[fg-arc] EDOC 2014 - Workshop CfP (Deadline Extended)

Selway, Matt Ryan - selmr001 matt.selway at mymail.unisa.edu.au
Wed Apr 9 03:19:17 CEST 2014

Nine Workshops at EDOC 2014 - (Paper Deadline extended)
The 18th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2014)
"The Enterprise Computing Conference"
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society.
Ulm, Germany, September 1-5, 2014
Follow EDOC2014 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ieee_edoc

Workshop and demo paper submissions:  April 28, 2014 (extended deadline)
Workshops paper acceptance notifications:  May 27, 2014
All camera-ready papers due:  June 14, 2014


W1: 5th International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE'14) [http://scs.ewi.utwente.nl/events/3m4se2014/]
W2: 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other non-workflow approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM'14) [http://acm2014.blogs.dsv.su.se/]
W3: 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in Cross-Organizational Processes (CeSCoP'14) [http://cescop.edoc2014.org/]
W4: 1st International Workshop on Enterprise Model Analysis (EMA'14) [http://emaw.ist.utl.pt/doku/doku.php]
W5: 1st International Workshop on Engineering Cloud Applications and Services (EnCASE'14) [http://www.iaas.uni-stuttgart.de/EnCASE/]
W6: 7th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes (EVL-BP'14) [http://evlbp.edoc2014.org/]
W7: 2nd International Workshop on Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (ModTools'14) [http://www.wi-inf.uni-due.de/ModTools14]
W8: 6th International Workshop on Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'14) [http://www.soea4ee.org/]
W9: 9th International Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR'14) [http://ea-network.org/pages/1im7ju0fbt5wg/TEAR-2014]

W1: 5th International Workshop on Models and Model-driven
    Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE'14)

Web: http://scs.ewi.utwente.nl/events/3m4se2014/

Recent developments in metamodelling and model transformation
techniques have led to increasing adoption of model-driven engineering
practices. The increase in interest and significance of the
model-driven approach has also accelerated its application in the
development of large (distributed) IT systems to support
(collaborative) enterprises. Shifting attention from source code to
models allows enterprises to focus on their core concerns, such as
business processes, services and collaborations, without being forced
to simultaneously consider the underlying technologies. Different
models typically address different concerns, with transformations
between these models and ultimately to the source code. Although the
model-driven approach offers theoretical benefits for the development,
maintenance and evolution of enterprise computing systems and
corresponding service-oriented solutions, a number of issues for the
practical application of the approach still exist. In order to solve
these issues further advances in models (business goals, pragmatic
interoperability, semantic interoperability) and model-driven methods
(design concepts, languages, metamodels, profiles, specification
frameworks) are necessary.

This workshop aims at helping the convergence of research on
model-driven development and practical application of the model-driven
approach in the area of enterprise computing and service engineering.
The workshop addresses questions with respect to the requirements on,
concepts for, properties of and experience with models and
model-driven methods for service engineering in the area of enterprise
computing. A special focus is on the combined application of
model-driven and semantic approaches in the different phases of the
service lifecycle. Submissions related to model-driven approaches in
cloud computing are also welcome.

Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Luís Ferreira Pires, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Maria-Eugenia Iacob, University of Twente, The Netherlands

W2: 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management
    and other non-workflow approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM'14)

Web: http://acm2014.blogs.dsv.su.se/

While practitioners are trying to overcome the restrictions of
workflow thinking, the research on the topic is somewhat lagging. The
goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners to discuss theoretical and practical problems and
solutions in the area of non-workflow based approaches to BPM in
general, and ACM (as a leading movement) in particular. This workshop
is aimed to promote new, non-traditional ways of modelling and
controlling business processes, the ones that promote and facilitate
collaboration and creativity in the frame of business processes.

