[fg-arc] Exhibition, Sponsorship and Pre-workshop OPPORTUNITIES at the 2015 IEOM Conference!

Professor Don Reimer dreimer at ltu.edu
Mon Nov 3 19:51:20 CET 2014

Dear Colleagues:

The 2015 IEOM Dubai Conference is just a few months away; however, there is still time to take advantage of these significant opportunities that this event presents. The upcoming IEOM Conference in Dubai will be the fifth year for this event and it will be biggest and best ever. We are expecting to have over 500 participants in attendance. This year as in previous IEOM Conferences, the event will draw representatives from around the globe. People from more than 70 countries have submitting papers / abstracts and will be attending technical sessions, viewing exhibits and listening to renowned keynote speakers. 


Conference Exhibitor:

Reserve your space as an exhibitor at the 2015 IEOM Conference at the Hyatt Regency Dubai. This premium conference facility has an excellent exhibit space for your organization, school and company. The large number of conference attendees and guests will provide an excellent opportunity to promote your organization on a global basis. The networking opportunities are also outstanding. 

Conference Sponsorship:

It's not too late to support the IEOM Society with an event sponsorship. This year the conference has numerous sponsorship opportunities. Your organization or company can take advantage of these opportunity by sponsoring one of the following events:
.	Conference award dinner
.	Welcome reception
.	Printed program
.	Conference program App
.	CDROM proceedings
.	Student paper competition
.	Senior design project poster competition

The sponsorship has numerous benefits. You can details from the website: http://iieom.org/ieom/sponsorship/. 

Pre Conference Workshops:

The 2015 IEOM Conference will offer several outstanding Pre Conference Workshop events: SIX SIGMA, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INTRAPRENEURSHIP AND ENGINEERING INNOVATION, and PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Make sure you take advantage of the workshop opportunities that are being made available. The space is limited; therefore, you must act now to reserve your seat at the following workshops:
Please contact Professor Don Reimer (dreimer at ltu.edu, 1-248-204-2573) for details about exhibition, sponsorship and pre-conference workshops.

An overview of the IEOM 2015 Dubai Conference is attached for your information. Let us know if you have any question.


Professor Don Reimer
Sponsors and Exhibitors Chair, IEOM 2015
IEOM Society: www.iieom.org 
Don Reimer, College Professor 
Director, Entrepreneurial Programs
A. Leon Linton Department of Mechanical Engineering - E40
College of Engineering
Lawrence Technological University
dreimer at ltu.edu
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