[fg-arc] CfP RoSE 2019

Andreas Wortmann wortmann at se-rwth.de
Tue Dec 11 13:22:15 CET 2018

Call for Papers

Second International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering
Co-located with ICSE 2019
May 27, 2019, Montréal, QC, Canada


Robotics is one of the most challenging domains for software engineering (SE).
Deploying even simple applications requires integrating solutions from experts
of various domains, including navigation, path planning, manipulation,
human-robot interaction, etc. Integration of modules contributed by respective
domain experts is one of the key challenges in engineering software-centric
systems, yet only one of the cross-cutting software concerns crucial to
robotics. As robots often operate in dynamic, partially observable
environments additional challenges include adaptability, robustness, safety,
and security.

The goal of RoSE 2019 is to bring together researchers from participating
domains with practitioners to identify new frontiers in robotics software
engineering, discuss challenges raised by real-world applications, and
transfer latest insights from research to industry. RoSE 2019 will solicit
contributions from both academic and industrial participants, thus fostering
active synergy between the two communities.

RoSE 2019 welcomes the following types of contributions:
* research papers presenting novel contributions on advancing software
engineering in robotics (max. 8 pages);
* challenge showcase papers describing robotics challenges considered
insufficiently addressed from an industry perspective (max. 6 pages);
* lessons learned papers describing lessons learned in the collaboration
between the two communities of SE and robotics (max. 6 pages);
* vision papers on the future of software engineering in robotics
(max. 4 pages);
* tool and project papers on SE in robotics (max. 4 pages).

Workshop papers must follow the ICSE 2019 Format and Submission Guidelines
but will use a single-blind submission process. All submitted papers will be
reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and
clarity by the program committee. All workshop papers should be submitted
electronically in PDF format through the EasyChair website at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rose2019. Accepted papers will become
part of the workshop proceedings.

Important Dates
* Submission deadline: February 01 2019
* Notification of acceptance: March 01 2019
* Camera-ready version: March 15 2019

Best wishes,
Federico Ciccozzi (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
Nico Hochgeschwender (Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Ivano Malavolta (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Andreas Wortmann (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

Dr. Andreas Wortmann                              | Software Engineering
Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany     | RWTH Aachen University
Phone +49 241 80-21343 / Fax -22218     | http://www.se-rwth.de

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