[fg-arc] Workshop paper, Short Paper, and Demo ---- ICAC 2015, Call for Papers

Shaolei Ren sren at cis.fiu.edu
Tue Mar 10 17:41:55 CET 2015

[Sorry for multiple/cross postings.]

*12th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2015)*
Grenoble, France, July 7-10, 2015

In cooperation with USENIX and SPEC
Corporate supporters: Google, HP Labs, Orange Labs

*http://icac2015.imag.fr/workshops/ <http://icac2015.imag.fr/workshops/>*


*http://icac2015.imag.fr/* <http://icac2015.imag.fr/>

Posters and Demos are invited for ICAC 2015 on specific aspects of
autonomic software and systems, particularly relating to the subject areas
indicated by the conference call for papers.

Posters provide a forum for authors to present their work in an informal
and interactive setting. They allow authors and interested participants to
connect to each other and to engage in discussions about the work
presented. A poster submission should motivate its relevance to the
autonomic computing community, summarize the challenges, experiences, or
the cutting-edge ideas.

Demonstrations present an existing tool or research prototype. Authors are
expected to perform a live demonstration on their own laptop during the
poster and demonstration session. A demonstration submission must describe
the novelty and the goals of the demonstration and key ideas involved in
building the tool or prototype including possible users, use cases or
specific results.


Poster/Demo Proposals Due:  March 30, 2015
Notification:                   Apr 20, 2015
Camera ready:                May 1,  2015

All demo and poster submissions must represent original and unpublished
work that is not currently under review. Submissions will be judged on
originality, significance, interest, correctness, clarity, and relevance to
the broader community.

Submissions are limited to 2 pages, IEEE format. Accepted papers will be
included in the ICAC 2015 Proceedings, which will be published in IEEE

At least one author of each accepted submission is expected to attend the

Submission format: *http://icac2015.imag.fr/instructions-to-authors/*
Submission site: *https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icac2015*

Shaolei Ren
Assistant Professor
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199, United States

E-mail: sren at cs.fiu.edu
Phone: (305) 348-2032
Homepage: http://www.cs.fiu.edu/~sren/
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