------------CALL FOR GRADUATE CONSORTIUM


- Submission: 27 July 2018
- Notification: 6 August 2018
- Camera Ready: 10 August 2018

- Consortium Date: 1 October 2018

The goal of the 2018 VL/HCC Graduate Consortium is to explore ways to
help find easier ways to learn, express, and understand computational
ideas, which can include ways to visualize, analyze, or tailor large
socio-technical systems or information generated by them. This may
include development of novel methods and techniques, models and tools,
such as programming environments. At a deeper level, it may include
developing new theory for predicting the complicated, unstable,
sometimes emergent behavior that results when large numbers of
diverse, unpredictable humans are coupled to unreliable software.

For more information on Graduate Consortium submission:

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