Ilia Bider, DSV SU/Ibissoft , Stockholm, Sweden
Irina Rychkova, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France
Keith Swenson, Fujitsu America, US

W3: 1st International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and
    Security in Cross-Organizational Processes (CeSCoP'14)

Web: http://cescop.edoc2014.org/

Globalization and competitive pressure created the need for
collaborations among business partners who join their forces and
combine their services in order to provide added-value products.
Despite the benefits of such cross-organizational collaborations, new
challenges arise; e.g., mainly the ability to cope with security,
adaptation, compliance and privacy. The CeSCoP workshop focuses on the
research problems faced in cross-organizational processes and aims to
support investigation and novel solutions with regard to the specific
requirements arising in this context.

The workshop purpose is to offer a portal for researchers and
practitioners to discuss and contribute research dedicated to the
investigation to the main requirements of cross-organizational
processes (e.g., modeling, flexibility, monitoring, etc.).

The workshop appreciates diversity in the chosen research methodology
(reaching from e.g. empirical research to action research, and design
science research), and welcomes technical, empirical, experiential,
and exploratory contributions.

Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria
Walid Fdhila, University of Vienna, Austria

Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany
David Knuplesch, University of Ulm, Germany

Johannes Reich SAP AG, Germany

W4: 1st International Workshop on Enterprise Model Analysis (EMA'14)

Web: http://emaw.ist.utl.pt/doku/doku.php

The Enterprise Model Analysis (EMA) workshop aims discussing research
and open issues related to the analysis of enterprise architecture
models. Model-based analysis assists understanding and communicating
the complex relationships within an architectural model or between
multiple models. It also contributes to the assessment of the value
of an enterprise model and to support the overall decision making
process. Different analysis techniques apply to enterprise
architecture, such as functional, structural, quantitative, and
qualitative analysis, which rely on information within the
architectural models or on layers of additional information that
relate to the models. Model analysis is also a means to understand
the large volume of structured and unstructured data within an
organization that needs to be processed before it becomes a value-
adding asset. As such, combining large scale data management with a
model-driven approach towards enterprise engineering contributes to:
(1) facilitate the analysis, contextualization, communication and
visualization of heterogeneous enterprise data; (2) assess the
quality and conformance analysis of models according to the data and
vice-versa; and (3) manage enterprise models that make use of large
scale structured and unstructured data.

The primary goal of the EMA workshop is therefore discussing the role
of model analysis in the discipline of enterprise engineering.

Artur Caetano, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

W5: 1st International Workshop on Engineering Cloud
    Applications and Services (EnCASE'14)

Web: http://www.iaas.uni-stuttgart.de/EnCASE/

Cloud computing has been rapidly adopted by enterprises worldwide in
the recent years. Best practices and lessons learned accumulated over
this period and put into practice. However, few systematic works focus
on engineering enterprise applications specifically for the cloud, or
on re-engineering and migrating existing ones. The EnCASE workshop
aims to address this deficit by providing a venue for the discussion
on innovative engineering methods and techniques in the context of
enterprise computing.

Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

W6: 7th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business
    Processes (EVL-BP'14)

Web: http://evlbp.edoc2014.org/

The EVL-BP workshop series is devoted to evolution in business
processes. Enterprises face the challenge of rapidly adapting to
dynamic business environments. The traditional approach to process
management is only partially appropriate to this new context, and
calls for the advent of new, evolutionary business processes. This new
approach attempts to address specific issues related to flexibility
and adaptation such as design of easily adaptable processes, dynamic
handling of unexpected situations, optimality of adaptations, and
change management. Central to the field of evolutionary business
processes is the notion of requirement, which drive the change of
business processes through their life-cycles. The evolution of
processes and their underlying software systems becomes more and more
an important and interesting topic in business process management.
Since the life time of software systems frequently spans many years,
business processes modeled on top of systems cannot be assumed to
remain fixed, and migration between different versions is essential.
As a consequence, modeling and management techniques developed in the
context of ad-hoc, short-term composition of services and their
processes lack the necessary constructs to concisely express the
gradual evolution of processes and software systems and new dynamic,
declarative, and/or configurable approaches in this context are

