[fg-arc] ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (PER) Special issue on Challenges in Software Performance

Anne Koziolek (IPD) anne.koziolek at kit.edu
Mon Sep 14 11:43:53 CEST 2015

ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (PER) Special issue on 
Challenges in Software Performance

Performance Evaluation Review (PER) is the quarterly publication of ACM 
SIGMETRICS. PER is sent to all SIGMETRICS members and is available 
through the ACM digital library.

PER invites articles for a special issue entitled “Challenges in 
Software Performance”. Software systems have become increasingly 
complex. Such complexity makes it extremely challenging to deliver 
systems that meet their performance requirements.  In recent years, 
there have been several high profile instances of projects that failed 
due to performance-related issues, e.g., the rollout of the 
healthcare.gov Web site.  This motivates the need for new approaches for 
software developers to address performance problems.

The special issue invites previously unpublished research, experience, 
and vision papers related to this theme.  Ideas applicable at any stage 
of the software development lifecycle are welcome.  Topics of interest 
include (but are not limited to) the following:

* Challenges in applying model-driven Software Performance Engineering 
(SPE) to modern systems
* Techniques to handle complexity and unpredictability introduced by 
cloud, virtualization, and third-party components
* Applying SPE to Big Data systems
* Exploiting Big Data analytics for software performance prediction
* SPE for embedded and cyber-physical systems
* Integration of DevOps and SPE
* Performance testing and benchmarking challenges in modern systems
* New approaches for measurement based performance evaluation
* Performance-aware migration of software systems
* Performance methods geared towards adaptive systems
* The business case for SPE and other proactive performance approaches
* Methods for deriving and exploiting performance models of applications

Submissions should not exceed 10 pages.  A sample Latex template can be 
found at http://www.sigmetrics.org/sig-alternate-per.cls. Submitted 
papers will undergo peer review by at least 2 reviewers. Papers are NOT 
copyrighted, and hence can be submitted later to a conference or 
journal. Submissions must be emailed in PDF format to the guest co-editors.


Notification of intent to submit: October 16, 2015
Submission deadline: October 30, 2015
Acceptance notification: November 30, 2015
Camera-ready copy due: January 4, 2016

Guest co-editors:
Anne Koziolek (anne.koziolek at kit.edu)
Diwakar Krishnamurthy (dkrishna at ucalgary.ca)

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