[fg-arc] Consistency in the View-based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems (Special Session at SEAA 2018)

Burger, Erik (IPD) burger at kit.edu
Wed Jan 17 15:24:34 CET 2018

| Consistency in the View-based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems |
| (CVDCPS)                                                            |
| Special Session at Euromicro DSD/SEAA 2018                          |
| 29–31 August 2018, Prague, Czech Republic                           |

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are omnipresent and affect ever more
aspects of our lives. Most current visions for addressing general
challenges of our modern societies, such as mobility, energy,
production, or health care, rely on CPS of unknown complexity and
flexibility. Examples are interconnected, automatically driving cars,
highly adaptive, localised energy network management systems that
utilise locally transformed renewable energy forms, or “Industry 4.0”
scenarios, where the power of industrialised production is highly
software-driven and networked. This enables highly flexible production
processes adapting to new products, production technologies and
resources including even “lot-size one” manufacturing. Software is the
key to ensuring the flexibility already envisioned in future scenarios
for mobility, energy supply or Industry 4.0. Such scenarios will lead
to CPS with a tremendous increase in the complexity of their design
and operation.

View-based development is a paradigm that addresses the problem that
large cyber-physical systems are usually developed by several roles
that all have languages, standards and tools of their own, in which
they create representations of the system under development. However,
consistency between these representations is often checked only
manually, although inconsistencies can lead to costly adaptations if
they are discovered in late phases of the development process.
Therefore, research is of high interest, where mechanisms, approaches
and tools for consistency management are researched.

In this special session, we encourage submissions in the field of
consistency management for multi-view approaches in cyber-physical
systems. The proposed session addresses the following topics:

– Model-driven development for CPS
– View-based development
– Composition of views, models and metamodels
– Multi-paradigm modeling
– Evolution of models and views
– Avoiding inconsistencies, overlap and redundancies between models
and views
– Role-based modeling
– Round-trip engineering
– Variants and versions management
– Distributed development processes
– Dependencies between established views in automotive or automation
systems engineering
– Syntactic and semantic notions of consistency

Important Dates
– Paper Submission Deadline: 1st March 2018
– Notification of Acceptance: 5th May 2018
– Camera-Ready Papers: 15th June 2018


Please select the session "Consistency in the View-based Development
of Cyber Physical Systems" (next to last bullet point), not
"Cyber-Physical Systems", which is a different session!

Session Chairs
– Ralf Reussner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
– Alexander Pretschner Technical University of Munich, Germany

Program Committee
– Uwe Aßmann, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
– Stefan Biffl, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
– Ruth Breu, University of Innsbruck, Austria
– Hugo Brunelière, IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France
– Michael Goedicke, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
– Jörg Kienzle, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
– Anne Koziolek, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
– Salvador Martínez Pérez, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux
énergies alternatives (CEA), Gif-sur-Yvette, France
– Noël Plouzeau, Université de Rennes 1, France
– Antonio Valecillo, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
– Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Technical University of Munich, Germany
– Manuel Wimmer, Technical Univeristy of Vienna, Austria
– Andreas Winter, University of Oldenburg, Germany
– Steffen Zschaler, King’s College, London, United Kingdom

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Faculty of Informatics
Institute for Program Structures and Data Organisation
IPD Reussner -- Software Design and Quality

Dr.-Ing. Erik Burger

Am Fasanengarten 5, Building 50.34, Room 242
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Phone: +49 721 608-45765 (-45993, secr.)
Fax: +49 721 608-45990

KIT -- The Research University
in the Helmholtz Association

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