The evolutionary approach to business processes raises a number of
challenges: extracting declarative specifications from domain experts,
expressing these declarative specifications in an appropriate language
or formalism, as well as designing, monitoring, checking compliance,
configuring, or dynamically adapting business processes according to a
set of requirements, identification and systematic handling of
changes, management of process versions, or quality attributes and
measurement of business processes as predictors of evolutionary
business processes. Evolution in business processes takes place in a
wide number of domains, and is expected to impact existing and future
technology choices, business practices and standardization efforts.
This workshop will be an opportunity for participants to exchange
opinions, advance ideas, and discuss preliminary results on current
topics related to dynamic and declarative business processes. A
particular interest will be taken in bridging theoretical research and
practical issues. To this end, contributions stating open problems,
case studies, tool presentations, or any other work assessing the
practical significance of dynamic and declarative business processes
by means of concrete examples and situations, will be particularly
welcome. Work in progress, position papers stating broad avenues of
research, and work on formal foundations of dynamic and declarative
business processes are also sought-after.

Mohsen Asadi, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Gerd Groener, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Bardia Mohabbati, Simon Fraser University, Canada

W7: 2nd International Workshop on Methodical Development of
    Modeling Tools (ModTools'14)

Web: http://www.wi-inf.uni-due.de/ModTools14

The workshop Methodical Development of Modeling Tools focuses on
procedures and architectural principles related to the creation of
software for presenting, editing, or analyzing models.

Software tools for modeling are a prerequisite for scientific and
practical applications of modeling methods and modeling languages in
enterprise computing. To test and exemplify new modeling approaches,
research prototypes of model editors are required, as well as tools
for presenting and analyzing models. To be able to efficiently develop
such modeling tools, it is desirable to methodically guide the
development of modeling tools, and elaborate procedures to align their
design with the conceptualization of new modeling languages and
modeling methods.

Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Jens Henning von Pilgrim, NumberFour AG, Germany

W8: 6th International Workshop on Service Oriented
    Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering

Web: http://www.soea4ee.org/

Enterprise Engineering is the application of engineering principles to
the design of Enterprise Architectures. It allows deriving the
Enterprise Architecture from the enterprise goals and strategy.
Enterprise architecture aims (i) to understand the interactions and
all kind of articulations between business and information technology,
(ii) to define how to align business components and IT components, as
well as business strategy and IT strategy, and more particularly (iii)
to develop and support a common understanding and sharing of those
purposes of interest. Enterprise architecture is used to map the
enterprise goal and strategy to the enterprise's resources (actors,
assets, IT supports) and to take into account the evolution of this
mapping. It also provides documentation on the assignment of
enterprise resources to the enterprise goals and strategy.

There are different paradigms for creating enterprise architecture.
The most important is to encapsulate the functionalities of IT
resources as services. By this means, it is possible to clearly
describe the contributions of IT both in terms of functionality and
quality and to define a service-oriented enterprise architecture
(SoEA). The goal of the workshop is to develop concepts and methods to
assist the engineering and the management of service-oriented
enterprise architectures and the software systems supporting them.

Selmin Nurcan, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt, Aalen University, Aalen, Germany

W9: 9th International Workshop on Trends in Enterprise
    Architecture Research (TEAR'14)

Web: http://ea-network.org/pages/1im7ju0fbt5wg/TEAR-2014

The field of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has gained considerable
attention over the last of years. EA is important because
organisations need to adapt increasingly fast to changing customer
requirements and business goals. This need influences the entire chain
of activities of an enterprise, from business processes to IT support.
Moreover, a change in a particular part of the overall architecture
may influence many other parts of the architecture. For example, when
a new product is introduced, business processes for production, sales
and after-sales need to be adapted. It might be necessary to change
applications, or even adapt the IT infrastructure. Each of these
fields will have its own (partial) architectures. To keep the
enterprise architecture coherent and aligned with the business goals,
the relations between these different architectures must be explicit,
and a change should be carried through methodically in all
architectures. In contrast to traditional architecture management
approaches such as IT architecture, software architecture or IS
architecture, EA explicitly incorporates "pure" business-related
artifacts in addition to traditional IS/IT artifacts. For Enterprise
Architecture the focus is on the overall enterprise and concerns its
organization, its components, the relationship between components and
principles governing its design and evolution.

James Lapalme, Ecole de technologie superieure, Canada
Florian Matthes, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany

For further information, please visit the conference website at:

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