[fg-arc] ESEC/FSE 2017: Call for Workshop Proposals

Steffen Becker steffen.becker at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Wed Jan 25 10:03:06 CET 2017

ESEC/FSE 2017, Paderborn, Germany
September, 04 - 08, 2017
URL: http://esec-fse17.uni-paderborn.de/call_workshops.php

ESEC/FSE 2017 is soliciting proposals for workshops to be held in 
conjunction with the main conference. Workshops aim to provide 
opportunities for exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing 
preliminary results in various areas of software engineering research 
and applications. Workshops are not an alternative forum for presenting 
full research papers. If you would like to bring together a group of 
researchers on a topic you consider relevant and exciting, you should 
consider submitting a workshop proposal to ESEC/FSE. Workshops will be 
held before the research track. Proposals for workshops after the main 
track can be considered but are subject to the availability of proper 
spaces. Prospective workshop organizers are encouraged to contact the 
workshop chairs should any questions arise.

=== Important dates ===
Deadline for workshop proposals submission: Feb 17 2017
Deadline for notification: Mar 3 2017

=== Workshop Proposal Guidelines ===
Workshop proposals must be up to 4 pages in length and conform to the 
ACM Conference Format. Each proposal should contain the following 

(*) Contact details of the organizers, including the identification of 
the main contact.
(*) A brief (max 175 words) abstract of the goals and format of the 
workshop intended for the ESEC/FSE 2017 web pages.
(*) The theme, goals, and topics of the workshop, as well as a 
motivation of its relevance and timeliness, including an account of the 
workshop's history (if any).
(*) The workshop format, including desired length (1 or 2 days), forms 
of participation supported (demo, position statement, panel discussion, 
working session, ...) and plans for generating and stimulating 
discussion at the workshop. Specify if the workshop intends to publish 
its proceedings in the ACM digital library (under negotiation for all 
ESEC/FSE 2017 workshops).
(*) The paper selection procedure, including the types of papers 
permitted (demos, short, long, position statements, ... together with 
page limits), the expected dates for submission and notification of 
acceptance, names of proposed and confirmed program committee members.
(*) A short description of the workshop and a link to a detailed 
workshop web page to be used on the ESEC/FSE 2017 web page.
(*) Publicity plans, including a motivated assessment of the number of 
expected participants, as well as the participant solicitation and 
selection process (also indicate whether the workshop will be open or 
(*)Follow-up plans, explaining how the workshop results are expected to 
be used.

A brief biography of each organizer, including past experience in 
workshop organization. Ideally, a workshop proposal should consist of a 
two-page description (to be included in the conference proceedings, if 
accepted) and an appendix (up to two pages) containing additional 
material, if appropriate.

=== How to submit ===
Workshop proposals should be sent to the chairs via easychair 
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esecfse2017). When submitting, 
please select the Workshop proposals track after signing into easychair 
as new authors and fill in the form and upload your proposal paper.

=== Workshop chairs ===
Steffen Becker (TU Chemnitz, Germany)
Patricia Lago (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Prof. Steffen Becker
Professur Softwaretechnik
Angewandte Informatik

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Straße der Nationen 62 | R. B216B
09111 Chemnitz

Tel:    +49 371 531-36144
Fax:    +49 371 531-836144

steffen.becker at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de

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