[fg-arc] MESOCA 2015 - CFP - Extended Deadline

Andreas Winter winter at se.uni-oldenburg.de
Sun Jun 7 11:05:55 CEST 2015


MESOCA 2015, IEEE 9th International Symposium on the Maintenance and 
Evolution of Service-Oriented Systems and Cloud-Based Environments

Co-located with the 31th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution 
(ICSME 2015), Bremen, Germany, http://www.icsme.uni-bremen.de 

Software development in a global environment, based on service provisioning, 
discovery and composition, is substantially influenced by two important areas: 
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Cloud Computing. From a maintenance and 
evolution perspective, both of them are confronted with two important challenges: 
deployed service-oriented systems will have to be maintained and evolved, and 
legacy systems will continue to use service-orientation to make their legacy 
functionality available to other systems and applications. 

The main goal of MESOCA 2014 is to create a focal point and an ongoing forum for 
researchers and practitioners to share results and open issues in the areas of 
service-oriented and cloud-based systems, focusing on maintenance and evolution issues.

We are looking for contributions on topics such as:
• Tools, techniques and methods to support migration to service-oriented architecture 
and cloud computing environments
• Evolution patterns of service-oriented and cloud-based systems
• Transition patterns to service-oriented and cloud environments
• Governance to support system evolution in service-oriented and cloud environments
• Leverage of service-orientation best practices in cloud environments
• Case studies of migration to service-oriented and cloud environments
• Model Driven Engineering for migration to services
• Reengineering legacy code for creating services

We are soliciting two types of papers, as follows: 
• Full papers (up to 8 pages)
• Short papers (up to 4 pages)

Submission Deadline: June 19, 2015
Acceptance Notification: July 27, 2015
Camera Ready: August 10, 2015
Symposium: October 2, 2015

Further publication of extended papers in a journal will be announced soon.  

Andreas Winter, Carl von Ossietzky University, Germany

Mike Smit, Dalhousie University, Canada
M. Ali Babar, University of Adelaide, Australia


Grace A. Lewis, CMU Software Engineering Institute, USA
Marin Litoiu, York University, Canada
Anca Daniela Ionita, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania


Jens Borchers, Sopra Steria Consulting, Germany
Hugo Bruneliere, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Jose Delgado, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Marios-Eleftherios Fokaefs, York University, Canada
Jurriaan Hage, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang, York University, Canada
Yanguo Jing, London Metropolitan University, UK
Ravi Khadka, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Jan Mendling, WirtschaftsuniversitŠt Wien, Austria
Serge Mankovski, CA, USA
Nabor Mendonca, University of Fortaleza, Brazil
Miguel Monteiro, FEUP, Portugal
Hausi MŸller, University of Victoria, Canada
Leire Orue-EchevarrÕa, Tecnalia Research and Innovation, Spain
Massimilano di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy
Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Tarmo Ploom, Credit-Suisse, Switzerland
Matthias Riebisch, UniversitŠt Hamburg, Germany
Mark Shtern, Seneca College, Canada
Harry Sneed, ANECON GmbH, Austria
Ladan Tahvildari, University of Waterloo, Canada
Gabriel Tamura, Icesi University, Colombia
Scott Tilley, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Norha Villegas, Icesi University, Colombia
Gottfried Vossen, UniversitŠt MŸnster, Germany
Norman Wilde, University of West Florida, USA


Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter                          	
Carl von Ossietzky University
Department for Computer Science                voice:  +49 441 798-2992
Software Engineering                         winter at se.uni-oldenburg.de
26111 Oldenburg, Germany                    http://se.uni-oldenburg.de/

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